349 Uppsatser om Joint swelling - Sida 5 av 24
I domstolens fälla? Den Liberala Intergovernmentalismen från Utstationeringsdirektivet till Lavaldomen
This thesis aim to advance the Liberal Integrovernmentalism (LIG) developed byAndrew Moravcsik in order to order to explain how the European Court of Justice (ECJ) can make de facto EU policies diverge from what was originally intended by the Member States. More specifically it describes how the Posting of Workers Directive, Directive 96/71/EC, originally was created to shield certain Member States and their respective systems of regulating the labour market from pressure arising from the posting of workers form low-wage countries inside the EU. However, through a series of cases in the ECJ the de facto policy of the directive has changed and it is now in itself a potential threat against these systems. The Member States now find themselves caught in a ?Joint-Decision Trap?, unable to rectify the situation even though their original agreement has been turned on its head.
The effect of hoof trimming on dairy cows´ behaviour, locomotion and production
The Swedish dairy production today consists of big farms and different housing systems are in use. These systems put demands on the cows? ability to cope with the environment and one challenge is the claw health in the herds. Some claw lesions that are frequently observed are foot rot, hemorrhages, digital dermatitis and sole ulcers, which can be caused by, for example, the claws? environment and the flooring type used.
Smörjningsfri led till industrirobot
IRB 340, Flexpicker is an industrial robot used for sorting, packaging and the handling of details up to two kg. The Flexpicker is a delta robot, meaning that it with three arms controls a triangular plate, swivel, in a work area shaped like a cylinder. Joints using plain bearings connect the arms.The plain bearing in use today consists of a plastic ring which slides against a hard anodized joint ball. Despite the fact that the plastic contain friction-lowering additives, the bearing needs to be lubricated to prevent noise. Because the robot is used in food and drug handling environments, where the demands on hygiene are set very high, the robot is often washed.
Bangenerering för industrirobot med 6 frihetsgrader
This thesis studies path generation for industrial robots of six degrees of freedom. A path is defined by connection of simple geometrical objects like arcs and straight lines. About each point at which the objects connect, a region, henceforth called a zone, is defined in which deviation from the defined path is permitted. The zone allows the robot to follow the path at a constant speed, but the acceleration needed may vary. Some means of calculating the zone path as to make the acceleration continuous will be presented.
Omvärldsbevakning i Svenska Bankaktiebolag
The concepts of environmental scanning and Business Intelligence have gained increased interest over the last years in a number of different organisational contexts. The research in this field has mainly been dealing with methods and issues regarding organisation but the aim of environmental scanning, the forming of new perspectives, has been largely ignored. The purpose of this thesis is to study how Swedish joint-stock banks put environmental scanning and Business Intelligence into practice. First a literature study is made to create a background and to explain the different conceptions. Then I describe the different functions of the different services in Swedish joint-stock banks.
This report reflects an examination work performed for Getrag All Wheel Drive AB during the spring of 2005. Among the companies range of products there exists some concern regarding the amount of clamping force and friction on bolted joints caused by the assembly torque.The aim of this project has been to determine if there is a simple way in which to identify and then practically apply testing methods for clamping force and friction through utilization of existing testing equipment.Three separate methods of clamping force and friction determination have been tested in rear drive unit, RDU, at a 30 Nm assembly torque. A fourth and final method, screw elongation with ultrasound, has been used as reference. The methods are:?Torque-Tension test.?Screw elongation with micrometer.?Joint stiffness test.?Screw elongation with ultra sound for reference.The results from tests can be viewed in table below.MethodTorque-TensionMicrometerCs=318 kN/mm Assembled with torque wrenchMicrometerCs=318 kN/mm Assembled on lineUltra-soundCS=311 kN/mm Ultra- soundCS=318 kN/mm Joint stiffnessTheoreticalClamping force-21,8 kN17,6 kN17,3 kN17,6 kN17,1 kN17,3 kNFriction-0,110,1470,1530,1470,1520,149.
Ockupanter och gerillor, kort sagt en hel del att tänka på
Uppsatsen är inriktad på den militära delen i upprorsbekämpning och tar sin utgångspunkt i två stycken militärteoretikers teorier inom ämnet. Teoretikerna är John Mackinlay och David Kilcullen, som under 2009 utkom med varsin ny bok inom området, The Insurgent Archipelago samt The Accidental Guerilla. Den metod som arbetet vilar på är kvalitativ textanalys. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning som teorin och doktrinerna stämmer överrens. Därför har först teoretikernas syn på hur en utifrån kommande intervenerande styrka påverkar lokalbefolkningen analyserats.
Tre metoder för att utvärdera ledsvullnad hos hund
I denna studie utvärderades tre olika mätmetoder för att bedöma en eventuell ledsvullnad i armbågsleden hos 18 hundar. Metoderna som utvärderas var palpation, mätning med skänkelmått samt mätning med måttband. Syftet med studien var att bestämma inter- och intrareliabiliteten för ovan nämnda metoder. Anledningen till att detta är av intresse är att den metod som framför allt används idag för att bedöma ledsvullnad är palpation, vilken har visat sig vara en inte helt tillförlitlig metod. Inom veterinärmedicinsk rehabilitering behövs idag mer objektiva sätt att mäta ledsvullnad för att på ett bättre sätt kunna utvärdera olika behandlingsmetoder så väl som det kliniska rehabiliteringsarbetet.
Kinas bilindustri ur ett joint venture-perspektiv
Fortfarande idag sätter ordet JV skräck i många utländska investerare på grund av GPAC och andra misslyckade JV i Kina . Kina tänker inte göra omvärlden några gratistjänster, utan vill dra nytta av de fördelar man har av den stora billiga arbetskraften. Kineserna är väl medvetna om sin potential och kommer inte att ingå JV som inte passar dem. Motiven för kineserna att ingå JV med utländska företag är i grund och botten bara steg i utvecklingen av bilindustrin. När de väl fått den kunskap de behöver för att kunna gå vidare själva kommer de nog inte att visa någon välvilja mot sina gamla partners.
Partnerkonflikter vid ojämn ägarfördelning i internationella joint ventures
Studiens syfte har varit att få en fördjupad förståelse för partnerkonflikter vid ojämn ägarfördelning i internationella joint ventures (IJVs). Syftet adresseras med två forskningsfrågor; (1) När IJVs har ojämn ägarfördelning, vilka partnerkonflikter riskerar att uppstå? (2) När IJVs har ojämn ägarfördelning, vad är särskilt relevant att beakta för minoritetsägare för att undvika partnerkonflikter? För att bemöta syftet och besvara forskningsfrågorna har studien haft en explorativ karaktär med en induktiv forskningsansats, där en fallstudie har undersökts kvalitativt. Primärdata bestod av tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer och sekundärdata bestod av mejlkonversationer samt formella dokument, såsom avtal och statuter.Resultatet från studien visar att partnerkonflikter riskerar att uppstå i avtals olika dimensioner; termspecificitet, anpassningsbarhet och ansvarsförbindelser. Det visar även att partnerkonflikterna i avtalet påverkas av personer i IJV:et samt omgivningen som avtalen ska fungera i.
Baltic 21 kontra Helcom : Hållbarhet eller Modernisering
The purpose with the essay is to point out how the main differences of the Helsinkicommission, Helcom and Baltic 21 can be explained from a general perspective and with a specific focus on two of their ongoing projects: Baltic 21 Lighthouse projects and The Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Plan. And to investigate how the organisations them selves formulates the purpose of the two projects. This will be an indication on why environmental problems are handled with in a traditional matter although the rhetoric of the environmental politics is permeated by the concept of Sustainable Development.This dilemma is being treated from the theoretical approaches of Ecological Modernisation and Sustainable Development and linked to how these organisations actually carried out their work and how the historical heritage have a role to play in this complex of problems. The results of the essay shows that concrete differences exists in the way that the two organisations are constructed and how their ongoing projects are designed and formulated. These differences can be derived to the theoretical platforms Ecological Modernisation and Sustainable Development and be explained by in witch political context the organisations were created.
Kejsarens nya kläder : En fallstudie på H&M:s Lagerfeldkollektion
As companies exert themselves to find new ways of achieving market dominance and stronger brands, the phenomenon co-branding has become increasingly popular. By cooperation between two different firms the combined effects can result in synergies not only on the balance sheet, but even through softer values such as Brand recognition, equity and larger market share. Recently the fashion company H&M launched a collection together with the esteemed fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld. The objective of this paper is to examine the effects the collaboration had on consumer?s attitudes towards the two brands.
Ridhästens samling : en jämförelse av subjektiva bedömningar och objektiv kinematisk analys
The modern veterinarian in horse practice is often consulted by horse owners concerning riding problems. These problems are more complex and show other characteristics than traditional lameness. For the diagnostic process and to give adequate advice the veterinarians need an understanding of riding terminology and problems related to riding. It is also of high importance that riders, trainers and veterinarians increase the knowledge of equine biomechanics and how these are influenced by the rider. Collection is an important concept in the riding terminology.
Konstruktionstudie av en ångexpander
This thesis applies to a novel steam expander, one part of a steam engine system, a wobble plateengine. The piston in the expander moves axially with the outgoing rotating shaft and is locatedon a plate, why the engine type is called axial engine. When steam is applied to the plungers theplate wobbles creating a rotation on the shaft going thru the wobble plate. The steam expander issupposed to be used in exhaust gas recovery (bottoming cycle) applications and small scaleenergy production. The commissioner is Ranotor Utveckling AB.
Montagemetoder för axel och rotor
At ABB LV Motors in Västerås the shaft is assembled into the rotor with a shrink fit. After athorough investigation of the assembly method, several factors that make the insertion of theshaft more difficult has been discovered. Some affect the assembly directly while others onlyhave an indirect influence. The investigation has shown that the radial play between the shaftsouter radius and the rotors inner radius might be too small which could lead to anunsuccessful assembly. For the larger rotors, the condition is the opposite, and the rotor mightmove compared to the shaft direct after the assembly when the rotor still is warm.