

5076 Uppsatser om Live action role playing - Sida 41 av 339

Att ge och få i gengäld - En kvalitativ studie kring betydelsen av ideella organisationer med social inriktning i det svenska välfärdssamhället

Today many sociologists speak about the modern world and the god and bad that it brings. In association to this discussion there is a tendency to speak about an increased individualization, a process that often also means more choices and possibilities. But in addition to this follows a big responsibility for how we choose to live our lives, since our choices not seldom also influences other people, both locally and globally. The aim of this essay is to investigate the importance of non-profit organizations with social direction in our Swedish welfare society and thereby also in a modern world where people's individual choices are becoming all more important. In order to answer my main issue I have implemented thirteen qualitative interviews, of which ten of the informers are from different non-profit organizations and three from different stately authorities.

Framtidens stadsträd för en fungerande grönstruktur

The effect of climate change places demands on how we build cities. Cities have to be built denser to meet the objectives of sustainability but as a result of this densification city green areas are at risk of exploitationand disappearing. The question this raises is whether there has to be an opposition between a dense and a green city?Urban trees are playing a very important role in cities. They stand as the major part of the vegetation in citieswhich are otherwise dominated with concrete and stone.

Lantbrukare och rådgivare : tillsammans kan de främja biologisk mångfald.

With the farming methods of the past century the agricultural landscape has changed. This has led to the fact that many habitats and species have been significantly reduced. Sweden is committed to the preservation of biodiversity through various conventions and laws. In the EU's Common Agricultural Policy there are currently agro-environmental schemes, which were created as an instrument for reducing the negative impacts of agriculture on nature and environment. Within this system any farmer who perform environmental measures are financially compensated for this.

Stor blandning - lika behandling. En bra metod för jämställdhetsarbete : en utvärderingsstudie av Svenska innebandyförbundets likabehandlingsprojekt

The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the working model, presented by The Swedish Floorball Federation, has been a good method to work with gender equality within Swedish floorball associations. The purpose of the The Swedish Floorball Federation?sproject was for its associations to develop a plan of action for how to act to be an equal treatment association pursuing an equal treatment sport. 13 associations answered the questionnaire study. The result show that the great majority clearly found a need of change to become more equally treating and most of those associations have somewhat of an idea how to realize those changes.

Systematiserad erfarenhetsåterföring inom byggbranschen. Ett arbete för att minska återkommande produktionsfel inom Tuve Bygg.

The climate changes that are occuring in the world have resulted in that the EU callingfor a 20 % reduction in energy consumption to the year 2020, to reach that goal theEU want the public sector to go forth as a good example. Västfastigheter owns andmanage the hospital buildings in the Västra Götaland region. To be able to reducetheir energy usage Västfastigheter has hired several consulting firms to chart out theenergy consumption on each hospital building. The biggest energy savings potentialhave been calculated and what the cost will be to perform each action. The energyaudit have been completed and stand as the decision basis for Västfastigheter?s choiceon which action packages that should be implemented.

Högläsning i förskolan : En undersökning i teori och praktik

Why should teachers devote themselves to reading aloud? Reading aloud has a given place in most of the Swedish preschools. Many teachers read to children. Research on the subject has shown that it is very rewarding for preschoolers to have stories read to them. They hear how the language is constructed, becomes aware of matter of text, and they are able to take part of how other people live.

Estetiken i skolpolitiken En jämförande analys av forskning om estetiska ämnens betydelse för lärande, deras roll i gymnasiereformen Gy11 samt i läroplanen Lgy 11

The artistic subjects disappeared from the obligatory curriculum of the Swedish secondary school in 2011. The purpose of this work is to analyze to which extent the new curriculum Lgy11 is based on scientific results when it comes to the role the aesthetics were given. This paper analyzes the documents that preceded the reform, such as Government Reports and Interpellation Debates, for a start. It continues with an analysis of an interdisciplinary group of researchers, whose scientific work include research of impacts of art and art education in ordinary education and learning in a more holistic perspective. Finally an analysis of the curriculum itself is made.

Hur hanteras och uppfattas övergödning i Östersjön? : En fallstudie av nationella handlingsplaner för genomförandet av Baltic Sea Action Plan och uppfattningar kring övergödning i Östersjöregionen

In November 2007 the countries around the Baltic Sea signed the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP). The action plan was an initiative from HELCOM due to the environmental status in the Baltic Sea. The action plan implemented a new approach with measures targeting the whole ecosystem. Eutrophication, hazardous substances, biodiversity and maritime activities constituted the main segments. The parties were to establish national implementation plans to fulfil the BSAP goals, which shall lead to good environmental status in the Baltic Sea by 2021.  The aim of this thesis is to investigate the points in common regarding conceptions of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea between the management, the science, the media and the public.

Det konstnärliga egot som altruism

My thesis is an attempt to clarify the purpose and workings of art in relation to the artist, his/her fellows and society. Can art be considered as a uniting force? If so, where does its unifying quality lie? How does art connect with the individual, the community and society? My interpretation of the political climate regarding the arts has resulted in an exploration of the question: What role does art have in society today?The artistic ego as an altruism ? within the title of this thesis lies an absolute paradox ? a paradox that through this paper is tested, reviewed and demonstrated as a way of describing art and its workings. The thesis is problematized and studied from several angles: Through the inner artistic process, both reflective and empirical, and through philosophical studies..

Turism i filmens värld : En fallstudie rörande tv-serien "Morden i Midsomers" potential som turismprodukt

This essay notice film and TV-series as a resource, which can be utililized by the tourism industry. To be more concrete, the aim of this essay is to examine if and how the Television series ?Midsomer murders? can be utilized as a tourism product. To fulfill the purpose of this essay, two different methods have been used: the study off literature and a content analyses, the later in form of a picture & film analyses. The results of this study showed that ?Midsomer murders? have qualifications enough to be a successful tourism product.

Studiebibliotek Halland En undersökning av folkbibliotekariens åsikter om sitt arbete med vuxenstuderande

The purpose of this Master thesis is to investigate issues concerning the role of the public librarian and their work with adult learners. This is done by examining Studiebibliotek Halland, a project initiated and financed by Kulturrådet, with the aim of improving for adult learners to use the public libraries in Halland. The major questions raised in this study are: How do the librarians interviewed experience their role as public librarian since the number of adult learners at the public library has increased? In what way do the librarians think they have to change their work in order to meet the demands of the adult learners? How do they feel about the change? Do they think their work will change more as a result of the project? Data was collected through interviews and the study is a qualitative study. The main results are that the librarians have a very positive attitude towards adult learners using the public library.

Kooperativt spelande : en testdesign till spelet Yellowfield Spacetravels som samarbetsspel

This report is about finding the cooperative elements in games and making a boardgame based on them. I tested different computer games and boardgames to try and get the cooperative elements and then I make a boardgame based on what I found.What I found during testing is that to be a fully cooperative game all players on the same team must win or lose together and one player should not be able to finish the game by herself. There are of course some things that can change this for example what kind of players are playing.My best advice is that you should decide that the game is fully cooperative from the beginning and build the game from that..

Kan positiv särbehandling rättfärdigas? En normativ analys av etnisk kvotering till juristprogrammet vid Uppsala universitet

Whether use of affirmative action can be justified is an ethical dilemma that hasbeen intensely debated. The question raises several conflict dimensions. Thepurpose of this thesis is to separate different arguments of the debate and classifywhich principles they are built upon. To accomplish this, an analytical instrumentis created where three different perspectives of equality, and deontology versusconsequentialism, are compared. A third conflict dimension, individual versusgroup ethical principles, is also considered.

Klimatneutrala företag - kan IT minska utsläppen?

The attention on environmental issues has never been as huge as today. The climate is changing and more and more evidence suggest that the cause behind climate changes is an increase of carbondioxide into the atmosphere. The increase in turn is considerd to be an act of human activity. Therefore some companies have decided to become climate neutral and implement information technology in their business in order to reduce their emissions. This thesis has three aimes: to calculate a small company´s carbondioxide emissions, study whether or not information technology could help to reduce these emissions and furthermore find out why some companies decided to become climate neutral and describe the concept climate neutral.

Poly - bejakandet av samtidigt begär och samtidig kärlek. : En genusvetenskaplig intervjustudie om att (vilja) ha flera kärleksfulla intima relationer samtidigt.

Poly, to live in several loving and intimate relationships at the same time, is one alternative to the mono norm. In Sweden polygamy is illegal yet in recent years poly has slowly started to enter the hetero normative political agenda and raise debate in the media. But what does poly mean, and how do those who identify with this type of relationship describe it in contrast to mono? The theoretical framework is based on a structural viewpoint of the changes in the organisation of the family and the growing de-traditionalism of society. Amongst other I use a Foucauldian perspective to explain the structural shift (yet not replacement) between an Alliance pattern and a Sexuality pattern.

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