

686 Uppsatser om Macroeconomic variables - Sida 20 av 46

Talresultat hos 16-åringar födda med unilateral läpp-, käk- och gomspalt samt jämförelse mellan erfarna och otränade lyssnares bedömningar

In this study the speech of adolescents with unilateral cleft lip andpalate (UCLP) and delayed closure of the hard palate was evaluated.Evaluations were made with experienced speech-language pathologists(SLP:s) and lay listeners. The SLP evaluation consisted of typical cleft palatespeech variables and some of them were adapted for lay listeners. Attitudestowards the speech of the adolescents were investigated by asking laylisteners if the speech constituted any hindrance to vocational performance.The SLP:s mainly found nasal escape and velopharyngeal impairment (VPI),although to a small degree and extent. The lay listeners mainly foundresonance deviations and indistinct speech. The latter was associated withhindrance to vocational performance.

Kundrelationer inom banksektorn : Hur svenska storbanker verkar för att säkerställa kontinuitet och lönsamhet inom studentsegmentet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the major swedish banks look upon and promote student profitability as well as long-term relationships within the student segment from a CRM point of view. The study incorporates a qualitative course of action with an abductive research approach which has been carried out by conducting personal and telephone interviews with representatives from three out of the four major swedish banks Nordea, Swedbank and Handelsbanken. Our research finds that the banks appear to regard their relationships with students as long-term investments, but that they simultaneously seem to lack distinctive, clear and procreative strategies for securing these relationships. Furthermore, the development of profitability within the student segment is considered an informal process that does not necessarily need to be computed through the use of quantitative estimates. Also, educational variables does not influence the banks as they segment their customer base and the student-centred offerings within the banking industry is to be deemed as being standardized rather than differentiated..

Trovärdighetsattribution : Skillnader i lögn- och sanningsbias beroende på syskonplacering, femfaktormodellen och misstänksamhet

The aim of this study was to investigate people?s ability to detect deception and if variables such as birth order, personality and suspiciousness affect this ability. The study was conducted at Växjö University with students as participants (n = 278). A film of two people arguing both for and against their own personal opinions was constructed and participants assessed credibility on a categorical scale (Honest/Dishonest). Neither birth order nor level of suspiciousness revealed significant differences as pertains to credibility attribution.

Skötselavtal eller sköta graven själv : vilka faktorer spelar roll vid beslut om gravskötsel?

This study is a first attempt to try to understand what the variables could be that make the person responsible for the grave sign up for grave gardening services by the church or to maintain the grave by him- or herself. There has been almost no research done within this subject. This study has been made by a qualitative research method and interviews have been performed with both persons responsible for the grave who have gardening services made by the church and with those who maintain the grave by themselves. The characteristics that are affecting consumer behaviour and the buyer decision process are presented in the theoretical part of this study. That is done so it can be seen if a comparison between the results of the study and the basic theoretical concept is possible, resulting in an understanding of how the costumers think and argue about this question.

Märkta medarbetare - En studie om internt varumärke

Through this study we want to enlighten how different companies work with their internal branding and how well they succeed in this process. We also want to examine if there are any differences in this work depending on the companies market position. Following question is used to investigate this process;- In what way and how well are companies working, depending on market position to implement and maintain their work with the internal brand?For the study a theoretical model was created based on our existing theory. The model contains three main variables; create, communicate and uphold; i.e.

Revisorns etiska dilemma,var går gränsen för oberoende?

Law and regulations regulate the auditors? independence. An auditor should not only be independent in general, but independence in fact and independence in appearance. However, the regulations do not specifically describe how to act independence. It is the concerns of the auditor were he puts his limit for the independence.

Survival of the fittest?: Effekten av en varumärkeskris på konkurrerande svaga och starka varumärken inom en produktkategori

Almost every day newspapers cover companies and brands in crisis. This should worry companies as negative publicity has been shown to have a great influence on consumer perceptions on brands. In addition, brand crises have been shown to be contagious, meaning that they also affect consumers? views on other similar brands. This study aims to investigate spill-over effects of one brand crisis to another within a product category.

En grupp ungdomar i tvångsvård: bakgrund, begåvning och självbild

The aim of this study is to describe a group of youths in compulsory care at a SiS institution in the south of Sweden. The study focuses on intelligence (measured with WISC-III) and self-report, i. e. what the youths think of themselves (measured with Jag tycker jag är). Attempts were made to see if background factors (based on information from the standardized ADAD-interview) seem to be coherent with intelligence and/or self-report and if so, what those background factors are.

Agent Provokation - En studie kring avsändarens påverkan på provokativ reklam

Even though provocative marketing is a widely used tool among companies to distin-guish themselves from the crowd and catch the attention of consumers, there are several variables that remain relatively unexplored. This paper aims to investigate what impact the brand has on how provocative advertising is perceived and how it affects attitudes and behavior. An experiment was conducted where several well-established measures of ad effectiveness such as brand attitude, buying intentions and word-of-mouth intentions were used to analyze the effects of brand knowledge. The results show that a provocative advert lowers attitude and buying inten-tions for the established brand while it remains unchanged for the unestablished brand. This implicates bigger freedom for unestablished brands to elaborate with provocative elements in their marketing.

Ohälsa hos polisen : en explorativ undersökning av riskfaktorer och dess påverkan på mental ohälsa

Earlier psychological research on stress and its complex of problems has identified several factors which have shown a relation with the occurrence of a poorer mental ill-health. In this study some of these factors have been examined in 69 police officers from Stockholm, Lund and Helsingborg. In the study, police officers with high and low self reported ill-health were compared considering trait anxiety, alexithymia and posttraumatic stress symptoms.The results showed that police officers with poorer mental ill health had a significant higher degree of trait anxiety, the dimension of alexithymia difficulty identifying feelings and the PTSD-dimension avoidance and hyperarousal. The results also showed several positive relations among the variables that divided the groups. On account of the last-mentioned the results will above all be discussed in an integrating perspective..

Normering av en objektiv metod för att mäta käkrörelser med 3D-videoanalys vid tuggning samt en jämförelse mellan käkens rörelseomfång vid tuggning och tuggeffektivitet hos unga vuxna

This study aims at norming a new objective method to track and measure jaw movements in 3D (three dimensional) during chewing in the young adult population (n=41, age 22-30). Norm values of the range of movements and the duration were calculated. Intra and inter rater reliability was high. Masticatory efficiency among participants was evaluated with a two-colored wax, analyzed with picture analysis software. Regression analysis was used to calculate the relationship between movement and duration variables and masticatory efficiency.

Röstningsbeteende i utsatta bostadsområde : En studie om hur social miljö påverkar valdeltagande

Already in 1988, different levels of participation in the election between different districts of big cities in Sweden were noticed. The problem with low political participation in specific areas has almost always been theoretically explained through an individual perspective. This study is therefore focusing on the problem from a contextual perspective. The hypothesis for the study is as follows, in the case of Malmö the level of participation in elections are affected by social environment in which segregation will be the single highest factor. The dependent variable, participation in the election was tested by the independent variables representing social environment; origin, education, gainfully employed and income.

Transferfunktionsmodeller modellering och prognoser av Sjötransportindex

We have by Statistics Sweden (SCB) been given the task of using different dynamic regression models in order to forecast service price index for sea transport. The aim is to see whether these models provide better forecasts than those previously used. This essay aim to identify, estimate and evaluate the selected prediction models. Through our data material we were given access to 28 sightings of sea transport index during the period of 2004 q1 to 2010 q4. We have chosen to evaluate three different transfer function models, one ARIMA model and one naive forecasting model. The input variables we decided to test in our transfer function models were the price of petroleum products, the port activity in Swedish ports and the lending rate of Swedish Central bank. The results of our study suggest that transfer function models generally provide better models than the ARIMA model and the naive forecast model.

Katana databas 1.0

The task to this thesis has been to create an application, Katana-databas 1.0, for analysing c-code. The generated output gets stored in a data structure which content in the end of the program run gets written in a textfile which gets used by Katana. It's a tool for reverse engineering, developed by Johan Kraft at Mälardalens institute.Katana-databas has got the following limitations. (1) It can only handle preprocessed files, meaning it doesn't contain any rows beginning with "#". (2) Only complete files can be handled.

Ekonomisk tillväxt och utländska direktinvesteringar i Sub-Sahara

The Sub-Saharan countries have for a long time struggled with poverty and conflicts which might have proven hostile for investors. The analysis aims to see if there is a significant correlation between foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth and which cultural and institutional factors seem to be significant in this correlation. Considered are also other variables and their influence that might explain what motivates and gives incentives for foreign direct investments (FDI) and are used in the construction of a regression analysis. This to see whether there is an effect on the economic growth in relations to FDI. The results show that FDI is of significance to the economic growth in the region and the study shows that corruption seems to be the most significant institutional factor in the correlation with effect on economic growth and the ability to attract FDI..

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