

42 Uppsatser om Logotype - Sida 1 av 3

Den visuella spegelbilden : En kvalitativ studie om mottagarens attityder kring logotypens roll som kommunikationsmedel

The main purpose of a Logotype is to harmonize with a company?s business concept and culture. This study is based on the receiver?s attitudes about three different Logotypes - Volvo, Telia and Mcdonald's. It informs the reader about the importance of a Logotype as a mean of communication and if the perceptions of the Logotype harmonize with the profile of the company.

SATS : En studie om studenters uppfattning om SATS marknadsföring

The main purpose of a Logotype is to harmonize with a company?s business concept and culture. This study is based on the receiver?s attitudes about three different Logotypes - Volvo, Telia and Mcdonald's. It informs the reader about the importance of a Logotype as a mean of communication and if the perceptions of the Logotype harmonize with the profile of the company.

Betydelsen av närmiljöns definition : En sambandsanalys av befolkningssammansättning, valdeltagande och röstande på demokraterna i New York

The main purpose of a Logotype is to harmonize with a company?s business concept and culture. This study is based on the receiver?s attitudes about three different Logotypes - Volvo, Telia and Mcdonald's. It informs the reader about the importance of a Logotype as a mean of communication and if the perceptions of the Logotype harmonize with the profile of the company.

Idrott som platsmarknadsföring : En studie av idrottens roll i Växjö kommuns marknadsföringsarbete

The main purpose of a Logotype is to harmonize with a company?s business concept and culture. This study is based on the receiver?s attitudes about three different Logotypes - Volvo, Telia and Mcdonald's. It informs the reader about the importance of a Logotype as a mean of communication and if the perceptions of the Logotype harmonize with the profile of the company.

Lindex - vägen till en tydligare logotyp

Lindex has a strong fashion position and is one of northern Europe's leading fashion retailers. Unfortunately their Logotype no longer measures up to the fashion level that is required. Surveys and interviews have been conducted with employees at Lindex, disscusing their Logotype. I have come to the conclusion that what is needed from Lindex side is strict guidlines for the employees to follow so that all information from Lindex to their customers is made with a great touch of fashion to it and in a coherent way..

Grafisk profilering för butiksmiljö : Creating a visual identity for a store

A new visual identity for the ski store Alpingaraget in Stockholm has been proposed as the result of this thesis. Theproposal includes a new Logotype, various printed matters, design planning of the store, interior design, signs and otherapplications.The theory section is within the field of graphic profiling and with some focus on profiling in stores.A clear visual identity is important for a company because what the company communicates internally and externallyshould be kept as consistent as possible. This is especially important nowadays when more and more similar products andstores are available. This means that the visual identity becomes part of the competition with other products and stores.The base elements in a visual identity are Logotype, colors and typograpy. Using these elements according to rules andtemplates makes a consistent visual profile..

Framtagandet av ett företags visuella produktidentitet

Aqeri has since the past year a new profile with name and Logotype, which has createda need for an updated visual product identity. The company is a leading developer,producer and distributer of IT products suitable for extreme environments in industry,defense and vehicles. This new profile with the different segments has together with aproduct identity from two companies resulted in that they have no clear designidentity on their products. From this background the aim of this research is todetermine how a development of a design identity is done to implement it to Aqeri.The design identity can be defined as a product?s identity visualized through its formor appearance which defines what the product is.

Luftfartsverket till LFV : En studie i ett förnyande av ett varumärke

The 1st of January this year the state owned Swedish Luftfartsverket changed their name into the shorter name LFV. The shorter LFV is a more modern version in terms of that the name is a proof of that the classic organisation of the state, Luftfartsverket, with this stepbreaks through boarders and finds new ways. Plans have existed before but since 2005 when Luftfartsverket lost its assignments from the government and become a state owned business corporation, the plans have intensified. Now, also for all the employees, it isgetting obvious that something is going on in the organisation.The purpose of this paper is to see how this newly made change of name and Logotype have been recieved and how it has effect the strategic choosen respondents within the organisation LFV. These choosen respondents have thorough knowledge of the organisation of LFV.

Utformningen hos toppuniversitets logotyper : en visuell innehållsanalys

Föreliggande studie syftar till att genom en visuell innehållsanalys kartlägga gemensamma drag i 120 universitetsLogotypers visuella utformning, samt undersöka samband mellan dessa karaktärsdrag och universitetens internationella rankningsposition.Med utgångspunkt från topprankningslistan Times Higher Education World University Rankings med 400 internationella universitet, indelade i fyra grupper i intervaller om 100 (d.v.s. rankningsposition 1?100, 101?200 etc.), valdes 30 universitet ut per grupp genom ett obundet slumpmässigt urval. Logotyperna för universiteten inhämtades främst från deras grafiska manualer.I studien presenteras förekomsten av generella drag med avseende på färg, typografi, typologi, detaljrikedom samt innehåll och form. Resultatet visade på tydliga gemensamma drag med i regel en till två dominerande karaktärsdrag per kategori.

Re-design av StretchFlex UF : Skapandet av en stärkande visuell profil åt StretchFlex UF

This paper presents the creation of a strengthening visual profile for StretchFlex UF. The project consists of an external as well as an internal part. The external part is on the order of the company StretchFlex. The company is created under the education concept by the name of Ung Företagsverksamhet (Young Entrepreneurship) and has passed on to the Swedish Championships in Young Entrepreneurship at the Stockholm International Fairs. Of that we have been commissioned to develop an updated Logotype for the company, for the current does not keep proper quality according to the client.

Är hälsa orange? : En kvalitativ studie av Norrbottens Läns Landstings byte av färg på Vårdcentralers logotyper i Norrbotten

Colours have been proven to have both a great physical and psychological impact on human beings. This essay investigates the rebranding of 37 Health Care Centers, located in Norrbotten, Sweden, and how 10 interviewees have experienced the new choice of colour on the Logotypes of these Health Care Centers.The theoretical framework used in this research process, consists of theories related to rebranding, the communication process, encoding/decoding and Goethe?s Theory of Colours.To gather information about how the 10 inhabitants have experienced the new choice of colour, a semistructured form of interview was used. In addition to these interviews, three people employed by Norrbotten County Council (NLL) were interviewed, to get to know more about the rebranding process and the message behind the chosen colours of the Logotype.Results show that the inhabitants had an overall positive reaction to the new colour choices, but that younger target groups lacked information about the new Logotype and the rebranding.Due to these results, recommendations were made that NLL should expand the quantity of media channels to reach these younger target groups, and thereby be able to attract more patients to their Health Care Centers. NLL would also profit from investigating the inhabitants experiences related to the new colour choices themselves, but in a larger scale, to achieve greater knowledge of how to proceed with colour choices in the future..

Produktion av marknadsförings- och korrespondensmaterial för DUCIS

The report describes the production of graphic correspondence and marketing material for DUCIS(Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies).A Logotype symbol is created on the basis of an element from the Celtic art, and a graphic material thatharmonies with this ideal of style is built around the symbol. A unique visiting card, correspondence cardand letterhead is produced to strengthen the identity of DUCIS outwards.The work proceeds with an international education folder which is an important element in the marketingwork for the MA-education which starts in the autumn of 2003. Two posters, one for the opening ofDUCIS in may 2003 and one for a conference in 2004, are produced. Finally, a redesign of the book coverfor NIS, Nordic Irish Studies, is carried out.The report describes the working process consisting of meetings, practical work and other elementswithin the process. The conclusion is that the work has been quite successful and that this, to a largeextent, depended on an engaged and supporting commissioner.

Karin Park. En grafisk identitet

The project Karin Park is an identity investigative project, to createa new interesting graphic profile for the ar tist Karin Park. Her newsound has taken her to a new kind of genre, where some standardsexists. The project creates a unique identity with Logotype, ar tworkand package design. The graphic profile is created able to be appliedin different contexts..

Human vs environment. En visuell identitet

This is a project with the main purpose to create a visual identity and platform for the release of the new started record label Human vs Environment, by finding a form and Logotype for the homepage and packaging of the first vinyl ep record by the artist Mr Kaizen. This has also been an exploratory work with the target to get a broader competence in the field of visual communication and increase my understanding of the designs communicative aspects of running a design project with an external partner from concept to finished product..

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