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Behövs pottan? Det finns ju så bra blöjor! : Information om potträning vid BVC
Bakgrund: Potträningen har de senaste decennierna senarelagts. Svenska barn blir i genomsnitt kontinenta vid tre års ålder trots att barn kan uppnå blåskontroll redan under spädbarnstiden. Sen potträning kan leda till fysiska och psykiska komplikationer. Att potträningen har senarelagts kan bland annat bero på att föräldrar har svårt att bedöma när barn är redo för potträning. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilken information som ges kring potträning från BVC (barnavårdscentral) -sjuksköterskor och vad den informationen baserades på.
En studie av drivkrafter hos kinesiska medarbetare : ? ur fo?retags perspektiv
In 2009, the estimated number of residents in China was 1.331 billion, representing approximately 22% of the total world population. China is the world's most populous state and is in constant growth. This is also a market that offers huge opportunities. The major cultural differences between China and the rest of the world can often cause problems for companies that choose to expand in China. A major problem with the cultural differences is that Chinese employees feel that foreign managers do not understand the Chinese culture which is said to be the reason why Chinese people tend to change jobs often.
En skrivarstuga, en inspelning och en film : skriftlig reflektion inom sja?lvsta?ndigt, konstna?rligt arbete
The Swedish social insurance agency provides financial support for families and children, but also for people with work injury, illness and at old age. During 2012 they saw the amount of notifications of insurance increasing in Sweden, which is a development that cost our society a great deal of money. With the aim to pursue a sustainable development I have therefore devoted this project to wellness and stress management within preschool.The employees of preschool are often dealing with a lot of stress, due to the big groups of children that causes high noise and sound levels. The high noise and sound levels is a contributor to stress which additionally can damage the health and cause impaired hearing loss. About half of the people around their forties until the age of retirement have difficulties understanding speech in large groups.The purpose of this project has been to investigate the causes of negative stress for my target group, women between 30-60 years old who works in preschool.
Vad ha?ller da?ren vaken om na?tterna? : utforskande av det ogripbara
The Swedish social insurance agency provides financial support for families and children, but also for people with work injury, illness and at old age. During 2012 they saw the amount of notifications of insurance increasing in Sweden, which is a development that cost our society a great deal of money. With the aim to pursue a sustainable development I have therefore devoted this project to wellness and stress management within preschool.The employees of preschool are often dealing with a lot of stress, due to the big groups of children that causes high noise and sound levels. The high noise and sound levels is a contributor to stress which additionally can damage the health and cause impaired hearing loss. About half of the people around their forties until the age of retirement have difficulties understanding speech in large groups.The purpose of this project has been to investigate the causes of negative stress for my target group, women between 30-60 years old who works in preschool.
Snabbhet. Ett avgörande moment i elitfotboll. En studie om forskning, utbildning och praktiskt utförande av snabbhetsträning i svensk elitfotboll. - Speed - a crucial moment in elite soccer. A study on research, education and practical execution of explos
Bakgrund: Syftet med studien var att undersöka svenska fotbollsspelares
rörelsemönster och kravprofil för att analysera betydelsen av explosivitets- och
snabbhetsträning och dessutom analysera prioriteten och värdet av den här träningen i
den vetenskapliga litteraturen, i tränarutbildningen och i praktiken.
Metod: Begreppet snabbhetsträning har analyserats utifrån tre perspektiv;
Forskningens, Utbildningens och det Praktiska utförandets perspektiv.
Forskningsperspektivet har analyserats genom relevanta forskningsresultat inom
området. Utbildningsperspektivet har analyserats utifrån Svenska Fotbollförbundets
tränarutbildning och det Praktiska utförandet har analyserats genom en intervjustudie
med representativa tränare i svensk elitfotboll. Dessa perspektiv har ställts mot varandra
i en modell som skall ses som en kunskapsstege där information och kunskap skapas
genom forskning, där utbildningen fungerar som länk och där det praktiska utförandet
speglar den kunskapsinhämtning och kompetensutveckling som skett över tid.
Resultat: Explosiviteten kan bevisligen ökas väsentligt genom funktionell träning. Både
forskningen och kurslitteraturen till tränarutbildningen visar att förbättringar kan nås
genom isolerad snabbhetsträning i t.ex. sprintövningar eller genom relevant
styrketräning men att det mest optimala är att träna snabbhetsförmågan i
fotbollsspecifika situationer med boll.
Vilken information får hundägare i samband med kastrering av sin hanhund?
Until 1988, it was forbidden to neuter male dogs in Sweden without a veterinary medical cause, so there is clearly no long tradition of this procedure in healthy dogs. According to the website of The Swedish Kennel Club (SKK), February 11, 2011, there has been an increase of castrated male dogs in Sweden. They see this increase as worrying, especially in cases of the less common breeds, where it is most important to maintain the gene pool. The SKK expresses concern that castration is used as a tool to influence the personality of dogs, instead of training and education of the dog. They write that castration should be preceded by a discussion initiated by the veterinarian, where the pros and cons of castration are weighed against each other.
Balanced Scorecard i Abetong : Prototyping av ett ekonomiskt styrverktyg
AbstractEqual opportunities from an employer brand perspective- What does the future manpower inquire?Authors: Erik Frick & Niklas HalldénInstructor: Karin JonnergårdExaminer: Sarah PhilipsonBackgroundWe are living in a society that originates from a patriarchy founded many thousand years ago. This has put women in an inferior position in the labour market. To promote equal opportunities we argue for that companies can utilise employer brand. Employer brand is a new theoretic concept that is being used more frequently among scholars and companies.Presentation of the problem? Which role do equal opportunities play to attract potential manpower from an employer brand perspective?MethodOur method has a quantitative approach and we have choosen to carry out a survey.
Vägen till ett självständigt liv? : en studie om Rekryteringsgruppens betydelse för ryggmärgsskadades rehabilitering
Aim?Rekryteringsgruppen? (RG) is an organisation that through co-operating with the National Health service aims at optimizing the ability for physically disabled persons to rehabilitate. RG is a non-profit organisation ?using physical and mental exercise for disabled people, mainly neurologically disabled persons.? One of the goals that RG wants to achieve is ?that the target group will be able to live such an active and independent life as possible?. As no previous studies have been done in order to review the adaptation of RG:s work and its effects on the disabled, the purpose of this paper is to examine spinal cord injured individuals perception of independence concerning situation of life, ability to function and physical activity.MethodData have been collected by using three questionnaires.
Skolans organisering och pedagogiska arbete med svenska som andraspråk : ur ett lärarperspektiv
Research has shown that students with another mother tongue than Swedish terminate elementary school with lower grades in all subjects, compared to students having Swedish as a mother tongue. This fact justifies further research on the forms of teaching Swedish as a second language. Attention has been given to the fact that the students with another mother tongue than Swedish have to cope with "dual learning". Parallel to the learning of a second language they need to obtain knowledge in all other subjects. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the School organise the work with students having another mother tongue than Swedish, and to find out how teachers in other subjects solve the problem of having students that struggle with "dual learning".
Design och medveten närvaro : Ljusets förmåga till stressreducering och uppmuntran till medveten närvaro i förskolan.
The Swedish social insurance agency provides financial support for families and children, but also for people with work injury, illness and at old age. During 2012 they saw the amount of notifications of insurance increasing in Sweden, which is a development that cost our society a great deal of money. With the aim to pursue a sustainable development I have therefore devoted this project to wellness and stress management within preschool.The employees of preschool are often dealing with a lot of stress, due to the big groups of children that causes high noise and sound levels. The high noise and sound levels is a contributor to stress which additionally can damage the health and cause impaired hearing loss. About half of the people around their forties until the age of retirement have difficulties understanding speech in large groups.The purpose of this project has been to investigate the causes of negative stress for my target group, women between 30-60 years old who works in preschool.
Utvärdering av föräldracirkelns "Toaletträning" långsiktiga värde : Föräldrars skattning av sitt barns förmågor att klara av toalettbestyr
Hos barn med utvecklingsstörning och autism är kontrollen över blåsan och tarmen försenad i varierande grad. Syfte: Att utvärdera hur föräldrars upplevelse av sitt barns förmåga gällande toalettbesök samt blås- ochtarmkontroll har förändrats sedan avslutad föräldracirkel. Metod: Deskriptiv studie. Enkäter till samtliga föräldrar (n=64) som deltagit i föräldracirkeln vid Habiliteringen för barn ochvuxna i Uppsala län, åren 2002-2010. Svarsfrekvensen var 27 av 64 (42 %).
Jämställdhet ur ett employer brand perspektiv : - Vad efterfrågar framtidens arbetskraft?
AbstractEqual opportunities from an employer brand perspective- What does the future manpower inquire?Authors: Erik Frick & Niklas HalldénInstructor: Karin JonnergårdExaminer: Sarah PhilipsonBackgroundWe are living in a society that originates from a patriarchy founded many thousand years ago. This has put women in an inferior position in the labour market. To promote equal opportunities we argue for that companies can utilise employer brand. Employer brand is a new theoretic concept that is being used more frequently among scholars and companies.Presentation of the problem? Which role do equal opportunities play to attract potential manpower from an employer brand perspective?MethodOur method has a quantitative approach and we have choosen to carry out a survey.
Obstetriska plexus brachialisskador
Obsterisk plexus brachialisskada (OBPP) är en nervskada som kan uppkomma vid vaginal förlossning. OBPP kan ge neurologisk funktionsnedsättning med varierad svårighetsgrad. Konsekvenserna för barn med OBPP är framförallt funktionsnedsättningar i axel, arm, hand och fingrar men även ögats nerver kan skadas. Den största riskfaktorn för OBPP är klinisk handläggning av skulderdystoci. Skulderdystoci är en svår komplikation som uppstår då barnets axlar fastnat i kvinnans bäcken i samband med förlossningens slutskede.
"Du måste helt enkelt äga ditt klassrum" : En studie om lärares ledarskap och strategier i mötet med störande elever
The title, ?You simply must own your classroom?, is taken from a quote from one of my informants.After review of earlier research on how teachers handle their leadership in the meeting with disturbing pupils and which strategies they use to solve problems in the classroom, interesting questions developed. What experiences do teachers have of disturbing situations in the classroom? Which strategies do they use to solve the problems? What kind of support do the teachers consider necessary in teaching? Are there any differences in teachers? experiences and strategies between the two selected schools? The study is supported by earlier research that deals with pupils? and teachers? perspective and strategies in different classroom cultures in terms of norm-breaking behaviour of pupils. The study is also supported by three different theoretical perspectives such as power structure, social order/disorder and support strategies.I conducted the study through interviews with sex teachers who work in the same municipality but in two separate schools.
Etableringskriterier : för lagerhållande verksamhet
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the most important establishment criteria for companies whointend to do a new establishment. There are differences between regions regarding attraction on startup.Some regions have few new businesses while others continuously expanded its activities in variousfields. The biggest focus on the thesis is the Gävle- Borlänge region where MellansvenskaHandelskammaren is active.Mellansvenska Handelskammaren saw a need for the assignment after the magazine ?IntelligentLogistik? ranked the Gävle region at 15:th place and Falun/Borlänge at 20:th place in the list over thetop 25 best logistics locations in Sweden. This made them wonder what could be made to develop intoa better area with more amenities and a better place in the ranking of the magazine.