

1006 Uppsatser om Line Extensions - Sida 1 av 68

Trenders påvekan på Line Extension - En fallstudie av Skånemejerier

The purpose of this study is to look at the Line Extensions of the Swedish dairy company Skånemejerier. We have chosen to focus on how trends in ecological products and Functional Food influence the Line Extensions. The competition in the food sector have made it harder for companies to be seen in the market area and the companies have to make their brands more visible. That is one of the reasons why companies work with Line Extensions. The study is based on a qualitative approach because we wanted to come closer to our subject in order to establish a greater understanding for the case itself.

Intäktsmodeller inom affärssystemsbranschen : Vilken modell ger mest hävstång i leverantörernas intäkter?

The purpose of this study is to look at the Line Extensions of the Swedish dairy company Skånemejerier. We have chosen to focus on how trends in ecological products and Functional Food influence the Line Extensions. The competition in the food sector have made it harder for companies to be seen in the market area and the companies have to make their brands more visible. That is one of the reasons why companies work with Line Extensions. The study is based on a qualitative approach because we wanted to come closer to our subject in order to establish a greater understanding for the case itself.

Line?extensions; A longitudinal study concerning effects on brand equity

Thesis purposeThe study aims to examine the effects vertical and horizontal Line Extensions might have on the total parent brand equity in terms of strength and its baseline product regarding of market share, loyalty and penetration under an elapsed period of time. The study aims to investigate a number of actual conducted Line Extensions effect on the above mentioned aspects of Kellers (1993) definition of brand strength as a part of the total brand equity. MethodologyThe effect of a number of Line Extensions of the parent brands and the baseline products is being examined in terms of market share, loyalty rate, cannibalization and market penetration. The thesis is focused on the correlations between these different parameters during a certain elapsed time ratio in order to test our theoretically routed hypothesizes in a deductive manner. Occasional correlations are derived from an indexation of data collected from the Gfk database.

Line–extensions; A longitudinal study concerning effects on brand equity

Thesis purpose The study aims to examine the effects vertical and horizontal Line Extensions might have on the total parent brand equity in terms of strength and its baseline product regarding of market share, loyalty and penetration under an elapsed period of time. The study aims to investigate a number of actual conducted Line Extensions effect on the above mentioned aspects of Kellers (1993) definition of brand strength as a part of the total brand equity. Methodology The effect of a number of Line Extensions of the parent brands and the baseline products is being examined in terms of market share, loyalty rate, cannibalization and market penetration. The thesis is focused on the correlations between these different parameters during a certain elapsed time ratio in order to test our theoretically routed hypothesizes in a deductive manner. Occasional correlations are derived from an indexation of data collected from the Gfk database. Theoretical perspective The study is derived from Kapferers (2004) definition of brand equity, where he is dividing the concept into three parts. This study is focused on Brand strength in particular, which is one of the parameters in the above-mentioned theory.

En framgångsrik linjeutvidgning

The purpose of this thesis is to highlight the work with Line Extensions by companies in the media industry. To obtain this purpose a case study was performed to learn about Norrbottens Media?s actions regarding their new launch of the magazine Extra. Information was gathered through an interview and media observations and was analyzed and compared to previous studies on the subject. Results of this case study show that the main reasons for the company?s line extension were new trends on the market and that the company had unexploited recourses to make use of.

Varumärkesutvidgningar för Personliga varumärken vs. Företagsvarumärken - Same same, but different

Today, branding is not a phenomenon but rather a prerequisite for a brand to be able to both survive and grow stronger. During the last couple of years, personal branding has come to be an established term, just like corporate branding. With the growth of the social media and the thousands of ways to interact with each other personal brands face great competition. It is more difficult than ever to maintain a strong brand, partly because of this. There are several growth options for brands.

Below-the-line : En fallstudie av små företags tillämpning av marknadskommunikation med fokus på below-the-line metoder

This study aims to research how small companies that operate on the Swedish home electronic-market utilize marketing communications to communicate their message. The focus of this study has been to research these companies use of below-the-line activities in their marketing communications. Interviews have been conducted with representatives from each of the three companies Neonode, Jens of Sweden and Tonium, that compose the selection from the population in this study. The use of below-the-line activities in small companies is mainly motivated by lower cost, which suit small company budgets. Below-the-line activities are also used for branding and the creation of credibility among the consumers when the target audience does not yet know the brand.

Sjuksköterskors kunskap om perifert inlagd central venkateter (PICC-line)

A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line) is a catheter that is inserted through a peripheral vein in the arm and then on to a central vein in the chest. It is used to give injections and infusions and to take blood samples of patients who need treatment for longer periods.The aim of this study was to investigate nurses' perceived knowledge of the care and use of PICC line in wards where PICC line does not occur daily. The aim was also to investigate if the nurses expressed a need and wished for more knowledge to be able to use PICC line, and if PICC line is not used investigate the cause of that.The study was of a descriptive design with quantitative approach. An online survey was answered by 40 nurses from five wards at a university hospital in central Sweden.A large number of the nurses who responded to the survey reported that they lacked knowledge of the care and use of PICC line. Despite this, three-quarters of the nurses usually use PICC line at the infusion / injection / blood tests on patients with PICC line, if they are cared for in their ward.

Prestigens inverkan på vertikala brand extensions för högteknologiska varumärken

Det är idag vanligt med företag som använder sitt befintliga varumärke för att nå nya målgrupper för att öka sin lönsamhet. Ett sätt att göra detta är att introducera produkter i en ny prisklass, en så kallad vertikal brand extension. Problemet är det att det är oklart exakt hur detta påverkar konsumenternas uppfattning om varumärket och vilka faktorer som spelar roll. Denna uppsats behandlar prestigens påverkan på konsumenternas uppfattning av varumärket vid en vertikal brand extension för företag inom den högteknologiska sektorn.Anledningen bakom att vi har begränsat oss till den högteknologiska sektorn är att det saknas empiriska undersökningar som behandlat denna bransch. All föregående datainsamling och analysering har tidigare behandlat för många branscher samtidigt vilket lett till ett resultat som inte nödvändigtvis är rättvisande för den högteknologiska.

Mikroföretags kommunikationshantering, off- och on-line, på
konsumentmarknaden: en fallstudie på två företag

The purpose of this thesis was to highlight how different aspects of market communication are used when micro companies choose to use both Internet and store selling activities towards the consumer market. The thesis dealt with off-line and on-line communication considerations with focus on advertising, interactions, and relations. In order to achieve this purpose a case study was conducted, that revealed that the companies acted according to theories. The conclusions drawn from the thesis were that companies tended to rely on traditional ways of dealing with advertising and interaction. We could also see that relations were created as a result of unconscious behavior and that the Internet activities still were on a basic level..

Brand extensions ? the influence of the parent brand

The purpose of this investigation is to come across the associations of consumers who are being exposed to a brand extension from a different product category. Moreover, our aim is to contribute to the knowledge of how consumers respond to these extended products, by investigating the influence of the parent brand. To fulfill our purpose, this study was conducted through qualitative interviews with consumers. In order to carry out our investigation and analyze our findings the following theoretical framework has been used: Customer-based equity, Parent brand affect and Perceived fit. Our data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews including consumers of Fiat and Marlboro brand extensions.

Personalen i frontlinjen som varumärkesbärare : En studie inom träningsanläggningar

The purpose of this research aims investigate whether front line personell are brand carriers who can affect the customers brand experience. This present study focuses on commercial fitness centers in Kalmar. Like brands, training is taking part in people?s everyday lives; fitness centers are offering the customer a wider range of group training.This thesis is based on a qualitative approach whereby eight interviews have been carried out with two members of the board and six employees of the front line. Additionally, this thesis is also based on three focus groups with four customers, representing the majority of each fitness centers.The research findings highlight that the front line employees are very important as they are seen as the brand; therefore the front line employee?s personality and behaviour will influence the customer?s view of the brand.

"Delaktighet är engagemang" : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av delaktighet hos mellanchefer inom hemtjänst  

The aim of this qualitative study is to examine the experience of participation among first line managers within community home care. The study is based on eight interviews with first line managers operating in a metropolitan area in Sweden. A majority of the interviewees worked in private companies.We have used two theories to interpret our empiri: Lean Production and Human Resource Management. The analysis resulted in seven themes: economy, leadership, participation, view on the organization, first line manager, private or municipally operated organization and expectations on the manager. Our results showed that all the interviewees experienced that they were participant in the organization.

Vitamin C? som i Choklad?: En studie av inkongruenta varumärkesutvidgningars inverkan på produktkategorin

The purpose of the study is to explain whether the introduction of a new and different brand by means of a brand extension affects consumers? perceptions of the product category that the brand is launched in. An experiment was carried out to study the following aspects: associations and constellations of associations to the product category, interest, perceived variation, and the perceived similarity with the category from which the brands were extended. In the study, brand breadth in the original product category was used as moderating variable. Aspects found to be affected by the brand extensions were associations to the product category, the constellations of these associations and the perceived similarity with the category from which the brands were extended.

Indirekt varumärkesutvidgning på den svenska bilmarknaden

Today automotive manufacturers are facing a crisis with increased pressure to strengthen their brands. To prevent declining results many automakers have chosen to extend its brand to other industries i.e. various forms of brand extensions. Automotive manufacturers have developed an international strategy for what merchandise to offer. The strategy has received an overall positive response, however, it does not apply well within the Swedish market where merchandise is sold in less quantity than abroad.

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