

171 Uppsatser om Journal - Sida 3 av 12

Konflikter på jobbet - ett problem för chefer. Vårdenhetschefers hantering av interpersonella konflikter

IntroduktionInterpersonella konflikter är vanligt på arbetsplatser, vilket har en negativ påverkan på arbetsklimat och trivsel. Även patienternas omvårdnad kan beröras av konflikter i personalgruppen. Chefen är den som förväntas ingripa för att lösa sådana problem, men för chefer är konflikthantering ett område som upplevs svårt, som tar mycket tid och där man saknar kunskap.SyfteAtt undersöka vilka konflikthanteringsstrategier vårdenhetschefer använder vid interpersonella kon-flikter, och vad som påverkar valet av konflikthanteringsstrategi.MetodStudien är en litteraturstudie i vilken 7 vetenskapliga studier/artiklar ingår. Ingående artiklar hämtades från databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och Scopus, samt med manuell sökning i tidskrifterna Journal of Nursing Management och Journal of Advanced Nursing. Artiklarna var publicerade mellan 1991 och 2008.ResultatStudierna visade att vårdenhetschefer ofta använder konflikthanteringsstrategier som endast ger kort-variga lösningar, och som inte är effektiva.

Medkämpe i arbetarklassens stora befrielsekamp : Föreställningar om klass, kön och skötsamhet i tidningen Arbetets Kvinnor 1927-1931

This is a study of the trade union Journal for female blue collar women in Sweden, Arbetets Kvinnor, between 1927 and 1931. The purpose is to examine how a female trade union activist's constructs collective identity by those notions of social class, sex, and moral values that are articulated in the Journal. The main theoretical basis is Alberto Melucci's analysis where he argues that a collective identity in social movements is made in an interaction between individuals, where the action possibilities and limits are defined. Another purpose is how the female blue collar worker's resistance and/or adaption to the male hegemonic trade union and the bourgeoisie hegemonic society are presented. The essay shows how the collective identity is made of both historical and contemporary images of the working class women as workers and trade union activists.

?En patient, en användbar journal? : användning av vårdinformationssystemet COSMIC

Användandet av IT i vården kan vara en kraftfull resurs för att säkerställa vårdkvalitet och patientsäkerhet, till exempel genom att tillhandahålla rätt information om patienten på rätt plats vid rätt tidpunkt. Detta ställer stora krav på de IT-system som ska stödja det vårdande arbetet, representera informationsmängden, och samtidigt möjliggöra överföring av information. En omvälvande förändringsprocess pågår inom vården där dokumentation och administration sker med hjälp av datorer istället för med manuell pappershantering. Trots att alla parter ? vårdgivare, landsting och systemleverantör - är överens om det övergripande målet att gå mot "en patient, en Journal", har förändringsprocessen visat sig vara svår.En fallstudie har genomförts där fokus legat på arbetet i dess helhet samt hur detta arbete stöds av IT-systemet Cosmic.

Sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsdokumentation enligt VIPS-modellen : en journal- och enkätstudie

Syftet med studien var att beskriva kvantitet och kvalitet i sjuksköterskors dokumentation av omvårdnad enligt VIPS- modellen i enlighet med omvårdnadsprocessens alla steg på ett sjukhus i Mellansverige Avsikten var även att beskriva hinder och möjligheter för och attityder till dokumentation ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv mellan tre medicinavdelningar på nämnda sjukhus. Vidare ingick i syftet att jämföra dokumentationen på de tre avdelningarna med avseende på kvantitet och kvalitet. I undersökningen ingick en Journal- respektive enkätstudie. Journalstudien som var retrospektiv omfattade 100 patientJournaler. Som mätinstrument för Journalstudien användes granskningsmallen CAT-CH-ING.

Olika vägar att nå målen : En studie om fem rektorers arbete med ADHD-problematik

This study examines how yoga is presented in a Swedish Journal called Sökaren. Sweden is often presented as one of the most secular states in the world, and for that reason it is interesting to examine the Swedish way of religiosity by looking, in this case, at the depiction of yoga. I compare two periods of time, the first one from 1964 to 1974 and the latter from 1998 to 2008. I will thereby be able to examine tendencies and changes in the presentation of yoga. For a further understanding of the context around the elected periods this study introduces religiosity in Swedish society, such as Christianity and the New Age movement.

Vetenskaplig kommunikation i förändring: en fallstudie av ett svenskt forskningsbiblioteks beståndsutveckling

For hundreds of years the scientific Journals has been the foremost tool for scholarly communication. Publishing of research results is very important for scientists. Often the research is bound to the university and the research libraries supplies the scientist with all Journals needed. The last decades the libraries have seen the costs for subscriptions to Journals explode. Commercial publishers often lie behind the mostly unmotivated escalation in price.

Gör jag det jag tror att jag gör när jag övar? En självstudie i övning

Title: Am I doing what I think I am doing when I am practicing? A self study in practicing. The purpose of this study is to determine whether I do what I think I do when I practice. The reason for this is to make myself a better teacher as well as a musician. By gaining knowledge about my own practicing I will be able to guide future students in their own practicing in a better way.

Då patienten inte åker med ambulansen för fortsatt vård, en studie med aspekt på patientsäkerheten : En retrospektiv journalgranskningsstudie av 137 utlarmningar

ABSTRACT Introduction: During the past 40 years the ambulance service in Sweden has evolved from mainly being a source of transport to today?s high-tech caring facilities that enable qualified care to start already in the patient?s home. This first level of care is now provided by registered nurses and registered nurses with specialist training in pre hospital care.At the same time as the care provided is becoming more advanced, results from studies demonstrate that the amount of dispatches to patients that lack the need for ambulance care and transport is increasing. Nurses in pre-hospital care possess the knowledge, training and authority to perform an initial assessment of patients and also treat patients according to local and national guidelines. After the treatment it would sometimes be possible for the patients to remain at home without having to use ambulance transport to an emergency department or in other cases find other means of transport to hospital.

Redesign av facktidskriften Ingenjören

This degree project contains a theoretical and a practical part about magazine design. Literature aboutthe subject?s typography and magazine design has been studied and put into practice on the professionalJournal Ingenjören. Besides of that a study about the history of magazine typography for the lastfifty years has been done.Typography and other design factors are important for the magazine to be readable and gives at thesame time the magazine an identity of its own, which has become more and more important throughoutthe last decades.The result of this degree project is a new design for Ingenjören, a design that agrees more with howthe Journal want to be considered. A new template, a dummy and a manual have been produced.

Utvärdering av miljöbonus IP-lantbruk :

The Dairy business is changing a lot because of some scandals in the agricultural area for example the BSE crises in Great Britain. Because of the scandals the food industry and the farm association have created a certifying system; IP-Sigill Swedish standard system. We contacted Skånemejerier as they have been successful in the certifying area. They asked us if we wanted to do a study in the certifying area of dairy farmers. At Skånemejerier they gave us most of the literature in the area about certifying. The result of the study, is that we have taken up the most common remark?s. The most frequent remark is Journal over routines in management of dairy cows on daily basis. Another remark of the study is that the frequency of the remarks decreases with greater production..

Yoga i Sverige : En komparativ studie av tidsskriften Sökaren mellan åren 1964-1974 och 1998-2008.

This study examines how yoga is presented in a Swedish Journal called Sökaren. Sweden is often presented as one of the most secular states in the world, and for that reason it is interesting to examine the Swedish way of religiosity by looking, in this case, at the depiction of yoga. I compare two periods of time, the first one from 1964 to 1974 and the latter from 1998 to 2008. I will thereby be able to examine tendencies and changes in the presentation of yoga. For a further understanding of the context around the elected periods this study introduces religiosity in Swedish society, such as Christianity and the New Age movement.

Är det inte dokumenterat - är det inte gjort

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva om omvårdnads- dokumentation, enligt VIPS-modellen, underlättar, kvalitetssäkrar och stödjer sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsarbete. Det ska även belysa om sjuksköterskan har tillräklig kunskap om dokumentation enligt VIPS-modellen. En kritisk granskning av elva vetenskapliga artiklar resulterade i sju kategorier. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskan anser att patientsäkerheten ökar, att VIPS-modellen kan bidra till tidsbesparing och underlättar för sjuksköterskan i omvårdnadsarbetet. Även andra yrkeskategorier kan dra nytta av sjuksköterskans dokumentation.

Näringstillförsel för äldre personer med demenssjukdom,

The aim of this littrature review has been to describe how you can satisfy the need of nourishment for older people who suffer from dementia. Data has been retrieved by searches in Academic Search Elite, Sience Direct, Blackwell, PubMed and in the Journal Vård i Norden. The studies show that most of the people with dementia have a hard time to satisfy the nourishment. The results show that through different preventive measurement you can improve the nourishment for these people, to set the table, play calm music and to have a table companion. By taking the food oneself created a good meal environment and the individually need was provided for.

Yrksverksamma tandhygienisters arbetsuppgifter och dess tidsåtgång - en observationsstudieDental hygienists working tasks and the time they use carrying them out : ? an observation study

ABSTRACTThe aim of the observation study was to examine the dental hygienists working tasks and the time they used carrying them out. Four dental hygienists where observed during four days each. The total time the dental hygienists used with patients during sixteen fulltime days come to a sum of 89 hours of the possible 111 hours. Twelve hours was late cancels and time when patients didn?t come to their appointment and ten hours were used for meetings.

Integritet och sa?kerhet inom den digitaliserade sjukva?rden. : Med perspektiv utifrån patientdatalagen

The digitization of patient data and medical records used by the healthcare-industry in Sweden is rapidly developing. However; developing and changing things in this field is not an easy task because of the circumstances surrounding it. Digital systems intended to process, and hold, sensitive personal data, such as medical Journals, must be developed with laws, confidentiality, integrity and availability in mind to secure that none of this data gets compromised.A complicating factor in regards to this is the fast rate of development within IT in contrast to the much slower bureaucratic process of the justice system. This means that laws and regulations oftentimes aren?t up to date with the newest available technology.With the purpose of establishing set regulations on how patient data should be properly handled the Swedish government enacted the Patient Data Act (sv.

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