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Agilt - men agilt nog?
This paper aims to investigate whether a small organization with small development teams can find a value in leaving a functioning development process to follow a formal systems development methodology, if these organizations can find support in an agile systems development method and in such case the method needs to be adjusted according to the organizations unique conditions.A traditional plan-driven system development methodology includes a number of phases that are carried out sequentially and a completed phase can basically not be resumed. All requirements are specified at the beginning of a project and at the end of the project only one delivery of software take place. This can cause difficulties in for example dealing with changing requirements. Agile system development methods intend to deal with changing requirements and to enable continuous delivery of valuable, working software.In this paper, both the traditional plan-driven methods and agile methods will be explained. Research methodology and existing system development theories will be discussed and a company where the study has been conducted will be presented.
Nå nya kunder med E-handel
BT is a global company within the lift truck industry. The main office is located in Mjölby. In Europe all sales and service activities are carried out by fully owned sales companies. I North America, BT RAYMOND develop and distribute trucks under a different brand. For the rest of the world BT works together with a distributor network, most of them are fully independent others BT has a small ownership in.
Det förändrade strandskyddet(2009/2010) : En förskjutning av makt i styrningen av mark och vatten i strandnära lägen
Det här är en undersökning om hur proposition ?Prop. 2008/09:119. Strandskyddet och utveckling av landsbygden ? har gett upphov till en förskjutning av makt i strandskyddets dispensgivning.
Ett grönt möte mellan eklandskapet och en ny stadsdel i Linköping :
The purpose of this essay is to analyze and show possibilities how a city can grow into the scenery of a oak dominated landscape and how this encounter can add values to the city.
The city in focus is Linköping, a city that is approaching one of Sweden?s largest oak dominated cultural landscapes. To this landscape high ecological and cultural values are connected. The recreational values are also of importance especially because of its urban location also because the city is mainly surrounded by flat agricultural land.
Reinkarnationism i Nya Testamentet Paramahansa Yogananda tolkar Johannesprologen
In this following thesis I enquire the teaching of reincarnation within the New Testament. More specifically I examine how the author Paramahansa Yogananda?s interprets the teaching of reincarnation and his analysis of the prologue to the Gospel according to John.
The idea of reincarnation is not a teaching commonly associated with Christian teachings and it has never been advocated within Christian orthodoxy. However, the idea of reincarnation has recurringly been advocated by Christians.
Starta eget företag - Garage: från idé till verklighet
Att genomföra en affärsidé i praktiken, det är i korthet vad denna uppsats avhandlar. Syftet är att undersöka processen med att starta upp ett mindre företag från grunden. Från vision till förverkligande. Det finns många aspekter att ta i beaktande innan man går från idé fas till verklighet. Kärnan i entreprenörskapet måste vara en produkt eller tjänst som konsumenten är villig att betala för.
Hur påverkar organisationsstrukturen genomförandet av social dokumentation
The purpose of this study has been to analyze how managers within the elderly care who operate according to the Social Services Act work to support the assistant nurses with the social documentation. In order to achieve my purpose and to be able to answer the research questions, a qualitative approach was selected. My empirical material consists of seven interviews, four with assistant nurses and three with managers. Anthony Giddens? structuration theory in Månsson, (2003 s. 422) has been my theoretical starting-point and the concepts of practical and discursive consciousness have been used in the analysis.
Studieavbrott i gymnasieskolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur studie- och yrkesvägledning kan bidra till att förebygga studieavbrott
Studien syftar till att beskriva och analysera anledningar till studieavbrott från gymnasieskolan samt hur studie- och yrkesvägledningen är organiserad respektive kan utvecklas för att förebygga studieavbrott. Studien bygger på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med rektorer och studie- och yrkesvägledare, verksamma vid sju olika kommuner i norra Sverige. Studien visar att ohälsa och felval är de främsta anledningarna till studieavbrott och att anledningarna anses ligga på individnivå. Det förebyggande arbetet på skolorna sker främst reaktivt, alltså när det finns en elev som är på väg att avbryta sina studier. Det finns generellt sett varken en plan, utvärdering eller uppföljning av arbetet.
Energismart modulhus med takintegrerade solceller
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how investments are justified in the Swedish data center industry, with a focus on cooling equipment. This is achieved through semi-structured interviews with 20 different interviewees. These interviewees represent different facets of the industry and facilitate an understanding of which factors, such as: investment costs, operating costs, reliability, environmental impact and the influence of external and internal actors, come into play and to which degree they impact the investment decision-making process. The results show that primarily low operating cost in the form of low energy consumption is the driving factor when it comes to the procurement of new equipment. A lower environmental impact is a positive side-effect of lower energy consumption.
Det första uppdraget : om studenten som företagare
This is a 20 points graduation thesis, performed at the Department of
Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences in Uppsala. The main aim of this thesis is to examine what it is
like to combine studying with working and starting your own company.
Furthermore, I want to be able to convey this knowledge to others. An
important part of being a landscape architect is informing people, and
making rather abstract issues tangible.
The word 'entrepreneur' is originally French. Today, we think of
entrepreneurs, or contractors, as energetic people, who dare to try new
ideas. There are many reasons why people start their own company, but
the most common ones are the wish to fulfil oneself and to be able to
plan one's own time.
Organisationsplan för Skanska Direkt Värmland
AbstractSkanska Sweden has decided to split the organization that earlier handled both large and small projects into two different subsidiaries. A consequence of this is that all construction service handling will from now on be enforced under the name Skanska Direkt AB. The management of Skanska sees this as an opportunity to develop the organization and in the long term achieve higher earnings. The task which Skanska in connection with the reorganization wanted to be investigated was a proposal on how the organization of work with the insurance work in the future should look like.The organization that is handled is from production manager to professional workers and includes damage handling that has been obtained from insurance companies in the southern and northern parts of Värmland. The purpose with this work is to present a different kind of view to the problem with developing this branch of the company. The main target was to work out a proposal of an organizational plan for the damage handling in Skanska Direkt AB that is possible to apply, less sensitive for dismissals, results in higher earnings, obtains higher customer satisfaction and also a staff stab that develops their skills at their own.The report and work progressed as following:Opening theory study of strategies to obtain the objectives set.Restructuring of existing organization with theories as support.Interviews with the actors involved to verify feasibility of the developed organization plan Organization chart, the result of work means that some workers at each location shall be responsible for a small group of workers and work independently. They shall manage the process of invoicing and calculate costs at the same time as they work out on the workplace.
Belysning för barn i biblioteksmiljö
The purpose of this thesis is to create conditions in order to plan lighting to a library room after children's needs and wishes, and to gain deeper knowledge about how children experience different lighting environments and what they perceive as good lighting. I was given the task by Huskvarna library to design a lighting plan for their children's department. This is part of the project "Library 2.1-room as a medium" that is going on at Huskvarna library since fall 2007. My questions at issue are: 1. What do children consider as good lighting in a library? 2.
Vad krävs för att köpa ett företag?
Bakgrund: Inom de närmaste 5 åren planerar var fjärde småföretagare att dra sig tillbaka, detta innebär ungefär 60 000 företag eller 180 000 företag om även egenföretagarna räknas med. Detta beror på att 40-talisterna är en stor demografisk åldersgrupp och likt de yngre 60-och 70-talisterna har de inte sålt av sina bolag i samma utsträckning. Vad som händer med dessa bolag är osäkert, en del har en färdig plan för generationsskiftet andra är mer osäkra på vad som kommer att ske, omkring 10 procent av småföretagen väntas läggas ner, ytterligare 25 procent har ingen plan för hur ägarskiftet kommer att ske. För att belysa läget ännu mer så säger sig 42 procent av landets småföretagare att de har som avsikt att dra sig tillbaka inom 10 år (Företagarna, 2009). Detta ser inte alla som ett problem i sig utan det finns nu möjlighet att köpa sig ett företag istället för att starta eget.
EU-kommissionens nya kommunikationspolitik ur ett deliberativt demokratiperspektiv
After the appointment of a new European Commission in 2004, ?communication? was made a top priority on the agenda. The Commission presented a new communication policy, which would establish a dialogue with the citizens, thereby bringing more democracy to the union and bridging the gap to the citizens. Three documents containing the policy were published, namely an internal action plan for the Commission, Plan D which establishes the framework for national debates and a whitepaper on EU communication policy. These documents were met by mistrust and criticism from many different actors such as journalists and experts.The aim of this master thesis is to examine this new communication policy from a deliberative democratic perspective.
Konceptframtagning för en 2D-laserskärare
Rapportens syfte är att arbeta fram förslag till en hållbar förnyelse av bostadsområdet Gulsparven i Trollhättan, på uppdrag av AB Eidar Trollhättans bostadsbolag. I dagsläget har området energirelaterade problem och är i behov av upprustning. För att komma fram till goda lösningar har litteratur- ochinformationsstudier, intervjuer med erfarna personer samt inventeringar av området gjorts. Förslagen åskådliggörs i form av ritningar samt 3D-vyer.Fyra förslag till förnyelse har tagits fram med olika grad av åtgärder, där två av dem kräver en omprövad detaljplan. Generella åtgärder, vilket gäller i samtliga förslag, är betydelsefulla lösningar för att växa mot rollen som ett hållbart bostadsområde.