

4329 Uppsatser om Language and gender - Sida 48 av 289

Konstituerandet av "ras" i relation till klass, genus och sexualitet. En komparativ diskursanalys av "ras" under åren 1964 och 2004

"Race" is often used as a marker to exclude people from a society. What is interesting is not so much what terms that are used to describe people, but by what meaning they are associated with. For this thesis articles published in daily magazines have been the material used. An argument driven in the essay is that identity and oppression is not constituted from one subject position, but from several, such as class, sexuality and gender. The first question posed is how "race" is constituted through discourses throughout the subject positions class, sexuality and gender.

IT-samhällets kärleksbrev : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av kommunikationen via nätdejting

Abstract Author: Kristin NäsTitle: The technology society?s love letters ? a qualitative analysis of communication through internet dating.Level: BA Thesis in CommunicationLocation: University of KalmarLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 53 Keywords: communication, dating, web dating, gendering talk, interaction, flirting, the internet, contact, communities.Summary: A qualitative study on the subject of internet dating and how people using internet dating chooses to present them self and how they choose to communicate with others to create contact. Internet dating is a phenomenon that is continually growing. 2 million people in Sweden are singles today and more than half of them have tried internet dating at least once. The purpose of this study was to research the way people choose to present them self and how the communication on an internet dating site is used.

Genus och funktionshinder. En journalstudie gjord på barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen

The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how the welfare officer who works in the child and youth- habilitation is documenting in boys and girls journals. We also want to see if there are any differences or similarities in the journals on the basis of a gender perspective? The investigation is made from ten journals, five boys and five girls in the ages from 13 -18 years. The analysis which proceeds from prior research made on this area and from a number of gender theories and gender perspectives is based on a hermeneutic nature. The results show that the welfare officers make more documentation about the boys´ school situation than the girls´.

Läs-och skrivlärande i grundskolan och särskolan : Två lärare beskriver sitt arbete i svenska

My purpose in this paper is to study teachers' work in reading and writing in primary school and special school. I want to find out if they use the same methods, strategies and materials to help students learn to read and write. I will find out the answer to my purpose by performing two qualitative observation and two qualitative interviews. Lundberg (2010) is the researcher I relate to during my study. Through observation, I see how teachers work with students in the classroom during a lesson in the Swedish language. During the interviews, I received answers to how teachers work with language, the materials, methods and strategies they use. I found out that teachers use specific strategies when they help their students. They use a work material that is tailored to curriculum in Swedish language and it is based on the phonics method. .

Det är hans känsla! : En studie om hur genus och jämställdhet kommuniceras i klassrummet

The aim of this study is to describe, from a didactic point of view, wether gender norms are challenged and sex equality is maintained when two teachers in grade one communicate with their pupils. This is based on the existing norms in our society which generates into certain expectations of how one should act depending on wether you are a girl or a boy. In addition to this, the lack of equality between women and men is a global question. The norms and conditions in society are reproduced, but can also be deconstructed in school (Martinsson and Reimers 2008, p. 8).

Skådespelerskor i politiken : En innehållsanalys om mediers gestaltningar av kvinnliga och manliga politiker

As a starting point the society is more enlightened and has gained a greater awareness about the gender power structures and its different forms. Present research shows the continuous development into other shapes and comes into different expressions that might be unrecognised. In order to gain knowledge about the present structure of the gender power structure system, the aim of this study was to investigate framing of female and male politicians in media. The main question asked was: ?are there framing differences in the portraits of the male and female politicians?? In order to achieve results articles in the biggest Swedish daily newspaper were examined.

Språkutveckling i förskolan

Arbetets syfte är att undersöka vad ett avgränsat urval pedagoger verksamma inom förskolan berättar om språkutveckling. Undersökningens fokus ligger på de villkor och arbetssätt pedagogerna beskriver som signifikanta för gynnsam språkutveckling. Det empiriska materialet som undersökningen bygger på har samlats in genom öppna intervjuer som sedan transkriberats. Ett för studien relevant urval av teoretiska perspektiv och tidigare forskning har använts för att analysera och problematisera kategoriseringar av intervjumaterialet. Arbetet visar att språkutveckling kan förstås i termer av en betydelsefull dialog med barnet och dess hem som kännetecknas av ett tryggt men utmanande förhållningssätt där tid i förskolans kontext utgör ett mångfacetterat och komplext villkor för kvalitén i den språkliga utvecklingen.

Utökning av LaTeX med stöd för semantisk information

The semantic web is a vision of the Internets future, there machines and humans can understand the same information. To make this possible, documents have to be provided with metadata in a general language. W3C has created Web Ontology Language (owl) for this purpose.This report present the creation of a LaTeX package, which makes it possible to include metadata in pdf files. It also presents how you can create annotations, which are bound to the metadata that's been generated. With the help of this package it's easy to create pdf documents with automatically generated metadata and annotations..

Lekens betydelse för lärande av engelska i förskolan : Pedagogers tankar om och arbete med lek för att belysa det engelska språket

The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge on how pedagogues use play as a way to expose children to the English language. I chose the qualitative method of interviews to conduct my study. The objects of study were four English speaking pedagogues at a preschool with English in their profile. This profile was a major factor when choosing where to carry out the study, as not every preschool in Sweden offers English.The interviews were conducted in English, as all four pedagogues were native English speakers and I did not want a possible language barrier to influence the results. The questions were composed with play as a focal point and a way to expose the children to English.My findings showed that play is an important tool for children to take part of and learn English.

Manliga vampyrer och kvinnliga offer. En diskursanalys av det övernaturliga och könsroller i The Vampire Diaries

The purpose of this essay is to examine how the supernatural and the occult are portrayed inpopular culture. To be able to do this, I have chosen to perform a discourse analysis of the twofirst novels in the L. J Smith series The Vampire Diaries. The novels are called TheAwakening and The Struggle.I apply the following questions in my analysis to narrow down the perspective further.?In what situations are supernatural used in the books and what part does it play??How does the supernatural affect the main characters and how is this portrayed in the novel??How is the supernatural portrayed depending on the gender of the character?I will focus mostly on the vampires since they generally are the ones who introduce thesupernatural elements into the story.I am applying gender theory in my discourse analyses of the novels, to hopefully be able togive a wider picture of the supernatural in relation to gender in the novels.I begin with analyzing the main discourses in the story, revolving around the supernatural.Secondly I analyze what impact the supernatural has on the main character.

Hemma i det främmande : En studie av migranters upplevelser av livet i en främmande kultur

The main purpose of this essay is to study how classroom interaction can take place in a class for Second Language Learners (SLL).1 I have applied a case study methodology on a linguistic method used by a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language working on a primary school situated in the Southern suburbs of Stockholm. The learning method is based on extensive reading of books which comprehend several learning techniques organized into a process that support the development of linguistic skills such as discussing in a group, writing, reading and thinking in a second language. The methodology applied is based on observations, on an interview with a Teacher in Swedish as Second Language and on a questionnaire answered by 11 students that participated on ?Boksamtal?.Based on a theoretical framework about socio cultural theories on learning and scaffolding,2 I attempt to integrate theory and practice to investigate how the Teacher succeed on applying effective methods for second language learning. Through the analyses of the data is also my intention to emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of such a method.

Genusperspektiv på bilderböcker ? en kvalitativ analys av Bokjuryns utvalda bilderböcker för år 2005

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine if there is any gender role stereotyping conveyed in recent children?s picture books. The picture books examined are the ten most popular which are selected by a combination of Bokjuryn in Sweden, 2005, and children voting. Furthermore there is a winner each year. The investigation concerns how protagonists, girls and boys, are portrayed and, moreover, if there are any breaches of traditional gender patterns.

K?nsrelaterat v?ld bland kvinnor i g?ngkriminella milj?er

Although gang violence has gained much attention in Swedish media in recent years, women in gang environments remain unexplored. Recently the Swedish Gender Equality Agency (J?mst?lldhetsmyndigheten) published a report in March 2024 showing that women are being sexually exploited in gang environments, and the report has brought attention to women in gangs. This study examines gender-based violence in gang environments in Sweden. The aim of this study is to examine how intimate relationships with men in gang environments affect womens? agency to enter and leave gangs.

?Man får tänka på att bromsa när man faller in i att pojkar ska behandlas tufft och flickor mjukare? : En kvalitativ studie om tre pedagogers uppfattningar och arbete kring genus och jämställdhet i förskolan

The purpose with this study has been to understand and analyze how teachers, working with children in the ages of 1-3 years, understand and work with the concepts of gender and equality in preschool. The study has been completed through interviews and observations and is based on three key questions, which are: How pedagogues in the pre-school interpret the concepts of genus and equality? How are boys respectively girls received and treated by the pedagogue in the pre-school? What similarities and/or differences can be seen in the way that the preschool pedagogue treats boys and girls? The study's method is based on a qualitative approach. The main research methods for this study are observations and interviews. I have been interviewing three teachers from the same pre-school, located in a suburb in Stockholm as well as observed them during work.

Vad automatisk indexering och genreklassifikation kan tillföra skönlitteraturen

This thesis examines what automatic indexing and genre classification may bring to fiction. The thesis studies five theorists of the subject to find out what the biggest problems are concerning fiction indexing. The thesis also investigates which automatic text analysis methods that can be effective for automatic indexing and genre classifying fiction. To show that it is possible according to philosophy of language to index fiction, in particular to automatically index it. Wittgenstein?s, Barthes? and Ricoeur?s language and fiction theories are presented and used to problemize the subject.

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