

1798 Uppsatser om Keywords: ritningar - Sida 57 av 120

Oljeprisets långsiktiga samband med Sveriges och Norges aktieindex

Sammanfattning Denna studie utreder om ett långsiktigt samband mellan oljepriset och valda aktieindex kan påvisas. Tre typer av aktieindex har valts, generalindex, industriindex och råvaruindex, för Sverige respektive Norge. För att undersöka det långsiktiga sambandet mellan oljepriset och aktieindex används kointegrations- och regressionsanalys. Studien visar att det bara förekommer ett långsiktigt samband mellan oljepriset och ett fåtal av aktieindexen. Nyckelord: Olja, Kointegration, Tidsserier, Aktieindex Abstract This Study investigates if a long-term relationship between oil price and selected stock indices can be proved.

Offentlig upphandling : Skillnader i de obligatoriska kraven i större och mindre kommuner.

Recent years there has been discussed how the critical situation in the housing market threatens the Stockholm region's growth. The thesis objective is to examine whether there is a scientific link between the lack of housing supply and growth. The thesis also intends to identify solutions for increased housing construction, for instance by examining the conditions for a greater regional perspective and influence on the region's housing supply. The thesis empirical study is based on semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Government, municipalities and the housing industry.In Sweden, research on the relationship between housing shortages and growth has not been conducted to that extent it can be said to exist scientific evidence regarding the growth threat. However, in Britain and the U.S, empirical studies show that a lack of housing supply has hindered growth through negative impact on countries' gross domestic product.

Hur påverkar europeiseringen svensk alkoholpolitik?

AbstractTitle: How does Europeanization effect Swedish alcohol policy? .Titel: Hur påverkar Europeiseringen svensk alkoholpolitik?Minor Thesis in Political Science, January 2008Author : Markus GustafssonTutor : Lennart BergfeldtVäxjö UniversityThis essay will deal with the influence which Europeanization has on domestic politics. The case I have chosen is Swedish alcohol policy. Thus, the purpose is to explore whether observed changes in Swedish alcohol policy in the years 1993-2005 can be explained by Swedens´s membership in the European Union. To reach this purpose the following questions need to be answered:? What is europeanization?? How has Swedish alcohol policy changed from 1993 to 2005?? Is it possible to connect the changes in Swedish alcohol policy to a process of Europeanizationprocess?The method in this essay has been a qulitative study of litterature.

Traditionsprincipens betydelse i svensk rätt

The doctrine of traditio is the main rule for the buyer?s protection against the sellers?s creditors in the Swedish legal system. This means that the buyer have to take physical possession of the property in order to be protected against the sellers?s creditors if the seller becomes bankruptcy or is hit by an execution. If instead the doctrine of consensus applied the buyer is protected as soon as a valid contract is formed.

Stress i socialt arbete : - en risk för utbrändhet?

The purpose of this study was to investigate how social workers who worked with financial assistance perceived their work situation and the impact work-related stress had on their health and quality of work. Further, the study intended to find out if they felt that they received support from their employer that could prevent stress-related sick leave. The following two research questions were to be answered: In what way does work-related stress affect social workers? health and job quality according to their own experience? What kind of support and help experienced social workers were available within their organization? To receive answers to the questions semi-structured interviews with five social workers were conducted, analyzed and interpreted. The results showed that when social workers have a heavy case burden, high stress and a risk of deteriorated job quality occurred.

"Jag är bättre än så" : En studie om hur stimatisering- och stämplingsprocesser kan påverka föredetta kriminella mäns anpassningsmöjligheter i samhället.

ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to look into how ex-offenders experience that stigmatization and labeling- processes might affect their possibilities to create an integrated and adapted life in society. It is also of interest to study how and if the interviewees experience their self-image to be affected by these processes. Our research-questions are:-          How do ex-offender males experience stigmatization and labeling-processes to impact their possibilities when trying to re-integrate into society?-          Do ex-offender males experience their self-image being affected by stigmatization and labeling-processes? If so, how are they affected? In order to achieve this we interviewed members of the organization KRIS in Örebro, where we selected males over 23 years of age with a prior prison sentence. The study is based on the labeling-theory of Howard Becker as well as the stigma-theory by Erving Goffman.In the conclusions derived from the results we found that the interviewees experience a more distinct and obvious stigmatization and labeling from authorities such as the police and the legal system, than that from other people in society.

Konstruktion av verktygsskåp

Arbetet började med att företaget X-ponent Stålinredningar AB pressenterade uppgiften. Uppgiften var att undersöka ifall det var möjligt att konstruera ett verktygsskåp som skulle vara väsentligt mycket billigare än de skåp de tillverkar i dagsläget. Eftersom tiden för projektet var satt till tio veckor bestämdes det att målet med projektet var att ta fram tre koncept, och möjligtvis en prototyp som företaget eller en annan projektgrupp senare kan arbeta vidare med. Det första som gjordes var en konkurrentanalys av två redan befintliga verktygsskåp som låg i den tänkta prisklassen. Konkurrentanalysen gjordes främst för att utreda vilka detaljer på skåpet som kan göras om för att passa X-ponents uppsatta kravspecifikation.

Jordbruket, en del av vår identitet En studie om Frankrikes stöd för EU:s gemensamma jordbrukspolitik

AbstractThe European union experience sometimes difficulties in advancing its work due to the member states? different ambitions and interests. The budget is one common tool that the member states can use in order to implement different policies according to their preferences. A large share of the budget is presently tied up in the CAP, the common agricultural policy. This share could be spent in another area and by doing so the EU could take a slightly different direction.

Inkludering och autismspektrumtillstånd : En studie där personer med diagnos berättar om sina egna upplevelser av skolan

AbstractThis study examines factors in school that could contribute to or counteract the experience of inclusion of persons who have been diagnosed in the field of autism spectrum disorder. The information was gathered through qualitative interviews and processed to be presented in the results.The results show that respondents found it difficult to concentrate when in school because of the environment. They experienced no coherence in learning situations, they may not get answer as to why information should be carried out and saw no point to have breaks. Furthermore, they experienced no problems to orientate in school or to follow the schedule. The results also revealed that the respondents had at least one teacher with whom they felt that the relationship was positive.

Global stabilisering av volymbyggda trähus

År 1994 fick Sverige en ny byggnorm som tillåter obegränsad användning av trä i bärande stommar om funktionskraven uppfylls (Östman et al., 1999). Innan dess hade trä som bärande system tillåtits i upp till två våningar, vilket var en följd av att bränder orsakat stora problem i flera svenska städer. Dagens byggande strävar mer och mer mot att bygga så effektivt som möjligt med så kort byggtid som möjligt. Ett sätt att bygga effektivt och få kort tid på byggarbetsplatsen är att använda sig av prefabricerade volymer som monteras ihop till flervåningshus på byggarbetsplatsen. Idag finns en efterfrågan på flervåningshus i trä högre än fyra våningar och branschen anpassar sig snabbt till kundens önskemål.

Formgivning och konstruktion av larmsystem för marint bruk

Roland Öhrvall, VD för Ro Rollytech AB, hade en idé om ett båtskydd som med hjälp av GPS skulle kunna meddela båtägaren om oönskad aktivitet, såsom stöld eller inbrott. Genom projektet ?Ett entreprenöriellt universitet? förverkligades idéen vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Den systemtekniska utvecklingen av larmet påbörjades 2005 och utfördes av EISLAB (Embedded Internet System Laboratory) vid LTU. Efter två års arbete var det yttre höljet det enda som kvarstod mellan idé och verklig produkt.

Kan en periodiseringsbaserad investeringsstrategi effektiviseras med hjälp av fundamental analys?

This paper investigates whether the traditional accrual based trading strategy first documented by Sloan (1996) can be refined using fundamental analysis. Specifically, this is done by implementing the composite signal F_SCORE introduced by Piotroski (2000) to identify financially strong or weak firms. We find that by applying both investment models simultaneously, in a model we call P_KOMB, the mean market-adjusted return earned by an investor exploiting the accrual anomaly can be increased by 14.8% annually. This is achieved by taking a long position in strong firms (as defined by the composite signal) in the lowest accrual portfolio, while an offsetting short position is taken in weak firms in the highest accrual portfolio, repeated annually between 1997 and 2007. Consistent with prior studies, positive market-adjusted returns can be attained through assessment of accruals as well as key value drivers found in historical financial data.

Sjuksköterskors arbetsbelastning - en faktor för patientsäkerhet : En litteraturstudie.

Background: Every year, more than 1000 cases of adverse events are reported in the Swedish health care system. These adverse events cost approximately 240 million Swedish kronor each year. By explaining the factors that cause nurses to make mistakes when they have too great a workload, it is hoped the awareness of health care staff will increase. Aim: To perform a literature review which describes factors that can endanger patient safety when nurses experience too great a workload. Method: A systematic literature review encompassing both quantitative and qualitative material.

Främjande av fysisk aktivitet på lokal nivå : En studie av en lokal hälsokampanj

Nilsson, P. (2014). Promoting physical activity at a local level, a study conducted at a local health campaign. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.

Grundläggningsmetoder för mindre broar: en teknisk och
ekonomisk studie

I Norrbottens och Västerbottens län finns det över 1800 broar i det allmänna vägnätet och flertalet av dessa är betongbroar. Även om brobeståndet underhålls kontinuerligt är det ibland nödvändigt att byta ut en bro. Utöver detta tillkommer nya broar i samband med nya vägsträckningar och förbättringar av trafiksäkerheten. Dessa åtgärder är en stor kostnad för samhället och därför är det viktigt att broarna byggs på det mest tekniskt och ekonomiskt optimala sättet. Denna undersökning baseras på studier av 15 stycken mindre plattrambroar belägna i Norrbottens och Västerbottens län.

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