551 Uppsatser om Manager - Sida 12 av 37
Med hjärta, själ och öron : om managerns roll och relation till artister.
Syfte och ForskningsfrågorSyftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur relationen och rollfördelningen mellan Managers och artister kan se ut och vad som påverkar detta, samt hur Manageryrket har påverkats av den förändring som skett i musikbranschen i och med den tekniska utvecklingen.För att nå upp till detta syfte har vi arbetat med tre forskningsfrågor:Vilka roller och vilken arbetsfördelning finns mellan Managers och artister?Hur ser Managers relationer till deras artister ut och vad påverkar detta?Hur påverkar nya förutsättningar Managerns roll och relation till artister?MetodVår forskning har haft en induktiv ansats då vi ville utgå ifrån empirin och låta de intervjuades berättelser styra uppsatsens riktning. Vi valde en kvalitativ metod då vi ville få en bild av hur våra intervjupersoner själva upplevde sina roller och relationer. Vår empiriska studie består av intervjuer med 6 Managers och 4 artister.SlutsatserVi har genom vår analys och slutdiskussion sett att roller, arbetsfördelning och relationer mellan Managers och artister kan se väldigt olika ut från fall till fall. I grunden anses att artisten ska ansvara för de kreativa delarna och Managern för de affärsmässiga delarna av artistskapet.
Intern marknadsföring i turistföretag
The purpose of this thesis was to study Managers in the tourism market who works with internal marketing towards their personnel. A case study with two tourism providers, Hotel La-ponia and Mix Ranch, was performed. The cases were based on personal interviews with the hotel Manager at Hotel Laponia and with the owner of Mix Ranch. The research questions were based on why tourist providers use internal marketing and how tourist providers use internal marketing. The findings were that it was regarded as very important to have moti-vated, satisfied, and properly trained personnel in this business because they are the ones who have direct communication with the clients and they are an important issue to help the com-pany to success.
En ledarutvecklingskurs utvärderas
Purpose: To evaluate the management development course held at FöreningsSparbanken in Ronneby during 2000. The evaluation aims to map and describe what effects the course has had on the participants. We will assess to what degree the effects meets the objectives of the course set by the Manager of the bank (future management recruitment, leadership, change catalyst, aligning the strive towards a shared organisational objective). Above mentioned also implies that the organisation should be influenced in some regards. Conclusion: Our conclusion is that all of the participants have as a result of the course increased their emotional intelligence in varying levels.
ÄTA-arbeten på Trafikverket
?ÄTA-work? (Changes, Supplementary and Retiring works) is more or less common in all construction projects whether it is about houses, roads or railways, in the planning stage, or in the construction stage. For the Swedish Transport Administration, which is the largest purchaser of infrastructure in Sweden, ÄTA-work is a hotter topic than ever.Economists and Managers want to draw conclusions on the projects share ÄTA-work, while the project Manager is concerned about whether it is possible to draw any conclusions at all as each project is unique in itself and has its own merits. There is a big variation in the amount of ÄTA-work in different geographic districts in the Swedish Transport Administration.This study shows that the Swedish Transport Administration does not have a unanimous approach regarding the management of ?ÄTA-work?.
Sjukfrånvaro - ett kostsamt problem
The purpose of this essay is to identify the costs of illness in different organizations, and compare the calculated result with the actual result in their annual reports.We collected information thru interviews with the personnel Manager in the selected organizations, and used the annual reports to add necessary information.When we applied our model, we found that the selected organizations, in some cases, have a cost of illnes which is up to seven times higher than shown in their annual reports. It?s, in general, the costs that aren?t related to the salary (additional costs), which are much higher than shown.The absence of a model that calculates the costs of illnes can result in wrongful decisions. If a model would be applied in an organization, it should increase the awearness of the actual costs of illnes, which can lead to better decisions througout the whole organization.This report is written in Swedish..
Vem är arenachefen? : En studie om arenachefer i Sverige, hur de rekryteras samt vilka arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden de har.
Denna studie syftar till att få en ökad förståelse för hur arenachefer i Sverige rekryteras, vi tar även upp hur rekryteringsprocessen såg ut för respondenterna som deltog i denna studie. Vi kommer även att belysa vilka arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden de arenacheferna vi har intervjuat har. Arenacheferna är verksamma på arenor vars hemmahörande idrotter är på elitnivå, på dessa arenor arrangeras även allt ifrån uppträdanden med världsartister inom musikbranschen till mindre företagsevent. Ur resultatet framkommer det att rekryteringsprocessen, ansvarsområden och arbetsuppgifterna skiljer sig mellan de olika arenacheferna. Gemensamma nämnare för arenacheferna är att samtliga har ett ansvar för personal, ekonomi och säkerhet..
Toleransproblem vid produktion och montering av prefabricerade betongelement
The idea with constructions made out of prefabricated elements is that it should be quick and easy to build as the demands for lower production costs, increased profitability and shorter production times are constantly increasing. High accuracy in measurements and well-balanced tolerances is required to achieve this. The fact that the concrete-elements doesn?t fit and that damage occurs during assembly is a highly topical issue even though we now have methods and systems that make this high-intensity construction possible. Through this report we want to highlight the problems that cause the dimensional and tolerance problems and give suggestions on how to come to terms with these.
Passivhus - lönsamt eller ej? : En jämförelse mellan ett passivhus och ett konventionellt hus
As a result of increased energy prices more and more energy-efficient homes are coveted. An energy-efficient alternative is passive houses, which is characterized by an extremely well insulated building envelope that recovers the heat without the use of radiators or under floor heating. But a passive house requires a higher investment cost than a conventional building project, since it will require more construction materials, training of construction workers, greater land area, and long construction period. But the lower operating cost expects to pay back the higher cost of investment. We therefore question how profitable a passive house is in relation to houses built according to modern conventional building techniques.The aim of our study is to investigate the viability of passive houses compared to conventional houses.
Verksamhetsstyrning i Stockholmsstad : En studie av verksamhetsstyrningen i Skarpnäcks stadsdelsförvaltning
This paper is a study of corporate governances in the municipal of Stockholm. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten the problems and opportunities for the corporate governances of the wards in the municipal of Stockholm. The municipal of Stockholm is made up of 18 relatively self-governing wards, whose activities bear a resemblance to one and other. Therefore we have specified our survey to corporate governances in the ward of Skarpnäck (Skarpnäcks stadsdel), to be able to use this ward as an example to corporate governances in the entire municipal of Stockholm. The essay emanates from the important management theories: Budget, Integrated Management system (ILS), Benchmarking and Balanced Scorecard.The essay is based on interviews and a poll survey we conducted in the administration of the ward of Skarpnäck, and also based on interviews with Stockholm?s city hall.
Managers´ perception of leadership in the 21st Century
We have decided to conduct a case study of German and Swedish mid-level Managers within the automobile industry. Primarily we used a qualitative method of investigation and a phenomenographical methodological approach in order to conduct an in depth analysis. We conducted semi-structured interviews with six mid-level Managers each in Germany and Sweden. The semi-structured interviews allowed us to conduct flexible interviews which enabled these Managers to speak relatively freely about their own view of leadership. Throughout our investigation we have based our results on the empirical findings and at the same time sought explanations to different phenomenon in relevant secondary data, such as management literature, thus used the abductive method of investigation..
Rehabkoordinator i primärvården inom Region Gotland : för en förbättrad sjukskrivningsprocess
Problem finns inom hälso- och sjukvårdens hantering av sjukskrivningsärenden och har visat sig vara extra stora inom primärvården. Många sjukskrivningar löper risk att bli långvariga, rehabiliteringsärenden drar ut på tiden och missförstånd uppstår mellan patienter och myndigheter samt myndigheter emellan. Mellan 1 september 2009 och 31 maj 2011 har man på Gotland bedrivit ett projekt med syfte att effektivisera sjukskrivningsprocessen med hjälp av Rehabkoordinator i primärvården. Denna studie utgör den kvalitativa utvärderingen utav projektet. Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera om sjukskrivningsprocessen har underlättats för de samverkande aktörerna och för patienter efter inrättandet av Rehabkoordinator.
Kvalitetssäkring:En analys av egenkontroll
A degree thesis about quality control and assurance in construction. Made in cooperation with Wästbygg. An analysis was made of the self-monitoring control that is conducted during the construction. The data was collected from interviews from personnel employed by Wäsbygg as either work-leader, project-Manager or quality- and environmental-coordinator. During the study there was also a review of the literature in the subject.
Empowerment en vision eller ett faktum? : Personliga ombuds resonemang kring empowerment som arbetsmetod.
The purpose of our study is to examine the case Managers reasoning and descriptions of empowerment as a method in their social work from a comprehensively perspective including family members. To manage with this purpose we interviewed two case Managers, two clients with mental disabilities and five family members. We have come to the conclusion that the case Managers works more consist of advocacy than empowerment. Despite that we have found that the long term goal for the case mangers work is to give the clients tools for empowerment. Our results also show that the clients feel that they have gained and increased their ability to do things by themselves and to be a part of the community.
En ledarutvecklingskurs utvärderas
To evaluate the management development course held at FöreningsSparbanken in
Ronneby during 2000. The evaluation aims to map and describe what effects the
course has had on the participants. We will assess to what degree the effects
meets the objectives of the course set by the Manager of the bank (future
management recruitment, leadership, change catalyst, aligning the strive
towards a shared organisational objective). Above mentioned also implies that
the organisation should be influenced in some regards.
Our conclusion is that all of the participants have as a result of the course
increased their emotional intelligence in varying levels. We also conclude that
the course participants? progress has not spread to the non-participants.
Behovet av en genomtänkt kommunikationsstruktur- en studie av ett projektorienterat företag
Every organization goes through the same lifecycle. Through every step in the transformation to a better organization the communication structure changes. In this report there are examples of the communicational disadvantages that is connected to the communicational structure.By choosing to not have a formal communicational design, the Manager takes a risk in spreading the information, the interaction, the control and the balance in creativity and constraint.This case organizations problem is that some parts of the organization has made more progress in the communicational structure than other parts. In this case the Collectivity structure has met the Formalized structure.Tha structural differences has came to affect the way of sharing information and it has become a situation where the information about the products is not stored in a safe way from a quality point of view. There is a gap between the two different ways of communicate.In this report I have created a model to identify problems in the communication structure.