

35 Uppsatser om Maize flour. - Sida 2 av 3

Vattenkvarnar - en studie om Hjul- och skvaltkvarnar och deras förekomst i Fulltofta socken

This rapport handles the presence of two kinds of watermills in the Swedish landscape. The first is a small type with a horizontal shovel blade and the other a bigger kind with a vertical standing shovel scoop. The rapport seeks for information of their capacity and how long they existed as flour producing units. A important issue is how small can a brook be and still run a mill. Finally the reasons for their disappearance in one selected parish is shown..

Utveckling av redskap för tillverkning av majsmjöl i Muthumba

Följande uppsats redogör för ett produktutvecklingsprojekt som har resulterat i ett förslag till ett handredskap för framställning av majsmjöl, tänkt att användas av kvinnorna i Malawi. Dock har det huvudsakliga fokuset i projektet varit metoder för produktutveckling för utvecklingsländer. Problemområdet som projektet har fokuserat på; framställning av majsmjöl, valdes efter en studie i Malawi. Problemområdet valdes eftersom det är ett viktigt område, då 50 procent av människornas kaloriintag i Malawi består av majs. Målgruppen för projektet är kvinnorna i byn Muthumba, som framställer majsmjölet idag.

Whole grain wheat : effects of peeling and pearling on chemical composition, taste and colour

The EU-project HEALTHGRAIN has suggested a new definition for whole grain which allows a small part of the grain to be removed during processing. By removing the outer part or the grain the hygienic quality will increase but it is not clear how the taste and colour is affected. So therefore in this study three different debranning methods, peeling, pearling and polishing, which remove the outer parts of the grains have been used on common and durum wheat. The dietary fibre and ash content, as well as germination was analysed in untreated, peeled, pearled and polished grains. The decrease in dietary fibre and ash was higher in grains that had been pearled compared to those that had been peeled or polished.

Utfodring av hästar i tropiska klimat : möjlighet att använda regionala fodermedel i Tamil Nadu, Indien.

This study consists of a literature study and a survey in Tamil Nadu, India. The aim of the study was to get an understanding of horse feeding in tropical climates and what kind of feeding related problems that could occur because of the fodder. Information and data were collected from eight different stables and from Tamil Nadu University of Agriculture in the region of Tamil Nadu in March-April 2009. The horses in Tamil Nadu were given rice straw, unknown grass, Cynodon dactylon, lucerne, maize, Pennisetum glaucum x Pennisetum purpureum hybrid and Chloris gayana as roughage. As concentrates, the horses were given wheat bran, oats, barley, soybean meal, maize, carrots, coconut cake, peanut cake, horse gram and chick pea.

Economic impact of fertilizers and improved seeds among smallholder farming systems in Central and Western Kenya

In Kenya, many families subsist on agriculture and of the country's around 40 million residents 70% work in the agricultural sector. 50 % of the country's gross domestic production (GDP) comes from farming, and thus the country is largely dependent on income from this sector. Kenya's population has tripled in recent decades, which have led to that food availability is a growing problem. To ensure food security, it is important that the return from crops increases. The aim of this study is to evaluate what impact the use of fertilizers and improved seeds has for farmer?s economic situation and income generation.

Stärkelsenedbrytningens betydelse för mjölkkors konsumtionsmönster och mjölkproduktion :

Feed intake in dairy cows is regulated by a variety of factors influencing hunger and satiety. One of the regulation systems includes the short chain fatty acids produced during feed degradation in the rumen. Starch can be digested either in the rumen where short chain fatty acids are produced or in the small intestine where glucose is the end product. Since glucose does not have the same effect on satiety that short chain fatty acids have, the site of starch digestion might be an important factor that affects feed intake and milk production. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of site of starch digestion on feeding behaviour (feed intake, consumption time, and eating frequency) and milk production. Because feeding behaviour is closely connected to the cows? environment, the study also included observations of behaviour. Three different feed rations were compared.

Whole-crop maize silage for growing dairy bulls : effects of maturity stage at harvest and feeding strategy

Trakealkollaps är relativt ovanligt förekommande hos hästar men är något vanligare hos småvuxna ponnyraser. Sjukdomen har ett progressivt förlopp och är ofta långt framskriden innan respirationssymtom som missljud, hosta och dyspné uppkommer. De tillgängliga behandlingsalternativen ger sällan tillfredsställande resultat och prognosen vid höggradig kollaps med grava symtom får anses som dålig. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om och i så fall i vilken grad trakealkollaps påverkar hästens användbarhet, detta gjordes genom att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad i arbetstolerans och lungfunktion mellan en grupp friska shetlandsponnyer och en grupp shetlandsponnyer med trakealkollaps. Den friska gruppen bestod av tio ponnyer och gruppen med kollaps av fyra ponnyer, varav tre hade trakealkollaps av grad 3 och en av grad 2.

Establishment and evaluation of a Barley starch isolation method with focus on representability

The high viscosity of barley material makes starch isolation problematical using regular methods established for cereals. An adjusted starch isolation method has been set up for barley, based on fractionation and purification. The focus is on attaining truly representative isolates of six flour samples selected for widely differing characteristics within the research program BarleyFunFood (BFF). Beside establishment of the method, this diploma work aspires to serve the BFF with isolated material of sufficient yield valid for further starch characterisation. A pre study was conducted evaluating available wet mixing equipment, experimental conditions and mode of procedure.

Klostridier och jästsvamp i ensilage ? orsak, verkan och samverkan

Yeast and Clostridia is a problem in silage for farmers as contaminated silage may result in poor animal health and milk quality. Clostridia can produce toxins that, when consumed, acts as neurotoxins, it may also cause blown cheeses if the Clostridia contaminates milk. The purpose of this study was to investigate the cause, effect and interaction of yeasts and Clostridia in silage. Clostridia are microorganisms which are strictly anaerobic and consume carbohydrates and protein in the silage. Yeast is a fungus that is facultative aerobic and feed on carbohydrates in the silage.

Mätning av ekosystemtjänster i jordbrukslandskapet :

Abstract In order to make the modern agriculture less dependent on non-renewable external inputs, it has to rely more on ecosystem services. The agricultural system produce not only food, fiber and fuel, it also generates other ecosystem services such as e.g. photosynthesis, recycling of nutrients, influencing local microclimate, pollination, biological control and detoxification of noxious chemicals. This study is an attempt to get a better understanding about the interaction among different ecosystem services and different habitats capacity to generate them. An evaluation of eight different methods is done. The ecosystem services studied are the ability to absorb solar energy, biomass production, botanical diversity, decomposition and natural predation of aphids.

Manure evaluation in dairy cows :

Manure evaluation has been suggested as a cheap, fast and easy method which can give information about the digestibility of the ration, the function of the rumen, where in the gastrointestinal tract the feed is digested and the health of the cow. An experiment was conducted to study how manure evaluation could be used as a management tool in Swedish Dairy farming. Manure was collected from cows on Kungsängen Research Station and from 9 other farms. The manure samples were analysed for dry matter, ash, starch, pH-value and particle size (wet sieved). Also, the consistency of the manure was determined on a 5-point scale and the colour and smell were noticed. Penn State Forage Particle Separator was used for determining the particle size of the roughage.

PET-CT, en funktionell och anatomisk avbildningsteknik

Under 70-talet introducerades Positron Emissions Tomografi (PET) och på tidigt 90-tal påbörjades en planering av att kombinera PET och CT utrustning i samma hölje. PET är en metod som avbildar funktioner i människokroppen och CT, som står för computed tomografi (datortomografi) ger snittbilder av patientens anatomi. Detta ger på så vis en bild av både anatomin och funktionen. Det ger mycket viktigt information för diagnostik och planeringen av patientens behandling. Mycket förenklat kan man säga att en PET-CT undersökning går till så att det radioaktivt märkta ämnet, spårsubstansen, till exempel FDG injiceras intravenöst och sedan avläser kameran hur sockret tas upp i vävnaden.

Ekonomiska konsekvenser av etanolproduktion i östra Sverige : en analys ur lantbrukarens och förädlingsföretagets perspektiv

This study analyses the economic consequences due to ethanol production in Eastern Sweden. The analyses consider the cooperative and the farmers as one vertically integrated company. The area that found the market in this study is illustrated in figure 1. The analyses assume that all members act jointly with the objective of maximizing joint profits at the farm level as well as at the cooperative firm. A mathematical model is created to calculate the optimal use of arable land.

Vårvetesorters effektivitet i användningen av kväve under den huvudsakliga tillväxtperioden

Crop efficiency in utilizing available nutrients is an important factor in increasing produc-tivity and reducing the environmental impact of agriculture. Nitrogen is the nutrient that plants need in the largest quantity and wheat, along with maize and rice, is the world's most cultivated crop. In this work, the Nitrogen Use Efficiency, NUE, during the major growth period, HTP, of twelve different spring wheat varieties, were examined. The NUE was calculated as the product of uptake efficiency of nitrogen, UN, and the conversion effi-ciency of nitrogen to biomass, EN. The purpose of this work was to find if there are varietal differences in NUE and its components among the twelve varieties and to link a high NUE to specific characteristics of the varieties.

Vilken föryngringsmetod ger bäst resultat på torra och friska marker, höst- eller vårplanering? : en jämförande studie utförd på uppdrag av Stora Enso Skog

Regeneration with scarification and planting is a well known method, but the plants have a tuff period in the beginning. Decease of plants comes from pine weevils, dry weather, browsers, wrong method of scarification and wrong time for the planting. These are some courses why not every planting gets successful. The purpose with this study is to investigate witch time of planting gives the best result, spring or autumn planting and to give a answer of witch factors are the main course of deceases. The goal is to have the study to decide witch time to plant after final felling. The choices of plantings were maid from a period of three years. Spring plantings were from year 2005, 2006 and 2007 and autumn plantings were from 2004, 2005, and 2006.The purpose was to compare differences in deceases at the same spring weather.

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