

9739 Uppsatser om Management accounting control - Sida 43 av 650

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Tjänstemannen som utvecklingsresurs - en fallstudie om tjänstemannens handlingsutrymme i organisatoriska utvecklingsprocesser

This essay is the result of a case study. The aim of this study has been to gain an understanding of government employee?s opportunity to be involved in and contribute to the processes tied to organizational development. The case study is based on the perspective of the government employees and their experience and thoughts regarding their opportunity to be a part of the organizational development. The empirical data that was generated by the case study has been analysed with New Public Management and Sense Of Coherence as a theoretical point of view.

Agerar Företagsledare Opportunistiskt vid Köpeskillingsallokering : Bevis från Svenska Rörelseförvärv

SammandragGoodwill har de senaste åren fått en allt mer betydelsefull roll i svenska bolag och utgör idag majoriteten av köpeskillingen vid ett rörelseförvärv. Rådande redovisningsstandarder lämnar en stor del av ansvaret för köpeskillingsallokering hos bolagen själva, något som tidigare studier visat ger utrymme för opportunistiskt agerande. Vi undersöker i denna studie 213 rörelseförvärv gjorda på den svenska marknaden under åren 2011-2013. Via en multipel regressionsanalys finner vi belägg för att rörlig ersättning till företagsledare baserad på kortsiktiga resultatmål, tenderar att leda till en högre allokering till goodwill i relation till immateriella tillgångar vid rörelseförvärv. Resultatet kan tolkas som att företagsledare maximerar resultatet ur ett kortsiktigt perspektiv i syfte att också maximera sin egen lön.

Perfect match? : Kombinationen av Knowledge Management & Human Resource Management i konsultbolag

Background: We have identified the combination of Knowledge Management and Human Resource Management as interesting because of this constellation has been mentioned scarcely in previous studies. There also seem to be some interesting correlations with personnel turnover.Aim: The aim of this study is to describe and understand the theoretically best combination of Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management, by creating a model. The model is also going to be tested empirically through consulting firms, to see if they meet the ideal combination. With this model we also want to describe in what way the different combinations of strategies will affect the personnel turnover.Definitions: A huge part of this study concerns the theoretical area Human Resource Management, which we have entitled HRM. Similarly, Knowledge Management has been entitled KM.Completion: The study is designed both as a literature review and as a comparative case study in which empirical data has been collected through qualitative interviews with four Swedish management consulting firms.Results: The best combinations of KM and HRM are according to this study that strategies should consist of a thoroughgoing personalization or codification.

Ensam är aldrig stark : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan under arbetet med Lokala välfärdsbokslut

Welfare is every person's right. To create conditions for a good welfare it requires coordinated strategic interventions at national and local level. Efforts must be politically supported to be able to strengthen public health. Local welfare management is a measure used to control and monitor public health. The purpose of this study was to investigate local actors perceptions of collaboration in strategic public health efforts with local welfare management in a municipality in central Sweden.

Utbildningens betydelse för att hantera chefsjobbet

Det går inte att utbilda sig till chef men jobbet som chef underlättas om man har utbildning. Enligt vår empiriska grund så är den bästa kombinationen att lära sig det både praktiskt och teoretiskt, utbildningen är en genväg till en chefsposition. Chefen kan däremot utvecklas om man utbildar sig under tiden som man jobbar..

Mjukvaruplattform för riggstyrning

Today the competition in the automobile industry is getting all tougher. The technology behind cars becomes more advanced. To get ahead of competitors car companies has to look into new areas of innovation.One important area is vehicle safety. Bigger companies have come so far in vehicle safety that difference between cars more depends on the car type (size) than the technology behind it.There is one area where vehicle safety that still has great opportunities for improvement, which is in active safety. The term active safety states that the car has the ability to identify treats and automatically respond to the treats.

Utveckling av reglersystem till quadrokopter

The purpose of this project was to further develop and complete a quadcopter that had been built in an earlier course at KTH, so that it could be used for demonstration and education at the school. The quadcopter was at the beginning of the project completed when it came to hardware, and there was some software functionality implemented but no system for automatic stabilization. The main goal of the project was to implement such a system, and to combine it with the previous functionality to make the quadcopter operable and able to fly. To create a functioning and stable ground multiple basic software features has been implemented, and on top of that additional software to improve the safety, stability and functionality. The most important part is the control system that is responsible for converting sensor and control signals to suitable motor values.

Investeringsprocesser i storbanker - en undersökning på tre svenska storbanker

There are no general working processes that can stand for how all the investment process is preceded in the organization of major Swedish banks. It is not a question of investment process but rather a question of, investment processes. How these investment processes operates depends totally on the type and size of the current investment, which unit that is operating the processes and what situation the bank currently finds itself in. There is a written form that describes how the different processes should be operated and which capital budget models that should be used but the usage of these forms can be questioned.

Metoder för trust : Hur praktiker arbetar för att bygga förtroende till knowledge management-system

This thesis examines how knowledge management professionals use trust as a component in the creation of knowledge management systems, and what methods they use for building trust.Adopting a grounded theory approach, interviews with 8 knowledge management professionals active in different industries served as the base for an analysis that identified trust to be the single most important common factor in the data. The concept of trust used by the informants was identified as relating to the knowledge management system itself, rather than other users, employees or groups in an organisation.Building trust, the KM-professionals mainly focused on three methods: simple solutions, system superiority, and implementation security. Using these methods, the KM-professionals seek to ensure system trust by creating opportunities for users to obtain positive experiences of using the system, and thereby generate a foundation for a trust-based relationship between the user and the system..

Produktplaceringar - i vilken utsträckning uppmärksammar vi dem och hur upplevs de?

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En sammanfattning av uppsatsen p・maximalt 8000 tecken..

Förändringar i revisionsarbetet av kapitalförvaltningsbolag : En studie i hur revisionen av kapitalförvaltningsbolag har ändrats sedan den ekonomiska krisen 2008

Title:Changes in the auditing work of asset management companies.Advisor:Bengt BengtssonExaminer:Stig SörlingAuthors: Mattias Skog & Andrea CyganikPurpose:The purpose is to examine how the work of auditing asset management companies has changed since the crisis 2008.Methodology:The study is based on an adductive approach using a quantitative method.Theoretical framework:The theoretical framework includes previous studies and literature concerning the auditing business, the financial crisis, principal agent theory and stewardship theory.Empirical findings:The empirical material is based on answers from 22 auditors in 6 different auditing firms, and it was conducted by sending them a survey.Conclusion:The study showed that the major changes were changes in laws and regulations controlling the auditing business. New guidelines and laws were set to try and improve the quality of the auditing business while trying to restore stained reputation. New regulations were also set to increase the control the government have of inspecting the business through finansinspektionen..

Att attrahera och motivera medarbetare : Varumärket som ett strategiskt verktyg

Since Brand Management and Marketing in theory mainly been focusing on the consumer market, our main purpose of this essay is to analyze how a brand also can be appealing to the labour market, to attract and engage employees. Keywords attached to our essay are, brands, recruitment, Human Resource management, theories of motivation, corporate identity, employer branding and internal marketing. The study is based on a qualitative research. Our main reason for choosing this research was to get a closer insight for the phenomen and to establish a major understanding for the subject. To get a better knowledge and to answer and fulfil our purpose we have chosen to complete eight interviews, of whom six respondents representing Service firms.

Hot mot yrkesrollen eller vardagligt verktyg? En studie av lärares inställning till lärplattform

Today an increasing number of schools and organizations are investing in so called Learning Management Systems. Researchers disagree on the pedagogical value of these tools. Some mean that Learning Management Systems cement old-fashioned behaviouristic teaching practices; others mean that the systems provide good opportunities in supporting learning in a socio cultural perspective. The aim of this study is to reach better understanding and increased knowledge of how the introduction of a Learning Management System influences the role of the teacher and how the learning is organized. We have conducted two case studies.

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