

551 Uppsatser om Manager - Sida 26 av 37

Internkommunikation, dess funktion och betydelse för projektmedlemmars motivation.

Previous research has shown that internal communication can be linked with how motivated a project team is, but research that shows examples of how this works is missing. This paper therefore aims to study how two different IT projects are working with internal communication. By analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, we wanted to study how these could be linked to the project team's motivation. In doing so, we wanted to be able to give examples of how projects could work with internal communication to motivate their project teams. Essay questions of the study are:? How does the internal communication occur in the projects?? Which strengths and weaknesses are to be found in the internal communication?? How does the internal communication influence the project members' motivation? To fulfill the purpose of the study it was needed informants interviews with the project Manager for each project to access the facts, and respondent interviews with the project members from each project for accessing opinions.The results from the interviews show that both projects have effective communication, even if it looked different, and doesn't quite agree with what previous research recommends.

Organisationsplan för Skanska Direkt Värmland

AbstractSkanska Sweden has decided to split the organization that earlier handled both large and small projects into two different subsidiaries. A consequence of this is that all construction service handling will from now on be enforced under the name Skanska Direkt AB. The management of Skanska sees this as an opportunity to develop the organization and in the long term achieve higher earnings.   The task which Skanska in connection with the reorganization wanted to be investigated was a proposal on how the organization of work with the insurance work in the future should look like.The organization that is handled is from production Manager to professional workers and includes damage handling that has been obtained from insurance companies in the southern and northern parts of Värmland. The purpose with this work is to present a different kind of view to the problem with developing this branch of the company. The main target was to work out a proposal of an organizational plan for the damage handling in Skanska Direkt AB that is possible to apply, less sensitive for dismissals, results in higher earnings, obtains higher customer satisfaction and also a staff stab that develops their skills at their own.The report and work progressed as following:Opening theory study of strategies to obtain the objectives set.Restructuring of existing organization with theories as support.Interviews with the actors involved to verify feasibility of the developed organization plan  Organization chart, the result of work means that some workers at each location shall be responsible for a small group of workers and work independently. They shall manage the process of invoicing and calculate costs at the same time as they work out on the workplace.

Varumärken - Varför har företag problem med dem? : En studie i vilka problem varumärkesbyråer identifierar som vanliga hos kundföretag och varför.

Varumärken är viktiga för företags vara eller icke vara. Ett företag vars varumärke är dåligt eller döende kan gå samma öde till mötes som varumärket. Därför är det förvånande att, enligt en undersökning gjord av en varumärkesbyrå publicerad i en branschtidning, marknads- och informationschefer i Stockholm har dålig koll på sitt varumärke. I vår studie undersöks vilka problem som kundföretag oftast har när de söker hjälp av en varumärkesbyrå. Vi försöker sedan att identifiera varför, och möjliga lösningar för att lösa eller förminska dessa problem.

Kommunikation med outsourcade funktioner

Som en effekt av den ökade konkurrensen och de möjligheter som globaliseringen och utvecklingen av IT medger har det blivit allt vanligare att industriföretag outsourcar delar av sin verksamhet. När en funktion flyttas ut från företaget är väl fungerande kommunikation mellan funktionen och övrig verksamhet väsentligt för ett lyckat samarbete.Denna kandidatuppsats kommer att söka svar på hur företag som använder sig av outsourcing kommunicerar med sina underleverantörer som är placerade i andra länder, samt vilka kommunikationsproblem som kan uppstå. Studien avgränsar sig till väletablerade och stora företag vilka har sin kärnverksamhet i Stockholm.För att besvara frågeställningen genomförs semistrukturella kvalitativa intervjuer på åtta företag. Frågorna i intervjuerna ställs med utgångspunkt från frågeställningen samt utifrån studiens teoretiska referensram. Denna rapport är en delstudie som främst fokuserar på två av de åtta företagen.Det första företaget som presenteras i uppsatsen är Ericsson.

Resurshantering av personer i multiprojektmiljöer

An important task for project Managers in multi-project environments is to effectively choose the right people to the project team. For organizations, it means being able to prioritize and plan human resources among the various projects running in parallel. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a project Manager in multi-project environments looks at the allocation of people in their projects. We did our research through literature reviews and interviews with seven project Managers.The research shows that the studied organizations highlight both the expertise and the personal factors in an election. They do not use any specific personality test to identify their staff.

En analys av innovationsprocessen På Mediaföretaget AB

Medieföretaget AB is a Swedish Media Company that covers several different business areas.The company daily produces one of the biggest newspapers in Sweden and publishes editorialnews on one of the country?s most visited news homepage. The company also has smallerfirms that produce new business models. Due to big changes in the media climate over theworld and a new company management team the company in November 2008 started adepartment for innovation. The main purpose of the department was to create a structuredway for managing ideas and to promote innovation.

SKOLSOCIONOM I GLESBYGD Roll, team och ensamarbete

Purpose of this study is to describe and analyze school social work in rural area and being alone in social work at the school welfare/health team and how this affects the individual, professionally and privately.The theoretical framework highlights the empirical data through Goffman's dramaturgical perspective. The study highlights school social workers role on the scene as Goffman divided as the front and rear arena and how school social worker find strategies to cope with it alone work it takes to be a counselor in rural areas.One way to handle her role involves acting in one of the following three characters: the self-employed, infiltrator and tough guy.The study describes how the social worker harboring the stress in the profession; through recovery - physical and mental, on the back stage, backstage.On stage there are other players such as student health team, which also acts and affect what happens on the front stage.School social workers are working hard to position itself in relation to other professions in student welfare/health team and to have a mandate to act.In the analysis, it appears that the school social workers want a clearer role profession/ occupation profession and mandate to act, which may be complicated by today is the only counselor in student welfare/health team lacking identity. There is also a desire for further/ continuing education, but this is seen as an organizational pitfall when the Manager does not have the same educational background as school social worker.Ultimately, it is the peripatetic life as a social worker at the school who is considered the most exhausting part of the work as a school social worker in a rural area. There is a great desire among the interviewed school social workers to have fewer schools to relate to and work on..

Stuck in the Middle With You : En kvalitativ studie om förutsättningarna för mellanchefer inom äldreomsorgen i privat och offentlig verksamhet

The position of middle-management is a role where the Manager is at risk of being caught between its management and its employees. Elderly care is an industry that has been discussed a lot, to a large extent on how businesses should be managed and by whom it should be conducted. Middle-management in the business of elderly care thereby possess a vulnerable position in a controversial industry. In this study the aim is to investigate the Managers' roles and tasks in both the public sector and the private sector in elderly care. It also aims to examine whether there are differences between the roles and how they in such cases is manifested.

Brott & Skatt : En undersökning av nystartade aktiebolag på Skattekontor Östra Göteborg

BACKGROUND The economic crimes related to the taxation authorities (SKM), aim at evading paying taxes and/or wrongly obtaining tax revenue. SKM has noticed that many newly established companies have intended to be carried on, only for a short period of time and with the aim of generating grant-revenues and in the meantime omit to pay or wrongly account for taxes. SKM wants to investigate the possibilities to develop a method of analysis to identify those corporations. PURPOSE The purpose of this essay is to make a survey of, and identify companies, who fail in their obligations concerning income-tax return and paying taxes and charges and to try to see what is characteristic for those companies in order to find out a method of analysis. Further a study of literature will be done especially concerning who will commit economic crimes and the reasons why they do it.

Attityder till en personalsatsning : En fallstudie med åtta chefer i byggbranschen

Studiens övergripande syfte var att undersöka några chefers attityder till en personalsatsning ämnad för att uppnå bättre arbetsklimat och hälsa i en organisation, vidare var syftet att med utgångspunkt ur dessa chefers attityder till personalsatsningen undersöka möjligheter till hur personalsatsningen och dess verksamhet skulle kunna få ett starkare genomslag i den aktuella organisationen. Studien presenterar inledningsvis en forskningsöversikt över de delar som verksamheten skulle kunna beskrivas utifrån, där behandlas begreppen fritid, gemenskap, hälsofrämjande, engagemang, ledarens roll som förebild och normbildare i företaget liksom det för studien centrala begreppet attityder. Studien är en fallstudie i ett av Nordens ledande företag inom bygg och anläggning där kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med åtta chefer inom det aktuella företaget för att samla in det empiriska materialet. Resultatet visade att de intervjuade chefernas syn på personalsatsningen och dess verksamhet är positiv, dock skiljer sig deras syn på och deras faktiska engagemang i verksamheten och dess aktiviteter åt. Resultatet presenteras i form av fyra övergripande områden: perspektiv på personalsatsningen, engagemang och delaktighet, framtidsmöjligheter och attityder till verksamheten.

Directing Consultants' Effort -A Study of Four Staffing Companies

Background and discussion of the problem: In the staffing company business a unique situation exists because of the three part relation between the staffing company, the users of the staffing companies? services, and the consultants employed by the staffing company. To over bridge the conflicting objectives of the staffing company and the consultant incentive systems are designed. Research question: What effects on the consultants? effort direction do the staffing Managers expect of the formal or informal incentive system? Method: The authors have found that a suitable method for the thesis is a survey study.

Revisor vs Redovisningskonsult : en studie om banktjäsntemänns syn på revisor och redovisninskonsult avgörande faktor vid kreditbedömning

Mycket har förändrats de senaste åren inom revisionsbranschen. Revisionsplikten har avskaffats för små- och medelstora företag, vilket lett till stora omställningar. Revisorerna är nu inte obligatoriska för dessa företag, vilket öppnar upp marknaden för redovisningskonsulter. Redovisningskonsulternas roll har blivit allt mer omfattande. Vissa källor menar även att revisorns och redovisningskonsultens roller kommer närma sig varandra mer och mer i framtiden.

Butikschefers strategier kring hälsa och hälsoperspektiv : En studie inriktad på godis och läsk

Summary                                                               Overweight and obesity in Sweden and in the rest of the industrialized world continues to increase. This results in increased costs both to society and the healthcare system. Part of this development is the increasing consumption of sugar and that is what should be restricted to tackle this growing social problem. Part of the increased consumption of sugar in Sweden was the launch of pick and mix ingrocery stores.  This study aims to examine how store Managers look at their public health responsibilities, and investigate how Managers of grocery stores think about health and health aspects in general and about the sugar consumption in particular. Semi-structured "face to face" interviews was used to collect data and seven grocery store Managers participated in the study.

Konsumentskyddet vid småhusentreprenader : Särskilt angående problematiken med s k utvecklingsfel

An important task for project Managers in multi-project environments is to effectively choose the right people to the project team. For organizations, it means being able to prioritize and plan human resources among the various projects running in parallel. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a project Manager in multi-project environments looks at the allocation of people in their projects. We did our research through literature reviews and interviews with seven project Managers.The research shows that the studied organizations highlight both the expertise and the personal factors in an election. They do not use any specific personality test to identify their staff.

Kartering av vattenbalanser samt optimering av sekunda värmesystem vid Karlsborgs bruk

Bakgrund: Under en graviditet utsätts den kvinnliga kroppen för faktorer som påverkar den dynamiska stabiliteten i bäckenet. Bäckenrelaterad smärta benämns oftast som pelvic girlde pain och kan klassificeras som en undergrupp till nedre ryggsmärta. Vad gäller stabiliserande träning och akupunktur som behandlingsmetoder under graviditet och postpartum är evidensen varierande. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka effekten av stabiliserande träning samt akupunktur som behandlingsmetod under graviditet samt postpartum. Metod: Studien är en meta-analys med sex inkluderade RCT-artiklar.

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