

15304 Uppsatser om Läkemedelsrelaterade problem - Sida 39 av 1021

Första avstampet för att konstruera en digital stadskarta för personer med nedsatt syn

The physical map that has been used until now can in the modern days be replaced with digital maps available in smart phones and tablets. One disadvantage of both is that the digital maps require the user to have a fully functional sight. The problem with the research done so far is that it provides little explanation as to why developers have decided to design the maps in a specific way. This thesis has been designed to address this problem.In order to provide the knowledge needed, a literature study was done to construct interview questions to an employee from SG Access AB. These answers and the literature study were used to construct interview questions to members and employees from Synskadades Riksförbund  (SRF).

Den svenska guldgruvan - befolkningsregistren : Teknikens betydelse för utveckling av forskningsinfrastrukturen kring de svenska befolkningsregistren

In this paper we examine the possibilities to develop the population based research in Sweden by using technological advancements. The problem that exists with population based research today is that there is a contrast between conducting important research on one side and preserving the individuals? integrity on the other. To examine this problem we are studying two projects that are active in this area. The two projects are SIMSAM (Swedish Initiative for research on Microdata in the Social and Medical Sciences) and DDB (Demografiska databasen).

Klimatanpassningen i Sverige, Finland och Holland : Styrningens uppbyggnad, problem och möjligheter

För att möta kommande klimatförÀndringar behövs klimatanpassning vilket innebÀr att skydda samhÀllet mot klimatförÀndringarna och ta tillvara eventuella möjligheter. Olika lÀnder har tillÀmpat olika sÀtt att styra anpassning, vilka generellt kan delas in i top-down och bottom-up styrning. Dessa styrformer generar olika problem och möjligheter för implementering. Till exempel sÄ brister ofta styrning genom top-down implementeringen pÄ lokal nivÄ, medan bottom-up ofta försvÄras av att lokala aktörer saknar resurser i implementering. I denna litteratur och dokumentsbaserade studie undersöker vi aktuell forskning och policydokument för att med stöd av Environmental Governance-teorin, klargöra styrningsformernas uppbyggnad, effektivitet, problem och möjligheter.

Religionskunskap för blivande bilmekaniker : problem eller möjligheter?

Jag har valt att skriva en didaktisk uppsats med inriktning mot religion och elever pĂ„ fordonsprogrammet. Ämnet lĂ„g nĂ€ra till hands eftersom jag arbetar i skolan med företrĂ€desvis elever pĂ„ fordonsprogrammet. Majoriteten av dessa elever Ă€r pojkar. Jag saknar religionsdidaktiskt material, speciellt sĂ„dant som rör de yrkesförberedande programmen pĂ„ gymnasieskolan. Att undervisa elever i ett Ă€mne som de sjĂ€lva har svĂ„rt att förstĂ„ ?nyttan av?.

Project Garden

Denna slutreflektion beskriver mitt arbete med mitt kandidatarbete samt mina tankegÄnger under och efter projektet samt hur jag arbetat, de problem jag stött pÄ och hur jag löst dem. Delarna av denna reflektion Àr först en beskrivning av vad jag gjort, dÀrefter en beskrivning av hur detta projekt var tÀnkt att fungera. Den tredje delen Àr en beskrivning av hur jag arbetat under projektet, baserat pÄ mina veckorapporter. Den fjÀrde delen Àr sjÀlva reflektionen och den beskriver mitt arbete i mer detalj samt mina tankar och funderingar och hur jag löst de problem som uppstÄtt. Den sista delen Àr ett slutord dÀr jag sammanfattar mina tankar om utbildningen och mitt projekt jÀmfört med de liknande spel som finns idag samt mina tankar kring genren i allmÀnhet..

Ge oss ett strukturerat men flexibelt stöd! En kvalitativ undersökning om familjehemsförÀldrars upplevelser av stöd: sett ur ett utvecklingsekologiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine how the foster parent's need of support is provided. The study was built upon a qualitative method with interviews with ten foster parents. More specifically, its aim was too find out how the foster parents themselves looked upon how their need of support, and from whom the support was provided. According to the law, it is the social services obligation to provide the foster parents with all the support they could need. The picture the media sends out is different from what it should be because according to them, the social services fall short in the follow-up and also the support of the contact with the foster parents.

Vilka rekvisit ska vara uppfyllda för att en fysisk person ska erhÄlla skuldsanering

The overriding purpose of this graduate thesis is to evaluate if municipalities and county councils can deviate from the legislation of public procurement during procurement of customer choice agreements within the health and social care area. The intention of this Quasi-market is to provide the users with competition in terms of quality rather then the general principal rule of economic value.My conclusion results in a legal situation without rules of general procedure. So far the authorities make their own regulation in the field of customer choice agreements. The problem lies within the authorization of new contractors and their right to make an appeal against resolutions made by the authorities social care divisions.One solution is to legislate within the present law of public procurement. Another way to solve the problem is to create a lex specialis apart from the present public procurement regulation..

Expander : En studie av Expanders kommunikation och varumÀrke

Communication can be heard in many different ways and it is important for all businesses, especially in B2B. The construction and maintenance of a brand plays just like the communication a very important part. These parts also have a lot to common and affect each other in a large extent. One problem that may occur in many companies is the failure to grow and gain a larger share of the market even if they in various ways are trying. Expander is one of those companies and in this research report we studied communication and brand building, focusing on brand management, relationships and integrated marketing. Here we drew the conclusion that all these areas are important for a company, especially in the Business-to-Business marketing in different ways.

Genusbias i suicidprevention - en litteraturbaserad studie

Introduction: Suicide is a major public health problem both internationally and in Sweden. Itis known in research that sex and gender have a bearing on the incidence of suicide andattempted suicide. Gender Bias in medical research could lead to medical errors and to thatthe problem is made invisible. That is why it is important to identify and eliminate them. AimThe purpose of this paper was to examine whether there is gender bias in scientific articlesdealing with suicide prevention interventions and how this is expressed.

Vilka problem finns det med förfalskade lÀkemedel?

VÀrldsmarknaden för lÀkemedlen berÀknades Är 2011 till 900 miljarder US$ enligt IMS-health. Marknaden för illegala lÀkemedel uppskattas vara vÀrd mellan 75-200 miljarder dollar. I Sverige uppskattas den illegala lÀkemedelsmarknaden till motsvarande ?0,5 %. Straffet för insmuggling av lÀkemedel till Sverige Àr böter eller max 2 Ärs fÀngelse.

Möjligheter med begrÀnsningar : NÄgra lÀrares erfarenheter av IKT i undervisningen

Denna studie undersöker vad nÄgra lÀrare pÄ en skola har för positiva och negativa erfarenheter av att integrera IKT i sin undervisning. Undersökningen tar sin utgÄngspunkt i nÄgra olika teorier som förklarar olika aspekter av undervisningspraktiken. Det Àr en kvalitativ, induktiv studie, som anvÀnder sig av intervjuer. Resultatet visar att lÀrarna ser IKT som nÄgot positivt, framförallt eftersom det möjliggör en mer varierad undervisning, och ökar elevernas motivation. De möter dock samtidigt mÄnga problem som gör att de inte kan utnyttja dess fulla potential, framförallt tekniska problem, samt bristande digital kompetens, bÄde hos elever och lÀrare.

FrÄn etik till ekonomi?: En analys av förÀndringar i svensk klimatpolicy 1990-2008

This study analyzes how the Swedish climate policy has changed during the years 1990-2008. Thisis done through a comparative analysis of three climate bills that were developed during this period.With a constructivist approach, and theories about discursive indicators and discursive fields,discursive changes in the bills' content are identified. The results show that changes have occurredin how the problem is described, how the issue is framed, which problem solutions that areadvocated, which legitimizing arguments and key concepts that are used and the extent of theknowledge that the bills are based upon. The conclusions drawn from the results describe adiscursive change between the bills in the form of a shift from a discourse that in a greater extentadvocates active policy responses, based on ethical arguments about fairness towards othercountries and caution towards the environment, to a discourse that more often favor market actionsbased on arguments about the economic viability of Sweden..

Barn- och ungdomars uppfattning om sin övervikt och fetma som ett problem samt skillnader i aktivitetsnivÄn hos barn- och ungdomar beroende pÄ deras sociala familjesituation

BackgroundIncreased prevalence of obesity in children- and young adults and risk for diseases related to obesity will increase the burden on medical care. It is important to identify early risk factors that can be noticed by nurses in the daily work.AimThe aim was to investigate whether children- and young adults themselves perceive overweight as a problem and if there was a difference in the measured activity levels between overweight children- and young adults in families with different socio-economic family status.Method descriptionExisting survey from the Obesity Centre at the Akademiska Sjukhuset were examined together with the results from an accelerometer, where children- and young adults activity was recorded, compared to their perception of how active they were. The results were compared using a statistical software program and compiled with descriptive and non-parametric statistics.ResultsThe results do suggest that the majority of children- and young adults experiencing excessive weight have a problem in their everyday lives. Nearly half overestimate themselves as more active than what the actual measurements with accelerometer demonstrated. Much time is spent in front of the TV and computers.

Kristendom och islam, eller vi och de andra : En analys av tvÄ lÀromedel i religionskunskap för grundsskolans senare Är

The aim of this study is to analyze how two different education books produce christianity and islam. The analyzed books is from 2003 and 2008 and the books are adapted for the last years of primary school. The meaning and translation of words is often a problem and can get the reader wrong understaning of the religion. The analyze include the perspective of this meaning and how the sacred things are described in each religion.The textanalyze is made with different criterias; the context, the pre- understanding and if the text is objectiv is some of the most important. The language is important too.

Kylkedjan för snittblommor - en kartlÀggning av distributionen

Title:Chillchain for cut flowers ? how the distribution works.Author:Anna-Maja Svarén, student at Lund Institute of Technology, mechanical engineering.Supervisors:Annika Olsson, Department of Design Sciences.Bengt Sahlberg, Bioett AB.Problem:How does the distribution of cut flower works regarding temperature, losses, responsibility, complaints, packaging and weak points?Purpose:The purpose is to map the distribution of cut flowers, with focus on losses in the temperature, from farm to store. The goal is to identify weak points in the chillchain and to se how wrong temperatures affect the flowers. The results can be a help to secure the chillchain.Method:The work started with a problem; map the distribution of cut flowers with focus on temperature losses. Data was collected on the basis of this problem, then analysed, and finally conclusions were drawn.Conclusions:The affect handling and distribution has on a cut flower is very complex.

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