7026 Uppsatser om Management - Sida 22 av 469
Hur upplever konsumenter handelns egna varumärken och leverantörernas varumärken i förhållande till varandra och i dagligvaruhandelns butikskontext?
Syftet med denna studie inom den svenska dagligvaruhandeln är att studera vilken attityd konsumenter har och varför, när de värderar utbudet av EVM och LVM i butiken. Jag ville ta reda på vilka attibut och känslomässiga värden det är som påverkar konsumenten när, hon/han i sitt medvetnade positionerar EVM och LVM i förhållande till varandra. Eftersom problemområdet utgör en kunskapslucka inom Category Management litteraturen valde jag en explorativ inriktning. Genom den kvalitativa metodens djupintervjuer sökte jag uppnå en förståelse för problemområdet. det som farmkom i studien var att om man inom Category Management säger sig ha konsumenten i fokus så måste butikens varumärkesportföljen ses över.
Aktiv förvaltning : en utvärdering under volatil tid
Over a long period of time, there has been a rich debate in the academic and financial world if active Management can generate an excess return. Many experts say that the current active Management strategies is nothing more than a money grab that produces large gains, for banks and investment firms, through high Management fees while producing no excess value for the individuals buying their service. In short, an effective market makes it almost impossible for fund managers to produce value for their clients in the long run.No argument has only one side though, other experts say that active Management has a role to play because not all investors are rational. This irrationality can lead to mispricing on financial assets in the marketplace and in turn lead to an ineffective market where active Management can fill a much needed role. The purpose of this study is therefore to see if active Management strategies can create a higher risk adjusted return, taking Management fees into consideration, during times of high volatility when the uncertainty is at its peak.
Chef över Erik men inte över Anna : påverkas företags styrning då inhyrd personal ingår i personalstyrkan?
The use of temporary workers gives companies the opportunity to be flexible, by avoiding hiring and dismissing workers because of economic conditions and trends in demand. The Management control in use at the company has the purpose of influencing employees? behaviour to act in the company?s best interest and towards its goals. The Management control should also influence the behaviour of the temporary worker. The companies have to create motivation and commitment among the temporary workers although they are employed by a staffing agency.
Internetkonsultföretaget ur ett strategiskt perspektiv
Uppsatsen har undersökt hur tre internetkonsultföretag har hanterat sin klient-, personal- och övergirpande strategi. Efter detta har författarna dragit slutsater för hur ett antal generella framgångsfaktorer inom denna och liknande branscher ser ut..
Organisering och styrning av kultursektorn : Kulturutredningens betänkande ur ett institutionellt perspektiv
Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera vilka idéer som ligger till grund för 2009 års Kulturutredning och om den genomsyras av de idéer som inför de administrativa förändringar som kopplas till New Public Management. Detta undersöktes genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Kulturutredningens betänkande. New Public Management (NPM) är en uppsättning idéer om hur man organiserar och styr offentlig verksamhet och har påverkat verksamheter inom bland annat vård, omsorg och skola de senaste decennierna. Dessa idéer innebär ökat fokus på uppföljning och utvärdering samt att kvalitet kopplas till kostnadseffektivitet. Man sätter upp mål, operationaliserar dem till mätbara prestationer som kopplas till finansiering.
Balancing packaging complexity by introducing platforms - A study at Carlsberg Breweries
Many consulting firms offer tailor-made solutions within complexity Management, but these are not general frameworks built upon theories. Carlsberg are dealing with a large complexity within their one-way glass bottles, as they are growing by acquisitions, and are not attained enough economies of scale. This thesis balances the packaging complexity, with platform theory as a foundation. Twelve platforms were developed at Carlsberg, containing 21 bottles, and the calculated savings potential for applying these are EUR 28,9 million..
Differentierat ledarskap ? Från kunden i centrum till personalen i centrum
Att sätta personalen i fokus en modell om att möjliggöra för medarbetare? En fallstudie av Svenska Mässan.
Strategi, syften och visioner för intranät : av intranät i samband med uppgradering.
Intranets can streamline workflow processes, improve communication and add value to the employees of an organization. Companies that don?t take advantage of the potential in their intranet is a common phenomenon. In connection with a migration project dealing with a switch of content Management system it turned out that SAS Technical Services lacked clear objectives and strategies for the use of their intranet. Thereby they didn?t make the most of the possibilities an intranet brings.The work with this thesis began with collecting the experiences the company could take with them from the migration project.
Private equity företagens styrning av sina portföljbolag.: Två fallstudier av relationen mellan private equity företag och portföljbolag.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze the characteristics of the Management control system private equity firms use to manage their portfolio companies. The thesis takes a share holder value perspective, and it is assumed that the goal of the Management control system is to increase the shareholder value in the portfolio company. In a qualitative study two private equity firms and two portfolio companies, one for each private equity firm, were studied in detail. In total, nine in debt interviews were completed. The results from this study suggest that the characteristics of the control system are dependent on the surrounding context; the focus on shareholder value and the specific characteristics of the private equity industry shape the characteristics of the Management control system.
Värderingsprocesser för bedöming av siginfikanta aspekter i företagsledning för hållbar utveckling
The use of environmental Management systems, and objectives-led corporate Management have become a widespread phenomenon today. Identification and assessment of an organisation?s significant (environmental) aspects is crucial within this work. Identification and especially assessment of significant aspects is often considered as a problematic step in many organisations. There are no generally accepted methods how to undertake this crucial step.
ISO 9001 : En fallstudie om hur de ständiga förbättringarna, som är införda i företagets verksamhetssystem, är anpassade efter medarbetarna
MPC is the company Exova Metech?s operating system that contains all the information needed for the company's objectives and guidelines to permeate the company. How changes in the MPC should be communicated with the company's employees can be seen as problematic. Routines that have been changed in practice, the process owners do not always update in the MPC, it leads to that the employees can not ensure that duties are performed properly. It is therefore important that Management takes its responsibility by providing updated information.
Lunds centrumhandel - Attraktionsfaktorer
En undersökning där vi försökt definiera en eller flera faktorer som är kritiska för Lunds centrumhandel. Intervjuer med ett flertal nyckelpersoner samt en omfattande enkätundersökning har genomförts..
Revisionens betydelse i småföretag
Genom personliga intervjuer med revisorer, småföretagare, banktjänstemän och en redovisningskonsult har vi undersökt vad revision och revisorer har för betydelse för småföretag..
Det systematiska kvalitetsledningssystemet i praktiken : - En studie om implementering av det systematiska kvalitetsledningssystemet inom hemvårdsförvaltningen i Halmstad kommun
AimThe aim of this study is to through managers in eldercares deskriptions of the systematic qualityleadingsystem examine the implementation process of this system in the eldercare in the municipality of Halmstad. BackgroundIn this paper the background explains elderly care and social work context, leadership in change and implementation processes. The theoretical frame illustrates Vedungs implementation theory and Webers model of bureaucracy MethodTo collect empirical data for this study, a qualitative research design was used in which eleven managers within Halmstads municipality home care Management stood as respondents. ResultThe respondents highlighted a variety in the use of the systematic quality Management system tool. The result describes that several obstacles were experienced in the use of the systematic quality system. ConclusionBased on the descriptions the respondents gives of the implementation process of the systematic quality Management of Halmstad municipality home care Management, the conclusion can be drawn that the implementation process has not resulted in the employees making use of systematic quality Management in practice. The systematic quality Management system that will ensure the quality of the care work is thus used to a limited extent..
Avfallshantering på byggarbetsplatser : Potential för en miljöeffektiv avfallshantering
This thesis concerns waste Management on construction sites and was conducted on behalf of ICA Fastigheter.Areas of concern:How can an environmentally-efficient waste Management system on construction sites be defined? What potential exists for exploiting the waste resources that are generated?How can the waste Management be optimised by reducing the quantity of waste and by optimal sorting?How can the client of a project influence the waste Management?The purpose of the work was to investigate sustainable waste Management in the building and construction sector and to highlight waste as a resource from an environmental and economic perspective.The aim of the work was to define an environmentally-efficient waste Management system, to analyse the potential that exists in waste Management and to draw up guidelines for optimal waste Management.The method consisted of a literature study, two visits to construction sites and four interviews.An environmentally-efficient waste Management system means that the waste is managed in the following order of priority:Prevention Reuse Recycling Energy recoveryLandfill The prevention of waste is an important area that has not been adequately explored by the building and construction industry. The quantities of waste could decrease with the implementation of measures such as ordering materials in the dimensions required, prefabricated components, logistics centres with Just-In-Time deliveries, less and improved packaging and less wrapping. The reuse of waste materials and temporary apparatus as well as the use of a return pallet system are examples of reuse that reduces the quantities of waste.In most cases the source sorting work is a matter of course and the proportion going to landfill is down at a low level. The source sorting can be optimised by sorting all materials that can be reused and recycled to use them as a resource.