

4329 Uppsatser om Language and gender - Sida 49 av 289

Talande Toner : En studie om förskollärares uppfattningar angående tidig språkutveckling.

Abstract The purpose of the study is to examine how children perceive the relation between play and sex and analyse it from a gender perspective. This by answering the questions: "Is the children?s choice of place, materials and company in play dependent on gender?" and "Is there a significant difference between the sexes and/or ages?" The study was done through twelve focusgroup interviews with three children in each group except two groups of two children in each. Eight boys and nine girls of six years old and nine boys and eight girls of nine years old were interviewed. Boys and girls were interviewed in separate groups and the questions were open ended and followed up.

Fem pojkar är fler än fyra flickor : ? En jämförande studie om jämställdhet i svenska barnprogram 1978, 1992 och 2007

The purpose of this BA-thesis is to examine how many girls, boys, women and men who appear in children?s programmes in the years 1978, 1992 and 2007. We have also studied if they are described as typical gender role stereotypes and we have looked at the power conditions between girls and boys, women and men and children and adults. From the results we then examined the changes through out the years. We have made this possible by choosing two days each year when most children were watching the programmes.With the gender role theory we have brought up the important issue of the fact that men appear more frequently in media then women and by doing so the media preserve men as the standard gender.

Det mångspråkiga skolbiblioteket : En viktig fråga i teorin men en icke-fråga i praktiken?

While almost 23 percent of the students in the Swedish upper secondary school are foreigners, only a fraction of the school libraries? collections consists of literature written in other languages than Swedish or English. This study examines how five school librarians experience the task of working with literature composed in foreign languages in the multicultural and multilingual school of today. The results of the qualitative interviews are analyzed in relation to the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries are working by, and also in relation to the theoretical framework of sociocultural theory and the theories on second language acquisition developed by linguist Jim Cummins.The study shows that while multilingualism is discussed as an important matter in the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries work by, the librarians in this study largely view the question of foreign literature as peripheral. Most part of the librarians connects first language reading to leisure-time activities rather than curricular activities, and stresses that the Swedish language should be prioritized in Swedish schools.

Konstruktioner av queer : Interdiskursivitet och pendlande positioneringar i samtal om kön, sexualitet och relationer

Denna studie utgår från tre fokusgruppsamtal med sammanlagt tio personer som betraktar sig själva som queera. Syftet har varit att analysera positioneringar i relation till diskurser som konstituerar kön, sexualitet och relationer, och hur dessa positioneringar och diskurser konstrueras språkligt. Feminist Post-structuralist Discourse Analysis har använts som teori och metod, kompletterad med en analys utifrån systemisk-funktionell grammatik. Analysen har visat hur deltagarna genomgående konstruerar ett ifrågasättande av normer som organiserar och kategoriserar kön, sexualitet och relationer. Utifrån queer positionering har kön och sexualitet genom agentiva verbprocesser konstruerats som dynamiska och mångfaldiga.

Gynocide i Antichrist? : eller viljan att kategorisera. En diskursanalys av ?kvinnobilden? i Lars vonTrier´s Antichrist.

The aim with this essay is to penetrate the opinions of how women should be represented on screen. I am using a selection of contributions from the gender debate that Lars von Trier´s movie Antichrist caused in Sweden in spring 2009. The focus of the debate was mainly about the way the female actress was displayed. The provocative thing considered by many was that the female part could be interpreted as evil and in connection with Antichrist. But is that a obvious negative way to present women? In a historical view the discussion have been constantly fluctuated when it comes to the ideas of the correct way to visualize women in the movies which have left us without a true answer to that question.I am interested in investigating what is considered today as the best way to represent women by Swedish debaters.By using Michel Foucault?s term discourse as theory in a text analyse I am trying to look trough their language and see their ideological position..

Fråga en man istället : En kvantitativ studie om hur könsfördelningen ser ut i SVT 1 Rapport och TV4-Nyheterna.

The purpose of this study was to investigate if female and male reporters and interviewees get the same amount of time in the news feature in the Swedish news programs TV4-Nyheterna and SVT 1 Rapport. The aim of this study was also to investigate if there is a breakdown of the reporting lines between male and female reporters, that is, if they are reporting on various topics. In our study we also determined if the two television channels in any way are different when it comes to gender.Our main theory was that men are overrepresented both among reporters and interviewees and that they are dominant in both hard and soft news. We thought that SVT 1Rapport would have a better gender balance than TV4-Nyheterna because SVT 1 has been working on gender issues for a long time.We were using a quantitative content analysis to examine the 19:30 news on SVT 1 Rapport and 22:00 news on TV4-Nyheterna for two weeks in November 2010. We examined domestic and foreign news and determined how much time each sex got.

Kvinnor och deras karriäravancemang på managementkonsultföretag - en fallstudie om varför det är svårare för kvinnor att avancera på managementkonsultföretag

The purpose of the thesis is to examine why women face greater difficulties than men in the management consulting industry when advancing as well as to identify potential success factors that enable women to overcome the existing difficulties. In order to fulfil the purpose, a theoretical framework including gender and organisational theory has been applied to a qualitative case study of two Swedish management consulting firms. A number of difficulties have been identified related to women's career advancement, which are the following: the male leader and the stereotypical male leadership, firms having higher expectations on women's performance, women's reluctance to self-promotion and to play "the organizational game", women's preference of social networks, men's tendency to promote other men, and the choice and conflict between a career and family life. The identified success factors that enable women to overcome these difficulties are: adapting the male leadership style, having an extrovert behaviour, becoming more active in professional networks, promoting one self, actively seeking to gain more attention, and prioritising one's career. These success factors can be summarised as women adapting a more male-like behaviour.

Kön och genus relaterat till smärta i upplevelser, uttryck och behandling

One area of responsibility for a nurse is to alleviate suffering. Gender research has shown that there are differences between men and women. The aim of this literary study has been to elucidate men and women’s experience and expression of pain and to examine to what extent sex and gender influence which treatment the patient receive. The study is based on 21 scientific articles from the databases PubMed and Cinahl. The result shows that women experience and express more pain than men, postoperative and experimental. It is however not possible to draw any general conclusions in terms of the need for men and women to be treated in different ways.

Språk som maktutövningsmedel En studie om försök att rättfärdiga Operation Iraqi Freedom

The purpose of this study is to investigate the way George W. Bush used the language as a means to exercise power in an attempt to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom. The theories used to answer the purpose are discourse analysis and three different moral metaphors that are applied on the data.The collected material for the metaphors is constituted of cognitive linguistic books from prominent linguists, such as George Lakoff, Alan Cruse and William Croft, and the material for the discourse analysis is also collected from prominent discourse analysts such as Michél Foucault and Norman Fairclough. The official White House website provides the material for my data. The scientific method used in this study has been qualitative text analysis where the hermeneutic approach has been an essential part of it.The main question: In what way did George W.

"När jag blir stor vill jag jobba som...." : Om genusmedvetenhet och vägledning i skolans tidigare år

Vår studie, som omfattar sex intervjuer, fokuserar på genusmedvetenhet hos vägledare. På vilket sätt de arbetar med genus i mötet med elever för att vidga perspektiv och på vilket sätt de kan tänka sig att arbeta med att skapa en genusmedvetenhet hos elever i år 4-6. Vårt resultat visar att genusmedvetenhet är ett svårt begrepp som har olika betydelse för vägledarna. Vägledarna menar att de inte arbetar på ett planerat genusmedvetet arbetssätt idag men vi ser att de omedvetet arbetar med genusperspektivet genom olika aktiviteter. I arbetet med elever i år 4-6, vill vägledarna bidra på olika sätt med att vidga elevernas perspektiv gällande självuppfattning, yrken och arbetsmarknad.

Simundervisning för praktiserande muslimska flickor : Hur olika sociala aktörer upplever att simundervisningen genomförs i den svenska skolan

Since Sweden can be considered to be a secular society it is interesting to investigate how different actors experience swimming education in the course syllabus of sports and health education, for practicing Muslim girls in middle and high schools. The investigation is based on qualitative interviews with sports teachers, practicing Muslim girls and the staff of the public swimming center in Växjö. The result shows that swimming education can be somewhat problematic, since the Muslim girls only want to attend lessons that are gender separated. In the public swimming center, there are no pools exclusively intended for women, and there are only a few times available for women every week. However, the teachers stress opportunities instead of obstacles, and the students? experience that their teachers are trying to create possibilities for them to have a gender separated swimming education.

Förberedelseklass ett mångkulturellt möte av språk, lärande och vänskap : en kvalitativ studie om en grupp nyanlända elever och deras två SVA-lärares tankar om hur verkligheten kan se ut i en förberedelseklass

In a preparatory class are newly arrived students who have no or very little knowledge of the Swedish language. Some of the newly arrived pupils may have arrived in Sweden very recently and some of them have no or very limited understanding and experience of how the school system works in their country of origin. The purpose of this study is to find out how education in a selected preparatory class works seen from two SVA-teachers and students perspective. Questions related to my purpose reads as follows:In which way can two of the SVA-teachers respond in a selected preparatory class to their group of newly arrived students?What methods can be used by the two SVA-teachers in a selected preparatory class to their group of newly arrived students' language learning?How does the newly arrived student in a selected preparatory class experience their education and friendship?The study was conducted through a qualitative approach in a selected preparatory class in a multicultural school in a suburb in southern Stockholm. Through observations on six separate occasions as well as interviews with two of the SVA- teachers in the selected preparatory class, and with three of the newly arrived pupils during a period of three weeks.

skönlitteratur i det flerspråkiga klassrummet

The aim of this paper is to examine why Swedish teachers and multilingual secondary   school pupils think it is important to read fiction, how Swedish teachers work with fiction in the multicultural classroom and how they motivate their multilingual pupils to read more by adapting fiction to their capabilities and experiences. We have done interviews with four Swedish teachers and 12 multilingual pupils. The following questions are the starting point of this essay:Why do Swedish teachers and multilingual pupils think that it is important to read fiction?  ?How can the Swedish teachers in the multicultural classroom motivate their multilingual pupils to read more fiction?The result of this paper showed that both the Swedish teachers and the multilingual pupils thought it was important to read fiction because it partly gives themselves the opportunity to acquaint with other cultures and it helps them to improve their language. The teachers motivate their multilingual pupils by reading out loud, reading in groups and by minimizing language difficulties that may occur in the fiction.

"Lika enkelt att pröva den där kärleksgrejen" : Svenska mäns erfarenheter av relationer som inletts med sexköp i Thailand En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study in social work was to investigate, describe and analyze six Swedish men?s description and experiences of relationships with bargirls in Thailand, whom the men initially paid for sexual services. We also aim to find out how these men look upon prostitu-tion, masculinity and gender and we analyze these themes in relation to the men?s description of their relationships. The theoretical approach was social constructivist theories of masculini-ty in combination with gender theory.

Bidrar utställningen "Maria - Drömmen om kvinnan" till genusperspektivet inom det konstvetenskapliga fältet?

The purpose with this essay is to study if the exhibition, Maria-Drömmen om kvinnan has a gender perspective and if it contributes to the history of art. The study shows what kind of women the exhibition illustrates and what kind of perspective it has. By telling about the black Madonna I also show that there is another representation of the middle age women in the Roman Catholic Church at this time that the exhibition not have included. The study is also going to illustrate the difference between a genderperspektiv in art and a women?s perspective.

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