

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 65 av 115

Populära bilderböcker och genus: Genusstrukturerna i de mest utlånade bilderböckerna 2007

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to examine if stereotype gender patterns are showing, and how they are showing, in the picture books that have the highest number of loan in Sweden?s three biggest cities. It is also a purpose to show if these gender patterns can be compared to the outlook on gender in the curriculum. The method used is a qualitative text analysis. 13 picture books are analyzed on the basis of Yvonne Hirdman?s theories on gender and Maria Nikolajeva?s theories on children?s literature.

Attityder till kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap : - stereotyper och fördomar bland poliser och sjuksköterskor

En mängd forskning har gjorts kring kvinnors hinder att nå chefspositioner och vilka fördomar kvinnliga chefer möter. Många studier visar att fördomar bottnar i bristande överensstämmelse mellan den kvinnliga könsrollen och ledarskapsrollen. Syftet med studien (n = 683) var att undersöka attityder till ledarskap och jämföra hur män och kvinnor inom två könssegregerade yrkesgrupper, sjuksköterskor och poliser, attribuerar manliga respektive kvinnliga egenskaper till ledaregenskaper. Hypoteserna baserades bland annatpå social identitetsteori. Resultatet visade att bägge yrkesgrupper förknippade framgångsrikt ledarskap med både kvinnliga och manliga egenskaper.

Utvecklingens dimensioner: utifrån ledarskapsutvecklarnas perspektiv

The market for management training programs is growing and the supply of the service is increasing and getting further diversified. A consequence is a market with a wide variety of definitions of the very concept of development, and subsequently a wide variety of practices and methods to achieve development. The individuals that are subject to these programs seldom know what they are purchasing, or what to expect. When assuming a transfer of the developers view on development to the subject, a need for a greater understanding of the concept arises. The purpose of this thesis is to understand what views on development do exist among management trainers and map underlying dimensions of the views to increase the understanding of the concept of development.

"Vi är hiphop!" : En kvalitativ undersökning om Femtastic

Female musicians and actors are being disadvanteged in the music industry, because of standards that prevents women from participating on equal terms. Unequal distribution of resources and status depends on power structures which creates an hierarchy. This study is about how an organization, Femtastic, works for equality and diversity in the field of music, how they experience their positions and their possibilities. Also how they relate to the cultural policy objectives. Femtastic is trying to create a structural change in the male-dominated music industry.

Ekonomiskt bistånd - ett genusperspektiv på socialtjänstens bedömningar och beslut : En vinjettstudie i tre kommuner

Income support is often described as the community?s farthest protection, as a last economic way out. From the clients perspective it´s very important to get possibility to an equivalent and correct assessment. Even if it´s an individual assessment the individual social worker´s assessment should not be different than other social worker´s, this from two aspects ? quality and the rule of law.

Grupprocesser i en multikulturell ledningsgrupp

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ledare beskriver de processer som uppstår in en multikulturell ledningsgrupp. Studien är designad som en fallstudie omfattande en multikulturell ledningsgrupp, med tio personer från sju olika nationaliteter. Teorier om ledarskap, multikulturalitet och gruppdynamik används för att visa på de komplexa grupp-processer som antogs kunna framträda. Forskningsfrågan som besvaras är: ?Vilka inomgruppsliga processer framträder i en multikulturell ledningsgrupp när gruppen samtalar om ledarskapet, multikulturaliteten och gruppdynamiken i den egna gruppen?? Huvudsaklig metod har varit fokusgruppmetoden.

En resa till företagets medelpunkt : - en studie av kompetens på mellanchefsnivå

The profit a company makes is dependant of its employees which means that their competence is important for the company to perform well. The middle manager has a central position in the organization and is expected to take on different roles. This probably puts a lot of demands on the middle managers and their competence. We want to contribute with a comprehension of how learning, competence and needs for competence can look at a middle management level. Furthermore we also want to find out what kind of strategy for competence development the middle managers want the company to use so their competence development can be facilitated.

Inhyrd i arbetsgrupp: en studie av arbetsgrupperna inom Luleå kommmuns vårdcentraler

Samtliga av Norrbottens vårdcentraler har länge haft problem i form av underbemanning av läkare. Landstinget har mött det problemet genom att använda sig av bemanningsföretagsanställda stafettläkare. Vårdcentralernas beroende av stafettläkare skildrades i denna studie ur arbetsgruppens perspektiv. Inom socialpsykologin finns ett flertal modeller för hur bland annat arbetsgrupper fungerar, utvecklas och påverkas. Faktorer som kontinuitet, målinriktning och ledarskap är alla begrepp som kan sägas påverka grupperna.

Transformellt ledarskap och inre motivation i pre-development projekt : En jämförelse mellan Scania och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset

SyfteSyftet med studien är att undersöka hur projektledare självskattar sitt ledarskap och projektmedlemmar upplever motivation i pre-development projekt på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset och Scania.MetodStudien är kvantitativ och deduktiv. För att undersöka förekomst av transformellt ledarskap hos projektledare och inre motivation hos projektmedlemmar har vi valt att använda två frågeformulär, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Leader Form respektive Work Preference Inventory. Båda formulären är undersökta av forskare vad gäller validitet och reliabilitet.ResultatResultatet i vår undersökning visade att projektledare på Karolinska hade en högre förekomst av transformellt ledarskap än de på Scania. I båda organisationerna fanns även transaktionellt ledarskap i ganska stor utsträckning medan förekomsten av passivt undvikande ledarskap var lägre. I analysen av underfaktorerna i MLQ Leader Form (5x-Short) visade våra data för transformellt ledarskap att idealiserade inflytandet och intellektuell stimulans låg högre på Karolinska.

"En liten stackare som man ska tycka synd om" : Om socialarbetares syn på prostitution ur ett offer- och aktörsperspektiv.

Author: Jessica Liljekvist and Emmelie Wiss CedergrenTitle: A miserable wretch that you should feel sorry for ? If social workers see persons who prostitute themselves as victims or agents. [Translated title]Supervisor: Marie ErikssonAssessor: Anders GiertzOur purpose with this study was to examine if social workers see persons who prostitute themselves as victims or as agents. We also wanted to examine how social workers see male and female persons who prostitute themselves. This study is based on the qualitative method and the result was analyzed with social constructionism, postmodern feminism and labeling theory.

En studie av samarbete i arbetslag under omorganisation

AbstractThis paper will examine the co-operation culture in teacher work teams in a primary school currently undergoing reorganization in the Stockholm region. This inquiry is based on qualita-tive interviews with teachers and work team leaders, and is aiming to answer how teachers co-operate during the reorganization process, to find the factors that affect co-operation. Our results show that the two teams practice communication, leadership and participation very differently. Currently there are clear differences in the work team?s tendency to develop and to work with the reorganization process, pedagogic methods, social and emotional awareness and ideological beliefs.

Vilka avancemangsfaktorer påverkar män och kvinnor att avancera på karriärstegen? : kvantitativ undersökning inom revisionsbranschen

Purpose: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explain how advancement factors affect men and woman to advance in their careers in the accounting profession.                                Methodology: A positivist approaches and a deductive approach, with a quantitative method was used to obtain the results of the analysis. Theoretical perspective: The theory describes the career stages, audit assistant, approved auditor, registered auditor, manager and partner. Their responsibilities and what it takes to get there is explained. Theory section also describes the different advancement factors from a gender perspective. Empirical: The empirical material is based on a survey conducted in respondents who represent the five career stages. The collected data is then analyzed using statistical tests. Conclusion: The analysis shows that the identified career advancement factors that limit and stimulates the male and female auditors? career ladder.

"Åreandan" : Som Gnosjöandan, bland kvinnor?

The female labour is still a rather unexploited resource in many parts of the world. Unleashing women?s potential, giving them the possibility to start their own enterprises would increase the economic growth. Not only does women's entrepreneurship foster greater equality in the world but it also creates a more versatile economy. Sweden is considered to be one of the most equal countries in the world; still, entrepreneurship is an area with sharp gender differences, especially in some industries.

Vägen till rektorsskap : En kartläggning av arbetsliv och karriärvägar för 143 rektorer i Sverige

This study aims to examine attitudes and conceptions of staff who work with mentally disabled persons, concerning normalization and gender. Six qualitative interviews with such professionals were performed and subsequently analyzed. Since the method of this study is qualitative, no claim of generalizability is made. The interview material has been categorized into themes by means of coding. The result of the study is presented according to those themes.

En kartläggning av målvakters tränings- och matchmiljö inom Svensk elitfotboll

Purpose: The purposes of the current study were to investigate whether there were any differences in the perceptual ability between professional and non-professional ice-hockey players and whether professional players are better at distinguishing, paying attention to and concentrating on what is important during intense physical activity. Method: Twenty male ice-hockey players (10 from both the Swedish first and third divisions) participated in the study. Wingate test were used for physiological measurements while three psychological tests were presented in front of the participants. Stroop, Flanker and Fast counting tests were used to measure perceptual and coping abilities during intense physical activity and the differences between the two groups. Results: Fast counting and Flanker word 2 tests showed a significant difference between the two groups, whereby the professional groups was faster and more accurate than the non-professional group in answering.

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