

8789 Uppsatser om Management Discussion - Sida 21 av 586

Miljöchefer : - ledarskap och medarbetarskap inom kommunalt miljö- och hälsoskydd

Environmental management officers ? leadership and employeeship in local environmental health authorityThe purpose of this study was to illustrate the working situation of municipal environmental health management officers. This is a qualitative study where I have interviewed ten environmental officers in ten municipalities in Sweden. The interviews were based on a half structured interview guide with questions. I have interpreted the interviews through different leadership theories.

Co-branding ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Med denna uppsats har vi utifrån ettkonsumentperspektiv, jämfört eventuellalojalitetsöverföringseffekter hos co-branding vid en högoch en låg engagemangsnivå..

Management - Från start till landning

Syftet med uppsatsen var att utifrån ett projektarbete vid Malmö-Sturup Airport,lyfta fram och dra lärdom av grupprocesser ochprojektarbete. Viktiga lärdomar är att projektarbete ibland kräver förkunskaper inom process och metod snarare än branschspecifika kompetenser. En projektgrupp kan ha mer än en roll i arbetet och behöver då balansera dessa roller och relationer. En grupp med kompletterande personligheter når lättare effektivitet samtidigt som behovet av koordinator är stort. Styrningsverktyg är därför viktiga för att skapa struktur.

Praxis och praktik i flerspråkiga tesaurer

A prerequisite of an international exchange of information is multilingual tools for information retrieval, such as the multilingual thesaurus. There is an ongoing discussion about the construction of, and the guidelines for, multilingual thesauri. In recent years the praxis as defined in ISO 5964 Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri 1985 has been the topic of a scientific discussion. It has been about how equivalence across languages is to be established when it comes to concepts, terms and relational structures. This masters thesis treats the praxis and practice of multilingual thesaurus construction.

Store Image Perceptions in International Retailing: an Empirical Comparison of IKEA?s

It has been found that customers in the home market perceive the retailer?s store image more positively than customers in the host market, even though this study has found that theretailer?s store image is generally perceived very positively by customers in both examined markets. In addition, this thesis has found that there is a significant difference in how IKEA?smanagement and customers perceive its store image. It can also be concluded that IKEA management perceived store image more positively than customers.

Att arbeta med konflikthantering : implementering och undersökning av en form av fokusgruppsamtal i skolan

I have chosen an action research approach for this essay. I want to incorporate a method of conflict management in the work of the personnel at a school and also discuss their thoughts and experience in conflict management. I wanted to incorporate modern knowledge about constructive conflict management for everyday use and I stress that if we can evolve these skills among the personnel in schools then we have a better chance of helping children with deviant behavior which often end up in conflict because of it. This will also help all the other children and personnel to manage conflict situations in a better way. I want to introduce a new way of thinking about conflict management which in many ways is different from how it is today. Briefly the method which I advocate revolves around paying attention to every ones basic needs and says that everyone can win and no one has to loose. he main purpose of this essay has been to find out if focus group conversations is a viable method for improving conflict management in the school system. Several of the participants has in their evaluations written that it was a rewarding and interesting way to work.

Riskkapitalbolags påverkan på styrning i sina portföljbolag: En studie om utveckling av styrsystem i svenska Venture Capital finansierade företag.

The aim of this study is to investigate which management control mechanisms evolve in companies that receive funding from Venture Capital companies and why the management control systems evolve in the way that they do. A case study was performed on three Swedish high technology companies, that all received funding from Venture Capital companies for the first time in 2006. Merchant?s framework, defining all management control mechanisms as either, results control, action control or personnel control, was used to structure the study. Results show that the companies that received Venture Capital all increased the use of management control mechanisms within results control, action control and personnel control.

Universell kunskapsorganisation: identifiering av ett framväxande forskningsområde genom citeringsanalys.

An ongoing discussion concerning the possibilities of universal classification based on phenomena rather than on research disciplines has been noticed. In order to discover if this was a limited discussion or the beginning of a major new field of research a study of citations was made using the database Web of Science. In addition, references of the works concerned were studied to find out where the ideas originated. The study of references shows that the ideas originate in a limited number of older published works, some of them well established in Information Science, some of them less generally known. The main ideas commonly used in Information Science are Ranganathan?s facet theories and the work of the Classification Research Group.

EKONOMISTYRNING I EN MOTORVERKSTAD: En analys av centralt ställda krav ur ett operationellt perspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the design and function of an engine production management?s control system and its intended function, and to contrast it with the present management control systems in use on an operational level. Interviews conducted with employees from all levels of the engine production are the main source of this study?s empirical foundation. Information has also been gathered from relevant written material such as annual reports, internal documents etc.

Viljan att lyssna och förstå : Potters närmande till självskada i möte med Foucault, Derrida och Gadamer

This study is an attempt to develop the discussion about self-injury with the aid of philosophical discussions about understanding. I will present a reading of the discussion between Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida about reason and madness, and also an interpretation of the Derrida and Hans-Georg Gadamer encounter. These readings focus on the concept of understanding, on the possibility to understand the other and on the possibility to reach out from reason toward the irrational. The project to formulate an ethical approach to self-injury by Nancy Nyquist Potter is then used to bring the question about understanding to life. I conclude that the project of Potter, formulated as ?uptake?, is weakened by the fact that she fails to recognize the underlying philosophical problems in stating the possibility to understand the meaning of something that until today has been considered meaningless..

Integrerat Performance Management System -En studie om ett ledningssystems påverkan inom Volvo

The research within the management control systems-field and more specifically performance management has been rather shallow and not much has happened the last decades besides the balanced scorecard. The researchers see a lack of studies focusing on the effects of an integrated performance management system and also how it affects the different hierarchical levels and the tasks to perform.We decided to perform an essay with case study-characteristics by looking at both the strategic and tactical level at Volvo Group, or more specifically Group Trucks. We performed three different interviews, one at the group level and two at the division level. The aim was to see what effect an integrated performance management system had on the tactical level (i.e. the divisions).Our findings and corresponding analysis suggested that Volvo was a rather centralized company in order to get the performance management system to work by enabling a ?weekly control?.

Talent Management : En studie om rekryteringsstrategier inom Talent Management

Inledning: När företag genomgår rekryteringsprocesser så finns där flera olika strategier attanvända sig utav. Denna studie kommer att skapa en förståelse för rekryteringsstrategiernasom ett specifikt företag som uppger sig jobba enligt Talent Management använder sig av.Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att skapa en förståelse för hur ett företag somuppger sig jobba med Talent Management utformar sin rekryteringsstrategi och därigenomkunna uppfylla ett kunskapstomrum angående rekryteringsstrategierna inomforskningsområdet Talent Management.Forskningsfrågor:Hur definieras talang vid rekrytering i ett företag som jobbar med Talent Management?Hur väljer företag vilka rekryteringsstrategier som är lämpliga?Vilka rekryteringsstrategier använder sig företaget utav?Metod: Denna studie har genomförts med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod som har innefattatsemistrukturerade intervjuer för materialinsamlingen. Intervjuerna och det empiriskamaterialet är insamlat från ett ledande företag inom sin branchen.Slutsats: Denna studie kunde påvisa att de centrala rekryteringsstrategierna i ett företag somuppger sig använda sig utav Talent Management är Head Hunting, Employer Branding,profilering samt talangpooler. Vi kunde även dra slutsatser att samtliga rekryteringsstrategiersom förekommer inom ett företag inte nödvändigtvis behöver tillhöra den rådande uttalademanagementstilen.

Talent Management inom den svenska banksektorn : Hur den svenska banksektorn använder talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete

SammanfattningTitel:                                   Talent Management inom den svenska banksektorn.Författare:                         Martin Eriksson och Oscar Alfelt Handledare:                      Timurs UmansNivå:                                  Kandidatuppsats 15 hp, Ledarskap, VT 2012 Frågeställning:                  Hur använder svenska banker talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete? Syfte:                                  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur banker använder talent management processen som en del av sitt HR-arbete och på så sätt öka sin konkurrenskraft och effektivisera sitt arbete. Vi ämnar undersöka hur processen kan anpassas till en specifik sektor vilket i vårt fall är den svenska banksektorn.Metod:                               Studien gjordes med ett beskrivande angreppssätt. Vi använde en kvalitativ ansatts med individuella öppna intervjuer. Intervjuerna gjordes över telefon med fem stycken respondenter från svenska banker. Teoretisk referensram:    Den teoretiska referensramen består av tre delar där första delen handlar om att förklara vad talent management är för att sedan presentera två talent management processer samt att beskriva HR inom banksektorn.

Södermalmsskolan : en fallstudie om hur arbetet med en skolträdgård kan bedrivas idag

The purpose has been to, by the means of literature studies and conversation, give landscape architects, teachers or other interested people an increased understanding of school gardens as a phenomenon. One episode in the essay describes school garden?s historical background and how its ideology has changed as the society has developed. A conversation with a spokesperson for Södermalmsskolan in Stockholm, depict how a communal public school handles the management of a school garden today. I have also wanted to present the conditions that society and the schools organisation has put on the management of the garden on this particular school. In the year of 2007 Södermalmsskolan got the opportunity to found its school garden thanks to the environmental campaigns that were realized by the city of Stockholm.

Faktorer som påverkar hyresnvån för butikslokaler

Att försöka identifiera och analysera faktorer som påverkar hyresnivån för butikslokaler i Lunds centum..

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