

899 Uppsatser om Learn - Sida 5 av 60

Guds lilla barnaskara - barn och ungdomar inom Jehovas vittnen

My intention was to explore the childhood of children and adolescents within the religious organization of Jehovah´s Witnesses, in Sweden. I used a technique where I interviewed three active witnesses and four former members. The former members either had left the religion freely or had been excluded by the movement. I wanted to know more from those two different perspectives, because they often seem to conflict. First of all, I wanted to Learn about the persons own upbringing.

Kunskaper, attityder och beteende gällande kost och motion ? en enkätundersökning bland elever för vidareutveckling av ett överviktsprojekt i Svedala kommun

The proportion of overweight children is increasing rapidly in Sweden. International and National goals of public health aim to improve diet and physical activity. Health promotion consists of preventing illness and promoting health. Within the school a well planned health promoting work proceed from students, parents and teachers. The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes and behaviour pertaining to diet and physical activity among students from 6th to 9th grade at Klågerupskolan in the community of Svedala.

Dominansprofiler - en väg till din inlärningsstil?

In this study the reliability of dominance profiles as a method of establishing a person's Learning style was tested. Eight students at Malmö Academy of Music tried three different ways to Learn a short melody at the piano. In this way, their preferred way of Learning things (either visual, auditive or kinestetic) was established. Five of the students did best when they used a visual cue to Learn a melody, and the remaining three did best when auditive cues were used. All but one of the students had the worst result in the kinestetic trial.

Fakta genom fiktion? - En studie i framställningen av bronsåldern i skönlitteratur

This essay is dealing with the question of the possibility for a non archaeologist to Learn something about the Scandinavian Bronze Age by reading novels taking place in the specific period. I have studied novels written by Scandinavian writers between 1980 and present. Before I started I constructed nine different categories that I was to look for in the novels. The categories were constructed in the aim to get as a complete picture as possible of the Bronze Age society. The results were then compared to archaeological evident and theories and discussed in terms of this connection.

Det sociala samspelet : Vad händer i det sociala samspelet i barns leksituationer på förskolan

In my degree project I have chosen to write about the social interactions in children?s play. Iwanted to study their free play and the time when their teachers tell them what to play to seewhat their social interactions look like. The purpose with my research is to study whathappens in the social interactions in their different playing situations.I performed three observations of the free play and three observations of the guided play at apreschool to study what social interactions that takes place in the different playing situations.What happens and what patterns can I find in their play.In my research I had some questions that this project rests upon:What happens in the social interactions in the different playing situations?How do the children?s different social interactions look?The children that I have observed showed me that when they are interacting they especiallyuse their cognitive abilities, because an interaction needs a certain mental development.

"Vi måste hänga med, det här är deras vardag" : En studie om Internets frammarsch, om den digitala generationsklyftan i undervisningen

The aim of my study is to look at two specific schools and their work with Internet in the classroom and compare their work to what experts say about how you should educate. The study focuses on how teachers guide the students to be critical to the information they encounter on the internet. What do the experts say? How should the teachers work with Internet in the classroom? What do the teachers say about their work with Internet? What do the teachers say regarding children and the Internet?  To answer these questions I have interviewed two teachers from different schools, which had classes with children 6 to 8 years old. The schools are very different from each other concerning investment on Internet devices in the classroom.

Bibliotekariens roll i läsecirkeln. En studie av hur sju bibliotekarier vid folkbibliotek ger uttryck för sin litteraturförmedlande roll i läsecirkeln

The aim of this study is to look at how librarians express theirpart in reading groups organized by public libraries. Thestudy is based on interviews with seven public librarians insouth regions of Sweden. The main theory used to analyse isfound in the article Bibliotekaren som litteraturformidler(1994) written by the Norwegian librarian Jofrid KarnerSmidt, where she talks about five different roles that alibrarian can have in this context and how they appear. Threeof these roles were used in this study: the pedagogue, theliterature expert and the marketer.The interviewed librarians mostly had a similar view on howthey look at their role in the reading group. They saw theirpurpose as to provide all kinds of people with a possibility tojoin in discussions about mutual interests and share variousopinions about books.

Dialogen och lärandet : en kvalitativ studie om hur lärare arbetar med dialogen i sin undervisning

This report describes a study of how the teachers in Sweden are working with the dialog in their classrooms. The aim was to find out how the teachers are using the dialog in their teaching. And if they think that the dialog has a meaning for the pupils Learning, and how they think the pupils Learn. Even the difficulties whit the use of dialog in the classrooms and which in the classroom should speak the most was examined. The methods that I used in this qualitative report were interviews and observations of four teachers in the primary school.The research questions in this report were:Which meaning do the teachers think that dialog affects the pupils Learning?How does the teachers work whit dialog in their classrooms?Who is leading the dialog in the classroom?Which are the difficulties when working with dialog in the classrooms?I found out that the teachers view on knowledge belonged together with how they worked with the dialog.

Utsatta barn : Hur personal vid ett utredningshem arbetar utifrån barnperspektivet och BBIC modellen

AbstractTo take the role of another is an important and a central part of human interaction. When we take the role of another we not only Learn about them but also we Learn about ourselves and how we interact with other people.  Social work in this form, working with directly with families in crises, is much about understanding other people?s perspective and feelings. It is important to know the strategy of one?s work and which perspective to work from.

Att rimma och ramsa i förskolan : Förskollärares erfarenheter kring arbete med barns språkutveckling

The aim of this paper was to contribute to knowledge about how preschool-teachers work with the development of children?s spoken language in preschool.The study was conducted through interviews with four preschool-teachers working at the same preschool with one to five year old children. Through the interviews I came to Learn about the preschool teachers experience concerning their work with development of children?s spoken language.The results show that the preschool teachers used pedagogical tools like songs, movements, rimes, jungles and stories in their work to develop the children?s spoken language. They said that conflicts and exclusion among children in a group could be a result of differences in language skills.

Lärande genom lärorika och lustfyllda metoder i dagens förskola. : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers reflektioner kring deras dagliga arbete med barns lärande

I want to investigate different preschool teachers' views of their daily work in terms of the diversity of children and Learning, and the methods and strategies of preschool teachers use in their everyday lives, to meet every child's individual needs. I also want to investigate preschool teacher?s perceptions of children's social skills as this is included in the pre-school assignments relating to a favorable social environment for all children.To find this out, I have compiled three issues.What are the views interviewed preschool teachers to Learning and different lustful methods that make the educational activities meaningful for all children?? What pedagogical strategies do preschool teachers to respond to the diversity of children?? What opinions have interviewed preschool teachers about children's social interaction with other children in preschool?The conclusion is:all children are different and Learn in different ways. Teachers have the responsibility to ensure every child's development and adapt the business to the children's level and needs in a way that could inspire children to Learn new skills. It is teachers' responsibility to provide children with good opportunities to express their views and feelings.

"Inte som alla andra" : En kvalitativ studie om en grupp vuxna med Asperger syndrom

Normal children acquire the necessary social habits without being consciously aware of this, they Learn instinctively. (Author?s translation from Swedish to English) (Asperger & Frith, 1998, s. 21) This essay is about people who do not Learn to socialize, the social habits, instinctively but through conscious Learning. We have interviewed three adults with the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome with the aim to let them tell us about what it means to have a neuropsychiatric disability.

Skillnaden mellan plagiat och imitation a?r milsvid : Fyra la?rare om elevtexter i gra?nslandet mellan imitation och plagiat

In school, pupils Learn to critically relate to sources of various texts. In the course of time they also Learn how to make references and cite properly. Yet, alarming reports show increasing cheating and plagiarism in colleges and universities. Plagiarism prevention services are used today in Swedish high schools. We are questioning how this relates to the sociocultural perspective and curriculum view of imitation as a natural part of the Learning process, communication and language.Material from depth interviews, with four teachers in the school subject Swedish about their theoretical and practical approach to students' writing process and writing development are used to deal with the issues of this thesis.

Hur lär vi oss av misstag? - En undersökning av inlärningsprocessen i svensk hälso- och sjukvård

In scientific investigations on how organizations can Learn from their mistakes the perspective is usually that of the social engineer; the object is to prevent human errors through modeling the system in a certain way. The aim of this paper is to explore the Learning process from a different standpoint than those usually applied in organizational Learning and error theory. By studying the Learning process in Swedish health care I seek to discover how theoretical presumptions affect the outcome in terms of what we actually Learn. The theoretical framework draws on two major discussions in contemporary political science; the question of structure and agency and the question of whether to focus on formal or informal structures when explaining organizational behavior.The investigation shows that Swedish health care tend to understand human errors as a result of formal organizational structure. Such a view leads to insufficient explanations to why errors occur but is useful in producing preventative measures.

Hur påverkas elevens utveckling genom dans?

The purpose of my work is to find out if and in which way dance in school teaching can contribute to a positive development of the pupil and also if the dance can give the pupil a better self-confidence. It?s important and useful to know, how dance will influence the pupil from a physical, psychological and social point of view.The study of litterature describes opinions and theories based on the issue and emanate from the three classifications applicable to the pupil development through dance: physically, psychologically and socially. With help of theories from different experts investigates, if a continuous dance teaching in the subject Athletics and Health can contribute to a positive development of the pupil these different aspects.As the empiric study I chose to interview pupils both from the ordinary comprehensive school classes and the aesthetical gymnasium line, in order to find out what they really think about dance and what they wish should be included of dance in the subject Athletics and Health.The interest of dance can be strongly connected to different music stiles, in this connection one can for sure get more pupils and especially boys to dare to try dance and through this improve their self-confidence.In my discussion and conclusion I bring up how important it is, that the pupil in dance get to Learn how to work with it´s body as means of expression and the importance that the school gives priority to other than intellectual qualities and gives the pupil a chance to be able to develop and Learn how to use it?s body language by dance.I also touch thoughts of future research..

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