

686 Uppsatser om Macroeconomic variables - Sida 39 av 46

Fri utfodring av halm som strategi för att förhindra stereotypier hos uppbundna kvigor :

At present indoor tethering of dairy cows is still common but is not predicted to take part of modern dairy production. When conducting scientific studies of cattle it is generally necessary to tether the animals to maintain a controlled environment. Studies confirm that tethering and confinements of cattle severely affects the development of stereotypies in cattle. The feeding regime and feeding level have an immense affect on the stereotypi level in cattle. The aim of this experiment was to study dairy heifers that had never been tethered before the start of the experiment, to evaluate the affect of tethering on the development of stereotypies and the impact of the feeding regime on the behavior of the animals. Sixteen dairy heifers were tethered in a tie stall and divided in two groups with different treatments. Heifers in treatment E were fed restrictedly with silage and treatment EH was fed with the same amount of silage but also straw ad libitum.

Att restaurera forna tiders beståndsstruktur : ett exempel från Jämtgaveln

In Sweden today so-called "prescribed nature conservation burning" is performed due to the change in silvicultural law, certification and an increased knowledge regarding the field of fire in the forest landscape. The aim is to re-create structures and qualities made by the fire regimes of the past, though on a much smaller geographical scale. The structures and qualities to be re-created are for example broad leaf stands, trees with large diameter, heterogeneous stands regarding variables such as age and diameter. If we increase our knowledge of the constitution of forests characterized by fire, then we will be able to set goals for what achievements to reach both on landscape scale and stand scale. The aim of this paper is to try to describe how a stand from the past was composed regarding mainly the spatial arrangement and compare it with the stand of today in the same place. This to be done by using relict material, that is stumps and dead standing trees.

Aktivering av trafiksäkerhetskameror : En studie av kameraaktiveringens effekter på fordonshastigheter i Sverige

During 2006 an estimated number of 150 persons are supposed to have been killed in road accidents caused by speed limit violations. Through Automatic traffic security control (ATK) the Swedish road administration (Vägverket) is working towards lowering the number of speed related accidents. By placing the speed cameras on roads they've managed to lower the average speed at those places. The enlargement of the number of speed cameras is based upon knowledge about for example how high the risk is for speed related accidents on the roads. The speed cameras always measure the speed in which every vehicle passes, but aren't constantly activated to register speed violations.

Analys av turbulensmodeller för CFD

This thesis has been a part of Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB's evaluation of a turbulencemodel used in simulation of turbulent flow called PRNS (Partially Resolved NumericalSimulation). This model has promising properties and may be of use in savingcomputational resources. The purpose of this thesis was to analyze this model andcompare it with industrially applied models such as k-omega SST and LES (Large EddySimulations).PRNS works as a hybrid of the k-omega SST and DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation)where a constant, RCP (Resolution Control Parameter) with a value between 0 and 1are selected. This constant is then used in the calculations and determines thebehavior of the simulation. When RCP is set to zero the equation are the same as fora DNS simulation and when RCP is set to one the equations for k-omega SST issolved.

Strokekedjan från början till slut : En etnografisk studie om farlighet och tid i en akut vårdkedja

Varje år drabbas 30 000 svenskar av stroke, vilket innebär stora personliga omställningar och stora kostnader för samhället. Den mest effektiva behandlingen, trombolys, måste ges så snart som möjligt för att ha god effekt.  Samtidigt som det är av största vikt att ta reda på om patienten har några differentialdiagnoser som gör behandlingen riskfylld.Den här studien undersöker hur strokekedjan går till och vilka faktorer som påverkar beslutsfattandet. Studien är baserad på etnografiska fältstudier på fyra svenska sjukhus och materialet är analyserat med metoder från sammansatta kognitiva system och målorienterad design. Resultaten visar att trots olika organiserade strokekedjor på de olika sjukhusen är processerna desamma och direkt kommunikation är mest framgångsrik för att effektivt sprida information mellan dem. Neurologjouren är viktig roll som, liksom resten av aktörerna i strokekedjan, ständigt balanserar sitt beslutsfattande mellan effektivitet och grundlighet.

Norge - finansieringen av den åldrande befolkningen

As most developed countries Norway has an ageing population meaning that the number of pensioners is predicted to grow rapidly over the coming years. As a consequence the Norwegian pension system will not be able to provide for these future pensioners. Meanwhile, a rising number of early retirees and disability pension claimants is diminishing the real retirement age. Also the individual pension amount is growing while the pension system itself reaches maturity. In short, major reforms are needed in the Norwegian pension system.

En webbundersökning med panel : Vilka variabler påverkar om, hur tidigt och vad panelmedlemmar svarar?

Denna rapport ger en bakgrundsbeskrivning av datainsamlingsföretaget Norstat och hur de genomför en tracking-undersökning med panel via internet. Vidare analyseras samband mellan variabler som beskriver personer som ingår i undersökningen och hur dessa personer besvarar undersökningen. I rapporten tas också reda på hur länge en undersökning behöver vara igång och om inkomna svar skiljer sig åt beroende på när en person har svarat. En ingående beskrivning av bearbetning och de variabler som ingår i det använda datamaterialet kommer också att ges. Tidigare forskning med anknytning till paneler och webbundersökningar tas upp för att ge läsaren en nyanserad bild av för- och nackdelar med webbundersökningar.Logistiska regressionsmetoder har använts för att utreda vilka variabler som påverkar om en person besvarar undersökningen eller ej, samt vilka variabler som gör att en person besvarar undersökningen tidigt eller sent.

Den trojanska bloggen : Bloggreklam, en effektiv marknadsföringskanal?

Purpose  The purpose of this paper is from a consumer perspective analysis whether or not blogs are affecting a customer?s purchase behaviour to a larger extent compared to traditional marketing methods through TV commercials. Additionally, within the scope of this try to identify the type of consumers that are more influenced to a purchase decision by blog contents compared to others.Methods Through a quantitative approach this study will examine the effectiveness of advertising in blogs. A survey was used in order to collect data where the respondents corresponded to the population in Sweden in the ages 15-79. Initially the size of the blog audience was estimated and thereafter it was examined how many of these that were affected towards a purchase decision by blogs.

Optimering av sintrade kugghjul

Powder Metal (PM) gears are machine element components which operate under the same principle as conventional gears, but, due to their intrinsic material characteristic need to be designed slightly different, and its manufacturing process offers advantages previously unobtainable by conventional steel gear manufacturing methods. The use of PM in similar applications, such as synchronous hubs, makes them a suitable candidate for production in such material. The current master thesis work focuses on gear design using PM by utilizing finite element method (FEM) to reduce weight and inertia taking into account root bending strength and tooth deflection.First a topological optimization is used to determine feasible candidates for different web designs which have as objective to reduce volume, similar topologies were shown during different loading conditions; and hence, this topology was chosen as a suitable candidate. A shape optimization of the topological candidate was performed having as state variables root bending strength, independent for compressive and tensile side of the tooth loading; and tooth deflection, which in concept can be correlated to static transmission error (TE).Another aspect in this thesis analysed is the possibility to incorporate non-trochoid root geometry, a trochoid root is always present when machining with a hob, into the gear root and hence reduce the stress concentration here. Due to the use of PM, a non-symmetric optimized root can be achieved and hence be optimizing compression and tension.Results showed significantly lower inertia, for example certain results showed 40% reduced when compared to solid gear, with adverse effects as increase in tooth deformation and increase in maximum principal stress.

Identifiering och redovisning av immateriella tillgångar vid rörelseförvärv ?En kvantitativ studie om redovisningstransparens och kapitalmarknadens informationsasymmetri

The association between disclosure level and asymmetric information is a matter of importance andconsiderable interest to the financial reporting community. The theory in this area suggests that acommitment by a firm to increased levels of disclosure should lower the information asymmetry thuslowering the cost of equity. This theory may be compelling, but so far the empirical results have beenambiguous. Due to increased globalization the demand for high quality accounting standards has risen. In2005 The International Accounting Standard Board launched the standard named IFRS 3.

Vilken roll spelar chefer på mellannivå i en omorganisation : En fallstudie av Teliasonera

The economic development and industrialization that has taken place in many parts of the world during the past century has brought about a huge increase in economic welfare. During this process, it has repeatedly been debated whether the gains from economic development are shared by everyone or just a few. In the field of economics, vast research has been conducted on this particular subject ever since the 1950?s. The most famous contribution might be said to be Simon Kuznets article, Growth and Income Inequality from 1955 and the ?inverted U?-hypothesis that was formulated on the basis of that article.

Synchronizing migration with birth: an exploration of migratory tactics in female moose

Migration and giving birth are crucial decisions for animals during their life cycle, which may have lasting consequences on their population demography and fitness. Migration can entail a variety of possible effects for an individual, such as access to high quality food and reduced risk for predation. The moose (Alces alces) in northern Sweden is partially migratory and moose females are known to give birth to one or two calves. The synchrony between time of calving and timing of migration has not been compared before, especially in terms of energy maximizing and time minimizing perspectives, which may provide vital cues for fitness benefits of migration. I investigated effect of timing of birth and individual life history on distance, timing, stopovers and duration of 190 individually marked female moose that have been tracked for multiple years in ten different areas in northern Sweden.

Hamnens framtida roll

På uppdrag av SWECO Management AB utreds möjligheten till att kunna se korrelationer mellan åtgärder på en fastighet eller i dess omgivning och ett förändrat fastighetsvärde. Denna information skall vara SWECO till gagn i upphandlingssituationer, för att lättare kunna visa för beställaren om att tjänsten i fråga kan leda till ett ökat fastighetsvärde. Med utgångspunkt i den begränsade litteraturen, har information främst samlats genom en intervjuprocess med representanter från fastighetsbranschen. För att få ett brett perspektiv i ämnet, har representanter med olika befattningar, olika lång erfarenhet och med varierande utbildningar intervjuats. I studien görs avgränsningar om makrofaktorer, såsom konjunktursvängningar, ränteförändringar, finanskriser, låneinstitutens förändrade låneregler etc.

Fukthalt i GROT - påverkande faktorer :

This study was carried out at the request of the bio energy company Naturbränsle. The company handles annually 750 000 m3 of chips from logging residues from a large area, from Östergötland in the south to Härjedalen in the north. In that area, about 50 bio fuel plants are customers. When Naturbränsle deliver chips from logging residues to their customers, the moisture content varies from 30 % to 60 %. The aim of the study was to sort out the affecting factors on the moisture content in the chips during handling and storage processes.

Spelrörelsekrav och temporalt mönster i amerikansk fotboll : en deskriptiv studie av försvarsspelare

AimThe aim of the study was to develop a method for the survey of play movement demands and temporal patterns in order to enable a descriptive study of the defensive players in American Football. The overall aim was to  improve the understanding of how American Football is played to create opportunities for enhancement of current or developing new training methods to better suit football.MethodFifty plays from a Division 3 college football game on video from 2005 was divided into sequences of action for one player each from the defensive line, linebackers and defensive backs and analyzed with the video analyzing software cSwing. Every players sequence of action was recorded in a spreadsheet and noted on a scaled football field where distances were measured and together with time stamps from cSwing velocity was calculated.ResultsUsing this method it was possible to describe the play movement demands and temporal patterns which was the main task of the study. The defensive end worked on an average 4.61 seconds per play, the distance was 12.4 meters and average speed 2.5 m×s-1. The linebacker worked on an average 4.35 s per play, 13.7 m and at a mean speed of 3.0 m×s-1.

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