

4531 Uppsatser om Life @ Home - Sida 54 av 303

Corporate Social Responsibility : - Ses arbetet som en strategi och är det verkligen ett genuint samhällsansvar?

The purpose of this study was to examine what previous research says about children?s experiences living in a low-income family. Its aim was to found out what children themselves say about their life living in a low-income family and what consequences, practical and emotional, low-income environment has on children. More specifically our aim was to find out how children themselves experienced their situation compared with their peer?s economical situation.

Strokediagnostisering på akutrummet : Är standardiserade scheman användbara i strokediagnostiseringen samt anamnesupptagandet?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease which causes a slow degeneration of the body. Living with this disease means being exposed to severe strain and every day could bring new losses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis does not cause any harm to the intellect, the mind remains unaffected. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding, and to shed light on the nature of positive life experiences of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This literature study is based on detailed examination of three person's narrations taken from their autobiography and biographies.

Döden och livet därefter enligt en berättelse om liemannen : En kvalitativ undersökning av uppfattningar om döden och livet efter detta i Grim Fandango Remastered.

The purpose of this paper consists of examining the different ways of thinking about death and life beyond death conveyed in the game Grim Fandango Remastered. This was done by using a theoretical framework consisting of a self invented definition of death called "Bodily death". This definition consists of common notions about death such as cessation of life functions like movement, metabolism, respiration and overall cessation of brain functions. It also included cessation of vital processes, which includes the ability to make energy transfer, making reparations, for example by cell replication, as well as the waste system of the body.  Besides this, the study examines the prevalence of dualism, a conception that views the soul essential to the individual's mental state. Two kinds of dualism were investigated, simple dualism with the assumption that the individual is made up of the soul, and compound dualism, where soul and body are dependent on each other for the survival of the individual.

Hemtjänstpersonals erfarenheter av arbetsterapeuters handledning i äldreomsorg

Syftet med studien var att beskriva erfarenheter som hemtjänstpersonal har av handledning. Metoden var kvalitativ, med enskilda, öppna intervjuer. Sju personer som arbetar i kommunal hemtjänst intervjuades. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att samarbete mellan arbetsterapeut och hemtjänstpersonal är en förutsättning för att arbetsterapeutens insatser ska komma brukaren till nytta.

Yoga; spiritual balance of contemporary consumers

This research study constitutes a critical stand, which departure from the increase in welfare, and decrease in quality of life, and is further directed to the sphere of consumption. Contemporary consumers appear to seek for components to construct their self with through consumption, consumerism has become a sphere of life, and has consequently also become a victimizing force steering the identity and self construction of consumers. The alarm bells however are echoing in Western society, and consumers are experiencing dilemmas such as fragmentation, powerlessness, uncertainty and meaninglessness.In this respect we have presented spiritualism as an applicable path of escape or alternative to the scheme of the material oriented consumption sphere. We intend to broaden the scope of the interplay between spiritualism and consumerism in the act of yoga, and we have therefore been researching: what yoga is doing to consumers, and what consumers are doing to yoga. The study is based on an existential epistemology paradigm, which emphasis on the meaning of the yoga experience attained from the subjects of research; the yoga practitioners, and therefore we have carried out three focus group discussions.

Ett lånat barn : - en kvalitativ studie om hur familjehemsfo?ra?ldrar upplever sin fo?ra?ldraroll samt anknytning till det familjehemsplacerade barnet

SammanfattningSyftet med studien var att undersöka hur familjehemsfo?ra?ldrar upplever att deras anknytning samt föräldraroll påverkas utifrån att barnen är familjehemsplacerade. Metoden som användes i studien var kvalitativ och elva familjehemsföräldrar från åtta familjehem intervjuades. Studiens empiri analyserades med hjälp av anknytningsteori samt systemteori. Resultatet visade att samtliga intervjuade familjehem i någon mån påverkades av komplexiteten i familjehemsuppdraget, vilket påverkade deras föräldraroll och anknytning till de placerade barnen.


The purpose of this paper was to examine how people experience the practice of Cannabis in daily life. The study was based on interviews with five individuals who have experience with cannabis use. They do not represent a bigger population only themselves. We chose these particular individuals because all of them began using cannabis at a young age- everyone before they were twenty. But they have been using cannabis because of different reasons.

Att leva med amyotrofisk lateralskleros : människors upplevelser i samband med en terminal sjukdom

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease which causes a slow degeneration of the body. Living with this disease means being exposed to severe strain and every day could bring new losses. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis does not cause any harm to the intellect, the mind remains unaffected. The aim of this study was to achieve an understanding, and to shed light on the nature of positive life experiences of people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This literature study is based on detailed examination of three person's narrations taken from their autobiography and biographies.

Valfrihetssystem i äldreomsorgen : Äldre personers erfarenheter av att välja hemtjänst.

Utvecklingen inom äldreomsorgen har under de senaste decennierna lett till en mer marknadsanpassad äldreomsorg. Den äldre ska efter att ha fått sitt biståndsbeslut välja vilken utförare som ska tillhandahålla den beviljade insatsen. Valfrihetssystem blir allt vanligare i samhället och valfrihet i sig har länge varit ett politiskt mål. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka äldre personers erfarenheter av att välja hemtjänst. Frågor som har tagits upp är hur man väljer, vad som påverkar hur man väljer, om valet anses vara lätt och om man generellt är nöjd med det system som finns.

Eleven i fokus : En studie över gymnasieelevers läsning

The aim of this study is to find out what education in literature is like from a student perspective; what kind of literature the students read and how well they understand literature, and the methods and didactics used during the literature lessons. The questions at issue are:1) What kind of literature do the students read?2) How well do the students understand literary texts?3) What do the students think about their literature education?To be able to answer the questions, both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used in the study. The inquiry was accomplished on 29 students, 17 boys and 12 girls in the upper secondary school. The result showed, despite the limited amount of students, interesting facts.

Jag är hel! Detta ska ingen ta ifrån mig. En berättelse om drogupplevelser

The aim of this study is to highlight drug experiences and the significance our interviewee?s ascribe to their drug experiences in conjunction to their everyday lives. In the concluding chapter of this study we have used the collective experiences of the participants to allow us to engage in a dialogue of why it is important to acknowledge the attributes and needs an individual attaches to his/her perspective drug in the field of social welfare in Sweden. Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical approach is used as the framework for understanding responses of participants in this study. The word ?experience? is a comprehensive concept for the sensations that an individual feels.

Upplevelser av livskvalitet hos personer med cancer i palliativ vård : En litteraturstudie

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hur patienter med cancer som får palliativ vård upplever sin livskvalitet fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt. Sökningar genomfördes i databaserna Medline, Academic Search Elite och Cinahl samt manuellt. Sökord som användes var quality of life, palliative care, palliative treatment, cancer, advanced cancer, hospital och home care. Detta resulterade i att nitton vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut till studiens resultat. Resultatet visade att en obotlig cancersjukdom försämrade livskvaliteten hos patienterna.

Översättning och validering av Voice-Related Quality of Life

En röststörning kan sägas föreligga då rösten inte fungerar eller låter som den brukar så att det påverkar kommunikationen. Prevalensen för röststörningar uppskattas till omkring 6 % av den vuxna befolkningen. När rösten inte fungerar som den ska leder det till emotionella, sociala och funktionella svårigheter för individen och har negativ inverkan på livskvaliteten. Voice- Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL) är ett självskattningsformulär som mäter vilken inverkan en röststörning kan ha på individens livskvalitet. Detta instrument är internationellt välanvänt, men har inte funnits översatt till svenska.

Egenvård vid hjärtsvikt- en enkätstudie om vilka egenvårdsåtgärder personer med hjärtsvikt säger sig använda i det dagliga livet.

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

Avel för hållbarhet och livslängd hos köttdjur

The purpose of this literature study was to investigate the possibilities to improve longevity and stayability of beef cattle with breeding. The breeding goal for beef breeds is to produce animals with high capacity for growth and good feed efficiency. Longevity and sustainability are two important features to include in the breeding goal. If longevity is increased each cow can produce more calves and the number of female calves used for recruitment can be reduced and only the best heifers need to be selected for breeding. The benefits of longer life is that it lowers the costs of recruitment animals, it increases the number of young animals that become available for slaughter, and it increases the proportion of high producing animals in the herds.

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