8430 Uppsatser om Management strategies. - Sida 55 av 562
"Hur dricker du?" : En studie av kommunikationsstrategiers utfall hos målgruppen med avseende på olika konsumtionsbakgrund
In this paper the authors aim to examine the effects on consumers using different strategies in a campaign within social marketing. A model by Evans et al (1996) has been used in order to see the different steps in which advertising catches the viewers? attention and eventually leads to action or purchasing. However, in the case of this thesis, the intention of the chosen campaign is to change the consumers? attitudes and behavior towards alcohol.
Miljöinformation i förvaltningsberättelsen - hur langt sträcker sig revisorernas kompetens?
En studie av hur revisorerna granska den miljöinformation som företag med tillstands- och/eller anmälningspliktiga verksamheter, enligt lag är förordnade att redovisa i förvaltningsberättelsen samt om man utifran denna granskningen kan säga nagot om hur informationens tillförlitlighet berörs..
Utformning av ett performance management-system : Fo?r ma?tning av prestationer inom Rottne industris reservdelslager
Bakgrund: Rottne industri a?r ett fo?retag som tillverkar skogsmaskiner, na?rmare besta?mt sko?rdare och skotare. En viktig del av fo?retagets strategi i dagsla?get grundar pa? att bedriva en genero?s reservdelsverksamhet ut mot kunder. Reservdelsverksamheten har vuxit och blivit en konkurrensfo?rdel fo?r Rottne industri.
Affärsriskens påverkan på kapitalstrukturen
Denna uppsats undersöker om och i så fall hur affärsrisken påverkar företagens kapitalstruktur. Vi har använt oss av två årtal med olika räntenivåer, 1995 och 2005. Vi kunde genom en multipel regressionsanlalys säkerställa att det existerar ett samband, och även att det finns skillnad mellan åren vad gäller korrelationen i sambandet..
En kommunikationsgeting: En kvalitativ studie i hur ett medtech-företag ska använda sig av sociala medier
Today, social media is used mostly by people in their private life. However, companies are more and more tapping into the area of social media. To this date, mostly B2C companies have been successful in their social media strategies. This qualitative thesis aims to investigate how B2B companies can benefit from using social media as a means to communicate and build relations with their customers. The medtech industry has been chosen as the object of study.Through depth interviews with people in the medtech industry and social media experts, data has been collected in order to answer the questions of (1) how ready customers in the medtech industry are to receive information through social media and (2) how companies can build the best possible social media strategy.
Arbetsplatsförlagd utbildning
Detta examensarbete har syftat till att utveckla ett verktyg för att utvärdera en IT-avdelnings möjligheter till effektivisering genom att implementera Lean på IT Service Management. Verktyget har utvecklats i samarbete med Tina Eriksson på uppdrag av management och IT-management konsultbolaget Connecta AB. Connecta AB har som syfte att använda verktyget för framtida affärer. För att verktyget ska vara användbart och uppfylla Connectas krav så har fyra mål satts upp. Verktyget ska vara trovärdigt, resurseffektivt, användarvänligt samt underlätta för fortsatt arbete och implementering av Lean på IT Service Management.
?Som en alien i ett par för små skor?En kvalitativ studie om hur missbrukare upprätthåller sin värdighet
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine whether addicted in society maintain their personal dignity. Many studies about this issue have beenfocused on how hard it is to be an addicted, but few have focused on how an addicted handle this situation. Our preconception before this study was that addicts are a stigmatized group not treated with dignity. With this as starting point, our aim has been to let the addicted with their own words describe how they handle their situation and witch strategies they use to uphold their dignity.Method: A qualitative approach is used; we have condicted five semi structured in- depth interviews. The information we have obtained through interviews, we have in the analysis weighed against the theories we believe are relevant to our preconception.We have then categorized the collected information after those themes we found central in the interviews and which we have found can be related to the main questions of this study.Result: The results show many strategies about how people with drug- and alcohol abuse handle their situation.
A Business Perspective on Reducing the Climate Impact from Tetra Paks Transportations of Goods
Title: A Business Perspective on Reducing the Climate Impact from Tetra Paks Transportations of Goods. Authors: Pär BerglundSebastian Lyngström Supervisors: Lars J Nilsson, Environmental and Energy Systems, Lund UniversityNils Månsson, Department of Business Administration, Lund University Problem Analysis: Increased awareness concerning climate change will put pressure on companies to reduce their climate impact. Problems arise when trying to reduce the impact from transportations due to companies? limited control on forwarding agents and difficulties measuring the emissions. Purpose: From a business perspective, this report will enable a reduction of the climate impact that arises from Tetra Paks transportation of goods.
The Innovation Value Chain -How Firms can Generate Innovation
Teorigenomgång som mynnar ut i tolv parametrar som karaktäriserar en innovativ organisation, samt en teoretisk modell, Innovation Value Chain (IVC) som beskriver den innovativa processen. Åtta fallstudier utav tillverkande svenska företag analyseras med hjälp av IVC modellen..
Statens fastighetsverk -betalformad styrning i en funktionsdriven organisation
The National Property Board (SFV) has been appointed by the Swedish government to administer all property of cultural value owned by the Swedes collectively. The commission includes maintaining the soul and character of each individual building, to adapt these buildings to present needs and requirements, and furthermore making them available to the public. The return on equity demanded by the government is based on the CAPM used within the real estate industry. The theoretical assumption that organizations are either function-driven or pay-driven will serve as a starting point, after which SFV will be defined as a function-driven organization with a pay-formed management control system. This paper aims to examine how applying a pay-formed management control system will affect a function-driven organization.
Försvar mot fientliga förvärv: En beskrivning av målföretag och deras försvarsmöjligheter
En karltäggning över orsaker till aversion mot förvärv, målföretagens utseende samt dess möjligheter till försvar mot fientliga förvärvare..
Konflikter -En kvantitativ studie om effekter av konflikter och konfliktstrategier på arbetsplatsen.
A quantitative study was conducted with the aim to investigate whether
individuals use a specific conflict strategy when they are in a task conflict
or a relationship conflict in their workplace. The study also examined whether
individuals experience positive or negative effects of a task conflict or a
relationship conflict when a specific conflict strategy have been used.
Previous research explains the effects of task conflicts and relationship
conflicts at the workplace (De Dreu, 2008) Likewise lifts the effects of the
conflict strategies interaction, avoidance, and power and coercion (Hoerr,
2005; Meyer, 2004; Trudel & Reio Jr., 2011). However it does not tie together
what the conflicts and conflict strategies have for effects together. This also
means that it is impossible to discern if there is a strategy that is
frequently used in a specific conflict type.
The study group consisted of 62 participants from different workplaces that
responded to a survey.
Vilka av Skolverkets aspekter tycker du är viktigast i din språkinlärning? : En studie om vad somaliska unga vuxna anser är viktigt vid språkinlärning
Diagnosis of adhd, the cause and consequence. A study about the teachers thought about it.The purpose of this study was to examine teachers experience and views about children diagnosed with adhd, and what implication and effects it gives to the pedagogy strategies in the classroom.This is a qualitative study based on the experience of six teachers from primary school. My results have been compiled and compared to special educational research about adhd, from three different perspectives.The results showed that the teachers who have been working as teachers for a longer period, think that the problems of adhd occur primarily due to environmental causes, but then also say that they think the individual causes matters. It is also these teachers that talks very well about medication as a treatment to cure adhd symptoms. The teachers who have worked the shortest time, most of them have some special education from the teacher education.
Customer Relationship Management ? en studie om hur CRM tillämpas i företagen
Denna rapport handlar om implementering samt användning av den kundorienteradeaffärsstrategin Customer Relationship Management, CRM. Enligt statisk från Gartner,misslyckas företag med två av tre och orsaken är att det är få som har kunskap om vad CRMegentligen är och hur det bör implementeras, då informationen som har samlats in ofta varitöverflödig och det har därmed varit svårt att kunna förutse kundernas behov. Syftet meduppsatsen är därför att ta reda på hur långt de medverkande företagen inom Sverige harkommit i deras implementering gällande Customer Relationship Management och i hur storutsträckning företagen tillämpar kriterierna i teorin för en bra kundrelation. Resultaten skaligga till grund för möjligheter att utveckla företagens kundrelationer. Med hjälp av enenkätundersökning har empiriskt material samlats in och sammanställt med den teoretiskareferensramen.
Två vägar till samma mål: Kontrasterna av Richard Holbrookes och Carl Bildts medlingssätt och strategier i Bosnien
This study focuses on international mediation and mediation theory. The aim of the study is to bring into light, a critique on already exsisting mediation theory and the need to oversimplify generalisations and results. This study focuses on a comparison between Richard Holbrooke and Carl Bildt, and their roles? as mediators during the war in Bosnia and Hercegovina 1995. I have deliberatly chosen two very different actors on the same case, to show that traditional belif on why the war ended is oversimplyfied and wrong.This study uses Curran, Sebenius and Watkins paper on mediation as a template in defining how to use the criterias for analyzing a mediator.