

22343 Uppsatser om Literature study - Sida 12 av 1490

Vem vinner? Populär och litterär gestaltning i medierapporteringen om Nobelpriset i litteratur

Who will win? Popular and literary framing in media coverage of Nobel Prize in Literature by Magnus Wennerberg Autumn 2013Instructor Mats Ekström The question at issue in this essay is how does mass media frame Nobel Prize in Literature? The starting point is to study whether game framing is occuring in media coverage of Nobel Prize in Literature. Previously, game framing has been studied in coverage of politcs, contrasted against issue framing. Game framing means that media frame politics as a game, a contest between politicians about power. This kind of framing is supposed to be used by media in purpose of attracting larger audience.

Religionskunskap i mellanstadiet

The study will examine how teachers relate to religious studies for middle school students. Religious studies are the oldest but also the most contested subject undergoing the most changes over time. The subject is far from being obvious. Politicians and people within the school community disagree about the subject?s content and its name, some within the school system but also politicians like to call it topic of life studies or belief studies, while others want to keep the name religion studies.

Bedömning och betygsättning i bildämnet : En kvalitativ studie av elevers och lärares syn på bedömning och betygsättning i bildämnet

The purpose of this paper is to try to understand which negative effects grading and judging in art class can have on the students. The emphasise lies on how the media specific parts of the subject is affected. The goal is to get knowledge how students experience getting judged and graded and how this affects them, hence understanding which factors affects them in a positive or negative way in this process. The Literature study starts with a historical survey of the swedish grading system and the art subject in Swedish schools. It countinues to explain the current curriculum with an emphasise on art.

Supermarket Strategies : Kvalitativ studie av Ica Maxi, Coop Forum och Citygross konkurrensstrategier

This thesis investigates if a system for small scale electricity production located in anurban environment can be profitable. The work has been divided up into two parts,one extensive Literature study and one case study. The purpose of the Literature studywas to investigate the area, resulting in a choice of which technology to be studied indepth in a case study.In the case study a system containing small scale wind turbines and photovoltaicsmounted on Gränby Centrums roof was examined. From data containing wind power,wind direction and total irradiation, possible production from a system weresimulated. Three products of each technology were examined in the simulations.From the simulated production an economic analysis was carried out, this toinvestigate if a system is profitable.

Barn läser faktaböcker: en studie om hur några barn använder och uppfattar faktaboken

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate the notions and use of non fiction literature of children 9-11 years old. Moreover, this study tries to dissect the underlying concepts that exert influence over the target groups notions and use of non fiction literature. The method and empirical basis of this study is qualitative, with interviews of eight children within the target group. We use a theory of reading exchange to highlight the different areas of usability of non fiction for children. To emphasize how children use non fiction as representative for actual facts, or as non fiction with fictional content, we use a four-field correlation model.

En meningsfull tillvaro för äldre personer på särskilt boende/ A meaningful existence for elderly residing in nursing homes

Since the care for the elderly is a low priority there are shortcomings. One of these shortcomings are that the elderly living in nursing homes do not feel that they have a meaningful existence. The aim of this study was to identify which factors could give the elderly residing in nursing homes a meaningful existence. The study was conducted through a review of existing literature with a systematic Literature study. Scientific articles were found, read, analyzed and condensed.

Föräldrar, barn och genus : Föräldrars tankar och funderingar kring genusfrågor vid lån av barnböcker

This paper intends to examine how parents think and reflect on gender issues when they borrow books for their children at the library. The theory applied is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory of a gender system. A questionnaire was made available at the Children's department of Uppsala City Library in February, 2010. The material was compiled and analyzed with the intention to try to detect trends, patterns and themes, rather than statistics and hard data.Parents in the study perceive themselves as gender-conscious.

IT-stöd för riskhantering : En studie av risk och kvalitetsarbete vid ZERT AB

This paper presents a project and literature overview about how risk management and quality sometimes goes hand in hand and sometimes in two different directions. Meaning that the risk management can affect product or process quality differently depending on what risks an organisation chooses to control.The purpose with this paper is to get a deeper understanding about how risk and quality works together with IT-support and therefore we have been actively participating in a project with a risk management company called Zert. A Literature study and a qualitative interview study have also been undertaken to see what the customers and the other researchers have written, to be able to make proper conclusions on the subject.To easily work together and get the information that was needed, four methods where used. Besides the qualitative interview and Literature study the think-out-loud, card sorting and a variation on the extreme programming method where used to help visualize and improve communication both with Zert, the costumers and among ourselves.Zert is a risk management company that helps other organisations to control their different types of risks that they might be taking, by offering a system where the risk management process is held and providing consulting services by helping within the processes. Both Zert and their customers see the communication, knowledge and teamwork as something important as well as the quality within the work, processes and the end result.

Mjölksammansättning hos djur som helt eller delvis fastar under digivningsperioden

This Literature study assembles current knowledge about CODD (Contagious Ovine Digital Dermatitis). The aetiology of this disease is not completely known and to obtain a manageable overview, this study aims to summarize the knowledge from published studies and shed light on the subject. Search for literature on the subject has been made in the Web of Knowledge, PubMed and Google Scholar, and has been compiled in this paper. Footrot and ovine interdigital dermatitis are differential diagnosis of CODD and they possibly have a common role in the emergence of CODD. Several studies have drawn parallels to bovine digital dermatitis.

Spelarupplevelser i Azeroth : Immersion och Presence i World of Warcraft

This study examines the players experience, environments and objects in the videogame World of Warcraft. The purpose of this study is to get more knowledge about the players experience in the game with the focus on factors contributing to some form of immersion or/and presence. The data for this study were gathered using interviews as method and then analyzed with relevant literature in the chosen field. A game content analysis and a group of questions are tested with the results of the study which is presented at the end in with an analytic discussion. .

?De ska lära sig att leva?: En studie av några barnbibliotekariers litteratursyn och deras samarbete med förskolan

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate four children?s librarians? literature view and their collaboration with pre-schools. My main question at issue is ?What literature view do children?s librarians in this thesis have and how does this reflect their collaboration with pre-schools??. Another purpose is to study the canon process in relation to children?s libraries and pre-schools.

Managering av kompetenser vid IS/IT-outsourcing

Outsourcing in IS/IT offers organizations the possibility to use external resources, maximize flexibility and focus on core business, this prompts many organizations today to be less keen on developing IS/IT-services in-house. Sourcing IS/IT is however a complex activity in itself thus requiring competencies in many areas of expertise and lots of organizations has experienced the challenge of managing the necessary competencies to ensure successful Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO). A literature review in the field of outsourcing revealed the lack of a comprehensive competency management framework with the ability to guide competency resource planning in ITO projects. In order to highlight the problem area, an extensive and thorough literature review and an empirical case study which investigated the skills and assets in ITO projects at ten major Swedish organizations was conducted. The study found that it is possible for organizations through structured analysis of their intellectual capital, using the competency framework developed within the study, to plan sourcing processes and prepare the necessary changes to ensure the ITO projects can be implemented with the desired effect..

Med små steg in i kommunalpolitiken : Kvinnors politiska intåg i Katrineholm 1922-1994

This essay is about literature instruction in the last three years of Sweden?s compulsory school from one teacher?s and six of his pupils? perspective. The research is analysed from a socio-cultural perspective on learning and literature reception.The empiric material is based on interviews with the teacher and six of his students.The research shows that there is a difference between what the pupils read on their spare time and what they read during Swedish instruction. It also shows that the pupils wants literature full of action where descriptions of people and the setting don?t slow down the reading experience.The teacher is successful in finding literature the pupils appreciate but sees the value of literature on another level ? in the processing of the reading experience.

Perianestetisk omvårdnad av häst :

This work is a combination of a Literature study and a practical pilotstudy. In the Literature study essential physiological reasons of why anaesthesia of horses is so risky are explained. Diffrent methods of induction and recovery are brought up, together with significant aspects of positioning the horse on the operating table and perianaesthetic complications such as myopathy, neuropathy and limb fractures. The pilotstudy had the purpose of examine the bodytemperature of horses undergoing general anaesthesia and to control the perianaesthetic temperature measurements performed in Swedish horseclinics and veterinary hospitals. Our hypothesis was that the bodytemperature of the horses would decrease but not enough to cause a problem. The purpose of this work has been to gather more profound knowledges in the subject of perianaesthetic nursing of horses which is an important part of the assignment of a veterinary nurse..

Hur tron finner ankarfäste. Pastorers informationssökande i sin andliga tjänst

This Master?s thesis concerns the information behaviour of pastors in nonconformist churches (especially new evangelical and Baptist church communions) in Sweden in their spiritual service to the local parish. The thesis also looks into how the information flow functions in the pastors? context and why the information need appears as it does. The theory used in this study is contextual analysis based on Buckland?s, Weber?s and Patrick Wilson?s theories on authority and power structures.

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