

41 Uppsatser om Malmo - Sida 1 av 3

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This paper intends to examine how two newspapers, one local and one national newspaper, reported the gang-related homicides in Malmo in 2011, and compares these two news reports to see if there are any similarities and differences. Another aspect of this study is to elucidate how these two newspapers constitute Malmo as a city. Fairclough?s critical discourse analysis is applied in this study, where I analyze the two newspapers? news coverage based on their content. The content is analyzed by studying the text?s vocabulary, grammar, cohesion, structure, transitivity and modality. One similarity is the use of objective modalities, where both newspapers have a tendency to make interpretations and speculations as fact.

Industrigatan som offentligt rum - en gemensam historia

Norra Sorgenfri a?r ett gammalt industriomra?de i o?stra Malmo? som sta?r info?r en gedigen omvandlingsprocess fo?r att bli en del av Malmo?s innerstad. Utvecklingen ska ske successivt under ett antal a?r och drivas av Malmo? stad i samverkan med omra?dets privata fastighetsa?gare och verksamma akto?rer, vilket go?r processen va?ldigt komplex. Malmo? stad har storslagna visioner fo?r omra?det och vill i ett tidigt skede utveckla Industrigatan, omra?dets ?ryggrad?, till ett intressant och attraktivt stra?k.

Endast en utopi eller en realitet? En studie om Malmö stads interkulturella förhållningssätt i skolan

Since a decade back in time, Sweden is officially recognised as a multicultural society. Different cultures exist side by side and the city of Malmo is one of the clearest examples of this setting. In multicultural societies, the dichotomy of ?us? versus ?them? is common, which leads to segregation and asymmetrical relations of power. The concept of intercultural education is in theory known to be able to create a position of ?us? where every culture is equally recognized and reinterpreted and thus become an alternative to the dichotomy.

Centrum i Periferin : En studie om periferins diskursiva rekonstruktion

Mot bakgrund av ett o?kat intresset fo?r stadska?rnan, i ba?de svensk planeringskontext och i diskursen om staden, belyser den ha?r studien den svenska planeringspraktikens intresse fo?r stadska?rneutveckling i perifera omra?den. Syftet med studien a?r att kritiskt analysera hur periferin konstrueras som rum fo?r stadska?rneutveckling och att fo?rdjupa fo?rsta?elsen fo?r vad detta inneba?r fo?r planeringen av staden.Studiens teoretiska och metodologiska ramverk utga?r fra?n ett diskursteoretiskt fo?rha?llningssa?tt vilket fo?r med sig ett antal logiker och begrepp som anva?nts fo?r analysen av det empiriska materialet. Det empiriska materialet tar utga?ngspunkt i hur utbyggnadsomra?det Hyllie i Malmo?.

Ungdomar och social integration i Malmö: En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om ungdomars upplevelser av och syn på social integration i deras vardag

This paper examines, through questionnaire, how young students in upper secondary school in Malmo experience social integration. It also contain what they think should be done in order to improve the integration between youth that are ethnic Swedish and youth that have a foreign background. To understand the subject we started with a review over Swedish integration politic and its influence over Malmo and social integration in the country. We have used such theoretical starting points as identity and ethnicity in relations to the social surroundings, social affinity theory and flexible mindedness, making of groups among youth and factors to promote social integration. Our conclusion is that the experience of social integration between the two groups depends on how you experience yourself.

Språk och integration

Abstract In general, language is the key to the community, to self-sufficiency and independence. Being able to speak the Swedish language is a part of the community integration. Integration also has a practical aspect that includes everyday life and affects one's opportunities in the labor market. Therefore, we have selected in this paper to focus on the language and integration but inevitably we will also discuss the education you need on the labor market. The purpose of this study is to describe how the staffs at the Language Café Nobel works for an increased integration in Malmo, and examine the significance of Language Café Nobel have for their participants.

Ekot av en skytt - analys av nyhetsrapporteringen kring skytten i Malmö 2010

Uppsatsen tar sitt avstamp i de uppma?rksammade skjutningarna i Malmo? under a?ret 2010. Syftet a?r att analysera hur media, i detta fall Sydsvenskan och Expressen, hanterade och skrev om de da?d och ha?ndelser som intra?ffade. Vikten ligger pa? vilka diskurser som anva?nds, hur makt hanteras och representationen av artiklarna som skrevs.

Datorn som hjälpmedel - Ett kreativt reskap, en distraktion eller en väldigt dyr skrivmaskin?

Skolverket skriver i den senaste la?roplanen (LGR11) att skolan ska ansvara fo?r att varje elev efter genomga?ngen grundskola kan anva?nda modern teknik fo?r bland annat informationsso?kning, kommunikation och skapande. Vad man da?remot inte skriver a?r hur eller varfo?r? I denna uppsats underso?ker jag varfo?r datorn a?r va?sentlig i skolan fo?r ba?de la?rare och elever. Blir datorn bara ett substitut fo?r skrivboken eller ger den elever nya mo?jligheter att ba?de so?ka och presentera kunskap och uppgifter? Eller blir datorn kanske bara ytterligare en distraktion sa? som mobiltelefonen eller kompisen bredvid? Samt ifall datorn har fo?ra?ndrat undervisningen eller om den ma?ste fo?ra?ndras? Detta underso?ktes genom intervjuer med la?rare och skolledare tva? ho?gstadieskolor, en i Malmo? och en i Lund samt en enka?tunderso?kning med elever pa? skolan i Malmo?.

Barn av vår tid : Ett inredningskoncept för ett ungdomscenter

In the project Barn av vår tid (Children of our time), I have worked with Fryshuset in Malmo and created an interior concept which is designed to express Fryshusets identity, support and encourage its activities and to create a functional environment for young people as well as staff. The purpose of this concept is to help teenagers to feel involved, important and safe. Floor plan, materials and furniture is carefully adapted to support the activities of Fryshuset and to give young people a feeling of coming home. They are also of course chosen with care for the environment. I have studied interior branding, how the rooms can give a sense of security and homely atmosphere and how young people can actively participate in the design of the premises..

räv&hare : Kollektion av ekologiska barnkläder från ett hållbart perspektiv, och med barnets behov i fokus. Strl. 50 - 92 (0 - 2 år).

In the project Barn av vår tid (Children of our time), I have worked with Fryshuset in Malmo and created an interior concept which is designed to express Fryshusets identity, support and encourage its activities and to create a functional environment for young people as well as staff. The purpose of this concept is to help teenagers to feel involved, important and safe. Floor plan, materials and furniture is carefully adapted to support the activities of Fryshuset and to give young people a feeling of coming home. They are also of course chosen with care for the environment. I have studied interior branding, how the rooms can give a sense of security and homely atmosphere and how young people can actively participate in the design of the premises..

Vems Möllevången

Syftet med studien är att sätta ord på förändringarna som sker på Möllevången i Malmö genom att testa om det skulle kunna förklaras med ordet gentrifiering. Samt hur dessa förändringar har påverkat och kommer att påverka människor. Metoden för genomförandet kommer till största del att bestå av djupgående intervjuer med människor som bor och vistas i området. Detta för att uppmärksamma vilka förändringar som sker, har skett och hur de upplevs. Sedan kommer berättelserna från intervjupersonerna att jämföras med gentrifieringen som den beskrivs av samhällsvetare och författare. Resultatet visar att det med högsta sannolikhet pågår en gentrifiering av Möllevången men att denna uppfattas olika av olika människor och inte behöver vara negativ..

Ett test av ett test- Ra?tten till staden

Va?ra sta?der finns till fo?r oss. I sta?derna befinner vi oss i ett gemensamt rum, ett rum som borde vara designat fo?r va?rt eget ba?sta. Vi har etablerat lagar och regler fo?r att kunna planera och kontrollera va?ra sta?der men kan det vara sa? att dessa lagar har kommit att bli kontraproduktiva? Ibland i frustration, andra ga?nger av lekfullhet, har ma?nniskor bo?rjat ifra?gasa?tta dessa regler och tagit planerarnas roll i sina egna ha?nder.

Marte meo i daglig verksamhet - En studie i hur Marte meo tillämpas inom daglig verksamhet

This report is the result of several interviews of employees within the field of pedagogy. The background behind this report is my period as a trainee in one of the daily activities in Malmo. In daily activities the employers gets training, education and guidance in Marte meo, which is funded by public finances. The method, which this study focuses upon is called Marte meo. It is a method of communicating and developing the means for the participants to evolve their skills in communicating and increase self esteem.

Cirkulationsplatser ? estetik och design :

The purpose with this final thesis has been to study the aesthetics and design of roundabouts and to ascertain important factors that influence the experience of them. The investigation was carried out through literature-, field studies and interviews with persons that in different ways have participated in the formation of roundabouts. Furthermore, six roundabouts have been explored in more depth so that the survey would get a more practical link. These six roundabouts all occur in the rim of a city and do thereby have an important role as a gateway. The environments in such contexts are often complex which adds additional difficulty in achieving a visually appealing design, especially when taking into account the usually high traffic intensity.

V-modulen, en del av en hållbarhetsstrategi.

The state of our society is frequently changing. Due to various factors, the pressure of creating a changeable city is high and necessary to adequately supply the needs for its inhabitants. But making these changes and adapt to the fast shifting state of the city is not always physical possible. Young adults and students is a group that often seeks to move to intensely growing city regions. The reason for this is a more promising job market and more attractive educations, but coincidentally the shortage of housing is extremely high in these areas.

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