

4531 Uppsatser om Life @ Home - Sida 62 av 303

Att besegra de inre demonerna : en artikelserie om depressionsbehandling

Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer diseases among women worldwide. Breast cancer brings fear into many womens? life. It is a threat against life, but also to the psychological health, self-esteem and the female identity. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe newly breast cancer patient?s perception of information provided by healthcare personnel.

Pensionärers motionsvanor med fokus på styrketräningens roll för dem

Introduction: Elderly people have much to gain when it comes to physical activity andresistance training. Ageing is a process that every human being has to go through. The mostimportant physical attributes changes, when it comes to handle everyday life and ailment thatusually occurs in the later stages of life. Physical activity and resistance training may help thecommon problem among the elderly, when it comes to cope with issues of pain and strenuouseveryday life that occurs under this ailment. Objective: To identify a senior citizen´sperception about physical activity and attitudes about resistance training.

Fysisk aktivitet som egenvårdsåtgärd och dess effekter vid hjärtsvikt hos patienter över 65 år : en litteraturöversikt

BackgroundHeart failure is an increasing chronic disease in the western world due to an aging population and a changed lifestyle. The basic treatment is pharmacological with substantial lifestyle changes. Much is known about physical exercise in middle aged and younger patients but in the patients over the age of 65, little is known. AimThe aim of this study was to investigate the effects of physical exercise on patients aged over 65 with congestive heart failure. MethodA systematic review was undertaken in the databases Cinahl and PubMed.

Pojkar som inte lyckas i grundskolan

The purpose of this essay was to examine pupils who leave the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system without reaching the requirements for the Swedish senior high school, and then to compare with those who reach the requirements. I used the following questions to help me reach this purpose:- Where in life are those pupils who reached the requirements for the Swedish senior high school?- Where in life are those pupils who did not reach the requirements for the Swedish senior high school?- What differences are noticeable between these two groups?The method that I used to examine these questions was to send out a questionnaire to the pupils. I also tried to make an explanation to the results with the help of Erwin Goffmanns theories.The result of this essay shows that there is not a big difference between the two groups. They both did equally well after they finished the Swedish nine-year compulsory school..

Fungerande a?ldreomsorg trots spra?ksva?righeter : Hur kan alternativa vä?gar till kommunikation uppnå?s nä?r det talade språ?ket inte fungerar?

Forskningen visar att spra?ket a?r viktig na?r det kommer till va?rd. Denna studie syftar till att underso?ka hur va?rdgivare inom hemtja?nsten hanterar och uppfattar spra?ksva?righeter med a?ldre invandrare som inte kan svenska. Fo?r att besvara syftet har kvalitativa, semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfo?rts med sex stycken va?rdpersonal inom hemtja?nsten.

Trä som fasadmaterial ? behandling och beständighet

Since prehistoric time man has used wood to build their environment. The material?s availabilitycombined with its good mechanical properties has often made it the material of choice. Like allmaterials exposed to natures degradative processes the properties of wood decreases over time.Rot, UV radiation and attacks by insects and pests damage wood if not protected. Since we wantwhat we build to consist, optimizing our building materials durability is of great interest.Techniques and methods for increasing the endurance of wood have been developed in severaldifferent places and for a long time.

Made by China : Outsourcing av Konstruktionsarbete till Kina

Outsourcing means to contract out work previously done within the cooperation to a supplier.This is an increasing trend today. Traditionally companies have outsourced manufacturing butwith the growing specialization they tend to outsource other activities as well.China?s economical reforms and entrance into the World Trade Organization, WTO, hasenabled international business connections. Since China offers one of the cheapest labours inthe world, many companies have an interest in starting up an activity in the country. Themany foreign investments in China have lead to an economical growth which in turn hasmade it possible for China to invest in the Chinese competence and innovative capacity.The commissioner of this master thesis, SMS, is one of the leading actors in retrieval ofamong other things mounts and stands for flat screens and projectors.

Beröringens makt : En litteraturöversikt om hur vårdpersonal använder sig av beröring i omvårdnaden

Background: Human interaction by touch plays a central role for our health and well being throughout life. When people touch each other our bodies release a hormone called oxytocin into the bloodstream, this gives the body a soothing effect. Touching on the other hand can be perceived as unpleasant if it is not in accordance with the patient?s norm or wishes. From biblical times and through to today human touch plays a central part of nursing.

"Den typ; BOOP ? BORTA, liksom!? en studie av åtta tioåringars upplevelser av litteratur, film och sociala medier

The Syllabus for Swedish Language and Literature for Elementary School includes literatureand multimodal texts, such as web texts. From a Swedish educational perspective, it isimportant to consider the students' experiences. This study examines a couple of ten year oldsexperiences of literature, film, and social media. It also examines how these medias are usedin School according to the pupils. The theoretical basis for this research is based onhermeneutic phenomenology and the concept of life-worlds.

Att bo i Södertälje och studera på sfi : Sex irakiska flyktingars syn på sina sfi-studier, staden de bor i och att vara flykting med en framtid i Sverige

It is widely recognized that the town of Södertälje, a small Swedish town of 85 000 inhabitants, has alone received more war refugees from Iraq than the US and Canada have put together. Whilst writing this thesis had nearly 6000 Iraqi refugees sought their way to Södertälje since the US invasion in Iraq 2003.Nevertheless, life is not what the media and the government retail. Six of these Iraqi refugees who resided in Södertälje share their life stories in the following thesis. They discuss their escape from Iraq and the difficulties of living in the segregated parts of Södertälje where they solely speak Arabic and Assyrian, whilst learning Swedish at sfi (Svenska för invandrare, Swedish for immigrants). Another distress is related to the unsecure future in Sweden waiting ahead.      The aim of this thesis is to engage in, and highlight the studies of six sfi-students in their endeavor to learn Swedish, whilst struggling through Swedish bureaucracy and experiencing despair due to their situation and uncertain future.       .

Phyllis memorial childrens home and academy : ett undersökande förslagsarbete för framtida utveckling av ett barnhem och skola i Kenya

Phyllis Memorial Childrens Home and Academy är beläget utanför Nakuru i västra Kenya. Barnhemmet grundades år 2000 av Jacinta Njoroge och under tolv år har en kraftig expansion och utveckling skett. Det som började som ett privat finansierat initiativ är numera en väletablerad verksamhet som finansieras av ett organiserat bistånd. Ansvariga i organisationen har efterfrågat en plan för framtida utveckling av platsen med fokus på helhetsperspektiv och långsiktighet. Detta examensarbete har för avsikt att fungera som diskussionsunderlag för den fortsatta planeringen och utvecklingen av platsen Phyllis Memorial Childrens Home and Academy. Vilka riktlinjer och principer bör styra den framtida utvecklingen och hur kan dessa ges en fysisk gestaltning? Förslaget innefattar bland annat idéer till sanitetslösning med kombinerad tvättplats, plan för plantering av fler träd och förslag på hur man kan skapa fler platser för social aktivitet.

Utskrivning från sjukhus ? En studie av utskrivningsprocessen vid en medicinklinik

Introduction: The interaction between different care facilities and professions is important in the care of older patients. Patients do not always get enough time to recover and often have a continued need for care. A discharge process of good structure in which the patient and relatives are participating and the continued need of care is assured is of importance in care of older patients.Objective: The overall purpose of this study is to compare the discharge process for patients over 75 years old admitted to a emergency medicine ward respective a emergency medicine ward with geriatric focus at a medicine clinic, to compare discharge process between these wards and evaluate the patients situation at home after discharge.Methods: A survey of medical records with a protocol and a telephone survey have been performed. Data was analyzed with descriptive and analytic statistic. Patients at the medical wards MAVA and care unit number 21/34, which are 75 years or older and are discharged to their own home, within the municipality of Göteborgs stad, in Sweden, are included in this study.Results: The discharge process differed between medicine wards with emergency medicine and geriatric focus.

Webben och dess nya invånare : Vilka krav kan vi ställa på framtiden

The current state of our web is one where users can create and distribute information freely and without constraining limitations of knowledge. It?s as easy as making a Facebook status update or sending out a Tweet to make contributions to the web and we?re all doing it. Web-Giants like Facebook and Google deinate the web because they have such massive user amounts and therfore they control the information their users see. This is a problem because we?re hidden from the entire information amount that is the web in the 21st century.

Specialistssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att främja hälsa för patienter med hjärtsvikt : En intervjustudie på vårdcentraler

Background:Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a complex clinical condition. The higher survival rate after heart attack and other heart diseases, plus aging population, has led to more CHF patients. Symptoms can have negative impact on exercise capacity, ability to perform activities of daily living and quality of life. Heart failure clinics have been established to help better quality of life. Helping to stabilize and maintain patients´ health can reduce the need of hospital admission.

Nordisk börs: ökat inflöde av riskkapital?

Studien undersöker huruvida den nybildade nordiska börsen kommer att få någon påverkan på svenska företags chanser att införskaffa nordiskt riskkapital vid en nyintroduktion. Studien antar en kvalitativ ansats, med intervjuer som huvudsaklig metod för datainsamling. Intervjuer utfördes med åtta stycken investmentbanker som respondenter..

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