

9029 Uppsatser om Liquid feeding system - Sida 45 av 602

Sandfångaren : En undersökning av mötet mellan en byggd struktur och ett landskap i förändring

The Sand Catcher                                                       The thesis project The Sand Catcher investigates the encounter between permanent structures and an ever-changing landscape. The migrating sand dune Råbjerg Mile in northern Denmark is 40 meters high and moves more than 15 meters every year. By introducing a solid structure on the site, the fast movement of the sand dune is emphasised and thereby our view of time and space.Through intuitively building models with varied openings and densities I investigated how architectural elements react with sand. From these experiments a series of spatial features and effects were found, generated from the meeting with the sand.The Sand Catcher is a solid and permanent structure. The sand is the liquid element that generates new spaces, circulations and experiences.

Comparison between different freezing and thawing methods for human spermatozoa

Preservation of cells and tissues by freezing at temperatures below 70°C has led to new possibilities for the storage of germ cells for fertility preservation. During the freezing process problems might occur, the greatest being ice crystallization which can cause membrane destruction and thus cell death. To minimize this risk, solutions that reduce the freezing point can be added to reduce crystallization and increase survival rates. These solutions are called cryoprotectants. The best method for freezing is still not known.The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of various parameters on the survival rate of human semen frozen with liquid nitrogen.

Lärplattform : En undersökning om lärarens krav och vad som bör övervägas inför implementation

Många lärosäten använder idag fler än en lärplattform, ibland inom en och samma institution, program eller kurs. Uppsatsens syfte var därför att ta fram riktlinjer för vad som bör beaktas vid val av lärplattform för att fylla organisationens behov och passa dess förutsättningar. Undersökningen genomfördes med en kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod där vi genom intervjuer med fem lärare vid Linnéuniversitetet samlade in deras krav. Resultatet blev en checklista som listar lärarnas krav och genom att kritiskt granskat litteratur kan vi rekommendera organisationer vad de bör överväga inför implementationen av en lärplattform..

Är OSSg2 ett lämpligt steg mot Open Source på verksamhetskritiska IT-system?

Sun Microsystems chose its own Open Source path by not following competitors in their commitment toGNU/Linux. Sun instead created its own Open Source project from the source of Solaris under the name ofOpenSolaris. The business model of OpenSolaris belongs to the new and more commercially viable OpenSource, referred to as OSSg2. This survey was based on articles on the adoption of Open Source in organizationsand István Orci?s publication Kritiska IT-System.

Föräldrars kunskaper om kost och karies

The purpose of this study was to investigate parents' knowledge about diet and dental caries. The survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire consisting of 19 questions regarding knowledge of diet and caries, and preventive measures. The questionnaires were distributed to parents who were visiting a dental hygienist or prophylaxis nurse with their children aged 0-3 years. A total of 88 completed surveys were collected. The study showed that the majority of the parents had knowledge about diet and dental caries.

Uppfödning av gyltor till hållbara suggor

Half of Sweden?s 140 000-150 000 sows are culled and replaced by 75 000 gilts annually. Culling of old sows is necessary and allows new breeding material to enter the herd. However, many of the culled sows are young, and have not yet become profitable at the time for culling. Therefore, it is an important question for the pig industry, how to raise gilts to sows with a high and sustainable production level.

Tydligt men komplicerat - om upplevelser av ledningssystem

De flesta företag använder sig av något slags system för att kontrollera arbetsflödet. Dessa system används av alla på företaget och därmed är det viktigt att undersöka, hur medarbetarna upplever detta system. Med en explorativ utgångspunkt gjordes en enkätstudie på ett företag i Västsverige. Resultatet visade att deltagarna, förutom några få procent i stort sett hade liknande positiva upplevelser. Ingen skillnad fanns heller mellan grupperingarna ung/gammal eller antal år de arbetat på företaget.

Systematiskt brandskyddsarbete med Hallsta pappersbruk som tillämpningsexempel

The aim of this report is to improve the fire safety at Hallsta Paper Mill in Hallstavik, Sweden. In order to do so large parts of a fire-protection management system for the paper mill has been created. The report begins with giving a general description of management structures and fire-protection management systems. An account is given for how management structures are designed, and how they should be implemented, maintained and updated. Thereafter follows a description of what routines and instructions should be included in a fire-protection management system..

Ärendehantering i Windows 8 : Nytt användargränssnitt för iipax permission

This master thesis was performed at IdaInfront AB. The aim of the thesis was toinvestigate how the design principles ofthe user interface in Windows 8 can beapplied to a case management system. Theuser interface in Windows 8 is based ona design language called Metro and it isprimarily designed for touch screens.Ida Infront AB wanted to know whatpossibilities and limitations the Metrointerface offers.The study has resulted in a prototypeapplication that is developed in Windows8. The prototype shows how the Metrointerface can be applied on a casemanagement system. Some limitations inthe usability have been identified inthe Metro interface when applied to acase management system.

"Som om barnet heter Kalle" : - En studie av mottagandet av ensamkommande, asylsökande barn i Sverige 2008

 The 1st of July 2006 Sweden made a change of authorities in the system concerning the reception of separated asylum seeking children. Prior to the change, the Swedish Board of Migration was held completely responsible for the reception of these children, who arrives in Sweden without their parents or any other relatives to care for them. Since the alteration of the law (1994:137) the responsibility for the housing of these children now lies within the Swedish municipalities, while the Board of Migration still handles their legal commissions. The change was intended to fundamentally improve the conditions under which these children were taken care of. However the implementation took a severe wrong turn when the municipalities weren't prepared for their new responsibilities and the immediate result was alarming. This qualitative study is based upon interviews with the people responsible for the reception of the separated asylum seeking children in the municipalities of Kronobergs County, as well as one of the two people in charge of the new system at the Swedish Board of Migration.

Register now and stay in touch : En studie om sambandet mellan CRM-system och företagsprestation

Title: Register now and stay in touch ? a study about the relationship between CRM-system and business performance.Purpose: The purpose with the study is to identify if there is a positive relationship between CRM-system and business performance in Swedish multinational companies in the industrial sector.Audience: This essay is addressed to the Swedish multinational companies in the industrial sector.Methodology/ Approach / Design: We have applied a qualitative method, with a deductive approach. Through an in-depth interview with the case company Benzlers AB, which provided the empirical basis, supplemented with the CSI-values.Conclusion: The study has presented evidence, that there is a positive relationship between CRM-system and business performance which has been confirmed by the positive increase in the CSI-value after the implementation of the CRM-system.Originality/ Value/ Contribution to knowledge The study contributes with its own results that fill in the knowledge gap about the subject in Sweden. The study finds that the CRM-system effectives the interaction with the customer and thereby business performance increase, with the CSI-value as unit. This therefore increases the value and importance of investigation of Swedish multinational companies, whose purpose is to satisfy the customer and at the same time, increase the business performance.Future research: For future research we suggest publishers to base the empirical basis through additional in-depth interviews with added case companies. In order to confirm the relationship between its validity in the industry, and also indentify what happens between inputs and outputs, which leads to increased business performance.Keywords: Customer Relation Management (CRM), CRM-system, customer satisfaction, business performance, Customer-Satisfied-Index.Thesis type: Business economy 61-91, Bachelor essay, Marketing (15 credits), spring 2010th..

Generellt mät- och styrsystem

Examensarbetets syfte var att skapa ett generellt mät- och styrsystem som är möjligt att fjärrstyra över Internet. Systemet består av en kontrolldator och ett antal separata moduler, vilka var och en realiserar någon typ av mät- eller styrfunktion. Användningsområdet för ett sådant system är brett; det kan exempelvis användas inom automation av bostäder, för process-övervakning och styrning inom tillverkningsindustrin, eller inom under-hållningsbranschen.Eftersom ett fullt utbyggt system kan bestå av ett drygt 100-tal olika mo-duler, är det här examensarbetet av praktiska skäl begränsat till att rea-lisera en handfull av dessa. Då systemet är enkelt att skala upp, är den be-gränsningen i antalet realiserade moduler i prototypsystemet inget som påverkar de erhållna resultaten. Exempel på storheter som kan övervakas är temperatur, avstånd, lufttryck och ljusstyrka.

Multiplexad Lusfältsavläsning

I framtiden kommer multiplexad detektion att spela en central roll inom kliniskt bruk. Detta för att utvecklingen av riktad molekylär medicin är på uppgång och kräver studier av interaktioner mellan makromolekyler. Inom forskning används fluorescensmikroskopi för multiplexad detektion men inom kliniskt bruk föredras det att studera preparat med ljusfältsmikroskopi. Dagens problem med ljusfältsmikroskopi ligger i att det är svårt att detektera flera olika markörer samtidigt, multiplexning. Olink har lämnat en förfrågan på en ny testbar metod för multiplexad ljusfältsavläsning (bilaga 3).Bland dagens metoder för multiplexad analys har NuanceTM som baseras på liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF) och SpectraLamp som baseras på agile spectral light source (ASLS) studerats och utvärderats.

UML i teori och praktik

Abstract During object-oriented system development, programming should be preceded by analysis and design to assure that the system fulfils the demands of the customer and simplify during the development phase and documentation. When modeling the analysis and design phases, several different notations may be used. One of these is the UML (Unified Modeling Language) which this thesis will cover. The aim is to compare the use of the UML i practice versus what is said in the literature. The investigation is built upon interviews at different companies to receive their reflections about the UML.

Analys av fördelningssystem för bostadshus

The purpose of this project is to analyze earthing systems for houses. By practical measurements and theoretical analyzes consequences of possible faults, that can occur within the facility and in the low-voltage distribution network, is illustrated.  The reason for this project is that nowadays one has to arrange with a main equipotential bonding system for buildings. Apart from that, if necessary, bathrooms must be provided with a supplementary equipotential bonding system.The practical measurements verify that potential differences in facilities may be due to voltage drops in the PEN conductor between the origin of the electrical installation and the power transformer.Based on the theoretical analyzes of possible faults, it is considered that the requirement for  supplementary equipotential bonding systems for bathrooms in most cases can be questioned, when basic insulation, fault protection, residual current devise and main equipotential bonding system already provides an adequate level of protection.A PEN conductor loss may result in a situation where metallic parts attached to the equipotential bonding system starts working as earth electrodes. Equipotential bonding system may also increase the incidence of stray currents. If TN-C-S systems is provided with a local connection to earth a redundant system against PEN conductor loss is obtained.

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