

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 42 av 115

Recensionernas retorik : Om könsroller i kulturjournalistiken

At the centre of this study lies the question if normative gender thinking affects the way poetry gets reviewed and how the reviews are written, this in relation to both the gender of the reviewer and the poet. The study crosses three academic fields; gender studies, poetry and journalism, and is based on the cultural studies theory of media affecting and even creating the world around it.The study is based on two types of analysis. One quantitative analysis based on the thematic criticism theory about detail studies that shows bigger patterns, this analysis focuses on how the poet and his/hers work are being treated in the reviews in areas such as how much space they´re given in the newspapers, how they are named by the reviewer and the tendency to quote the reviewed work.  And one qualitative analysis based on the new criticism method of close reading, that focuses on the reviewers way of writing and how that may be connected with theories of gender differences, this both connected to the gender of the reviewers and the poets.The material chosen for this study are all the reviews that were published in the same newspapers and that reviewed two specific poetry works by two specific poets chosen with great sensibility to age and career so that their difference in gender would be the most significant difference between them. The works were chosen based on year of publishing, they were supposed to be published as newly as possible and as close to each other in time as possible.

Artificiell Insemination (AI) hos hund : en sammanställning över användandet av seminering inom hundaveln i Sverige under åren 1995-2004

The use of artificial insemination (A.I.) as an alternative to normal mating in dog breeding in Sweden are controlled by regulations from the Swedish Board of Agriculture and by ethical rules assigned by the Swedish Kennel Club. Only veterinarians, who have a specific certificate and are specially trained and educated, are allowed to perform inseminations in dogs. Each artificial insemination must be documented and reported to the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) which, on the behalf of the Swedish Board of Agriculture, yearly presents statistics concerning the use of A.I. in Sweden. The objective of this study was to illustrate the use of artificial insemination in dog breeding in Sweden for the last decade, using the yearly reports from the Kennel Club during the period of 1995 to 2004.

Inkluderande undervisning

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka likheter och skillnader i undervisningen som finns mellan en grundsärskoleklass och en grundskoleklass. Undersökningens metod är strukturerade observationer genomförda av två observatörer i en grundskoleklass och i en särskoleklass på samma skola. Olika aspekter av undervisningen observerades, av vilka några kan anses utgöra förutsättningar för en inkluderande undervisning. Dessa är: samarbete mellan pedagoger i undervisningen, ledarskapsmodeller, cooperativt lärande (samarbetsinlärning), dynamisk pedagogik samt samarbete mellan pedagoger i problemlösande undervisning. Resultatet visar på likhet mellan de båda skolformerna beträffande användandet av en organismisk modell med ett demokratiskt ledarskap, där grundsärskolans pedagoger endast använder det aningen mer frekvent än grundskolans pedagoger.

Effekten av hormonsubstitution hos äldre män med åldersrelaterad testosteronbrist: en litteraturgranskning

Background: Testosterone is the most important androgenic hormone in the male. Aging is closely associated with reduction of serum testosterone which can lead to reduced muscle mass, muscle strength, bone density, and depression. These symptoms may be counteracted by administration of testosterone. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hormone replacement in men with age-related testosterone deficiency. Method: We performed a systematic review using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT).


 An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..

Activity patterns of snow leopards (Panthera uncia) at their kill sites

The snow leopard (Panthera uncia) is an elusive felid, native to the mountains in central Asia. Basic knowledge about the snow leopards? ecology has long been lacking but is advancing with the help of the GPS-technology. GPS cluster analysis can provide insight in the diet and prey selection of elusive predators, such as the snow leopard. Acceleration data from GPS collars can be used to study animal behavior but the two have never been combined to gain more detailed information of the feeding behavior of large carnivores.

Mellan makt och myt : om gravritual och brända ben från en småländsk vikingatida gravhög

For this essay, 12 liters of cremated bones from the Viking age grave mound RAÄ Berga 134:1 in Trotteslöv, Berga parish, Småland have been osteologically analysed.  The aim with this paper concerned questions as sex, age, number of individuals and animal species in the grave. Further questions that have been investigated are the relationship between the osteological sexdetermination and artifacts as well as which role animals played in burial rituals and as grave goods.The grave contained a middle-aged woman and a number of sacrificed animals: two horses, two dogs, three birds, a boar and a cat. The bones were fragile and very fragmented. One of the birds was determined as a bird of prey, and that together with findings of horses and dogs indicates hunting with bird of prey, an activity performed only by powerful and wealthy individuals.  The woman was buried in a mound of notable size, and with common grave goods for the time period: combs, beads, bronze and iron items. An unusual finding was textile which indicates high status. The number of sacrificed animal species also suggests that the grave belonged to a powerful individual. During the Viking age animals generally played an important role in grave rituals and as items to be used by their master in the next life.

Betydelsen av ledarens personliga varumärke för företagets varumärke : En kvalitativ studie om fyra ledare och deras uppfattning om sina personliga varumärken samt betydelsen varumärkena har för mervärdet i deras företags varumärken.

The personal brand derives from the marketing brand, and argues that a person can take control over other people?s perceptions about him or her. The personal brand can benefit the person but it can also give advantages to his or her company. The interest in, and the purpose of the personal brand, has increased the last ten years. Leaders of large companies in Sweden consider it to be of utmost importance to have an influence on their co-workers.

Öl- & alkoläsksmarknadsföring ur genusperspektiv

Alkoholkonsumtionen i Sverige är högre än på mycket länge. Med nya överenskommelser,som öppnade möjligheter för alkoholbranschen att marknadsföra sina produkter, utsättskonsumenter för ökad påtryckning av önskad kommunikation från företagen. Företagenskommunikation riktar sig gärna till den yngre allmänheten som ofta formar sinauppfattningar och attityder genom inlärning och erfarenheter. Uppsatsen behandlarhuvudsakligen företagets kommunikation med hjälp av tre angreppssätt; medieval,förpackning och reklam. Beroende på förespråkarens kön uppfattas reklamens inriktning oftaolika.

Medkämpe i arbetarklassens stora befrielsekamp : Föreställningar om klass, kön och skötsamhet i tidningen Arbetets Kvinnor 1927-1931

This is a study of the trade union journal for female blue collar women in Sweden, Arbetets Kvinnor, between 1927 and 1931. The purpose is to examine how a female trade union activist's constructs collective identity by those notions of social class, sex, and moral values that are articulated in the journal. The main theoretical basis is Alberto Melucci's analysis where he argues that a collective identity in social movements is made in an interaction between individuals, where the action possibilities and limits are defined. Another purpose is how the female blue collar worker's resistance and/or adaption to the male hegemonic trade union and the bourgeoisie hegemonic society are presented. The essay shows how the collective identity is made of both historical and contemporary images of the working class women as workers and trade union activists.

Konfliktundvikande eller trygg vid det jobbiga samtalet? : En kvalitativ studie om chefers upplevelser av hur kunskaper från deras tidigare utbildningar kan tänkas påverka deras ageranden vid konfliktrelaterade samtal med medarbetare

Arbetsplatskonflikter är ett svårt ämne som tenderar att resultera i konsekvenser för både anställda och chefer i organisationer. Då jag anser mig ha upplevt en osäkerhet och frustration hos chefer när de ställts inför konfliktrelaterade samtal, funderade jag över hur det kunde vara möjligt att till synes välutbildade chefer agerade på sådant sätt. För att närma mig en förståelse i fenomenet valde jag att genomföra en studie av chefers subjektiva uppfattningar om hur deras utbildning fungerat som stöd vid konfliktrelaterade samtal med medarbetare. Samt att undersöka hur chefernas upplevelser och agerande kan tänkas ha påverkats av utbildningen. Eftersom att chefernas egna upplevelser var av intresse, genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer.

Videokonst : En inblick i videokonstens värld

 An analysis in the work of Martin Kellermans comic ?Rocky? of the interaction between the male and female characters and of how each of their gender are portrayed. We are going to find out if it is probable for young adults to be affected by any eventual gender-stereotypes that we can find in ?Rocky? or if ?Rocky? consolidates a stereotypical image of men and women that young adults might have developed through different media. We conduct this analys by first reading through random seleceted ?Rocky? books and present some of the comic strips where men and women interact with each other or discuss the opposite sex..

Effektiv ekonomistyrning inom den offentliga sjukvården - en studie av Habiliterings- och rehabiliteringskliniken på Blekingesjukhuset

The purpose with our study is to investigate in which way a public field of action has succeeded to make the economic management more effective and also find out which factors/activities that have contributed to get the result of the budget in balance. We also want to find out in which degree the balanced scorecard (BSC) has contributed to the positive result of the budget. Method: We had started out from the qualitative method theory which is based on the hermeneutic theory, because we will interpret and understand. With this starting point we have chosen to use a case study with semi-standardised interviews supplemented with information from different documents, and to get the theoretic connection we have studied literature in the subject field. The analyse and even the theoretic connection have then started from, for this study, a special analyse model. Results: Througt systematic and target-concentrated management and through cooperated factors, with stress on a leadership that is both professional, visionary and un-combined, and there the staff´s is seen as a important resource, and there it is a clear strategy and objective to keep the cost of the activity within assigned budgetframe, has a public field of action, as the clinic of hab./rehab.

Intraprenad : - Ledarskapets betydelse för medarbetare vid en organisationsförändring

Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera hur ledarna för Katedralskolan i Växjö arbetar med att motivera medarbetarna vid införandet av en intraprenad. Fokus i denna uppsats är i första hand information och kommunikation ur ett ledarperspektiv men även till viss del utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv..

Matematik och flerspråkighet : När invandrarelever lyckas

The aim of this paper is to investigate and analyze practices in multilingual classrooms of mathematics in a compulsory school in Sweden where immigrant students have been known to succeed. The school is situated in a suburban and segregated area outside a major city where pupils come from mainly limited socio-economic backgrounds. The rate of second language learners are 70% of all pupils in this school.By using ethnographic methods, mainly interviews and participant observation, data was collected in four mathematics classrooms which corresponded to consecutive ages of education. The data include field notes and observation of artifacts in the environment as well as interviews and informal conversations with teachers and school leadership. Information from the school website, the authority in charge of quality in Swedish schools (Skolverket) and the municipality were also used.The analysis is based on a socio-political viewpoint that power is relational and reflected within schools.

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