

1798 Uppsatser om Keywords: ritningar - Sida 58 av 120

Skadeståndstalan vid överträdelser av EU:s konkurrensbestämmelser : Kommissionens direktivförslag och dess konsekvenser i den svenska processrätten

Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.

Inkluderad på lika villkor : En retorisk analys av Socialdemokraternas invandringspolitik 1990 och 2013

The purpose of my study is to study Social Democrats immigration policy over the period 1990 and 2013. My material consists of party programs and motions that social democracy has raised in Parliament. As a research method I used McGee´s ideograph theory. I use a cluster analysis inspired by Kenneth Burke to analyze the meaning of those found ideographs. I also present and use Bitzers rhetorical situation in my analyzeWith help of Burke´s rhetorical situation I could see how the Social Democrats' rhetorical approach to immigration policy in the different periods in society.My investigation of the Social Democratic Party program and motions / propositions revealed the following ideographs: Democracy, solidarity, equality and freedom.

Mjuk, omsorgsfull och sexualförbrytare : - En studie om kvinnor dömda för sexualbrott

AbstractThere is a general perception that women are victims and men are the perpetrators of sexual offense. Female perpetrators of sexual crimes have been neglected in the research literature, because female sex offenders do not live up to preconceptions of female as motherly and caring. Females tend to be responsible for a very small portion of all crimes and are estimated to account for 1-2% of all sexual offenses. Theories use to discuss female sex offending include neutralization of behavior, mental health and feminist theory. The aim of the present study was to describe female sex offenders and examine the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim by analyzing court judgments.

Pedagogers arbete med språkstimulering i förskolan. : En fallstudie.

The purpose of this essay is to describe how preschool teachers think about language stimulation and how they work with it when it comes to small children in preschool. My research questions were:? What kind of methods do the preschool teachers use? And what kind of work procedure do they have?? Is there any difference in the work procedure when it comes to daily routines and playtime?? How do the preschool teachers describe their work procedure with language stimulation?To be able to reach my purpose and answer my questions, I decided to make a case study. I have made observations of the preschool teachers and how they work and I have made interviews. The material that I have used, beside observations and interviews, is literature that is about earlier research about this matter.The result of the study shows that the preschool teachers considers their work with language stimulation as part of everything they do.

?Kärnfamiljen är föråldrad som rådande norm? - Ensamstående mammors upplevelse av kontakten med BVC

The aim of the study was to describe lone mothers? experience of the contact with the Child Health Centre (CHC). The definition of CHC in the study was the Child Health Centre?s daily activities, the child health nurse and the parent groups. The study had a descriptive design and eleven lone mothers from parent forums on the internet participated.

Uppdrag övervikt - hur arbetar BVC?

AbstractJerfström, M. (2013). Mission overweight and obesity ? how do child-care centers operate? C-thesis in Public Health. Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies.


Abstrakt -  As energy prices rise, energy-saving in buildings is becoming increasingly important. By applying different construction and installation technologies, to new buildings the energy consumption can be reduced effectively, compared to similar existing buildings. These technical measures are often an investment in the long term and will reduce energy costs significantly. The purpose of this report is to show how to reduce energy consumption in a small house. It is presented in this report that both building's technical saving arrangements (the sealing of a building) and an installation technical arrangement (changing from the F-system to the FTX-system) would reduce energy consumption in newly built detached houses, if compared with a similar existing house but without these technical measures. The report presents also detailed calculations showing how much energy an existing 2-storey house, built in the year 2007 in Eskilstuna, consumes and how much energy would be saved if these corrective measures were applied to a new building. It is also reported how much money would be saved each year over a 10 year period if the measures were applied. The results show that both solutions are a good investment in the reduction of energy consumption and hence the cost involved. Keywords: energy, heat energy, infiltration, FTX-system, free temperature effectively. .

Matteklipp på nätet : Ett stöd i matematikundervisningen

 ABSTRACTThis master thesis defines a new concept ? Math Videos on the Net. The term refers to short,educational videos of mathematics that are freely available on the internet. The videos aredesigned to offer a complement to other course material for a specific element of a specific mathcourse and are directed to the target group of students studying the latter. Within this work, MathVideos on the Net have been created for the Swedish upper secondary school courses Matematik1b and 1c.The study aims to describe, analyze and interpret whether, and if so, how Math Videos on theNet can help support the work of teachers and students? development of knowledge in the firstmathematics course of the Swedish upper secondary school.

Utveckling och formgivning av vagn till produktion av verktyg

Denna rapport är resultatet av examensarbetet som har utförts på AB Sandvik Coromant i Gimo. På GV, en av tillverkningsenheterna i Gimo, tillverkas verktyg för fräsning, borrning, svarvning samt modulära verktygssystem för avancerade bearbetningsmaskiner och tillverkningsceller. Uppgiften har varit att utveckla och formge en ny vagn till produktionen av verktyg på GV. Syftet med projektet var att ersätta befintliga vagnar med en vagnstyp på hela GV. Uppgiften har bestått i att: kartlägga nuläget gällandes vilka produktvarianter och lastbärare GV har.

Reformation i förändring? : Bilden av reformationen i svenska kyrkohistoriska verk

ABSTRACTIn this study I have analyzed, throughout a gender perspective, two textbooks Den levandelitteraturen and Upplev litteraturen which are purposed to be used as teaching materials inSwedish schools in the subject of Swedish when teaching the history of literature. The intentof this study was to provide a gender analysis of two textbooks and the focus was on thepresentations of female and male writers, because they have not been studied earlier. In thisstudy, a qualitative text analytic method was used to achieve the best results as possible.Theories used in this study were Yvonne Hirdman?s and Raewyn Connell?s theories. Hirdmanclaims that there are differences between men and women at different levels in the societywhile Connell believes that this is a myth because, according to her, men and women arepsychologically alike.

USA:s förändrade Europapolitik USA: EU-politik sedan kalla krigets slut. En utrikespolitisk förändring i stil eller substans?

This thesis aims to describe and characterise the foreign policy change the United States has experienced towards Europe. This thesis claims that the United States is presenting a more supportive attitude today towards the development of the European Union. This more positive attitude has developed during successive U.S. administrations and has become visible since the end of the Cold War.Washington is today less ambiguous and less ambivalent towards the integration of Europe. The United States appreciate that a common foreign- and security policy in Europe is in accordance with American interests.

Husrannsakan enligt 20 a § PL : I teori och praktik

Abstract______________________________________________________________________Title:A study about creating understanding for different kinds of empowermentLevel:Bachelors thesis in Business Administration, 15 creditsAuthor:Fredrik LegovicSupervisor:Tomas KällquistDate:2014 - JuneAim:The main purpose of this study is to increase the understanding for different kinds of empowerment and how it affects the staff in the public sector.Method:The choice of method was based on the research aim. The method used to meet the objective was qualitative. The qualitative study was conducted with a hermeneutic basis, where individuals were asked to describe their experience of empowerment and how they feel affected of it. This thesis has a deductive approach, where existing theories dealing empowerment formed the basis for the design of interview substrate, which is then paired with the empirical evidence, based on this the conclusions was drawn.Result & Conclusion:What separates the different kinds of empowerment and how it affect the staff depends most of all on how the management chooses to communicate and share information with their staff.Suggestions for future research:A study regarding managers that works with different kinds of empowerment, and how that affects them, could be regarded as an interesting future research.Contribution of thesis:It shows that different kinds of empowerment affect the staff in different ways, which I made clear to the readers.Keywords:empowerment, thinking skills, relations and organizational - structure and theory.

Robusthet hos miljonprogrammets prefabricerade betongkonstruktioner

Elementbyggnad medför ofta problem, dels på grund av avsaknaden av naturliga kopplingar mellan dess element, dels kring hur konstruktionen i dess utformning ska motstå fortskridande ras. Med fortskridande ras avses det förlopp som uppstår då kollaps av en enskild bärverksdel sprids till intilliggande konstruktion. En konstruktion som har tillräcklig förmåga att motstå detta förlopp benämns robust. Bo G. Hellers, professor emeritus i konstruktionslära vid Kungliga tekniska högskolan, beskriver i en debattartikel att många byggnader uppförda med prefabricerade betongelement från miljonprogrammet inte uppnår tillräcklig robusthet. Syftet med denna studie baseras på Bo G. Hellers uttalande och har varit att undersöka om en befintlig byggnad uppförd under miljonprogrammet är utformad på ett sådant sätt att tillräcklig robusthet uppnås.

Norska och Svenska pedagogers uppfattningar om arbetet med läs- och skrivsvårigheter i barnehagen/förskolan

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to illuminate if the preventive practices and the identification of early signals about reading and writing difficulties is different between two Norwegian and two Swedish teachers' work in preschool. Research questions focused on the differences as well as similarities between Swedish and Norwegian educators working preventively current literacy in preschool, and their efforts when they identify signals to reading and writing difficulties.The study has been conducted through interviews with four female teachers, two who work  in Norway and two in Sweden.Swedish and Norwegian teachers work preventively on reading and writing, analysis resulted in three categories; books in text and pictures, words and rhyming chants and songs. No differences between Norwegian and Swedish pedagogues? prevention methods could be identified, however Norwegian teachers put more focus on rhythm and rhythmic pat exercises than the Swedish educators.The conclusions are that the Norwegian teachers mention more preventative approaches and early intervention for children with suspected dyslexia, than the Swedish teachers in the study makes. The Norwegian teachers also seem to have access to more expertise in connection with suspected dyslexia, compared to the Swedish teachers.

Är vi där än? - BIM inom produktion och försäljning : En fallstudie om hur BIM kan utveckla byggföretaget

Titania köpte hösten 2010 in programvaran Revit för att skapa möjligheten att kunna BIM-projektera sina ROT-projekt. En övergång från 2D-projektering har ännu inte skett då den allmänna synen inom företaget är att projekten innehåller för många komplexa delar i utförandet och därför bör lösas på plats. Idag säljer Titania sina råvindslägenheter när dessa står färdiga men de har som mål att tidigarelägga försäljningen av sina projekt, om detta ska kunna ske måste företaget ha mer material att lämna till sina mäklare som de i sin tur kan presentera för kunden.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka vilka skillnader BIM skulle kunna skapa för produktionen, hur BIM kan implementeras på arbetsplatsen samt att visa hur Titania kan använda sig av BIM till försäljningen av sina projekt.Examensarbetet är baserat på en fallstudie, intervjuer samt litteraturstudie rörande typprojektet Byggmästaren, ett råvindsprojekt i Solna.Under arbetet med fallstudien upptäcktes en del problem i den nuvarande projekteringen, några av de problem som upptäcktes var bland andra; avvikelser mellan ritningar, kollisioner mellan byggdelar och mått som inte stämmer överrens med varandra. Detta är något som även uppmärksammades i vår intervju med platschefen för Byggmästaren och dessa problem är något som i slutändan kan skapa svårigheter och fördröjningar i produktionen. I fallstudien undersökte vi även vad som saknades i det nuvarande materialet för att kunna tidigarelägga försäljningen av lägenheterna, det som framkom var bland annat: ljusinsläppet i lägenheterna samt tydligare visualiseringar.I resultatdelen presenteras funktioner i BIM som kan vara alternativa lösningar till de problem och efterfrågningar som vi upptäckte.Slutsatsen för detta examensarbete är att Titania bör övergå till att projektera med BIM.

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