

6921 Uppsatser om Lower primary school - Sida 55 av 462

Internetspråk : En studie i högstadieelevers språk på internet

In this essay we describe the characteristics of the internet language used by senior-level school pupils. Our primary question formulation is: ?Which are the significant features of the youth?s internet language on a morphological, lexical, syntactical and orthographical level?? In order to answer this question we have analyzed 45 text ex-amples which is brought from two different internet forums, Bilddagboken.se and Un-gdomar.se, forums which are widely used by youths. The analysis has been made on a morphological, lexical, orthographical and syntactical level. We have also another question formulation which is: ?How is emoticons used in youth?s internet conversa-tions?? Thereby we also study the use of emoticons in the examples we have analyzed.Our conclusion in this essay is that the youth?s internet language is a language that in many cases should be seen as an own language; it should be seen as an entirely new and unique way of communication.

Utomhusmiljöns betydelse för hälsa och lärande : en enkätundersökning om gymnasieungdomars upplevelser

One of our big public health problems in Sweden is that human beings are too inactive in outdoor settings. That is why stress related diseases increase and influence humans both mentally and physical. The physical activity is halved among many children when they start school and the older they become the less they enjoy school. It is also an increasing problem that children and youth in today's society have lack of worthwhile experiences in the nature. The aim of this study was therefore to examine how the experience of outdoor environment had importance for health and learning on upper secondary school pupils.

Samarbete mellan skola och fritidshem : En studie om hur fritidspedagoger och grundskollärare samarbetar

Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka hur grundskollärare och fritidspedagoger samarbetar. I uppsatsen kommer samarbetet mellan skola och fritidshem att belysas. Det kommer att undersökas vad som fungerar bra och vilka eventuella brister som kan finnas i samarbetet mellan grundskollärare och fritidspedagoger. För att klargöra syftet kommer det att undersökas vilka synsätt som finns i yrkeskategorierna när det gäller samarbete mellan skola och fritidshem. Vidare kommer det att undersökas hur fritidspedagoger och lärare delger varandra sina kompetenser.

Jämförelse mellan hundskolans och Svenska Brukshundklubbens kursdeltagare i Skaraborg :

The aim with the present study was to investigate whether there is a difference between the course participants who find their way to the dog-school respective the Swedish Working Dog Association. The study have focused on four issues; why the course participants have chosen the dog-school respectively the Swedish Working Dog Association, why the participants bought their dog, if the participants are satisfied with their dogs and if it is more likely that they turn to the dog-school?s than to the Swedish Working Dog Association with their first dog? Course participants from two dog-schools and from two of the local clubs belonging to the Swedish Working Dog Association in Skaraborg, Sweden, answered a questionnaire. In total 85 answers were collected, including 60 from the course participants from Swedish Working Dog Associations and 25 from the dog school?s course.

En studie om lärares arbete vid övergångar : Hur arbetet som bedrivs i arbetslaget återspeglas på individ, grupp och organisation

 This thesis is based upon the assumption that in Swedish school today it is a wide gap regarding the information flow when pupils are switching school. This was one of the reasons Skolverket published a report clearly stating that this is the case. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and describe how teachers are working in a teacher team at transitions to see and understand what their work may mean individually, in a group and to the school as an organisation. The questions at issue is to see how the teachers cooperate during transitions and how they notice students in need of extra support and students level of knowledge during transitions. The two last questions at issue is first to see how teachers approach parent?s expectations on the school and the teachers, secondly it is to examine what implications their work will have on the school.

Utvärdering av magnetiska alternativ till optisk scanning

This thesis includes an energy survey of the Herrgården pre-school, which has a modern heating- and ventilation system, and a comparison with Östers pre-school which has an older system. An energy survey of Östers pre-school has already been done by a group of three students and all the calculations and values have been collected from that survey. As of today, both pre-schools are heated thru district heating. It will be much easier to make smart and feasible energy-saving-measures by first conducting the energy survey.Herrgården pre-school in Gävle houses 81 children, therteen teachers, one cleaner and one cook. It was finished in the middle of 2009 and the staff has been very pleased with the in-door climate.

Matematikens historia i undervisningen

The aim of this thesis is to examine how the history of mathematics can be used in teaching and whether pupils? attitudes to mathematics can be affected by this. In order to do this a school project about the history of mathematics is planned, implemented and analysed.The following questions are addressed:? Why use the history of mathematics in teaching?? How can the history of mathematics be used in teaching?? Can a historical perspective in teaching affect pupils? views on mathematics?The school curriculum emphasizes the importance of history in teaching. Literature, scientific articles and government inquiries call attention to the positive effects of including a historical perspective in teaching.The school project, which underlies this thesis, is put to practice by 25 pupils in a mathematics science profile class.

Barnlitteratur ur ett genusperspektiv

Vårt syfte med studien var att undersöka om och i så fall hur lärare arbetar medvetet med genus i litteraturen. Vi ville undersöka vilka böcker barn i två förskolor och elever i år 2 i två skolor väljer att läsa och vilka genusstrukturer dessa böcker visar upp. För att få våra frågeställningar besvarade har vi använt oss av halvstrukturerade intervjuer med fyra lärare, gjort boklistor på böcker barn i förskolorna har tillgång till och eleverna i skolorna läser, samt gjort textanalyser ur ett genusperspektiv av åtta av de mest populära barnböckerna i vårt material. Resultatet visar att de fyra intervjuade lärarna arbetar mycket med litteratur, men inte i någon större utsträckning utifrån ett genusperspektiv. De väljer eller påverkar inte heller elevernas val utifrån genus nämnvärt.

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av att samtala med barn om våld i hemmet- med stöd av hälsoenkät

Thirteen percent of the Swedish children declare that they have been beaten by their parents or other adults. While interviewing these children it has been discovered that they want adults to talk to them more about the violence they have experienced. Through intense research the understanding of the importance of asking patients about violence has deepened, during the last years and this year a new Swedish law has been instituted about the matter. The Swedish school nurses work shall be health promoting and preventive, due to the Swedish law about schooling. In this work the school nurses have an institutionalized task in performing health consultations with every one of the Swedish children.

Arbetsplatsförlagd utbildning - en verksamhet värd sitt namn? : -Om samverkan mellan skola och arbetsplats ur lärares och handledares perspektiv

AbstractIn the secondary-school program for hotel and restaurant complete courses or parts of courses are placed in workplaces so called workplace education (APU), this means that the content in the course plan must be discussed and be divided in a proper way between the school and the workplace, so that the students is gaining all the parts that is prescribed in the goals for the course.Interviews with tutors and teachers have been performed, with the purpose of investigating how the collaboration between the school and the workplaces should look like so that the APU fulfills the content and quality that are prescribed in the specifications of the education. The study shows that a better structure for collaboration between the school and the workplaces is needed. Lack of time and financial resources are the factors that according to the study reduces the possibility?s to (among other things) perform education of tutors, and for the teachers to plan and follow-up the APU-period..

Folkskolläraren i stad och på landsbygd - En komparativ studie mellan Halmstads Folkskola och Alsingska skolan i Veinge socken, södra Halland 1832-1882

During the 19th century the Elementary school and its teachers emerge in the city of Halmstad and in the parish of Veinge as well as in Sweden overall. The aim of the essay is to enthrone these teachers? conditions and a comparison is done between the teachers in these two places. The mate-rial that is used is for example minutes from the board of education in Veinge and the city council of Halmstad, collected works about the elementary school of Halmstad as well as litera-ture regarding the subject. The essay starts with a short background history about the Elementary school and its teachers.

En meningsfull fritid : En kvalitativ studie om fritidspedagogers uppfattningar av begreppet en meningsfull fritid och den egna yrkesrollen

The purpose of this study is to explore active after-school teacher?s perceptions of the concept of meaningful leisure time. The purpose of the study is also to investigate if the interpretations of meaningful leisure time affect the perception of their work roles and after-school teacher?s actual work in a leisure activity. The study also provides an insight into how afterschool teachers perceive their roles in general.

Tyska med elevers ögon

The aim of this study was to get a survey and a deeper understanding of students? choice of language at upper secondary school, as well as their attitude and motivation to the German language. The rapports of diminished interests in studying languages at upper secondary school raised our interest in how to go against this and motivate students to actually choose to study a language. The study parted from a student perspective with focus on learning, attitude and motivation. A quantitative study with 168 pupils from 11 secondary schools in Halmstad as well as short interviews with their teachers have been used and analysed.Our study showed that students are not particular interested in German.

Invandrarelevers skolframgång : En studie om de sent anlända ungdomarna i gymnasieåldern

This essay is a study about school success for immigrant pupils whose ages are between 16 and 19 years when they arrive to Sweden.The purpose of this study is to examine pupils difficulties in the school and the faktors which affect their success in the school and even possibilities which they can be offered by the school.This research carried out at two upper secondary schools in the municipality of ?Södertälje?. The method which I have used is a qualitative research method which depends on interviews.The results of the research shows pupils difficulties and the different faktors which influence their success in the school.My conclusions are that these pupils have many difficulties and to reach a successful schooling, the shcool have to give these pupils a variety of possibilities which builds with pupils self possibilities a foundation for a good and successful schooling.The research also shows that the both schools are not giving enough possibilities to these pupils. The education system in these schools doesn?t fits for multi ? lingual pupils.

Medias roll i valkampanjer : En studie av den franska presidentvalskampanjen 2007

Since the 1970s voting behaviour has changed. Party identification and class voting has declined. As the electorate becomes more volatile, campaign strategy and party image becomes essential. Political communication and mass media now play an important role in election campaigns. Therefore, researchers take an interest in the impact of media on public opinion.

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