915 Uppsatser om Loose housing - Sida 19 av 61
Effektiviteten i markanvisningsprocessen : En undersökning av samtliga markanvisningar i Stockholm 2004-2008
The lack of housing in the Swedish metropolitan areas is today a well-known fact. This isespecially true for the region in and around Stockholm. Due to the large amount ofmunicipality-owned land within Stockholm municipality the area for many new housingprojects are acquired through land allocation. How much time this process of land allocationconsumes for a typical project is today not really known. Equally unknown is the exactoutcome of the process, i.e.
Utformningen av ett förstärkt skruvförband på en differentialväxel i bandvagnen BvS10 : Analys av olika förband med hjälp av CATIA och MATLAB
This is a thesis presents a differential gear which is found in a tracked vehicle called BvS10. The tracked vehicle is manufactured by BAE Systems Hägglunds AB in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. The differential gear has a bolted house. The differential meets the requirement specifications, but the problem is that the bolts are sheared off because of the extreme torque that the differential is exposed to resist.Previous report on the differential show pictures of bolts which have been sheared off at the threads. This report is also includes three lists that explain seven different proposals which some are approved and some are not, and the report also presents the force, tensile, and shear stress.In a bolted connection there is both axial tension stress and radial shear stress, which can lead to wear out and broken bolts.
Vinterkvarter och sommarparadis - en fördjupning av översiktsplaner för Rälla och Stora Rör på Öland
Ett samrådsförslag till fördjupning av Borgholm och Mörbylånga kommuners
översiktsplaner för orterna Rälla och Stora Rör..
Återhämtning från psykisk ohälsa : En kvalitativ undersökning om återhämtning inom Socialpsykiatriska utförarenheten i Skärholmens Stadsdelsförvaltning
Denna studie syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur boendestödjarna beskriver sitt vardagsarbete med brukarnas återhämtning på två boenden med särskild service inom Socialpsykiatriska utförarenheten i Skärholmens Stadsdelsförvaltning. Vi har intervjuat åtta boendestödjare. Valet av respondenter har gjorts utifrån ett kvoturval, fyra boendestödjare från Frösätra samt fyra från Solholmen. Vi har gjort semi-strukturerade intervjuer med samtliga boendestödjarna och utformat en intervjuguide. Intervjuguiden berör fenomen hur personalen på boendena beskriver begreppet återhämtning, hur de arbetar med återhämtning, hur återhämtning nås samt hur personal beskriver sin roll.
Utrustning för automatmontering av ackumulator
This report deals with an exam report written by Olle Hjalmarsson and Thomas Likar, students at Högskolan i Halmstad. The project was carried out for Haldex Traction AB in Landskrona whose business consist of manufacturing automatic all wheel drive systems (AWD-system). These systems consist of a plate clutch which activates all four wheels of a 4-wheel driven vehicle. An important component in these clutches is the accumulator which basically consists of a piston under the load of a spring which creates an oil pressure with the help of an electric motor used for actuating the clutch.At Haldex difficulties has been experienced regarding the assembly of the accumulator parts due to the small tolerances between the piston and the hole of the accumulator in the cast aluminium housing. Attempts have been made to assemble the parts in existing robot cells.
Performance of laying hens in a cognitive bias task : effect of time since change of environment
In the debate on laying hen welfare, and specifically housing conditions, the main focushas been on physiological and behavioural measures. What is lacking is knowledge of howthe hen experiences the situation ? her state of mind.This study is an attempt to gain insight into the private mental states of former batteryhens. It uses a cognitive bias method based on spatial judgement, i.e. judgement of aambiguous stimulus placed spatially in between a reinforced and an unreinforced stimulus.This method has previously shown differences in judgement by animals in enriched versuspoor housing.
Frihetens bakgård en litteratursociologisk studie om självets identitetsvåndor i det senmoderna samhället
This Masters thesis is analysing four Swedish novels written by first time authors published between 1993-2002. The purpose is to make the fictitious main characters illustrate what conditions and obstacles there can be for the individual of today to create a self-identity. Anthony Giddens ideas about the self in the late modern society are used as a theoretical framework. In the core of Giddens theory is the concept of reflexitivity which means that the self must be constructed in a continuous fashion because the overall conditions in society are subject to constant change. The questions posed in this study are dependable on Giddens in general and the concept of reflexivity in particular.
Vad skapar boendekvalitet? : Analys av småhusområden
The purpose of this thesis has been to signify what creates quality for the dwellers. Bycreating a definition of the term we have showed how well the qualitycriteria?s has been fulfilled in the newly built one family house area Pumpkällehagen in Viskafors.The questions the thesis gives answers to is: What is quality for the dwellers inhousebuilding of today? and How well have these quality aspects been carried out in tracthousing areas? These questions have taken us to our main goal: To describe what qualityfor the dwellers is and how well it has been carried out in a certain area.The literature review is describing what was published before the making of this thesis.From four different publications within the concept of quality an analysis template hasbeen enacted. This template has been used for our case study, but is also supposed towork in future analysis of tract housing areas.Interviews was carried out with the areas architects; Ola Nylander and Mattias Karlsson,as well as the client; Mikael Bengtsson. From these we have gathered their point of viewon the background of the area, as well as their view on the term quality for the dwellers.Our work has brought us to enact nine different quality aspects, which we considercreates quality for the dwellers:? The Non-measurable properties? The rooms relative connections? Sufficient and user-friendly property complements? The property complements connection to the apartment? Location of the apartment and connections to the environment? Opportunities of outdoor activities? Orientation and transportation within the area? The social unity? The cost of the apartment and its form of tenureFrom the case study, using the analysis template, we can state that Pumpkällehagen is avery successfully built area where most of our assessment criteria?s and quality aspectshave been fulfilled.
Framgångsfaktorer för trygghetsboende. En utredning av olika aktörers inställning i trygghetsboendefrågan
Assisted living is a relatively new form of housing that received a government definition in 2007 in conjunction with a government appointed investigation of future alternative accommodation for senior citizens. The type of accommodation is intended for seniors who have the need for increased security, which may be a consequence of that they feel anxious or lonely. It concerns ordinary homes with qualities that suit needs of seniors. There is no allowance from the local municipality required in order for seniors to apply for these homes and so assisted living should not be confused with nursing homes/ sheltered housing. The purpose of this study is to identify success factors for a winning concept for assisted living in the Gothenburg region, on behalf of Skanska Project development.
Aktivitet som sjukdomsmarkör på kalvar i gruppsystem :
Since long, Sweden has had exceptionally low calf mortality compared to most
other countries. The tradition has been to keep calves in individual pens. With
increasing number of cows per herd there is now a larger interest in more efficient
and economical group systems for housing calves. However it has been noticed
that bigger herds have more health problems and higher calf mortality than
smaller herds. The early signs of disease are harder to detect when the animals are
not fed manually.
Tungelsta med trädgårdstema :
In this project, an area in the small town Tungelsta south of Stockholm, is in focus. Tungelsta is placed in the municipality of Haninge and it is for the planning department on the municipality, this project is made.
The task is to compose an arrengement of buildings and open spaces for a 50 hektar area. Today the area is consists of agriculture fields and forests. The area is placed near the railway station, in the city centre of Tungelsta, which makes it interesting and important to work with.
There are different opinions about the future plans for the area.
The effect of social rank on milking and feeding behaviour in automatic milking system for dairy cows
Today automatic milking systems (AMS) are growing in popularity. In these systems the cows are loose and have to get to the robot and the feed on their own. The cows ranking in this system affect their welfare. In this study data from seven years in an AMS was used and analysed. The aim was to investigate how ranking could affect the behaviour of the cows at milking and at feeding.
Minijob : en tysk arbetsmarknadspolitisk åtgärd
Växjö University, School of Social SciencesBachelor ThesisTitel: Minijob ? en tysk arbetsmarknadspolitisk åtgärdAuthor: Hanna PeterssonSupervisor: Lennart BergfeldtI?ve made a descriptional evaluation of the tax-free low-income action from Germany, Minijob. If the employees earns maximum 400 ? a month they don?t have to pay any tax. The employer pays an employer?s fee of 30 %.
Fattigvården i Gustavsberg 1869-1924
With the help of large amount of archive material I have examined how Gustavsberg in Värmdö were affected by the great labor migration in Gustavsberg porcelain factory during the period 1869-1924. I have chosen to investigate how the municipality dealt with the poverty relief issue out of the labour immigration perspective. To my surprise I found out that Värmdö was not responsible for Gustavsberg in the poverty issue. The workers belonged to the factory, which had a relatively well-developed system of poverty relief in place. This is not to say that the workers received any support from the factory to any great extent.
En fallstudie om effektivisering av kosthanteringen inom Nybro kommun
In December 2008 the municipal council in Nybro, decided that the municipality shouldreduce the budget for food service. The budget should be reduced by 2 100 000 SEK.They decided that the children- and education committee, and the care committee would haveto lower their budget with 1 264 000 SEK respectively 636 000 SEK. The change have to bedone under two years, 60 % should be done under 2009 and 40 % under 2010.As a result of the decision, many kitchens have to become kitchens that only serve food, notcook it. This will result in preschool staff and nursing staff take over some of the tasks fromthe kitchen staff. The municipal council also decided that entrepreneurs could take over one(later two) cooking areas.A kitchen that serves food means that there isn?t any cooking involved.