8789 Uppsatser om Management Discussion - Sida 15 av 586
THE INDUSTRIAL BRAND MANAGER ? Product Manager and Brand Communicator.
The main objective of this thesis is to study the brand manager?s role within a global business to business (B2B) company. In order to meet the main objective we have chosen to study and analyse one global B2B company, Alfa Laval AB, Alfa Laval DK, Alfa Laval PL and its co-partners such as an advertising agency. We have also studied three global business to customer (B2C) companies, Mars, Unilever and Nestlé, to get a picture of brand managers? role and responsibilities within the B2C environment which is already quite far ahead in the development of the brand management thinking..
Customer Relationship Management : En studie om hur företag arbetar med CRM och orsaker till misslyckade implementeringsförsök
In relation to the paradigm shift that took place between the marketing mix and relationship marketing, and the emergence of information technology in the 90:s, the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become a frequently used concept in marketing. Most definitions and approaches have been generated from previous studies, but the concept is still criticized for the number of failed implementation attempts. Along a discussion of the area has an elaborate theoretical foundation remained as the foundation for the study development and utilized in all the sections of the study. The study, with help from Gartner's eight building blocks of CRM, focus on how Swedish medium and large companies work with CRM, and if this is an indicator of the number of failed implementation attempts. The survey consists of two approaches, qualitative and quantitative, to provide both depth and generalizability of the study.
Earnings Management och Finanskrisen : En studie om earnings managements förekomst i Sverige, före och under den finansiella krisen
Tidigare studier har visat på att en finansiell kris leder till en minskad förekomst av earnings management som anses vara ett stort problemen i modern redovisning. Denna uppsats undersöker earnings managements förekomst bland svenska företag och hur den påverkas av en finansiell kris samt om det finns skillnader mellan olika branscher. Vi använder en modifierad variant av Jones modell för att mäta de diskretionära periodiseringarna, som likställs som earnings management, och jämför sedan förekomsten av earnings management före och under krisen samt mellan de fyra branscherna som studerats. Vi finner inte några skillnader i earnings managements förekomst innan och under finanskrisen men vi kan se att branschen Sällanköp i större utsträckning än övriga studerade branscher bedriver earnings management. Vår förklaring till detta är att övervakningen av företagens redovisning är generellt sett bra vilket minimerar möjligheten att bedriva earnings management men att det kan finnas brister för branschen Sällanköp..
Olika branscher, samma reformer? : En studie om trender inom inköp
Background: Røvik claim that both public and private sector, large and small firms, are working with the same administrative standards, recipes, as these are currently considered to be ?right?. He argues that this is partly due to the globalization of the information society, which is making it possible for recipes to spread rapidly. An area affected of this is purchasing, where many new strategic and organizational concepts have been developed. Nowadays, people argue that ?every penny saved in the procurement function, is an extra penny in profit? and that purchasing decisions affect the entire company and its performance.
Bank - En serviceorganisation? En fallstudie av serviceprocessen i Sparbanken Gripen
Att sätta personalen i fokus en modell om att möjliggöra för medarbetare? En fallstudie av Svenska Mässan.
Prisjämförelsesidor - Oberoende information eller marknadsplats?
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..
Styrelsens strategiroll i producentkooperativ - ett ramverk och en fallstudie
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..
IP-telefoni .:Utveckling på den svenska marknaden:.
Resursrelaterad informationshantering i uthyrningsverksamheter : En studie av verksamhetsstödjande IT-system och identifikationsteknologier
The management of assets in organisations today can be a challenging task and optimising their usage is critical to ensure maximum profit. For rental businesses offering tangible products efficient management of movable assets are an essential part of the business strategy. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how asset management and asset information management can be carried out in rental businesses and in what ways information technology can support it. By doing a literature review combined with a case study where three rental businesses and their use of information technology were examined we could identify several important aspects regarding asset information management. The results we have found is that rental businesses with a high degree of digitization in existing asset information management systems are able to rationalize existing work processes, which in some ways changes the roles of employees.
Talent Management - praktik eller bara retorik?: En studie om vad som format revisionsbyråers arbete med Talent Management
Humankapital blir en allt viktigare resurs för företag då utvecklingen går mot en mer kunskapsorienterad ekonomi. Medarbetares kunskap, motivation och förmåga kan därför, i linje med utvecklingen, skapa konkurrensfördelar för organisationer. Talent Management har utvecklats för att möta förändrade krav på arbetsmarknaden samt för att ta tillvara på medarbetarnas förmågor. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa hur tre företag i en kunskapsintensiv bransch, revisionsbranschen, praktiserar Talent Management samt analysera och förklara vad som format dess praktik. För att uppfylla syftet har studien haft ett deduktivt angreppssätt där tidigare teorier analyserats mot studiens empiriska information.
Systemutveckling med avseende på systemförvaltning
This final year project is dedicated to investigate the problem domain of system maintenance management. The purpose is to find problems in the system maintenance management of today. Whether there is any problem that can be elicitated in the requirements engineering?s phase that could help to obtain more maintenance management friendly systems and if it is not possible to obtain more maintenance management friendly, what else can be done?It has been learned that there are many problems today in the problem domain and the most great ones are the system documentation, stress and a systemknowledge lack among developers, system managers and system users.The requirements that have been found for this problem is good documentation, and use of simple solutions in the creating of the system..
Effektivisering av EPC projekt : Fallstudie Johnson Controls
In todays society the demand on companies to deliver better project management is crucial for them to survive. The higher demands from clients make older project management weak and unreliable. In the constructions sector more and more companies are created and the competition is higher than ever. The clients are aware of the higher competition in the construction sector. This has resulted that construction companies must now make their project management more efficient to create better projects and better relationship with clients. The purpose of this thesis arose from this problem in the construction sector.
Learning by doing - En studie om hur små managementkonsultfirmor arbetar med kunskap
Management consulting firms are an important part of the knowledge economy and they capitalize on the analytical ability and knowledge of their employees. Much research have been made on large consulting firms and their management of knowledge, but little is known about how small consultancies manage their knowledge. Even less is known about the management of knowledge in small consultancies specialized in change management. These firms rely solely on senior consultants and focus on the human aspect of organizational development. This thesis aims to show how these firms manage their knowledge and also provide an understanding of why.
Jämförelse mellan renskötsel och betesbaserad fårskötsel
This essay describes and compares the extensive reindeer management to the more intensive, but grazing based, sheep management system in Sweden. Differences and similarities between the two production systems will be investigated by elucidating the economy, land use and possibilities to influence production and economy through breeding, feeding and product development. The reindeer management area covers the northern part of Sweden whilst the sheep management is dispersed over the country. Both reindeer and sheep are ruminants and have relatively high demands on the quality and digestibility of the feed however reindeers graze on mountain-and forest lands whilst sheep often graze inaccessible areas or cultivated grasslands. Selection intensity is generally lower in the reindeer management compared to the intensity in sheep breeding.
Om att skapa en bättre vardag för de många människorna. En studie om IKEAs översättning och implementering av CSR
This thesis discusses the existential consequences for the human being in creatio ex nihilo, where the main subjects of discussion are contingency, freedom and identity. The starting-point of the discussion lies in the presentation of the history of the doctrine of creation, especially the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo. Once the historical and philosophical importance of the doctrine of creation is clear, the anthropological and theological consequences are obvious; creation is contingent and at the same time deeply dependent upon God. The contingency of creation may bring a sense of non-necessity among people, and therefore it makes the question of human freedom and identity in the doctrine of creation utterly important..