

2456 Uppsatser om Likets position på bålet - Sida 57 av 164

Sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av patienter med myelomatos och associerad kronisk smärta : en litteraturstudie

Background: Multiple myeloma is a malignant incurable cancer disease associated with severe chronic pain. The nurse has several important roles in the management of patients with multiple myeloma. This study focuses on nurse´s roles including the caring of pain relief.Aim: The aim of this study was to elucidate the nurse?s role in giving care to patients with multiple myeloma and associated chronic pain.Method: This literature study was based on scientific articles.Results: The nurse is in a key position to facilitate ongoing adequate pain and psychosocial assessment of patients with multiple myeloma. The study presents ways of relieving pain and suffering via different ways of caring management.

Skolsköterskans möjlighet att identifiera barnmisshandel : en litteraturgranskning

Barnmisshandel kan förekomma i alla samhällsklasser, trots att det enligt lag är förbjudet att slå sitt barn. Barnmisshandel brukar delas in i fysisk-, psykisk- och sexuell misshandel. För att kunna identifiera barnmisshandel måste skolsköterskan ha kunskap inom området, vilket saknas idag. Syftet med studien är att beskriva skolsköterskors kunskap och roll i att identifiera barnmisshandel. Studien utfördes som en litteraturgranskning och belyser flera tecken som skolsköterskan bör observera vid misstänkt barnmisshandel.

Ung och politiker - vadå då? En studie av tre kommunfullmäktige i Skåne, om unga politikers utanförskap

My thesis brings up the subject of power. In the 33 local authorities we have in Skåne, I have made a quantitative study, to see how many young people that are included in the power of politics, through local authorities parliament. This is the first of the two parts that I have devided my thesis into. The second part is qualitative and examines four young politicians, and their thoughts on holding a position that is so unusual to hold at their age. This is the basis for my analysis where I bring up age as a form of discrimination.

Kundvärde i byggbranschen : bostadsköpande kunder i byggbranschen

På dagens föränderliga marknad med ökande krav från kunder, är kundvärde ett konkurrensmedel för företagen. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka och analysera värdeskapande processer, gentemot sina kunder, som ett bostadsproducerande byggföretag måste ha för att behålla sin position på marknaden. Anledningar till att stora företag skall tillämpa processer inriktade på kundvärde är den ökande globaliseringen, konkurrens och förändrat kundbeteende. Små företag har traditionellt sett alltid varit tvungna agera utifrån kundens marknad. Studien har visat att detta är något de stora företagen bör ta lärdom av när det gäller planering av byggprocesser.

Ras är en konstruktion- rasifiering en process En jämförande diskursanalys i hur den nationella identiteten konstrueras mellan `svenska invandrare` och `norska invandrare` bosatta i Oslo

The aim of this thesis is to seek understanding to how a national identity is constructed. Five women and five men at the age of 21-37 years old have been interviewed during November 2005 and January 2006. All of them lived Oslo at the time. The informants have been divided into two groups, `Swedish immigrants` and `Norwegian immigrants`, none of the people interviewed is ethnic `Swedish` or `Norwegian`. The empirical material has been analysed with the help of Billig´s theory about banal nationalism and Laclau and Mouffe´s discourse analysis.

"Betyder det att han kastas i ruin eller att han inte kunde köpa hundra villor till?" : En receptionsstudie om hur pensionärer uppfattar ekonominyheter

Our thesis focus on how retirees perceive Tv4s news casts of economy news where we focused on five different aspects: What is the relationship between the news cast and the viewer and how does the viewer express their understanding of the news cast and the way it is constructed? What are the viewers attitude towards the news content and how do they find the news cast useful for them personally?We choosed retirees as our target group due to their vulnerable economic position in today?s society and TV as an important medium for them due to the digital divide. The study was performed with twelve qualitative interviews and one group interview where six retirees took part.We discovered a big interest for economic news in the target group. The majority had a sympathetic view of the news cast they saw but they also expressed skepticism toward the economy segment and/or news castings. The majority expressed a lack of trust for the journalists and the experts brought in to share observations and make announcements, and the financial business overall.

Power Shift and Retailer Value in the Swedish FMCG Industry

Background: The recent years in the Swedish Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry have been characterized by a palpable shift in power balance, favouring the retailers. Since the shift in power balance has strengthened the negotiation position of the retailers, the suppliers now have to, to a greater extent than before, accommodate to the retailers? goals, whether they be financial or strategic. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate how this recent power shift has affected the relationships of suppliers and retailers. This development has resulted in the rather new and unexplored area of retailer value, which this study further aimed to explore.

Varumärkesuppbyggnad och Marknadskommunikation i Svenska Fotbollsklubbar : En fallstudie på BK Forward & KIF Örebro

Background                      European football has during the past decades seen a fast development towards a more professionalized and commercialized climate. This had led to the fact that a lot of clubs are run like any other company, and the focus on marketing and market shares has increased. To be able to create a strong brand clubs have to put a lot of work into marketing, not only of their own brand, but of their sponsors and partners as well.Purpose                              The purpose of this study is to (in step 1) analyze how two smaller Swedish football clubs build their brand and work with their marketing communication. In step 2, the purpose is to create a model of how these clubs may work to develop their brand and marketing communication.Method                              With a qualitative approach, the authors of this paper have analyzed text and documents as well as performed two in-depth interviews.Findings                             Both clubs lack a well-developed strategy regarding their work with their brand and marketing communication. However, there are in both cases factors that, if developed correctly, could help build a stronger brand and better the marketing communication.

"Skyll inte på friheten" : en analys av den liberala miljödiskursen i Sverige

The paper is a discourse analysis of the liberal environmental discourse in Sweden today. It is based on articles in two of the main liberal Swedish newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Sydsvenska Dagbladet, and a liberal periodical, Neo.The purpose of this study is to analyze how the environmental problems that have been produced by the industrialised society, especially global warming, are seen upon in the liberal discourse in Sweden today. The theoretical point of departure is a discourse analysis that as a method seeks to analyze the material to reveal what assumptions the discussion departs from, and what assumptions the discussions reject.The thesis concludes that the main trends in the discussions are to position the environment against the financial system and state that the capitalist system is the only system that can solve the environmental issues. The existing environmental problems are not denied, but constantly belittled and only considered to be a problem if it poses a direct threat to humans. The solution for these environmental problems is believed to be the strengthening of the financial system and the development of new technologies..

Med projektledaren i rampljuset - En empirisk studie av ett teaterprojekt

Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa projektledning i uppsättningar inom teaterbranschen ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv. Vi avser att skapa medvetenhet om projektledarens roll och arbetsuppgifter för att bättre förstå de utmaningar som kan uppkomma i det vardagliga arbetet. Detta för att skapa effektivitet och därmed en mer produktiv organisation. Uppsatsen har utgått från en induktiv metod och därmed inletts med insamling av empiri i form av intervjuer och en enkätundersökning. Sex kvalitativa intervjuer har gjorts med nyckelpersoner i High School Musical-projektet.

Leva som andra : en träfflokals betydelse för återhämtning och empowerment

Background: There has been a process of de-institutionalisation and mental health care re-forms in Sweden. Social services are, according to the law, responsible for helping persons with mental illness to live a life like others and to participate in the community. The aim of the study was to describe the culture in one of the social services adult day care center for social relations and activities in Stockholm. The aim was also to focus on the importance of the adult day care center for recovery and empowerment from the participants´ perspective. Methods Observations in the adult day care center were combined with four interviews with regular participants.

Varför slår han? : En integrativ forskningsöversikt om de bakomliggande orsakerna och vad som kan göras åt det

Today equal representation between the genders in parliament is something to be desired. One way to reach the goal of equal representation is by using quotas. The purpose of the study is to research the lack of equality in elected institutions by using a perspective on qoutas.  The study also seeks to find answers to if using quotas is a good method according to gender studies. A text analysis is being used to find reasonable solutions to the study´s presented complivations.  By analyzing different texts about quotas some of the more common arguments in the discussion about using quotas in parliaments were highlighted. Some of the more frequent arguments to implement quotas are that it would be more just but also that women and men may have different interests, experiences and therefore equal representation would be a question of resources.

Does Party Politics Matter? - En hypotesprövande studie om USA:s partipolitiska position till europeiskt säkerhetssamarbete

In his recent article Professor of International Affairs Charles Kupchan claims that Party Politics has become increasingly important for American Foreign Policy since the end of the Cold War. This assertion makes it valuable to assess how the substance of the Foreign Policy differs between the two American parties in various cases and if this difference is characterized by consistency or by change. In this thesis I examine these Party positions in relation to the European Security Policy.In order to examine this I compare the positions of the Democratic and Republican Parties? policy concerning both the European Defence Community (EDC) and the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). The purpose of this thesis is to examine the hypothesis that the Democratic Party to a higher extent than the Republican Party is more concerned to maintain good relations to Europe respectively EU.The results show that there are small indications that my hypothesis concerning the two parties is valid.

Företagskultur sett ur ett Human Resource perspektiv : en studie baserad på personer inom HR och dess syn på och arbetssätt med företagskultur

I denna studie undersöks hur personer i HR position upplever och arbetar med sin företagskultur, samt huruvida respondenterna anser att de kan styra med hjälp av denna. Tyngdpunkt ligger på respondenternas personliga uppfattning av ämnet vilket i sin tur diskuteras i förhållande till litteraturen. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär med en abduktiv metodansats. Urvalet bestod av åtta respondenter från företag inom tjänste-, produktion-, tjänsteproduktion och serviceföretag. Ett bekvämlighetsurval gjordes för att säkerställa att företagen hade en uttalad företagskultur samt att respondenterna kunde bidra med sin syn på området.

I demokratins tjänst?- En komparativ lingvistisk textanalys av nyhetsförmedlingen i Dagens Nyheter och Dala-Demokraten av EMU-valet 2003

This comparative linguistic textstudy focuses on the relationship between a newspapers own outspoken political standpoint and it´s ambition of being an unbiased provider of objective information. This connection becomes particulary interestering in times of election when a newspapers role as provider of information is of great importance for the citizens. When a newspaper reports an event to the public, the reporter always has to choose from a small selection of possible linguistic forms when representing the story. Through linguistic analysis of these forms we can see that the final choice is often not a complete arbitrary one. We compared two daily newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Dala-Demokraten, that stod on opposite sides in the Swedish EMU-elections 2003.

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