4128 Uppsatser om Lifeworld and care personnel - Sida 63 av 276
"Man måste vara driftig för att komma någonstans" : Elevers erfarenheter av IT-baserade lärverktyg i undervisningen
Mitt övergripande syfte med denna studie är att ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv undersöka hur tre elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter upplever användandet av IT - baserade lärverktyg.Studien vill även ta upp elevernas erfarenheter av att använda sig av IT -baserade lärverktyg i undervisningen som en del av deras lärande, ur dåtida, nutida och framtida perspektiv. Ansatsen livsvärldsfenomenologi har legat till grund för denna studie. Den ger tillträde till att undersöka och beskriva elevers levda erfarenheter. I livsvärldsfenomenologisk ansats får jag tillträde till personers livsvärldar. Som metod användes kvalitativ forskningsintervju. I studien visar sig detta genom att jag använde mig av en frågeguide. Mina frågor var få och mitt intresse för elevernas egna berättande var i fokus.
Makten att välja klienter : En studie om maktobalans i samverkan kring barn och unga med psykisk ohälsa utifrån skolkuratorers och socialsekreterares erfarenheter
The purpose of this study was to examine the school counsellors and social service workers experience of how the child psychiatry manage their authority in the collaboration concerning children with mental health problems. The study was conducted using qualitative interviews with school counsellors, social service workers and one former employee of the Swedish child psychiatric care. Our results are divided into two themes: Collaboration and distribution of responsibility and Children who fall between the cracks. Examples of groups of children who according to our study are at risk of falling between the cracks are those who apart from mental issues have substance abuse issues or social issues, those whose parents are in a child custody dispute, children who are acting out and children with self-harm issues. The study also reveals that it's easier for children whose parents are active and knowledgeable to get help from the child psychiatric care and that it's a requirement for both parents and children to be highly motivated.There are established social hierarchs between agencies who partake in collaboration regarding children with mental illness.
Barn i familjehem: En studie, om långtidsplacerade barns fysiska och psykiska hälsa, tonårsgraviditet, skolgång samt om föäldrarnas psykiska hälsa och mortalitet, i en undersökningskommun
The main purpose of the study was to analyse the well being of children placed in foster care for at least two years, in one sample municipality. An assessment was made of how the social service admistrated and took responsibility for these children in terms of schooling, physical and mental health. To further understand the situation of the children three areas of investigation were added concerning; teenage pregnancy, the mental health and mortality of the biological parents. To receive answers to those questions a qualitative interview method was used, with structured questions to social workers working with foster care. The author also studied journal notes and child investigations to receive a more comprehensive picture.
Smärtskattning med validerade smärtskattningsinstrument - en interventionsstudie
AbstractPain among patients in their final stage of life is a commonly occurring problem. Results fromthe Swedish Register of Palliative Care (SRPC) indicate that validated instruments forassessing pain are rarely used. Nurses' insufficient knowledge of pain and pain treatmentmethods may be a cause of maltreatment of patients who suffer from pain.The goal of this study was to determine whether training within the area of pain, painassessment and pain assessment instruments increases the use of validated pain assessmentinstruments utilized by nurses working in care homes for patients in the final stage of life inthe city of Uppsala.Method: A quantitative and quasi-experimental design was selected to perform the study.The intervention study that was used consisted of one training session where onequestionnaire was given before and one after the time of training. Register data were collectedfrom the SRPC given the question of pain assessment before and after the intervention.Results: The study showed that nurses more often used pain assessment instruments after thetraining session. The results also showed that nurses to a greater extent than before alternatedbetween the two validated pain assessment instruments that were introduced at the trainingsession.Conclusion: The results showed that when nurses at care homes are given training in the areaof pain and pain assessment they absorb and use the newly acquired knowledge in theirclinical work..
Vilka rekvisit ska vara uppfyllda för att en fysisk person ska erhålla skuldsanering
The overriding purpose of this graduate thesis is to evaluate if municipalities and county councils can deviate from the legislation of public procurement during procurement of customer choice agreements within the health and social care area. The intention of this Quasi-market is to provide the users with competition in terms of quality rather then the general principal rule of economic value.My conclusion results in a legal situation without rules of general procedure. So far the authorities make their own regulation in the field of customer choice agreements. The problem lies within the authorization of new contractors and their right to make an appeal against resolutions made by the authorities social care divisions.One solution is to legislate within the present law of public procurement. Another way to solve the problem is to create a lex specialis apart from the present public procurement regulation..
Cytostatikabehandling vid cancersjukdom : Upplevelse av livskvalitet samt omvårdnadsåtgärder
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av livskvalitet samt sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder i samband med cytostatikabehandling vid cancersjukdom. För att besvara studiens syfte har sökning efter artiklar (n=17) genomförts i databaserna Blackwell Synergy samt Elin@Dalarna. Följande sökord har använts i olika kombinationer; cancer, patients, experience, nurse care, quality of life, scale, instrument, chemotherapy och care. Resultatet visade att cytostatikabehandlingen hade både positiv och negativ inverkan på patienternas livskvalitet. Livskvaliteten ökade då symtom lindrades.
JAS för jobb : JAS-projektet som industripolitiskt medel
The purpose of this paper is to examine how the target to convert the Swedish military aviation industry towards working within the civilian sector was planned and implemented parallel to the target of building a world-class military aircraft. A number of Government bills have been studied, bills directly connected to the JAS-project as well as bills dealing with civilian project ?s for the military aviation industry. The first group includes bills dealing with the JAS-project ?s role in the overarcing defence policy, as well as the Government ?s bill specifying the guidelines for the JAS-project.
Maskinsäkerhetsstandarder och lönsamhet : Profitability of standardisation and safety of machinery
The composing of new standards in the area of machinery safety is a continuous work which aims at writing standards that works as a tool for companies and enables them to control if the fundamental demands of security and health which is prescribed by law are reached. It is optional for the companies to choose if they want to use the standards. This report is written in cooperation with SIS and the study were performed within the technical committee SIS/TK 282. The report aims to investigating if the companies that choose to use standards see any economic advantages due to this work, how these advantages take form and where they originate. The main question formulation is how the profitability among companies that have adjusted their production to machinery safety standards are affected. The study was performed with an initial literature study which aimed at obtaining knowledge and an overview over the subject as well as investigate what former studies had resulted in.
Att vara en räckande hand : Personliga assistenters förhållande till den andres självbestämmanderätt
The purpose with our essay was:- To study how personal assistants understand their occupation role.- To describe the attitude of personal assistants to the right of self-determination of their care receivers. We have used a qualitative research method called phenomenografic. The empirical material was based on four interviews that served as the data collection methods. The interviewees were four women from two different municipalities of Middle Sweden. The interviewed personal assistants work with adult people who have mental disabilities. As a result we came up with eight categories which showed that personal assistants, despite some difficulties, perceive their careers as crucial for society?s well being. The phenomenon of self-determination was much easier to describe than to put to practice.
Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelser av att informera närstående till kritiskt sjuka patienter : - En intervjustudie
ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to explore nurses' experiences of informing relatives to critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).MethodThe study was descriptive with a qualitative approach. Nine nurses were interviewed. The study took place in a university hospital in the midst of Sweden. An interview guide was used, designed in consensus with the study questions. Data was analyzed via qualitative content analysis.FindingsMeeting and preparing relatives at the arrival at the ICU seemed valuable and led to safety and participation among relatives.
Närståendes upplevelser av den vårdande rollen : En litteraturstudie
Sammanfattning/AbstractBakgrund:Många patienter väljer i dag att vårdas hemma under sin sista tid i livet istället för som tidigare på sjukhus eller ett boende. Den palliativa hemsjukvården blir därför alltmer utbredd vilket samtidigt innebär att allt större krav ställs på de närstående som då ofta intar en vårdande roll. Syfte:Syftet är att beskriva hur närstående upplever sin vårdande roll i den palliativa hemsjukvården.Metod:En litteraturstudie baserad på tio resultatartiklar som består av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier där vi kom fram till tre teman som handlade om den närståendes upplevelser av den vårdande rollen, närståendes vårdande roll och den sjuke och närståendes vårdande roll och sjuksköterskan. Resultat:Många närstående fann både fördelar och nackdelar med den vårdande rollen och att den innebär en stor omställning. Många närstående kände sig mer eller mindre tvingade att ta över den vårdande rollen.Tillräcklig information och en god kommunikation ansågs av de närstående som en mycket viktig faktor. Diskussion:Att vårda en svårt sjuk anhörig är ofta en belastning. Detta kräver att vårdpersonalen är medvetna om de närståendes svåra situation och upplevelsen av denna. Det är även viktigt att uppmärksamma närståendes behov av information och att ha en bra kommunikation för att vi som sjuksköterskor ska kunna stödja de närstående i deras vårdande roll.Nyckelord:Anhörig vårdare, vårdande roll, palliativ vård, döende patienter, vård i livets slutKeywords:Family caregivers, caring role, palliative care, terminally ill, end of life care .
Stockholms Lokaltrafik, SL : kundinvolvering i trygghetspolicyn
Society has seen a tremendous increase in threats, violence and especially unprovoked violence perpetrated by youths. Violence and more seriously unprovoked violence has become a major problem for many service corporations as it gives them bad image and reputation. Corporate Social Responsibility CSR encourages many companies to engage in social activities as they realize that the company is part of the society and the environment. What affects society may sooner or later affect the corporate. For any business to prosper and create a long-term relationship with its customers, it needs a safe environment both for the customers and staff.Feedback from customers and staff is survival and these two (customer and staff) are the most vital assets any firm could have.
Professionskritik som civilisationskritik under 1970-talet och 1980-talet.
A group of scientist, called the council of democracy in Sweden made a predictionabout members of political parties, in 2013 members should not exist. In this essaythat statement going to be questioned. It shows that most of the political parties losesmembers in Sweden. The only differences from year 2000 and now is that in 14 yearsthe parties has lost 65000 members, between 1991-1999 it was about 220000members. Something has changed.
Ökad kunskap hos sjuksköterskor om orsaker till bristande följsamhet förbättrar patienters delaktighet
In today?s health care it?s most common to treat an illness with a kind of pharmaceutical preparation. But lack of resources, given information and bad communication and collaboration between the patient and the nursing staff can lead to a patient unwilling to follow the doctor?s prescription. This does not just affect the individual patient?s health but it can also result in consequences for other people and the whole society.
" ...köra lite på intuition" - Sjuksköterskors attityder och kunskaper om intimt partnervåld - en empirisk studie.
Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects both men and women, in homo- as well as heterosexual relationships. The most recognized form of IPV is violence against women. The proposition "Kvinnofrid" was approved by the Swedish parliament in 1998 and proposed an extensive effort to increase knowledge and awareness of IPV among occupational groups, mainly in the health care system. These professionals are also often directly involved in the care of victims of IPV. The main purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes and level of knowledge among nurses about violence in an intimate relationship.