

3450 Uppsatser om Learning organizations - Sida 36 av 230

Två- och flerspråkighet på förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärarnas förhållningssätt, betydelse av deras språkliga bakgrund och deras praktiska insatser kring språkutveckling hos två-och flerspråkiga barn

Bilingualism and multilingualism have always existed in Sweden. Preschool teachers must provide a stimulating pedagogical environment adapted to bilingual children.The purpose of this examination is to study the perspective of the preschool teachers and their knowledge regarding bilingual and multilingual children. Their knowledge will be examined related to their language experiences. I hope to find similarities and dissimilarities in the preschool teachers? opinions concerning teaching and learning what they actually do when they are teaching.My study is based on qualitative method, based on interviews and repeated observations.

En lärande organisation? - Kompetensutveckling inom en Polismyndighet

This essey discuss competence development for the employees in a unit of the Swedish police authorities. The purpose with this survey has been to show an understanding for how this unit within the Swedish police authorities works with competence development and what kind of competence investments they carry out and also why competence development is important in their organisation. To answer the purpose of the survey and the questions a qualitative method has been used remaining interviews with five involved respondents working in the investigated unit. The result shows that needs for competence development are made clear during meeting for personal development and during the local educational council inventories. Competence development for the employees is prioritated for the policemen comparing to the civil employees on account of that the policemen have a demanding work and they have to develop their work all the time because of the resisting circumstances.

Barn med språkstörningar : En studie om språkstörningar och dess konsekvenser

AbstractThe purpose with this essay is to get knowledge about the consequences that speech-defects bring for children in pre-school ages. I got interested in this matter when I, during my teaching practice, got in touch with children carrying this specific disorder. I chose to apply qualitative interview as a method to investigate this and as a starting-point I used these aspects: How does speech-defects affect learning, understanding, friendship relations, and development in general?I interviewed three pre-school teachers in two different schools. One school in a smaller district and the other one in a middle-sized town, in the middle of Sweden.

Förra säsongen, hur gjorde vi då? : en studie om hur ett säsongsbaserat företag tar tillvara på anställdas kunskap och blir en lärande organisation

The purpose of this study is to describe if and how a seasonal based company named SkiStar, learns through the exchange of experience and knowledge. We have analyzed gathered qualitative and empirical data to explore this subject. We conducted three semi-structured group interviews with employees from the SkiStarshop division. They described their routines and procedures in SkiStarshop. The collected data was processed and analyzed through our theoretical framework.

Kompetensutveckling genom learning study i matematik : Vilka kunskaper utvecklar de deltagande pedagogerna?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka kunskaper en grupp pedagoger utvecklat, genom att delta i learning study i matematik. Svenska elevers kunskaper i matematik har blivit sämre. För att vända trenden har regeringen utlyst projektbidrag för att förändra undervisningen och förbättra resultaten. I uppsatsen studeras hur ett projekt i form av learning study, kan bidra till en skol- och specialpedagogisk utveckling i matematik. Utifrån användandet av fokusgrupper, parintervju och enskilda intervjuer studeras pedagogernas uppfattningar av learning study i matematik.Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att pedagogernas kunskaper består av redskap, bland annat i form av vikten av att fokusera det som lektionen handlar om.

Tillsammans är vi starka? : -En kvalitativ studie i om traineeprogram leder till yrkeskunnande och gemenskapsbildning.

This study aims to investigate how participants in a companys traineeprogram describe that the programmes educational tasks has prepared them for their future work. The study also examines how participants perceive that they have developed skills that are specifik to their profession and how they became part of a community. The following questions were formed to make it possible to investigate the purpose further; ?Do the participants feel that the interaction within the trainee group has promoted their learning??, ?How does the participants describe the training elements in relation to their development of competencies that they use in their professional role?? and ?How does the traineeprogram contribute to the participants becoming part of a community??. This was examined by taking part of what previous research has highlighted as important for learning and socialization in relation to traineeprograms.

Hotbilden i Sverige : En undersökning av den digitala hotbilden mot ett medelstort svenskt företag

Internet and information technology today has a rather obvious role in the activities of companies and organizations. All cash transactions within and between companies is digitized, communication within the company is done via e-mail, sales and marketing is done largely with marketing and ads on the Internet. This has resulted in economic benefits for companies and organizations, and facilitated the work for them. However, this has also led to new threats have emerged. Companies and organizations is well aware that there are numerous threats that comes with using the Internet and Information Technologies but exactly what those threats are for a mid-sized company in Sweden is not clarified anywhere.

Får handen och foten någon chans mot boken? : Om att lära in matematik ute. En studie i utomhusmatematik.

The aim of this paper is to find out to what extent outdoor mathematics is used in preschool and elementary school. I have chosen to use interviews to find it out. I made my interviews in five different schools in Karlskoga, with teachers in preschool and in first and second class. Focus has been on the positive effects in outdoor activities. The paper also deals with some of the prerequisites necessary to organize such activities.

Samverkan : En kvalitativ studie om lärare och socialsekreterares uppfattning av samverkan och dess betydelse.

 Collaboration is a tool many organizations use to achive a certain goal. In previous research it can be read about both advantages and disadvantages of collaboration and also that a well-functioning collaboration is difficult to achieve. In previous research there is a shortage of scientific researches illustrating the outcome of collaboration. I have chosen to examine the cooperation between the social services and schools of the municipality of Växjö. The purpose of this essay is to understand what experiences staff working with children/young people in school and social services have of collaboration between each others organizations.

Skolbibliotek - vem bryr sig? En undersökning av 14 organisationers syn på skolbibliotek under 1995

In the Swedish school library discussion, the most prominent role of the school library haslong been that of cultural centre in the school, with the main goal being to encourage children'sreading. During the 90ies there were signs of a shift in focus to the role of information centre,giving active support across the whole range of the curriculum, in the independent researchingwork of the students. At the same time severe budget cuts caused great worries for the future.The interest for the school library media centres increased during this time, many differentorganizations said they wanted to fight for better school libraries. The purpose of the presentwork was to find out who they are, what they want and what their ideal school library lookslike. Fourteen organizations were studied, focus was on activities during 1995.

Musikens innebörd och påverkan i elevers skolgång : En studie om hur musiken betraktas och används av elever och lärare i årskurs 8 och 9.

I have been using qualitative interviews to explore music's influence in school from a learning perspective, community perspective and identity-building perspective. I have visited two classes at two different schools to do these interviews with ten informants, both students and teachers. My interview questions were almost the same for both students and teachers, but differed in wording. My research is based on the informants? answers and relevant sources such as literary books, curricula and the Internet.After fieldwork was completed, I transcribed the interviews to further analyze them according to relevant theories, such as Bergman (2009) and Antal Lundström (1996).

Arbetsgivares förhandlingsskyldighet

This paper focuses on the employers? responsibility as described in the 11th section in the Employment (co-determination in the workplace) Act of 1976. The questions asked are to determine whether the law in the 11th section is followed in real life and if the consequences for breaking the law are a deciding factor. This paper summarizes the law as it is interpreted today and in what situations it is applicable. Since the law and especially section 11 affects certain individuals and organizations, the paper also describes who these individuals and organizations are and how they are affected.

Att förändra anställdas beteende genom e-learning : En fallstudie på Stena Line

Den här fallstudien syftar till öka kunskapen om hur Stena Line kan förbättra service genom lärandet från en e-learning utbildning samt om personalen har ett behov av uppföljning, och i så fall hur den ska utformas. Vi ville även öka vår kunskap om hur Stena Line kan förändra de anställdas beteenden med hjälp av e-learning och vilka förutsättningar som krävs för att personalen ska bli motiverade till att förändra sitt beteende.Fallstudien har genomförts genom metodkombination. Tillvägagångssättet har varit att inledningsvis dela ut en enkät, kvantitativ metod, för att skapa oss en uppfattning om arbetsplatsen. Därefter genomfördes semistrukturerade person-, och gruppintervjuer med ett strategiskt urval, kvalitativ metod, med en intervjuguide som utformats med hänsyn tagen till enkätens resultat. Det kvalitativa tillvägagångssättet har varit vår huvudsakliga metod.Vi har kommit fram till att hur utbildningen presenteras är viktigt för hur den mottas hos anställda, vilket i sin tur påverkar resultatet av utbildningen.

E-learning : En empirisk undersökning om kunskapssynen hos fyra e-learningproducenter

Denna kandidatuppsats handlar om e-learning. Syftet med uppsatsen var att ta reda på vilken kunskapssyn som e-learningproducenterna ger uttryck för.Undersökningen avgränsades till fyra organisationer i Sverige som skapar e- learningutbildningar, vilka alltså kallas för e-learningproducenter i uppsatsen. Frågeställningen löd: Vilken kunskapssyn framträder hos organisationerna som deltagit i undersökningen?Syftet uppfylldes genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer samt dokumentanalys.Därefter, med verktyget diskursanalys och med grund i teorier kring området, analyserades resultatet av undersökningen.Framför allt framträdde tendenser kring social och konstruktivistisk syn på lärande hos e-learningproducenterna. Dock kunde inte en enhetlig kunskapssyn för alla fyra e-learningproducenter urskiljas.De mest intressanta diskurserna var kunskap som mätbart, att kunderna inte köper pedagogik, respondenternas reflektioner kring kommunikation och interaktion samt problematisering kring teknikens begränsningar..

Synen på internkommunikation i större organisationer : Att förmedla information eller att skapa ett budskap

According to science internal communication is a complicated, yet very important, issue of organizations today. An organization with a successful internal communication shows better results both economically and in terms of coworker satisfaction. The two main theories on communication are sensemaking and transmission. After a century with a transmissionary point of view, researchers stress the importance of sensemaking internal communication.Main question of this thesis is ?Which of the two main theories is the most useful when anchoring important messages in large organizations??According to the results of this study, conducted by interviews, neither one is more useful than the other.

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