

4128 Uppsatser om Lifeworld and care personnel - Sida 62 av 276

Får vårdpersonalen bästa tänkbara IT-stöd? : Kartläggning och analys av informationsflödet mellan EPJ systemförvaltning och vårdpersonal

In health care today at Uppsala County Council the daily work involves spending time at the computer. IT-systems were implemented to support and aid the care givers in their work. Around these systems there is a support organization to support the users in using the system. The aim of this thesis is to investigate this organization in terms of how well it works and how successful it is in helping the users. This has been done by investigating the flow of information trough the organization and by focusing at the role of IT-coordinators with responsibility for support, process development, education and statistics.

Människan bakom sjukdomen : En litteraturöversikt om vårdpersonalens attityder gentemot personer med HIV/AIDS

Background: HIV/AIDS has existed officially for more than 35 years and is now seen as a global epidemic. The disease has claimed many victims and there is no indication showing decrease of the mortality rate. The disease is currently incurable, but antiretroviral drugs have good effect at slowing down the process. The persons who live with the disease are exposed to stigma and, sometimes, negative attitudes. The negative attitudes could affect the person?s willingness carry through the test.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda äldre personer i livets slut på akutvårdsavdelning : en intervjustudie

Kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relationer är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem, då våldets konsekvenser innebär ett liv av skuld, skam och lidande hos kvinnorna. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen har en unik och viktig roll i att hitta och identifiera kvinnorna. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relationer upplever mötet med hälso- och sjukvården. En litteraturstudie där tolv vetenskapliga artiklar har granskats och analyserats och som ligger till grund för resultatet. Resultatet bygger på tre kategorier: Att inte bli sedd och hörd, Att känna rädsla, skam och skuld samt Att inte känna stöd.

Palliativ vård : Önskan om att känna sig trygg

Uppsatsen är gjord som en systematisk litteraturstudie med en kvalitativ ansats där nio artiklar analyserades. Litteraturstudiens syfte var att beskriva patientens upplevelse av att befinna sig i den sena fasen av den palliativa vården. Vårt resultat visade att patienter som befinner sig i den palliativa vården ville ha kontroll över livet, uppleva trygghet och värderade saker annorlunda. Trygghet upplevdes t.ex. när patienter kunde vårdas i det egna hemmet.

Livsstilsförändring ? Livsvärld i förändring : Konsten att ro i rätt riktning för patienter med hjärt- och kärlsjukdom

Många människor i alla åldrar insjuknar varje år i cancer. I Sverige insjuknar mer än 7000 personer i åldrarna 20-54 år. I denna åldersgrupp är det många som har barn. Dessa barn kan ha blandade upplevelser och reaktioner på sin förälders sjukdom, vilket kan vara av vikt för sjuksköterskan att känna till, för att kunna ge dessa barn ett bra stöd. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva barns upplevelser och coping-mekanismer av att leva med en förälder som har cancer.

Vad utmärker den goda sjuksköterskan?

Background: When a child ends up in a hospital the whole family will be affected. The family?s situation can be turned upside down and the daily life can be affected. The nurse needs to have a holistic approach when caring for the child and the rest of the family. For the nurse to be able to provide personalized information and care, they need a relationship with the child and family.

Närståendes delaktighet vid vård av äldre : -bemötande, tillgänglighet och information

Studies show that older is an increased proportion patients in hospital and that it is a patient group that can be difficult to communicate with because of older patients' often multiple disease picture. Relatives to the patient can be help for caregivers in the communication and the care of the patient. The aim with the study was to examine relative's experience of participation, meeting/support, accessibility and information on a geriatrics rehabilitation care unit. The study had a descriptive design and was designed as a questionnaire study. It was implemented on one geriatrics rehabilitation care unit on the countryside in central Sweden, belong to Uppsala University hospital.

Tidig postoperativ övervakning av smådjur : förekomst av standardiserade rutiner

Background. Anesthetic-related death in small animal anesthesia is about ten times more common than in human anesthesia. Recent research identifies the early postoperative period as particularly risky and highlights the need for regular and careful monitoring of the veterinary patient during this period. Objective. The aims of this study were to investigate whether there are standard procedures in terms of regulated routine patient observations and record-keeping during the early postoperative period at Swedish veterinary clinics, and if there are any guidelines for monitoring the veterinary patient during recovery. Methods. A small survey including ten Swedish veterinary clinics was carried out as well as a literature review. Results.

Att möta döden En litteraturstudie som belyser sjuksköterskors upplevda problem, dess följder samt underlättande faktorer i omvårdnaden av döende patienter

Death can be seen as a sensitive subject and can by that be difficult for many people to talk about. Working as a nurse can imply caring for severe ill and dying patients, which can be regarded as a task that makes great demands. The aim of the present literature review is to illustrate nurses' experiences of problems in association with the care of dying patients to be aware of these. Nine scientific articles were analysed and the result showed that the problems the nurses experienced could be related to four different categories: problems related to organisa-tion/resources, to the nurse herself, to the patient and to family members. The literature review also illustrates consequences of these problems for nurses, and which components that could simplify the nursing care of dying patients..

Arbetstidsdirektivet 2003/88/EG och dess mottagande och följder i svensk sjukvård

Sweden became a member of the European Union in 1995. Consequently Sweden became obligated to implement the Working Time Directive 2003/88/EC (formerly termed 93/104/EC). At that time Sweden considered that their legislation already gave their employees as high level of protection as the directive prescribed. Instead they decided upon an adjustment of the collective agreements concerning working time. A particular EC-restriction was incorporated in the Working Hours Act (SFS 1982:673).

Kontrolltorn : En informationslösning för tredjepartslogistik

The demand for shorter lead-times and increased delivery reliability puts pressure on companies to provide more efficient logistic services. One strategy to deal with this demand is by outsourcing logistics to a third part. The development of logistics information systems enables increased control over business supply chains. This is why Green Cargo aims to create a Logistics Control Tower (LCT) solution to provide it?s customers with better information with higher availability.

Prestationsmätningar och Realtidsvisualisering på Sectra Mamea

Sectra Mameas is a medical technology company in an expansive phase that is planning to increase its volume capacity with 50 % in the beginning of 2009. This to be able to deliver the increased number of systems that the customers request. To be able to produce more units the takt time of the assembly line needs to be shortened. This could only be done by identifying and solving recurring problems. To be able to find the problems, create a common knowledge of which these are and eliminate them the production department of Sectra Mamea needs to visualize certainKey Performance Indicators (KPI) in the organization.

Att vara familj, vän & förebild : En kvalitativ studie om integrationsassistenters arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn- och ungdomar under asylprocessen

The aim with this study is to examine and analyze how the employees at two residential care homes for unaccompanied refugee children work with the children during their pending decision for asylum in Sweden. The purpose is to gain insight into the employees? daily work with the target audience and how they handle decisions with the children. The method to collect data is to carry 6 interviews with the employees at the residential care home. The interviews were semi-structured with purpose of letting the interviewee lead the content of the interview.

Prehospital omvårdnad vid risk för crush syndrom

Sammanfattning.Bakgrund:Crush syndrome eller traumatisk rahbdomyolys är vanligt vid större naturkatastrofer som tex jordbävningar. Det kan också uppkomma när personer utsätts för tryck mot musklerna vid tex stroke, intoxikationer, byggnadsras, industriolyckor. Inom ambulanssjukvården i Sverige har vi inte någon behandlingsplan för detta tillstånd och därför kan det finnas en risk att dessa patienter inte får rätt omvårdnad.Syfte:Studiens syfte var att belysa ambulanssjuksköterskans omvårdnad vid risk för Crush syndrome.Metod:En litteraturstudie gjordes för att granska redan publicerat forskningsmaterial. Sökningarna gjordes i databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed. Fem artiklar inkluderades och innehållet analyserades med manifest innehållsanalys.Resultat:De patienter som riskerar att få Crush syndrom har följande symtom: skada på muskelmassa, förlängd kompression, komprimerad lokal cirkulation, puls >120 och onormal urinfärg.

Påverkar omorganisation den psykosociala arbetsmiljön för chefer inom kommunal omsorg?

The main question of this study is about how reorganizations influence on the mental social working environment for chiefs in municipal care. We want to find out how chiefs experience their mental social working environment in a reorganization. The method we used was a qualitative method. We interviewed eight chiefs in municipal care. The interview was done in two different municipalities, where we interviewed four in each municipality.

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