

4531 Uppsatser om Life @ Home - Sida 55 av 303

Från jag till vi : en essä om strävan efter en god gruppdynamik och sammanhållning

Life is for us humans a social life. We are constantly in different social communities with various purposes. Throughout life we are part of different groups, for better or worse. The basic social communities, in our society, are the groups we live, work, learn and grow in. This essay deals with the groups children develop and learn in, in school and leisure time center.

Egenvård vid hjärtsvikt- en enkätstudie om vilka egenvårds åtgärder personer med hjärtsvikt säger sig använda i det dagliga livet

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

Specialpedagogers användning av styrdokument och förväntningar på kommande läroplan, Lgr11

Women today feel that their urban surroundings are unsafe, and because of that they use different strategies to reduce the risk of being exposed to criminal acts towards them. The focus of this study is to develop an understanding of the insecure feeling that women feel and what that feeling might originate from. By using previous research and theories we have been able to incorporate a gender perspective on the study this because the gender role is central to understand women?s feelings of insecurity. The purpose of the study was to develop a deeper understanding of women?s sense of safety and insecurity.The central questions of the study are1.

Hopp hos patienter i palliativ vård : En deduktiv litteraturstudie med modellen de 6 S:en som utgångpunkt

Background: In previous studies on the subject hope it has been revealed that hope is an important condition for the experience of health, quality of life and well-being. In the literature hope is described as a great support in life that is vital for a person's life and for how the person manages to become afflicted with a fatal disease. Within palliative care the 6S: s is a person-centered model for care that is directed towards the promotion of patient´s participation, relief from suffering and enablement of well-being and support of the patient and his or her family members. Aim: To describe how patients find hope in their situation in palliative care, and to examine whether there is an interaction between the different dimensions of 6 S: s model and with patients' experiences of hope. Methods: This degree project is literature study.

Den amerikanska drömmen Rika fruar och lyxproblem : En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur familjerelationer ironiseras i Svenska Hollywoodfruar

This study highlights the stereotypical depictions of journalists in film using a narrative analysis of four major Hollywood productions, starting with All the President?s Men from 1976 through The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo from 2011. Its purpose is to highlight traits given to journalists in the movies and re-occuring themes in the portrayal of the media and the journalistic occupation. Differences and commonalities between the films are concluded in a discussion of ethics, personalities and the media?s self image.

Valpens utveckling : ur ett fysiologiskt och etologiskt perspektiv

The first two weeks in a pup's life is called the neonatal period. This period is dominated by growth and development of organs and senses. The puppy is born blind and deaf and the physiological disability makes it unable to move properly. The neonatal period is characterized by a lot of sleeping. The pup receives the important milk and warmth from the bitch.

Om New Economy Firms strukturella utveckling längs med livscykeln och dess implikationer på organisationernas entreprenörskap - En fallstudie av tre svenska New Economy Firms

New Economy Firms (NEFs) are considered being important drivers of economic development and growth in Sweden. Also, entrepreneurship is a widely discussed topic that is considered being essential for firms that are making business in a fast moving landscape. Usually, the growth of companies is put in context of the life cycle. The life cycle further implies that as a company moves from the startup-stage along the curve, the organizational structure increases. Further, increased structure is claimed to impede the entrepreneurial culture within the firm.

But This is life : En kvalitativ studie om tre irakiers resa till och i Sverige

But this is life ? en kvalitativ studie om tre irakiers resa till och i Sverige är ett försök till att genom att blanda tre olika teorier av Schwarz Aronson och Mead koppla samman tre skilda individers uppfattningar om sig själva och deras liv före och efter flykten till Sverige. Teorierna kan sammanfattas som att de är kopplade till identitetsuppfattningar och identitetskänsla och vad som händer när man saknar detta. Respondenterna två män i skilda åldrar och familjesituationer och en kvinna kämpade alla med att försöka hitta sig själva i Sverige att skapa en hållbar svensk- irakisk identitet och förstå sina nya levnadsvillkor. I analys delen av studien så har respondenterna fått svara fritt utifrån ostrukturerade intervjusamtal där de har fått diskutera om vad som är viktigt för dem i sina liv och hur de ser på sitt framtida liv..

Anhörigas upplevelser i samband med vård av en äldre person i hemmet : En litteraturöversikt

SAMMANFATTNING Syftet: Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att studera hur anhöriga till äldre personer upplevde sin situation i i samband med att de vårdade sina äldre hemma, hur de hanterade sin situation, samt vilka strategier de använde sig av för att hantera sin roll som anhörigvårdare. Metod: Databaserna Cinahl och Medline användes i sökningarna efter relevanta artiklar. Sökord som användes var relative and older people and home care, home health care and family caregiver elderly people, family caregivers and care givers of aging people, elderly people and family care givers of aging people, family care givers of older people, family caregivers and frail elderly, family caregiver and older people and home care, home care older people and family caregivers older people, family caregivers older people. Efter genomläsning bedömdes 16 artiklar vara användbara i resultatet. Dessa kom från vetenskapliga tidskrifter och artiklarna innehöll både kvalitativa studier som kvantitativa studier.

Att leva med implanterad defibrillator : En intervjustudie

                                  The study aimed to explore how patients with ICDs experience their quality of life with a focus on everyday life, electric shocks, and how support from the health service is perceived. The studydesign is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven patients. Data collection lasted for three weeks and interviews were conducted in the participant´s homes, at the participants? workplaces or over the phone.The study shows that most participants have learned to live with the ICD.

Den kriminelle missbrukaren : en kvalitativ studie om den kriminelle missbrukarens liv, från uppväxt och ett liv som aktiv till vändpunkten och livet efter

The purpose of this essay is to contribute to an extensive understanding of former criminals and addicts. These people are facing several difficulties and possibilities during childhood, adolescence, the active period, the turning-point and life after the turning-point and we have examined what they might consist of.In this survey we have applied a qualitative method and collected our basis from interviews with former criminals and addicts. Criminality and addiction is a complex problem. There are many different factors which contribute to develop this. The most differential factors are; insecure childhood, low self-esteem and wrong kind of friends.

Modersmålets betydelse för lärande och identitet : En kvalitativ undersökning av arabisktalande elevers uppfattning om modersmålets betydelse

The Swedish School Board reported in 2007 that students with a foreign background to a larger extent than Swedish students leave school without grades in one or more subjects in the ninth grade. The report also reveals that during the year 2007/2008 17 percent of elementary school pupils had the right to home language instruction. Students with an other mother tongue than Swedish are considered a separate group that doesn?t perform as well in school.My study investigates how eleven Arabic-speaking ninth-graders at age 15-16 perceive the importance of their mother tongue for learning and identity development. To this purpose I have conducted semi-structured interviews ? one comprising six students in group and five individual ? in a school in one of the suburbs of Stockholms.

Hållbarhetsredovisning : En branschkartläggning av samhällsansvar

The aim of this study is to look how the Social Service has handled custody issues. The study has a legal and social aspect with a purpose to investigate how the law affects the social administration as well as the family. During a period of one year a quantitative and qualitative study was performed within the social administration in a nearby community. The study focus is partly on the relationship between the law, family and society. The main questions have been: Which one of the parents, mother or father, did in fact get the custody and why? How has the children?s point of view been reported in the inquiry? A child needs a well organized everyday life in a preferably conflict free environment.

Rörelseaktivitet för små barn : Några förskolepedagogers syn på vikten av att ha planerad rörelseaktivitet i förskolan

Studier har visat att frivilligt barnlösa individer stereotypt har betraktats vara olyckliga och otillfredsställda, något som inte har fått vetenskapligt stöd. Syftet med den här tvärsnittsstudien var att undersöka om det föreligger några skillnader i livskvalitet och livstillfredsställelse mellan frivilligt barnlösa personer och föräldrar i den svenska populationen. Forskningsfrågan undersöktes med en enkät som bestod av självskattningsskalorna QOLI (Quality Of Life Inventory) och SWLS (Satisfaction With Life Scale). 130 deltagare genomförde studien varav 54 är frivilligt barnlösa individer och 76 är föräldrar. Studien visade att det inte finns några signifikanta skillnader mellan grupperna med avseende på livskvalitet och livstillfredsställelse.

Ett liv i frontlinjen: Ett förteckningsarbete i Margareta Böttigers arkiv

This study is primarily an account of my examination work in archival science which took place in the archive of Margareta Böttiger, the state epidemiologist at the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control Stockholm. The records are from Böttigers period of work, mainly divided into three parts, polio, HIVS/AIDS and vaccination. Of these I have focused on polio with was the area she got renowned for. Moreover, owing to the uniqueness of the material this study has focused on the properties of the archive as a working-life archive which I propose as a special type of personal archive with unique attributes. To summarize, a working-life archive has in comparison with other personal archives a more fluid process of archiving where the profession is important, not the personal production of records.

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