

899 Uppsatser om Learn - Sida 4 av 60

Leken : En studie om pedagogernas syn på lekens betydelse inom förskolan

The aim of this study was to investigate whether teachers are involved in children´s play, what their perspectives are on the importance of play and what conditions teachers have to stimulate children in their playing. In this study, I?ve been able to verify that play has a great value for children?s Learning development. My method have been interviewing four teachers at a kindergarten in order to examine educators? perspective on the importance of play.The results of my investigation showed that teachers believe that play and role- play have a major impact on children's Learning.

Barn till föräldrar med drogmissbruk: En litteraturstudie om vilka faktorer som påverkar barns förutsättning och möjligheter i en uppväxt med missbrukande förälder/föräldrar.

The aim of this essay was to examine the impact that parents drug abuse have on their children´s chances and possibilities while growing up. This study is done by investigating literature written by acknowledged authors and experts in this field. The following questions were asked:How does the literature describe the influence of parent´s drug abuse on their child´s ability to develop and Learn?Which factors does the literature distinguish as determining factors on the child´s ability to resist and recover, from a childhood with drug abusing parents?The result of this essay showed that having drug abusing parents constitute different types of risks when it comes to the child´s ability to develop and Learn. How the child is able to cope with it´s parents drug abuse is determined by several factors such as, the situation in the family, the child´s personality and how people in the child´s surrounding react on the child´s needs..

Organisatoriskt lärande genom medarbetare : En studie om hur möjligheter till lärande för medarbetare skapar förutsättningar för organisatoriskt lärande

The purpose of the study is to analyze what conditions the specific company provides employees to enable organizational Learning. To clarify the framing of the study a few quastions has been specified to narrow the issu. The questions that has been used are: what opportunities does the company creat to enable organizational Learning and how does the emplyees contribute to organizational Learning.In the search of knowledge to the previously questions this study becames a qualitative study with an ethnographic approach based on observations and interviews. This method gives the knowledge that makes us understand the actions that takes place in the oraganization and the shared image the oraganization provides. An understanding for the employees and the organization has been achived after compiling the empirical material from observation notes and transcripts from the interviewsIn the work whit the analysis the empirical material based on transcripts and observation notes has been the main material.

Maasai-folkets sång- och dansinlärning : En MFS-studie om hur barn i maasaifolket lär sig musiktraditionerna

The purpose of this study is to examine how the children in the Maasai villages in Tanzania are Learning the Maasai?s musictraditions and ngoma. What is the importance of the school compared with the family?Tanzania has an old tradition of ngoma of many different cultures. The Maasai?s are a nomadic people and have traditions of their own.To get answers for the purpose of this study, these questions have been formed:How do the children Learn the Maasai?s musictraditions?When do the children Learn the Maasai?s musictraditions and start to practise them?What role and significance do the school have when it comes to teaching the Maasai?s musictraditions?For this study I have interviewed three informants who have good knowledge about the Maasai?s and their traditions.

Barns och ungas livsfrågor och ämnet livskunskap : Existentiella teman på BRIS diskussionsforum

Normal children acquire the necessary social habits without being consciously aware of this, they Learn instinctively. (Author?s translation from Swedish to English) (Asperger & Frith, 1998, s. 21) This essay is about people who do not Learn to socialize, the social habits, instinctively but through conscious Learning. We have interviewed three adults with the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome with the aim to let them tell us about what it means to have a neuropsychiatric disability.

Romska barn och ungdomars syn på utbildning                                             : En intervjustudie

The purpose of this study is to understand how roman children and young people?s relations are to school and education from a family point of view.I have used a qualitative method and by means of that studied different information sources.  I have proceeded from two different theories: culture conception and categorizing. My first theory choice - Culture conception - represents a value of how we see the culture and the prospective of it.My second theory choice ? categorizing ? represents that we humans classify consciously or unconscious ourselves and others into categories, with the consequence that we understand the world by categorizing. Question I have proceeded from are: - Which roll does the family has for children and young persons from roman society? - Which expectations do children and young persons from roman society have from the family when it comes to education? Throughout my study I have come to the conclusion that roman culture looks differently upon boys and girls.

Samtal med och om bokstaven. Att ta fram ett teckensnitt

The background to this project came from my interest for letters and how to make a typeface. The result is the lowercase letters for this typeface, and the journey to Learn the process of making it..

Att lära på olika sätt : En studie om pedagogers syn på elevers olika lärstilar

The intention with my study is to examine how teachers in school relate to the concept of Learning styles and how they define an individualized education that focus on students? different Learning abilities. My intention is also to raise their thoughts about what they think the benefits and the deficits may be with an individualized education that focuses on students? individual ways to Learn.My study is based on the empiric material I have collected from interviews with five teachers, whom all worked in grade three. To analyze and discuss the interview answers I have had to my help Dunn-, Kolbs- and Gardners theories about peoples different Learning abilities and Learning styles.

Föräldrars attityder till bilderböcker och barns läsning

The aim of this study is to investigate parents attitudes towards picture books and childrens reading. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with seven parents, 29-44 years of age, who have children between 3 and 6 years of age. The study is hermeneutic. The conceptual framework used in this study, is Uffe Seilmans categories of different kinds of attitudes towards childrens sparetime occupations, for example reading. These are the authoritarian, the laissez-faire and the democratic attitudes.

Ökar surfplattor afatikers digitala delaktighet?

In today?s society more and more activities are digitalized. This means that everyone has to be able to use information and communication tools (ICT) in order to take part in the digital world, otherwise they will be left out of the digital community. There is a so called digital gap between for instance elderly and young people, where elderly do not know how to use the tools and there for cannot gain access to the digital society. What happens when people, not only grow old, but also have a communication disorder, such as aphasia? How are they included? The purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not surf pads are good tools for bridging the digital gap for people with aphasia, and which activities and situations that encourages people with aphasia to work with the surf pad.

Strategi för IKT i skolan ? att integrera teknik i ett komplex sammanhang : Mätbart, jämlikt, statusfritt

Today there are many studies that have shown positive results in the treatment of ICT at an early age. The focus of the studies vary, and they target everything from the actual implementation of teaching resources in ICT, to student performance with ICT support. Regardless of the amount of studies on the subject, there is no precise strategy for how to implement, working with ICT, integrate ICT in different subjects, utilizing the hardware and software that is or how it will eventually respond to new technologies. This work will there by focusing on trying to develop a basis for further research and hopefully in the future to develop an ICT strategy at a national level.In order to provide a basis, a comparison was made of ten different schools. The schools were entered into a table showing the similarities and differences .

Den ?okunniga? invandraren : Språkproblem för en invandrare

The aim of this study is to have a deeper understanding about the motivations and the obstacles of an immigrant?s language Learning. I have studied the problem with focus on integration and language Learning. The study is principally based on deep interviews with Turkish immigrants. I have studied the question by means of a socio-cultural perspective of Learning; Mead?s conceptions I, Me and the generalised other; Scheff?s conception, the social bonds and Freire?s conception, dialog and Asplund?s conception social responsiveness.

Nyhetsradio : Om skillnaderna i korta riksnyhetssändningar mellan två kommersiella radiostationer och public serviceradion.

The purpose of this BA-thesis was to Learn the differences in news broadcasts between one public service radio channel and two commercial radio channels. To do this we used a quantitative analysis method to examine the content of the news broadcasts and then we conducted in-depth interviews with several people working with the different radio channels using a qualitative research interview method to Learn their views on news and news broadcasting.We measured the differences between the channels in six areas: subject, headline, news presentation, gender, advertising and sources.Our two main theories were normative theory and media logic.The results found that there were several major differences between the public service radio channel and the two commercial radio channels. Apart from several important differences in the six measured categories we also found that the sound and tone in the public service radio channel was very different from the two commercial radio channels.We also found the public service radio channels news broadcasts to be more serious than the two commercials ones?..

Faktorer som påverkar datakvaliteten hos affärs- och DW-system - En fallstudie från en högteknologisk industri

This thesis aims to examine how the quality of data that is entered into and retrieved from a corporate group's ERP and Data Warehouse systems can be improved. The corporate group has already taken several measures that will improve the quality of data. For instance the corporate group has updated and merged the previous ERP systems into one. At the same time the corporate group adjusted the settings in the updated ERP system, so that it will be harder to register incorrect data in the ERP system. With regards to the processes and routines, the studied department has efficient written routines and processes.

Dominansprofiler - en väg till din inlärningsstil?

In this study the reliability of dominance profiles as a method of establishing a person's Learning style was tested. Eight students at Malmö Academy of Music tried three different ways to Learn a short melody at the piano. In this way, their preferred way of Learning things (either visual, auditive or kinestetic) was established. Five of the students did best when they used a visual cue to Learn a melody, and the remaining three did best when auditive cues were used. All but one of the students had the worst result in the kinestetic trial.

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