

7397 Uppsatser om Management of emotions - Sida 33 av 494

Oetiskt handlande i skuggan av pengar: Oetiska handlingars påverkan på aktiekursen

Many studies have shown that unethical acting can affect the share price of the company negatively. However, this is not always the case. The aim of this thesis is therefore to examine what it is that can cause the share price to be affected negatively by unethical acting exposed in media. This qualitative study is primarily based on interviews with institutional investors, but also with economic journalists and investor relations managers. Our conclusion is that there are three main reasons why the share price can be affected by unethical acting, namely economic consequences, the management's behaviour and psychological factors.

Hur går det med implementeringen av IFRS 3 i Sverige?

Det finns många åsikter om hur det går med implementeringen av IFRS 3. Analysen av empirin visade att åsikterna skiljer sig åt mellan olika respondenter. Vi har sett att det fortfarande går att tillämpa Jönssons teorier. Även Puxty och Willmotts teorier går att använda än idag. Implementeringsarbetet är en process och redovisningsutvecklingen är i ständig förändring..

Sunwing Resort Fañabe

Sunwing Resort Fañabé på Teneriffa har en mångfaldig kulturell personal. Därför måste företagsledningen ta hänsyn till dessa olika kulturella bakgrunder och få personalen att ha gemensamma mål och värderingar. En korrekt, smidig, tvåsidig intern kommunikation är därmed företagets viktigaste redskap..

Hälsobudskapet i det tryckta mediet

Med uppsatsen vill vi presentera och öka förståelsen för konsumentens uppfattning om reklam för hälsosamma livsmedel och hälsobudskap rörande sambandet mellan livsmedel och hälsa. Vi avgränsar oss till det tryckta mediet och använder oss av en kvalitativ förstudie som följs av en kvantitativ enkätundersökning via Internet..


The aim of this thesis is to examine what factors that influences the management control in a family business operating in a sector in which they are under-represented. We have therefore conducted a case study of a family business in the finance sector, E. Öhman J: or Fondkommission AB (Öhman). The first conclusion is that the management control in Öhman is influenced by the environment and the increasing size of the company. We have found, however, that it is to an even larger extent affected by the fact that it is a family business even though the company is operating in a sector in which family businesses are not the norm.

Key Drivers for Dividends - an empirical study for A-listed Swedish companies

This thesis will through the use of various approaches determine the key drivers for dividend payouts for A-listed Swedish firm. The time frame reaches from 1997 to 2003 an the thesis covers 48 companies..

Chefers förmåga att hantera emotioner i samband med en gisslantagning

Syftet med studien var att bidra till en djupare förståelse för de mest centrala aspekterna av emotionshanteringen i gisslandramat och hur cheferna hanterade sina egna och andras emotioner under denna händelse. Det empiriska materialet byggde på fjorton intervjuer med chefer i olika befattningar och med skiljda organisationstillhörigheter inom olika krishanteringsorganisationer. Krishanteringsorganisationer är avsedda att hantera kriser som uppstår i samhället. Intervjuerna analyserades enligt en grundad teoriansats. Resultatet visade att när aktörer inom en krishanteringsorganisation möter en antagonistisk stressor (orsakad av människan) har två typer av emotionella normer betydelse.

Walk the talk : Miljöstrategiskt arbete i praktiken inom offentlig förvaltning

SammanfattningTitel:                                   Talent Management inom den svenska banksektorn.Författare:                         Martin Eriksson och Oscar Alfelt Handledare:                      Timurs UmansNivå:                                  Kandidatuppsats 15 hp, Ledarskap, VT 2012 Frågeställning:                  Hur använder svenska banker talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete? Syfte:                                  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur banker använder talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete och på så sätt öka sin konkurrenskraft och effektivisera sitt arbete. Vi ämnar undersöka hur processen kan anpassas till en specifik sektor vilket i vårt fall är den svenska banksektorn.Metod:                               Studien gjordes med ett beskrivande angreppssätt. Vi använde en kvalitativ ansatts med individuella öppna intervjuer. Intervjuerna gjordes över telefon med fem stycken respondenter från svenska banker. Teoretisk referensram:    Den teoretiska referensramen består av tre delar där första delen handlar om att förklara vad talent management är för att sedan presentera två talent management processer samt att beskriva HR inom banksektorn.

Hur motiveras kvarvarande anställda efter en tid präglad av nedskärningar och varsel?

Layoffs may have severe consequences for organizations, and not least on the motivation of the remaining staff in the company when trying to keep on performing the given tasks. How can one with the use of rewards and goal setting affect the motivation on the remainder of the staff? This thesis is dealing with the question of how the management of Bilbolaget Nord AB, who were stricken by layoffs, are working to enhance motivation of the remaining staff with the use of rewards and goal setting. This is a qualitative case study where we have focused our attention to the workshop department at Bilbolaget Nord AB and empirics have been collected by conducting interviews with middle management executives and a questionnaire study with the remaining employees. An in-depth study of theories regarding motivation, goal setting and rewards was made in order to be able to compare and analyze the theories with the case.

Utvecklingsprinciper för eftersatta naturlika dungar och ridåer

Nature-like plantations are areas that, by today?s maintenance procedure usually gains low prioritiy and are forgotten. Most nature-like plantations are currently disadvantaged and have in many cases grown up and formed dense,impenetrable and brushwoody green volumes. These green volumes is rarely used, but usually only fills out gap surfaces. With proper care nature-like plantations can become health promoting environments in the increasinglyhardened urban environments.How vegetation systems work and how trees and shrubs interact is dependent on many factors.

Den reflekterande chefen - Ledarutveckling och chefers reflektioner

The essay examines managers reflection after attending a leader development program. When examining their thoughts the author starts out from the assumption that leader development programs with reflecting elements can create reflection on management/leadership and the organisations management behaviour. The examination is done whit help of a case study on a company in the paint industry. To test the assumption the author uses a combination of questioners and interviews on eight managers who has finished a leader development program. The result is analysed by bringing forward the managers general assumptions an by finding relations between opinions on needs, existing norms and preferred management/leadership.

Internkommunikation vid förändringsarbete : en studie av internkommunikationen vid omlokaliseringen av Konsumentverket

The main purpose of this essay is to through theories about internal communication, channels to communicate through and change management study how these can be related to the processes at the Swedish Consumer Agency due to its future relocation. The main question within this essay is therefore:- How has the internal communication and the change management at the Swedish Consumer Agency developed in comparison with the prescribed theories?This essay is divided into three different parts (ideal, reality, ideal/reality) which can be derived to the essays theory, result and analysis chapters. The theories are the ideal while the result describes the internal communication and the change management during the process (the reality). In the analysis chapter, the ideal and the reality are compared to distinguish how the reality has been working in comparison to the ideal.The internal communication has mainly been distinguished through the authority?s intranet and the information communicated has comparatively been fast, open, objective and reliable.

Främjande av egenvård för patienter med typ 2-diabetes inom primärvården - diabetessjuksköterskans upplevelser

ABSTRACTBackground: The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. Early intervention in form of medication, advice on self-management and lifestyle changes is necessary to avoid complications. Few Swedish studies are made on the diabetes nurse?s views on promotion of self- management.Purpose: To examine the diabetes specialist nurse?s experience of promoting self-management to patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care.  Method: A qualitative explorative study where eight diabetes nurses were interviewed. The interview guide consisted of semistructed questions concerning the promotion of self-management.Results: The diabetes nurse?s role in promoting patient self-management is significant, if resources are available in the form of adequate time for the patient and good team work.

Skatten i toppen? : -En studie om styrelse- & ledningsgruppssammansättningens påverkan på företagets skatteplanering

Introduction: Taxes result in a big cost for corporations which create an incentive for tax planning. Previous studies have demonstrated that it's the management team and the board of directors that influences to what extent the corporation is going to tax plan. We want to study underlying factors for how the composition of the groups affect the tax planning in a corporation based on four demographic traits; sex, nationality, age and duration.Purpose: The purpose with the study is to explain how the composition of the management team and the board of directors affect the corporations tax planning.Method: The study has a deductive approach where theories about the composition of the board of directors and the management team have been used to derive hypothesis. The empirical material has been collected from Nasdaq OMX Stockholm. Two different measures have been used to calculate the corporations tax planning.Results and Conclusions: The result of the study demonstrates that the composition of both the board of directors and the management team has an effect on corporations tax planning.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med postoperativt delirium efter hjärtkirurgi

ABSTRACTAim. To describe intensive care nurses´ experiences of caring for patients with postoperative delirium after heart surgery.Background. Delirium is a common condition after heart surgery. Previous research has focused more on pathophysiology, incidence, etiology, prevention, detection and management, and less on how nurses caring for patients with delirium experience it.Design. A qualitative interview study.Method.

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