

550 Uppsatser om Manager - Sida 2 av 37

Interim Management ? The way to capture a manager´s true value

The thesis has two aims to first describe the phenomena by explaining how interim management works and what the charachteristics of an interim manger are. The second aim is to look at the value issue of interim management; What value does an interim Manager provide to a company and how do interim Managers try to capture and cultivate this?The qualitative method has been used. The interim management market analysed in this thesis can be stated to consist of three parts; the interim Manager as a provider of knowledge, a client firm in need of a temporary Manager, and an interim agency in between working as an intermediary/supplier. The characteristics of interim Managers are; they are in general self-employers and rather generalists than specialists, meaning they are experienced and have great knowledge skills.

Levande Skogsbruk : om problem i ett naturvårdsärende

In this study, some aspects of communication that are creating problems in a chosen forest conservation case are explored. Focus is on how the Manager of a forest experience how he is treated during a formal decision of conservation. The paper also gives introduction to communication theory as well as to present forest policies in Sweden. Explanations of the most common concepts and terms in forest conservation is presented and such a understanding is necessary if the reader is to acquire enlightment from the material and the following discussion. This paper focus on a conflict between the county administrative board, a Swedish regional authority, and a private forest-Manager. This is a case where the Manager feels that the authority is forcing a sale of land, because the forest is being turned into a conservation area. The problems are not just economical, the Manager feels mistreated and left out of the discussion, and the negotiation is long and problematic as shown in the interview and the case study. In the study, an in-depth interview is made with the Manager of the forest, and a case study has been made based on the documents in the case attained from the county administrative board.

Chefskontrakt : ger det en tydligare anställningsform för chefer i Landstinget Västmanland?

The purpose of this work is to find out how present Manager contracts are set up in Landstinget Västmanland (the county council of Västmanland), explore Managers? perception of these contracts and why Managers have chosen leadership. The work has also reviewed the question if Managers need to have a relationship or expertise to the activities they lead and which qualifications are needed in such case. The survey was conducted in two divisions in which nine interviews were held with Managers at all levels. In addition to this a questionnaire including the 87 Managers in the divisions were held.

Mitt emellan eller kraften till källan? : En studie om mellanchefer i en ny omgivning

 There is an ongoing reorganization within media industries today as they adapt to new and changing demands - the environment is changing fast and the organizations with it. The development of new technology is contributing to new forms of media distribution in the present media industry. The structure of media organizations is getting flatter and the co-workers are getting a new and bigger role. All this is bringing new challenges for the leaders of the organization. Caught in the middle of these new structures is the middle Manager who now is facing different demands from all sides.

"Man får mycket gratis med en öppen attityd" : Projektledarens upplevelse av kundrelationen i kundorderprojekt

The purpose of this paper has been to describe the project Manager's experience of the customer relationship in customer order projects. A qualitative interview study has been conducted in which seven project Managers were interviewed. A thematic analysis resulted in four overall themes. The results showed the importance of a clear, responsive and open communication as well as a large degree of customization to meet the customer the best way as possible. The experience was also characterized by a dynamic relationship and the importance of the customer's expectations.

Projektledare utan branschkunskap : Varför inte?

Our starting point has been to examine how a project Manager without knowledge of the industry is able to plan a project. And also which difficulties that may arise. A qualitative study was conducted at project Managers who worked in the construction industry and events industry. Seven interviews were conducted, four in the construction sector and three in the events industry. Respondents are active as project Manager in Värmland and Närkes counties.

Projektledares motivation och metod : Med utgångspunkt från Vrooms förväntansteori

In today?s changing environment, creation of projects by organizations has become more common. The problem is, though, that the knowledge of the subject is still limited which causes many projects to fail. This has made it extra important to have a good project Manager whocanlead the project in the right direction. While doing this both the project method and the project Manager?s motivation are contributing sources.

Upplevelse och behov av stöd i ledarskapet-- en kvalitativ studie bland första linjens chefer

The aim of this study was to gain understanding and knowledge about first line Manager?s need for support in their leadership and to get more insight into how they handle and perceives their work.The research method is based on studies of relevant theories and qualitative interviews. Eight respondents were interviewed with a structured 40 question questionnaire about how they experience their work and the support they get. The study shows that there are three important categories of people that are most significant to the Managers in their need of support. They are their own Manager, colleagues and co-workers.The conclusion is that it is important to create conditions for leaders to have good relationships with their closest Manager, colleagues and co ?workers.

Genus och etnicitet bland ungdomar och personal på boenden för ensamkommande asylsökande ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om riktlinjer kontra praktik

Studies show that 10-15 percent of Sweden's population, 65 years or older are estimated to have depression or depression symptoms. The symptoms of depression among elderly people are less than symptoms of young people. This could cause that elderly people with depression are not always discovered. Studies show that elderly people who live in residential homes show more signs of depression than elderly people living at home. If elderly people live in a supporting environment, can it prevent that a depression developed.The prevention of depression among elderly people is a topic that is not discussed among previously research.

Ledarens förmåga att påverka och främja medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation : En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsmotivation främjas inom en statlig myndighet

The study aims to increase understanding and knowledge of motivation; this by examining how the leader experiences her capability to promote employees' work motivation. Also, how employees perceive that the leader influence and enhance their work motivation. Interviews were conducted with a Manager and two employees of a government agency in Sweden. The results demonstrate different opinions between Manager and employees in the Manager's ability to foster motivation in the everyday work. The leader thinks that she promotes her employees work positively and believes that she is giving her employees attention and appreciation.

Förebyggande arbete mot depression bland äldre personer : En kvalitativ studie om hur enhetschefer för särskilda boenden ser på förebyggande arbete mot depression bland äldre personer.

Studies show that 10-15 percent of Sweden's population, 65 years or older are estimated to have depression or depression symptoms. The symptoms of depression among elderly people are less than symptoms of young people. This could cause that elderly people with depression are not always discovered. Studies show that elderly people who live in residential homes show more signs of depression than elderly people living at home. If elderly people live in a supporting environment, can it prevent that a depression developed.The prevention of depression among elderly people is a topic that is not discussed among previously research.

Ledarens förmåga att påverka och främja medarbetarnas arbetsmotivation - En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsmotivation främjas inom en statlig myndighet

The study aims to increase understanding and knowledge of motivation; this by examining how the leader experiences her capability to promote employees' work motivation. Also, how employees perceive that the leader influence and enhance their work motivation. Interviews were conducted with a Manager and two employees of a government agency in Sweden. The results demonstrate different opinions between Manager and employees in the Manager's ability to foster motivation in the everyday work. The leader thinks that she promotes her employees work positively and believes that she is giving her employees attention and appreciation.

Hörde du inte vad jag tänkte? : En kvalitativ studie om medarbetares förväntningar på enhetschefers ledarskap och konsekvenserna om förväntningarna inte uppfylls

The aim of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of the expectations that assistant nurses in the elderly care have on unit Manager's leadership and the consequences if the expectations are not met. To answer the purpose of this paper a qualitative research was conducted with interviews with six assistant nurses in municipal elderly care. To analyze the empirical material communication were used as a theoretical concept. Communication includes codes, signals and messages to be interpreted by the parties in a conversation and they can be both verbal and nonverbal. This means that communication is complicated and can cause confusion if it is interpreted wrong.

Utveckling av kompatibilitetsdatabas

This report explains the need to develop a configuration Manager that handles transmission equipment which exists in the Swedish Defence telecommunications network. The configuration module will display the configurations and compatibility among the equipment and their software which are all part of the network.Also included in this report are tools, methods and results for the development of a prototype for the configuration Manager. The prototype consists fundamentally of a database assisted by a user friendly website.The transmission equipment handles a lot of important transmission of information and is in the hands of a department of SAAB, OFGCA, by orders from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV). Within the work included in this order exists a continuous update of both software and hardware which the equipment consists of. Therefore it?s highly important that there is a monitoring of which of the software and hardware is compatible with one another, ensuring that the functions of the system work properly.The consistent updating has resulted in compatibility issues between components and because of this, a need for a configuration Manager has arisen..

En butikschef, en butik- Kundlojaliteten blir unik! En studie om butikschefers egenskaper och dess påverkan på kundlojaliteten till butik

For a company to survive it has to make a profit. To make a profit transactions are necessary and to achieve this a company can choose to focus on creating loyal customers. Loyal customers can contribute to secured revenues, increased market shares and reduced marketing costs. Research within customer loyalty has mainly focused on different types of loyalty and the impact it has on customers behavior. However, there is a lack of research concerning which factors that create loyal customers.

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