1510 Uppsatser om Leadership at a distance - Sida 24 av 101
Solel från ljudbarriär : längs Annetorpsvägen i Hyllie, Malmö
City of Malmö has ambitions for the district Hyllie to become a demonstrative area ofsustainable urban development. As a part of this the following report aims to investigate the potential in using noise barriers combined with photovoltaics along Annetorpsvägen to generate solar electricity. To quantify the losses that shadows from buildings along the roadmight cause, a 3D-model of the area was constructed in SketchUp. This digital model made it possible to simulate shadows and how they change over the year. A reference model of a photovoltaic noise barrier (PVNB) was constructed and used to find the dates on which the solar cells are shadowed depending on building heights and positioning of the barrier.The results show that two lengths with a total distance of 400 meters is appropriate for applying photovoltaic noise barriers.
Ledare 'Lagom' i Konfucianismens Korea: En analys av svårigheter för svenska företag i Sydkorea
The purpose of this study is to analyze the handling of difficulties encountered by Swedish managers in Swedish subsidiaries in South Korea. By identifying the most common and possibly most manageable difficulties specific to the market we categorized them into three different groups; external difficulties, internal difficulties and difficulties related to the leadership. Depending on where in the environment and in relation to which stakeholder the difficulties originate the managing process comes to be supported through sometimes contradictory theories. Our study implies that the proper handling is crucial to satisfy local expectations which are critical for survival of Swedish companies. It also implies that the leadership skills acquired by the Swedish managers combined with the level of acceptance for foreign managers among the Korean coworkers affect how influential the manager?s ambitions are.
Wolf movement patterns and the distribution of moose kills : implications for human harvest?
Most studies regarding wolf (Canis lupus) predation on moose (Alces alces) have focused on the total annual consumption of moose within a wolf territory but few have tried to describe the spatial impact of wolf predation on a local scale. In this study I have analyzed wolf movement data, wolf predation, moose hunting statistics and moose hunter observations to investigate how wolf predation affects the human harvest of moose in Scandinavia. Since wolves prey on mostly juvenile moose during summer, analysis of their summer movement patterns is crucial to understand its impact on the human harvest later during autumn. In this study both reproducing (n = 45) and non-reproducing wolves (n = 12) reduced their movement range during summer to 66% and 67% of their annual movement range, respectively. Reproducing wolves increased their movement range from early to late summer while non reproducing wolves did not.
Ergonomiska förhållanden för mjölkare i olika mjölkstallar :
Earlier studies of musculoskeletal problems with milkers working in milking parlour
operators have shown that it is a physically demanding occupation. The extremities that are
most exposed are neck, shoulders, hands and wrists. Those systems that have been studied in
present cases are fishbone and some tandem barns.
There have been changes in the working environment during the past ten years. The
mechanisation has been developed for the better with automatically removers of the milking
units and vertically adjustable floors in almost every daily milking barn. In other hand the
milk production are more industrialised and more related to stress today.
Man måste brinna för att tända glöd i andra. : Kvinnliga ledare i arbetslivet.
Society is facing rapid and continuous change. In order to participate in the development, organizations need to take advantage of all the knowledge and skills available in the labor market. Women leaders in top positions are still in the minority but do as good a job as their male colleagues. She brings different dynamics and a new dimension in the work culture but is nevertheless excluded from the mightiest rooms. The purpose of this study is to elucidate the organizational factors that determine and facilitate for women to take on leadership positions.
Att lyckas som platschef i anläggningsbranschen
Att lyckas som platschef i anläggningsbranschenEva Karlsmyr Bygg- och anläggningsnäringen brottas med lägre produktivitetsutveckling än andra industribranscher och utveckling av ledarskapet ses ofta som en väg framåt. Kunskap saknas dock om vad effektivt ledarskap i denna specifika kontext är. Denna studie avser bidra med sådan kunskap genom att i en tematisk analys med kvalitativ ansats studera ledarskap ur effektiva platschefers perspektiv i ett svenskt rikstäckande anläggningsföretag. Utifrån meningskoncentrering av sju intervjuade platschefers berättelser har gemensamma aspekter av ledarskapet identifierats som respondenterna upplever avgörande för att lyckas i rollen. Studien har även undersökt hur dessa platschefer behöver påverkas av andra för att kunna utöva ett effektivt ledarskap.
Öppen eller stängd dörr? : - Enhetschefers upplevelser av ett ledarskap i närhet och på distans inom äldreomsorgen
Syftet med studien är att visa en ökad förståelse för enhetschefers upplevelser av ett ledarskap utifrån den geografiska placeringen. Denna förståelse har vi huvudsakligen erhållit genom intervjuer med nio enhetschefer inom äldreomsorgen, varav fyra som arbetar i direkt anslutning till sina medarbetare, fyra på distans och en som både arbetar i närhet och på distans till sina medarbetare. Intervjuerna utfördes i en mellanstor kommun i södra Sverige. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod med en hermeneutisk ansats där intervjuerna grundas på ett semistrukturerat tillvägagångssätt, vilket innebär att enhetschefernas svar medför en djupare förståelse för deras åsikter kring den geografiska placeringen. Studiens resultat visar både för- och nackdelar med att styra ett ledarskap i närhet samt på distans.
Full Circle: upstream and downstream migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the northern Swedish river Vindelälven
The life cycle of the anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) can span large geographic, political, and socio-economic boundaries. Management strategies and regulations that only concentrate on small spatial scales often overlook larger basin-wide problems, especially relating to post-spawn seaward migration. In this master thesis one entire migration cycle of wild adult Atlantic salmon in the unregulated northern Swedish river Vindelälven was monitored by radio-telemetry tracking during upstream spawning migration and downstream seaward migration back to the Baltic Sea. The effect of ladder passage variables (time to pass, total time in the ladder, passage day over the ladder) at a fish ladder downstream in the river Umeälven, as well as fish size, were evaluated to determine if differences in upstream migration distance in the river Vindelälven could be observed. Ladder passage variables did not affect migration distance, but size exhibited a negative relationship to migration distance.
Mellanchefens kompetensförsörjning
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att öka kunskapen om och förståelsen för hur behovet av kompetensförsörjningen på mellanchefsnivå inom tjänsteföretag i Ljusdal ser ut..
Ledande individers effekt på organisationen
This study is conducted with a focus on managers and its different forms as found in a nation wide Swedish bedroom specialist-organisation, Sängjätten. Leadership is perceived in many forms and depends on a large variety of factors within and outside the organisation. One of these factors is ownership and the characteristics these imply on the forms in which the manager works. Within the studied organisation there were two distinctive forms of ownership regarding to the stores we studied; such as franchising compared to the franchiser owned through a national headquarter, so-called ?self-proprietary stores?.
Vad efterfrågas av den : En jämförande studie mellan Socialförvaltningen, Försäkringskassan och Arbetsförmedlingen
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this c-level essay shall try to illustrate how a good leader is formed. We have investigated what influences leadership style, personal characteristics or individual competence have when recruiting a new manager. This study has been carried out with comparative applications because we wanted to study the similarities and differences between the Unemployment Office, the Social Insurance Office and the Social Welfare Administration.We have used a qualitative method in interviews both with employers as well as the from the trade union representative?s perspective. Part of our results indicates that the trade union representatives and the employers are not always unanimous and do not request equivalent characteristics and knowledge at recruitment.
På vems villkor? : En fallstudie om barnarbete i Ghana
The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze two factors contributing to child labor in Ghana, one of the world's largest producers of cocoa. These two factors are: poor countries economic and political dependency on the rich countries, political leader?s ambitions and decisions. We will also describe and analyze the UN's efforts and measures to combat child labor. The method we used was a case study of child labor in Ghana?s cocoa industry together with interviews.
Realisering av returer vid rundvirkestransport med lastbil : hinder, möjligheter, vinster och vinstdelning
Holmen Skog, region Norrköping, is located in an area with good potential for backhauling because a large number of geographically scattered mills. However, despite these factors there are many difficulties preventing the realization of this potential. The purposes of this study were twofold. First, from a hauling contractor perspective, to calculate backhauling profits and suggest a profit sharing scheme. Second, to identify and quantify obstacles and possibilities for realization of backhauls.The study required the use of three different types of methods.
Fotbollsspelares uppfattningar om ledarskapsbeteende fo?r prestation & tillfredsta?llelse
Svenska Fotbollfo?rbundet vill att idrottsfo?reningarna i fotboll ska fungera va?l och fa? fler samt ra?tt utbildade ledare. Fo?r att idrottaren ska fortsa?tta tra?na och beha?lla motivationen a?r det viktigt att ledaren lyssnar till idrottarens behov, kunskap och fo?rva?ntningar. Det a?r ocksa? viktigt fo?r tra?naren att vara medveten om vad idrottaren o?nskar fo?r ledarskapsbeteende fo?r att skapa tillfredsta?llande upplevelser och optimera spelarnas prestationer.
Complexity Leadership: En analys av ledarskap och dynamiska nätverk
Undersökningens syfte är att förklara hur chefer agerar vid ledningsdrivna och
vid spontant uppkomna förändringsinitiativ i en organisatorisk miljö där det
finns informella nätverk av specialiserade kompetenser.
Arbetet kombinerar en kvalitativ ansats för att utforska och beskriva chefers
ledarskapsmetoder genom djupintervjuer med en kvantitativ undersökning i
enkätform riktat mot chefer och även mot deras medarbetare med
Studiens slutsats är att de undersökta cheferna har metod och förmåga att skapa
goda förutsättningar för förändring samt att stötta samverkan och innovation i
informella nätverk inom den lokala enhetens kontext. Cheferna saknar dock god
förmåga och metodik för att kunna utöka detta till att omfatta och inverka på
företagets nyttoskapande som helhet.