2484 Uppsatser om Libraries-Special collections - Sida 25 av 166
Omvärldsbevakning och folkbibliotek en innehållsanalys av facktidskrifter inom biblioteksfältet
The research of this Masters thesis examines if during a specific period of time, Environmental scanning connected to Swedish public libraries is discussed in journals that are directly connected to the field of Swedish libraries. The method employed was content analysis of articles, news items and ads with the intention of finding out the extent of Environmental scanning and who carries it out and how and what is scanned. The research covers the period from 2004-01-01 to 2004-08-31. During the research period 1387 articles, news items and ads were analyzed. The study focuses on 81 selected published units that directly include references or discussion about Environmental scanning.
Från Svinaböke kommun till Dieselverkstaden : En ideologianalys av debatten i svensk bibliotekspress
The aim of this thesis is to examine the debate in Swedish library press concerning privatization of public libraries. The aim of the thesis stems from a desire to know whether Swedish librarians, as has been alleged in contemporary right wing debate, are politically biased and adherents of socialism. The debate is analysed using the method of idea and ideology analysis, using the tool of ideal types of the ideologies socialism and neo- liberalism. As material I have chosen articles from the magazines Biblioteksbladet and DIK Forum, from the years 1989 to 2010. The reason for choosing the topic of privatization is that it is a controversial question and a topic one could expect to generate a heated debate.Four positions can be discerned in the debate.
Jag förföljer dig inte, jag följer dig fina du! : En essä om förskollärarens profession och solidaritet
This essay is about my meeting as an educator at a preschool with a child who is deemed to be in need of special assistance. I have worked in preschools and schools for nearly fifteen years and have met a great many children with different needs during these years. I tell in this essay about my relationship with Lucas who is a child I feel need special support in his everyday life. Lucas has what we in the preschool world call impulse controlled behavior. I also feel that he is disturbed by external stimuli such as sound and he has difficulty with social interactions with friends.
Gemeinschaft eller Gesellschaft? Biblioteksfilialerna i Kalmar kommun och det globaliserade IKT-samhället
This masters thesis aims to explore the branch libraries in Kalmar municipality and their relation to the Information and communication technology ICTsociety. How do they adapt to and assimilate with, the ICT-society? What are their roles in local social networks and do they make a difference there? To answer these questions, critical discourse analysis, CDA, as founded by Norman Fairclough is applied to four interwievs with branch library managers. Other theorists used are Michel Foucault, Chaïm Perelman and Ludwig Wittgenstein. A solid description of todays society on different levels is also given.
Skolbiblioteket på friskolorna : en studie av friskolorna i Lunds kommun med fokus på de verksamhetsansvarigas inställning
The purpose of this master thesis is to examine the opinion about school libraries among principals at the independent schools in the municipality of Lund. In order to fulfil my purpose I used a qualitative method with an introductory questionnaire, which gave background material to the interviews. All seven principals answered the questionnaire and five of them agreed to participate in an interview. Another two interviews were made with two informants, this material was included in the background material. As theoretical framework I have used literature about the school library development, the role of the principal for development and David V.
Upphovsrättens effekter på biblioteken : En diskussion kring bibliotekens position, verksamhet och framtid
This master thesis examines the copyright law with the purpose of sorting out the consequences and the effects of the law impacted on libraries. The theories used are mainly discourse analysis and public domain theory. At the centre of the examination is the effects that copyright law bring to libraries and their ability to perform their work. A major part of this thesis is gathered around the analysis of the presumptive key words that give the structures of copyright law the possibility to claim rightfulness. This is an outspoken strategy to illustrate the discourse of copyright law.
Elever i behov av särskilt stöd
This is a qualitative study whit purpose of showing how teachers work whit students in need of special support in school. The purpose has been to study what teachers mean whit special aid, and if the support is individually adapted for each students needs. I have trougt interviews, observations and examinations of diverse documents found paradoxes where teachers and the scool leaders claim that they work whit the integration of all the students at school, while the teality shows a different picture. I have found a clear segregation of students, where they have on repeated occasions had to leave the classroom to receive tuition. The school stuff has a wide iiew of wich students are included in the term "students in need of special tuition".
Utvärdering av den nationella söktjänsten LIBRIS
LIBRIS is a national library search engine offering information about 6 million books, articles, dissertations and other materials held by Swedish university libraries, research libraries and public libraries. In December 2007 a new version of LIBRIS was launched, developed with focus on usability, simplicity and accessibility. This thesis examines how the new LIBRIS is used, what is working well and what could be improved and also what the users think of LIBRIS. The following report is based partly on a study of usability and partly on a series of tests where librarians, scientists, students and developers have executed a number of tasks while thinking aloud. The users also participated in an interview.
Företagsbibliotek i förvandling : företagsbibliotekens tjänster i informationsåldern
A company library can only exist if it contributes to a positive result for the company. As endusers are beginning to perform searches on the Internet and have access to databases and electronic documents via their desktops it becomes important for company librarians to thoroughly think through what services should be offered to the users so that the library still contributes to the company s profit. The aim of this dissertation was to try to define the services that the company library offers its users having in mind the changes that have taken place concerning the availability of information. I also wanted to explore whether the librarians had the necessary competence to perform the services offered. Six information specialists were interviewed to give their view on the services their libraries offered.
SAB-SYSTEMETS AVDELNING Y : Dåtid, nutid, framtid
This Master's thesis concerns the classification of compact discs according to the Swedish classification system, SAB. The purpose of this thesis is to critically study and discuss category Y of the SAB-system and its application in Swedish public libraries. The classification system has undergone great changes from the first edition in 1921 until today. In 1921 there were no musical recordings in Swedish libraries, today they are responsible for a large part of the loans. We discuss how the system's category Y has corresponded with the musical development.
"Fenomenalt" eller "De borde kunna mer om datorer" : En undersökning om datorhjälpen på högskolebibliotek
"Outstanding" or "They ought to know more about computers" : A study on computer support at university libraries.The main purpose of this study is to investigate the support computer users are given at university libraries. Further, the aim is to find out if the users thought they received the support that they needed. The study is carried out at two different university libraries. The data is obtained through interviews with the librarians, observations of the daily work at the information counters and questionnaires handled out to the users.The study indicates that variables such as knowledge, time and equipment play a central role in making the computer support successive. To a great extent the computer support is synonymous with information search, but it also deals with word processing and technical support connected with computer errors.
?Man vill ju så mycket men man hinner inte? : folkbibliotekariers och personer engagerade i idrottsföreningars uppfattningar om möjligheten till samarbete dem emellan gällande barn och ungdom
The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine how public librarians and people engaged in sports associations think of the possibility of collaboration between their organizations regarding children and youth and furthermore how they think this collaboration and collaboration in general would or should be practiced. This is done in the light of the increasing necessity of collaboration in today?s information society as well as the view that reading and sports could make a good match. Focus is placed on the libraries? perspective and also on the respondents? perceptions and thoughts.
Hindens rev i tid och rum - att använda sig av museala samlingar i landskapsvård
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Landskapsvårdens hantverk, 15 hp, 2014.
Västerviks stadsbiblioteks utveckling och dess föregångare 1859-1945
The purpose of this master?s thesis is to describe and analyse the origin and development of the municipal library of Västervik. There have been four previous libraries and our examination starts in 1859 with the foundation of a parish library. The other forerunners were a working-class movement library and two libraries in the International Orders of Good Templars. Before the merger of the libraries there were discussions in the municipal council, among the working-class movement and in the IOGT.
Biblioteken, upphovsrätten och de nya medierna
The explosion of new digital media puts pressure for developments within copyright law both in Sweden and internationally. These developments are taking place on two different international areas: (1) WIPO which is a part of the UN family and (2) the EU where a new directive on copyright law is being prepared and probably implemented during 2001. The aim of this thesis is twofold: (1) to study which considerations libraries must make when handling the new digital media both under today's copyright laws and under those which are being developed internationally. (2) What will be the consequences, for Swedish libraries, if the new EU-directive on copyright law is implemented in Sweden? By analysing current copyright laws, international treaties and the proposal for a new EU-directive as well as the national debate the thesis brings attention to a number of central issues for libraries.