

9029 Uppsatser om Liquid feeding system - Sida 44 av 602

Prestandaundersökning och återställning av degraderade RAID-system

Denna B-uppsats tar upp prestanda och återställning mellan två vanligt förekommande mjukvarubaserade RAID-system. Mjukvarubaserad RAID har blivit mer och mer intressant eftersom det är ett billigt och bra sätt att skydda sig mot hårdvarufel på hårddiskar. Tidigare har det inneburit prestandaförluster om man inte har använt en hårdvarubaserad RAID kontroller men med dagens snabba processorer är det inte längre så. Hårddiskar går för eller senare sönder och för ett RAID-system som ska vara igång tjugofyra timmar om dygnet är det viktigt att det även då fungerar med bra prestanda. Denna undersökning visar hur mycket sämre prestandan blir under sådana omständigheter samt hur lång återställningstid man kan förvänta sig på ett datorssystem uppbyggt av delar för hemmabruk.

En studie av ämnesklassifikationssystemet Outline.

This essay deals with classification of images using the subject classification system Outline. This classification system is used in regional museums and they do often have large collections of pictures. The regional museums have their main focus of culture history. The purpose is to look at Outline from four different aspects: 1. In what way is the system constructed looking at classification theory, 2.

Demonstratortest av gassensor baserad på tryckt organisk elektronik och jonledande papper

Researchers at Karlstad University have developed a method for making paper ion conducting. The reasearchers want to test this technique in various applications and produce products that make use of the ion-conducting paper. Hopefully this will drive the development forward and result in new applications for the ion-conducting paper.This study was to test the possibility of manufacturing a gas sensor of conducting paper along with electrodes of conductive polymers printed on the paper. By comparing the paper sensor with an electrochemical cell in which the electrodes of conductive polymer replaces electrodes of metal and ion-conductive paper replaces the liquid electrolyte in the electrochemical cell, it was hoped that it would be possible to measure the oxidation and reduction reactions that a gas could introduce at the electrodes.It was shown that it is possible to measure a potential difference in the range of 0.3 V to 0.5 V between the electrodes when exposing an electrode to 100% oxygen. The reaction that takes place is relatively slow and the reaction rate is partly due to the distance between the electrodes.Since the sensor can measure oxidation and reduction reactions it is possible that, in further development of a sensor, the sensor can be made ??into a versatile sensor with more applications than gas measurement as there are many more ways to oxidize or reduce the electrodes than by exposure to oxygen.During the study there have been discussions and meetings held with various companies in the sensor industry to be able to specify what the market demands of a sensor made ??of paper and the requirements that must be placed on the sensor for it to be interesting for the companies..

Mean value modelling of a poppet valve EGR-system

Because of new emission and on board diagnostics legislations, heavy truck manufacturers are facing new challenges when it comes to improving the engines and the control software. Accurate and real time executable engine models are essential in this work. One successful way of lowering the NOx emissions is to use Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR). The objective of this thesis is to create a mean value model for Scania's next generation EGR system consisting of a poppet valve and a two stage cooler. The model will be used to extend an existing mean value engine model.

Reducering av effektförbrukning i inbyggda system med Linux

Linux is a growing operating system in embedded systems. Today, Linux is not only in heavy servers but also in cell phones, PDAs, cameras and other devices running on battery power. While current technology is more energy efficient, more and more technologies are implemented into a single unit resulting in an overall increase of power consumption.Low power consumption is an increasingly important feature of a system today. Lower power consumption means lower costs, less environmental impact, and longer life for applications that runs on batteries.This work compiles methods to reduce power consumption of Linux systems. The work includes examining whether the available opportunities are platform-specific or of a more general nature.

Riktlinjer för mobil applikationsutveckling

Marknaden för mobila system har utvecklats enormt snabbt de senaste åren. Idag är det ett område med en allt större omsättning och det har vuxit fram som en helt ny gren inom Software Engineering. Utvecklare av mobila applikationer står ständigt inför en utmaning när det gäller att välja vilket mobilt system man ska satsa på när man utvecklar applikationer. Valet av system kan vara helt avgörande för om man hittar rätt målgrupp av konsumenter och därmed kan generera tillräckligt med omsättning för att driva lönsam utveckling av applikationer. Det räcker inte att enbart kolla på vilket system som har mest användare eller vilket system som genererar mest omsättning, utan man bör noggrant överväga de förhållande som gäller för just den applikation som ska utvecklas. Genom att följa denna guiden och överväga de olika faktorer som vi har sammanställt så kan man som utvecklare göra ett val som är baserat på aktuella marknadsundersökningar.

Utvärdering av miljöbonus IP-lantbruk :

The Dairy business is changing a lot because of some scandals in the agricultural area for example the BSE crises in Great Britain. Because of the scandals the food industry and the farm association have created a certifying system; IP-Sigill Swedish standard system. We contacted Skånemejerier as they have been successful in the certifying area. They asked us if we wanted to do a study in the certifying area of dairy farmers. At Skånemejerier they gave us most of the literature in the area about certifying. The result of the study, is that we have taken up the most common remark?s. The most frequent remark is journal over routines in management of dairy cows on daily basis. Another remark of the study is that the frequency of the remarks decreases with greater production..

Tubular polyethylene biogas digesters : development and testing of a biogas technology in Malawi to reduce deforestation and support climate change mitigation and adaptation

The aim of the study was to install a biogas system consisting of three tubular polyethylene biogas digesters at a rural household in Malawi and to evaluate the constructed biogas system with regards to relevant system parameters. The purpose was to evaluate if the technology is a possible solution to reduce deforestation and support Malawi in climate change mitigation and adaptation. The study was carried out in the southern part of Malawi in cooperation with the University of Malawi. Locally available materials were used to construct and install the system. Three different feed materials, cow, goat and a mix of cow and goat manure, were used in order to determine which one was best suited to utilise as a digester substrate. After the installation, measurements of temperature, pH, biogas production, biogas composition and system functionality were made. The results of the study show that a biogas system with tubular polyethylene biogas digesters can be successfully installed at a rural household and that the most suitable feed material is a mix of cow and goat manure.

?Tillvaron [...] vidgar sig? : Alberte ? en Ny kvinna i genusomskapandets tid

This essay examines the Alberte triology, by the Norwegian writer Cora Sandel, from a gender/feminist perspective. Taking Yvonne Hirdman's theory about the gender system as a starting point I will show how the living conditions and the different roles of men and women are represented in the novel and how they are changing during the centuries before and after the First World War.I am particularly interested in Alberte, the main character, what attitude she takes to her position in the gender system and in what way she differs from the traditional female model. Is she a New Woman, a different ?species?, who doesn't fit into the rigid gender system? Does the New Woman have a male counterpart, and is he to be found in the novel? Does the novel give a positive vision of a future where men and women can meet as equals?.

Företag med stor kassa - vilka är alternativen och vad vill marknaden?

The Swedish business cycle is in a strong position at the moment, leading to great results and larger profits. This strong business posture has encouraged companies to increase both their liquidity and revenue. Now there is a dilemma, what actions should or could a respectable business take on these newfound liquid assets.The purpose of this paper is to deliver a clear picture of what options there are for such companies listed on the Swedish stock-market, and how the market wants them to act. To these means we have studied the basic theories linked to this subject and reviewed the cause and effects that motivates them. We have also conducted interviews with the people representing the market through their line of business.In the theory we found several options on what companies in similar situations tend to do.

Microstrip Solutions for Innovative Microwave Feed Systems

This report is introduced with a presentation of fundamental electromagnetic theories, which have helped a lot in the achievement of methods for calculation and design of microstrip transmission lines and circulators. The used software for the work is also based on these theories. General considerations when designing microstrip solutions, such as different types of transmission lines and circulators, are then presented. Especially the design steps for microstrip lines, which have been used in this project, are described. Discontinuities, like bends of microstrip lines, are treated and simulated.

Att involvera anställda genom kommunikation ? Om betydelsen av kommunikation för utfallet av ERP-implementering

Forskningsrön tyder på att organisatoriska och sociala faktorer är den största anledningen till att 90 % av implementeringarna av ERP-system misslyckas. Förespråkarna för involvering av användarna för lyckad implementering är många. I denna studie har vi belyst en fallstudie i en relativt liten livsmedelsorganisation där det har studerats vikten av kommunikation och kommunikationsrutiner för att ta till sig ett nytt system samt hur detta har påverkat organisationens anställdas acceptans gentemot det ERP-system de implementerat. Denna studie visar att om kommunikation innefattar kunskapsförvaltning och kunskapsspridning kring det ERP-system som implementeras kan det innebära större acceptans hos användarna, då de får förståelse för varför saker och ting sker samt varför deras arbetsuppgifter ser ut som de gör, en kontext kring sina aktiviteter. Vi fann att kommunikationssättet, det vill säga huruvida den var formell och rutinartad eller informell, inte påverkar utfallet av användarnas acceptans gentemot ERP-systemet, så länge kontexten för aktiviteten förmedlas.

En fallstudie om en IT-process inom landstinget i Värmland : Ett föråldrat IT-system kräver verksamhetsförändring

Organisationsförändring behövs för att bevara hög effektivitet i organisationer när omvärldenförändras. För större organisationer behövs en tydlig avgränsning arbetas fram innanorganisationsförändringsarbetet startar. Landstinget i Värmland behöver utföraorganisationsförändringar på grund av ett föråldrat IT-system som används i verksamheten. Enmålgruppsanalys har genomförts av IT-systemet vilket resulterade i tre målgrupper. Intervjuer medpersoner ur de tre målgrupperna har genomförts vilket resulterade i data som användes till attanalysera och svara på rapportens två forskningsfrågor.

En undersökning av Libra IIIs OPAC utifrån två perspektiv

This master thesis is an attempt to study the interface in itself, where the human meets the machine and the problems that can arise. I study a particular interface, namely the OPAC of Libra III. In 1999 IFLA presented recommendations for what an OPAC shall contain, and in one part of my master thesis I compare Libra III with these recommendations from my opinion. In another part of my master thesis I make an investigation where I let five by me chosen persons answer some questions from me, both by doing and verbally. I draw the conclusion that Libra III follows most of the recommendations of IFLA in a sufficient way.

Låt den sista utvägen bli den första ingången : Att underlätta implementeringen av ett nytt intranät då dess föregångare underutnyttjats av de tänkta användarna

The purpose of this thesis was to ease the implement of an upcoming intranet for a target group who had used the previous system to an unwanted low extent. After qualitative and quantitative studies I found that the users of the current intranet thought it was hard to navigate and did not understand neither the relevance of it in their own work nor knew which information it contained.Since I did not have access to the new system by the time of the making of this thesis I concentrated on rectifying possible problems with the new system regarding the relevance and the contained information. With basis in a number of theories I produced an information brochure, whose object was to inform about the content and to convince the target group of the relevance and utility of the new intranet. .

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