

102 Uppsatser om Mölndals stadsbibliotek - Sida 2 av 7

Från läsesällskap till stadsbibliotek: Skövdes bibliotekshistoria 1830-1940

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to describe the development of the most important libraries in Skövde, starting from 1830. We conclude our examination about 1940, when the municipal library has been active for almost ten years, and the libraries started by the temperance and working-class movements have been deposited at the municipal library. In order to explain this process we describe the development of the Swedish public library and its predecessors, such as reading societies and the popular national movements? libraries, as a background and comparison to the early libraries in Skövde.

Internetanvändning på folkbibliotek : en studie av loggarna från den publika Internetanvändningen på Malmö stadsbibliotek

This study is an analysis of the Internet transaction logs of Malmö Public, Sweden [...].

Vad ska man mäta för att veta? ? en studie av resursfördelningen inom Stockholms stadsbibliotek

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to study resource allocation among district libraries within Stockholm?s City Library (SSB) on three different occasions ? 1996, 2001 and 2005 ? and to examine whether there exist any inconsistency between the state of the allocation of resources and what might be considered reasonable. During the course of the study, it became apparent that some measurements are more relevant than others when determining whether the allocation of resources is reasonably fair. The most relevant ratio is the share of net cost per capita in relation to population and the population?s composition of children, youngsters and persons with foreign background as a result of relevant political governing documents giving priority to these three groups.

Malmö stadsbibliotek och framtiden ? En diskursanalys av två stadsbibliotekariers tankar och visioner

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the discourses aboutthe future of Malmö City Library expressed by the chief librariansSven Nilsson and Elsebeth Tank. Furthermore, our intention is tostudy the relation between the two. The questions posed in thestudy are: how does chief librarian Sven Nilsson express the futureof Malmö public library between 1989-1997? How does chieflibrarian Elsebeth Tank express the future of Malmö City Librarybetween 2008-2010? How does Sven Nilsson?s and ElsebethTank?s thoughts and visions of the future correlate?Our theoretical and methodical building ground is in the discourseanalytical field, with Ernesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?stheories about discourse and society, as startingpoint.

"Döm inte boken efter omslaget" ? en fallstudie om det Levande biblioteket på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon ?Living library?, where people are lent out instead of books. First it is looked into what the Living library means to the person who is borrowing a living book and what it means to the living book itself. Than the Living library is put in a public library context. This is done through a case study of the city library of Helsingborg and the city library of Malmö.

Kvalitetsbegrepp och tv-spelsbestånd - En fallstudie av tv-spelsverksamheten på Malmö stadsbibliotek

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the quality notions used by the library personnel responsible for the video game department at Malmo City Library. Furthermore, the thesis aims to assess how these notions of quality relate to properties of the actual collection of video games. The empirical results are based on interviews with the responsible library personnel. The result is then analyzed by an interpretation of Carl Gustav Johannsen?s library adapted, theory-based, model of quality definitions.

Identitet, image och profil. En diskursiv studie av Malmö stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the discourses about Malmö public library that can be identified in several documents published by the library, articles, and various WebPages. Furthermore, our intention is to study the relation between the library?s identity, image and profile. The questions posed in the study are: Which identity discourses are Malmö public library giving expression for? What kind of conflicts between these discourses can we find? How is the identity, image and profile of the library in relation to one another? How does Malmö public library profile and market itself as a non-profit organization? Our theoretical and methodological building ground is in the discourse analytical field, with Enesto Laclau?s and Chantal Mouffe?s theories about discourse and society, as a starting-point.

Sociala medier för att hantera kundkontakter

KONTEXT. I takt med att Internets framväxt och fler och fler människor ansluter sig till sociala medieplattformar som Facebook, uppkommer nya sätt att interagera och kommunicera mellan varandra. Samtidigt ökar antalet organisationer och företag, som i sin tur måste hitta nya vägar för att deras marknadsföring ska sticka ut och bli uppfattad. För att nå ut till målgruppen med budskap, måste organisationen vara där målgruppen är. Därför har Facebook blivit en ny del av företags marknadsföringsredskap.

Sociala medier för att hantera kundkontakter

KONTEXT. I takt med att Internets framväxt och fler och fler människor ansluter sig till sociala medieplattformar som Facebook, uppkommer nya sätt att interagera och kommunicera mellan varandra. Samtidigt ökar antalet organisationer och företag, som i sin tur måste hitta nya vägar för att deras marknadsföring ska sticka ut och bli uppfattad. För att nå ut till målgruppen med budskap, måste organisationen vara där målgruppen är. Därför har Facebook blivit en ny del av företags marknadsföringsredskap.

Kunskapens tempel eller kunskapens saluhall: En diskursorienterad studie över förarbetet till Stockhoms nya stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master´s thesis is to explore how Stockholms new library´s identity is constructed, and further to relate the case study to a general discussion of the identity of public libraries in Sweden. This is done through analysis of the visions and plans that the planned library is based on. We feel that it is a relevant study since questions concerning the public library's identity are for library and information science as well as the institution. Questions posed in the study are: How is the roles and identity of the planned library described in the texts that form the basis of the project? What characterises the relationship between the present and the planned library? What discourses concerning the public library's identity can we see in the material?The theoretical framework of the thesis is a discourse oriented analysis based on the critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough.

Att arbeta med ungdomar. Hur Stadsbiblioteket i Malmö arbetar med ungdomar via nya medier.

Studiens syfte är att belysa hur organisationen Malmö Stadsbibliotek arbeta med ungdomar via nya medier och därigenom lyfta fram strategiska förslag inom området. Malmö Stadsbibliotekets arbete med ungdomar och nya medier studeras genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem anställda och en innehållsanalys med retoriskt perspektiv av webbplatsen Ungdomssidan. Strukturer rörande digital kommunikation med ungdomar synliggörs och problematiseras i förhållande till tidigare forskning, historiska och teoretiska ramverk. Det teoretiska ramverket tar ansats från kultursociologen Pierre Bourdieus teori om kulturella fält och tre centrala begrepp och teoretiska ramverk inom: kommunikation, makt och interaktivitet. Det framgår att Malmö Stadsbibliotek inte arbetar målgruppsanpassat via nya medier. Det finns inte någon digital verksamhet för ungdomar med en möjlighet till interaktion mellan ungdomar eller med personalen.

Förändring av Lidköpings stadsbibliotek 1952-1959: En utbildad bibliotekaries påverkan ur ett aktör- och strukturperspektiv

In this masters paper the change that Lidköping public library went through between 1952 and 1959 is described and analysed. The aim is to describe and analyse the reactions that arose at the time that the first professional librarian, Jörgen Elgström, acted to create a modern public library in the town. The issues that are handled are: How did the local politicians and the general public react to the process of change that was started by Jörgen Elgström? What were the consequences for the staff, the premises, lending, child and youth activities? The paper is concentrated around the period 1952-1959 because this is the time when Jörgen Elgström was working in Lidköping. Jörgen Elgström has a central role in the paper.

Estetik och funktion? En studie av tillkomstprocessen kring två svenska folkbiblioteksbyggnader.

The purpose of this essay is to study the coming into being of two newly built public libraries in Sweden, Malmö public library and Linköping public library. In both cases, the architect was appointed through a competition. We have examined the degree of importance that one has put on the buildings functionality and aesthetics, respectively. Furthermore we have studied how the cooperation between library staff and the architects has worked, and finally we have studied to which degree the parties involved think that the interests of the users has been taken into concern. The first main chapter of the report is an overview of the literature found on the subject where we present theories on library architecture used in Sweden as well as abroad.

Vad har hänt på biblioteket? En studie av kulturaktiviteter på Ulricehamns stadsbibliotek

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

Internetanvändning på Ronneby stadsbibliotek och Läsesalongen/Café Access, Stockholm

The paper aims to find out how staff and users at two public libraries and one Internetcafeuse Internet. The purpose has been to find out what they find and how they use the informa­tion they retrieve. The studies are based on eight longer interviews with the staff and 33 shorter with the users, who also were observed for a week. The paper includes a background chap­ter about Internet, search tools and the studied places. The following chapters are about pre­vious research, our survey and a discussion with the results, literature and our opinion.We have found out that Internet is usually used for information retrieval.

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