

189 Uppsatser om MLA-angle - Sida 1 av 13

Basala och dentala avvikelser i sagittalled ? en jämförelse av två diagnostiska metoder

Tidigare har man använt sig av gipsmodell och profilröntgen som komplement till den kliniska undersökningen för diagnostisering av bettavvikelser i sagittalled på Tandvårdhögskolan i Malmö. Idag har profilröntgen uteslutits då patienten fått den dentala diagnosen Angle II:I. Vid Angle III används fortfarande profilröntgen som diagnostiskt underlag och för behandlingsplanering. I studien jämförs den dentala och basala diagnosen, hos ortodontipatienter, med intentionen att se hur väl dessa två diagnostiska metoder följs åt. Resultaten visar att patienter med Angle II får i regel behandling utifrån sin dentala diagnos varpå profilröntgen kan ses som onödig bestrålning för patienten.

Effekten av traktkil på det distala benets rörelsemönster hos travhäst :

Changing of the hoof angle is a common method for the treatment of many lameness-related conditions (Moyer 1980; Stashak 2002). Various studies in the literature have indicated different results of the effect of changing the hoof angle on the movement of the distal limb. Our study investigated the effect of raising the heel of the forelimbs by 10,7 mm on the movement of the distal limb. Horses trotted on a treadmill at several predetermined speeds. The kinematics of the distal limb was determined and variables including the extension of the fetlock joint were determined.

Optisk undersökning av dieselsprayer från en höghastighetsroterande insprutare

There have been changes in Earth?s climate system on both global and regional scale since the pre-industrial era and some of these changes are due to human activities such as the combustion of fossil fuels. This calls for the development of engines with a higher efficiency and less harmful emissions. One interesting concept is the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine, which has the advantages of potentially low emissions combined with high efficiency. However, HCCI with diesel fuel requires a relatively long fuel/air mixing time to ensure a "homogenous" charge.

Optimering av slutfasstyrning

Modern missiles must meet higher and higher demands. They should be autonomous, have long range and still have a big effect on the target. To maximize effect on target some missiles not only minimize miss distance, but also try to hit with a certain angle; often perpendicular to the surface of the target. In this thesis a method to guide the missile in the terminal phase of its mission where both point of impact as angle of impact are specified. The method consist of two parts.

Beräkningsprogram för gasfjädrar

This master thesis work was done by two students at Machine Design at KTH for Lesjöfors Stockholmsfjäder AB. The task was to develop a calculation program for gas springs. The program is going to ease the selection of gas springs for a given case of a lid that should be opened. The program is going to be used internal by sales people at Lesjöfors AB in Sweden and internationally. The program is therefore written in English.The program was developed in Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition.

Lättridningens påverkan på hästens rörelsemönster i trav :

The interest in horses and equestrian sport is constantly increasing, and so is the will in both riders and trainers to learn more about the effect the rider and its equipment have on the horse. The last twenty years, more and more studies have been performed were the horse and its kinematics have been in focus. The access to more advanced technology has made it possible to study areas, which earlier have been hard to reach. The knowledge about kinematics in the horse, and how riders and their equipment interact with the horse?s movement, is also of great interest to veterinarians in equine practice.

Orsaker till kalvningssvårigheter och dödfödslar hos SLB och SRB

Difficult calvings and stillborn calves are costly for the producer and lowering these frequencies can decrease the costs for the dairy operation. Each calving in the herd is registered by the farmer and stored in a central database. The information is used to monitor the level of calving-difficulties and stillborn calves in the herd and nationally. Monitoring of these registrations is important to detect possible changes. Breeding-value prediction for calving traits is based on the calving information in the database.

Internetbaserade insamling och behandling av data

AbstractAim of this project was to analyse signals and try to localize the position of source of sound. It is donewith three microphones which have 90 degrees angle to each other. Each microphone detects one partof the sound wave. The microphones are connected toan ADC which turns signals from analogue todigital shape. After that the three signals are transformed to a computer.

Automatiskt Nödstopp

In today?s industry it is starting to get more and more interesting with wireless systems and solutions for applications. To be able to reduce the amount of cables drawn to various machines which takes both space and an extra fee for every cable drawn. Some systems might require the user to use a handheld device that is directly connected by a cable which in some machines might be inelegant for the user.The goal with this bachelor thesis is to develop wireless monitoring of the machine operators position that is working with heavy industrial machinery. The thesis started out with researching different techniques for positioning a transmitter indoors, this was done in order to get a better understanding on how to go about.

Pilotmodeller till flygmekanisk simulator för JAS 39 Gripen

AbstractSAAB has for a long time used user controlled pilot models in ARES. ARES is a simulation tool used in the desktop environment for simulations and calculations of the JAS 39 Gripen fighter and other aircraft. ARES stands for ?Aircraft Rigid body Engineering Simulation?. To work with these pilot models has been both time-consuming and inefficient.


This report describes the design and construction of a prototype that automatically aims a microwave link towards a target. The link, that is located on a mobile aerial mast, is used by Saab Training Systems as a part of an infrastructure network. The report also discusses the development of a GUI that communicates with the control unit by Bluetooth.The control unit, called Pan/Tilt-controller, controls the position of the link by stepping motors. One motor controls the azimuth angle and the other one controls the elevation angle.By a GUI the operator enters the coordinates on its own position and the targets position. Hereafter a bearing is calculated and it will be sent up to the control unit.The control unit will sense its own direction by a magnetic sensor that works as an electronic compass.

Nyckeln till visning - En kvantitativ studie av att sälja och bli såld på detaljbilder

Previous research in the field of consumer marketing has confirmed the positive effects of divergence on advertising efficiency. Despite the coherent evidence, some industries lag in the adoption of these findings, one of which is the Swedish real estate market. Divergence has not been elaborately investigated within said context and this paper addresses the need of actionable insights for housing advertising. Starting with the proven success of housing firm Fantastic Frank who work with detail photos in contrast to the common wide angle, this paper examines theoretical implications of detail photos' characteristics. Besides being divergent, detail photos are also ambiguous which renders access to effects related to visual perception.

Kvalitetsprocesser och mätning av pinnfräsar : ? Empirisk studie av produktionsmätutrustning vid frästillverkning

This master thesis investigates quality procedures and measuring of solid carbide end mills, with the main focus on measuring equipment. The thesis has been written in collaboration with a special production department for solid carbide end mills at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. The department?s needs and constraints have been the foundation of the project and the main research question is: how to measure end mills in order to ensure good quality of the produced end mills. The project has contained both a theoretical study consisting of a literature review and practical studies in the workshop with the objective to identify an end mill?s main parameters and the relationship between an end mill?s geometry and the manufacturing processes.

Hora, Madonna eller Projektör? : En kvalitativ semiotisk studie med fokus på hur svenska framstående politiker förhåller sig till traditionella genusstereotyper på Instagram

Historically, men have always had a superior position over women, which has beenportrayed in all kinds of media representations. Visual communication is an importantpart of our daily life since the reality is reflected through images. The development ofthe Web has led to increased interaction opportunities, and new ways to communicate,mainly through pictures. Politicians have embraced this and use social media as a partof their daily work. They also use social media to portray themselves from a morepersonal angle, which has created a higher interest for their personal life.

Design och framtagande av mätanordning för ström och effek på trefas ledare : Josi Periferi strömmeter

The assignment is issued by Scania Maintence AB seeking a new approach to detect power changes in their industrial processes. The work has taken place at Ångströmslaboratoriet and tests have been performed at Scania AB Södertälje.Today?s society consumes enormous amount of energy. In both economically and environmental view, it is important that the processes are effective, with high power factor. There are many ways to measure power in the industry, what they all have in common is that the installation is advanced, requires time and planning.

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