

2456 Uppsatser om Likets position pć bćlet - Sida 43 av 164

Sensorfusion av GPS och IMU för en racingtillÀmpning

AIMS AB is a Swedish company that develops and sells inertial sensor systems. A new product is under research which basically is an aided inertial navigation system where unwanted drift is eliminated. This can be done by integrating a GPS reciever into the system and fuse measurement data from GPS and IMU. Such a product is useful in racing, where engineers always are searching for the optimal performance and the shortest lap times. Today the only feedback the engineers and mechanics get from their work is the driver?s comments and lap times.

"Modiga entreprenörer" : maskuliniteter i sex svenska herrtidningar

Uppsatsens syfte Àr undersöka hur herrtidningarna Café, Slitz och Moore skildrar maskuliniteter och vidare problematisera dessa. Detta görs med att titta nÀrmare pÄ begrepp som heteronormativitet och maskuliniteter. Uppsatsen bygger pÄ en innehÄllsanalys av tre svenska herrtidningar frÄn Är 2002-2004. Först diskuteras innehÄllsanalys med inriktning pÄ kritisk diskursanalys som metod. Sedan finns en genomgÄng av tidigare feministiska medieanalyser.

Svenska konsumenters attityd till potatis : möjligheter för potatisbranschen

Until the sixties potatoes have had a unthreatened position at the Swedish dining tables, but then different alternatives such as rice and pasta have become popular. In 2005 the Swedish potato-consumption have more than hafted compared with the sixties, we have gone from circa 90 to 40 kilograms per person and year. This paper aims to provide those who are involved within the potatoe business with an overview of the attitude and behaviour towards potatoes that are being held by Swedish consumers. In order to reach to the conclusion, in- store interviews had been held with customers in the cities of Stockholm and Malmö. The interviews showed that the typical potato-consumer prefers to choose and in pick their own potatoes to a bag in the store in favour of the pre-packed alternatives. Based on the outcome of the interviews a number of conclusions could be drawn. The consumers were of the perception that the pre-packed alternatives were too big for their households.

Fiktion och Icke-fiktion i GöteborgshÀndelserna Àr en roman som Àr skriven av Jörgen Gassilewski och utgiven av Albert Bonniers Förlag

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

Sexturism i Thailand. Myter, utveckling, eller tradition?

Denna uppsats tillÀmpar perspektiven "black feminism" och de andra för se hur sexturismen har tagit sin form i Thailand efter andra vÀrldskrigets slut. Genom att anvÀnda sig av kvalitativ textanalys och diskursanalys har författaren kommit fram till att det vÀsterlÀndska inflytandet i Thailand har haft ett stort inflytande gÀllande sexturismen. Dels har Thailand försatt sig sjÀlv i en undergiven position nÀr det gÀller vÀsterlÀndskt inflytande genom att tillÄta ett nÀstan okontrollerat inflytande direkt efter andra vÀrldskrigets slut. Dels har Thailand, genom lagar och reformer, skapat en thailÀndsk kultur som Àr mer inriktad pÄ att attrahera utlÀndska turister Àn att visa den faktiska thailÀndska kulturen. Detta genom att förstÀrka och Äterskapa kvinnans roll i det thailÀndska samhÀllet till en undergiven roll dÀr det exotiska och primitiva, naturnÀra och sexuella har varit i fokus..

Grafisk förpackningsdesign : ? En studie över arbetsprocesser inomlivsmedelsindustrin

Begreppet managementkonsult har visat sig vara diffust och vad professionen innebÀr ÀrsvÄrt att definiera. Det faktum att managementkonsulter i princip sÀljer ett löfte om vadde ska leverera gör att förmÄgan att inge förtroende Àr en viktig egenskap hos en konsult.I denna studie undersöker vi hur den svenska managementkonsultbranschen ser ut ochvilken betydelse förmÄgan att skapa förtroende har. Genom en fallstudie pÄ företagetReforce har vi kunnat analysera vilken position ett litet managementkonsultföretag, utanett kÀnt och vÀletablerat varumÀrke, kan ha pÄ marknaden samt vilka aspekter sompÄverkar deras förmÄga att inge förtroende.I kartlÀggningen av den svenska managementkonsultmarknaden framkommer att deföretag som agerar pÄ marknaden idag kan delas in i tre huvudsakliga kategorier;amerikanska, semiamerikanska och svenska företag. Det har visat sig att de olikakategorierna skiljer sig Ät bland annat i avseende pÄ vilka primÀra tjÀnster de erbjuder ochpÄ vilket sÀtt de arbetar. Managementkonsultbranschen Àr kunskapsintensiv och nÄgotsom dÀrför har uppmÀrksammats i denna studie Àr att företagen inte endast konkurrerarom kunder utan ocksÄ om bra personal.

Something fishy in Christians : Dietrekonstruktioner genom analys av stabila isotoper pĂ„ tidigmedeltida skelett frĂ„n Rambodal, Styrstad Sn, Östergötland

Dietary patterns has varied throughout history, both due to resource and cultural limitations. In this thesis, a study was conducted to establish the dietary patterns of eight individuals from an early Midieaval gravesite in Rambodal, Östergötland, in order to explain why they were buried there. This was done through stable isotope analysis on collagen extracted from bone and tooth on the buried individuals. The analysis showed that these indviduals had a diet that was mainly based on freshwater fish. This suggests that these people may have been christians, due to the fact that fish was not regarded as meat and therefore you did not have to abstain from it during periods of fasting.

Inflytande i teori och praktik : En kvalitativ maktanalys över arbetet med individuella planer enligt LSS

People with certain types of disabilities have the legal right to ask for an individual plan. The idea is that the plan should be a tool for the disabled to get more power and influence over the planned actions that involves their lives. The aim of this thesis was to study the individual circumstances of interpersonal power and influence in the work of individual plans. The study was done with a qualitative approach, where three executing officers and three individuals were interviewed. The results show that the conditions for the individual?s influence are far more complicated than at first glance.

Nutritionens betydelse för akut traumatiskt hjÀrnskadade patienter

The aim of the literature review was to illuminate the importance of nutritional management to patients who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and describe nurses responsibility and meaningful function in the nutritional support. TBI patients tend to be associated with hypermetabolism and hypercatabolism, resulting in negative nitrogen balances. The results reveal increased energy expenditure and assessments of needs energy requirements at the TBI patients. This study determining the route of feeding: enteral versus parenteral nutrition. Furthermore describes complications associated with enteral feeding.

Bensimidazoler i Sverige : likheter och skillnader

Bensimidazoler Àr en flitigt anvÀnd bredspektrumverkande substansgrupp antiparasitmedel. I Sverige finns det fem substanser (albendazol, febantel, fenbendazol, flubendazol och oxfendazol) som anvÀnds inom veterinÀrmedicinen, varav en Àr en pro-bensimidazol (febantel). DÀremot finns endast en substans tillgÀnglig inom humanmedicinen (mebendazol). Syftet med detta arbete Àr att reda ut skillnader och likheter mellan dessa substanser. Fokus ligger pÄ kemisk struktur, kinetik, aktivitet, spektrum samt resistenslÀget i Sverige. Kemiskt sett Àr bensimidazoler relativt lika varandra dÄ enbart substitutet (d.v.s.

Konstruktionen av den japanska ledaren: En studie av kvinnans roll i det japanska företaget

Japan is the first industrialized country that is experiencing the threat of a rapidly declining and aging population. This has shifted the focus and the limelight is now on the matter that for a long time has been ignored. That is, the Japanese women?s situation in the society. This thesis seeks to point out the relevance of gender in the construction of leadership in order to get a deeper understanding of the Japanese women?s situation today.

SamförstÄnd i utvecklingssamtal : hur uppnÄs detta utifrÄn samtalsledarens perspektiv?

Studiens syfte Àr att beskriva arbetsledares/samtalsledares upplevelser av vilka faktorer som kan underlÀtta eller försvÄra för att samförstÄnd kan uppnÄs i ett utvecklingssamtal. Studien har genomförts utifrÄn en kvalitativ metod dÀr sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer med arbetsledare inom en offentlig verksamhet ligger till grund för empirin. Resultatet visar pÄ fyra huvudfaktorer som anses pÄverka samförstÄndet i utvecklingssamtalet. Beroende pÄ om man som samtalsledare upplever dessa faktorer som underlÀttande eller försvÄrande för samförstÄndet, pÄverkas detta av om man som arbetsledare Àr individ- eller verksamhetsinriktad. Tre av huvudfaktorerna anses underlÀtta att samförstÄnd uppnÄs i utvecklingssamtalet.

M?ns r?tt till skydd av privatliv mot kvinnors r?tt till skydd mot v?ld - Kampen om skyddet

The purpose of the essay is to investigate how the position of women and girls in society can lead to a valid infringement of the right to privacy (art. 8 ECHR) by allowing the storage of personal data belonging to people who have not been convicted of a crime. The essay uses the traditional legal method to determine the applicable law, but is also grounded in a feminist approach in order to enable an interaction between jurisprudence and societal phenomena. The essay revolves around Directive 2016/680 and relevant case law in order to analyze the set requirements to enable an infringement of the right to privacy. In order to be able to analyze whether the requirements can be met based on the need to prevent men?s violence against women and girls, the essay will also describe the life situations of women and girls in society. The essay argues that the conditions at hand fall under art.

Kamratkulturer pÄ förskolan. : En observationsstudie kring 1-3 Äringars lek i förskolans vardag

The purpose with this study was to find out about the preschool toddler?s peer-cultures. I also wanted to understand how these peer-cultures were shown.My questions are as following:What is it that the children interpretive and reproduce in their play?How do children gain access to play?How do children exclude each other?What position of status can be seen in childrenÂŽs play?I used observations as the method to find the answer to these questions. These observations where implemented during five occasions at two different preschools.

Mjukvaruföretagens strategiska agerande

Background: In recent research literature, some researchers mean that companies in fast changing markets have to act proactively while others find that companies have to adapt to conditions and to react. This makes it interesting to study how software companies act strategically and also to study to what extent a flexible organisation is required by companies who proact and by those who react. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is the study how different types of software companies act strategically and what this requires of the company in terms of flexibility. Delimitation: The study treats only Swedish software companies with more than ten employees. Proceed of the Study: Representatives from four case companies as well as a consultant have been interviewed.

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