1044 Uppsatser om Isometric trunk training - Sida 14 av 70
Utveckling av omrörningsenhet
The use of technology in today's society is frequent and often necessary, but how, when and where are we supposed to learn how to use it? And if it is such a big and important part of our society, then why don?t teachers get more training in how to use the technology? The purpose of this paper is to examine whether teachers attitudes to technology affects their use of technology in their teaching. In school technology can be a complementary to other material, if teachers have the necessary skills to use technology in a pedagogical way. I have chosen to do a qualitative study in form of interviews and observations at a school outside of Stockholm. The results show that both school and teachers must want to work with technology if anyone will be getting something out of it.
Erfarenhetsöverföring inom markarenan med stöd av simulatorteknik. : En studie av StriSimPC.
One of the main tasks of the Swedish Armed Forces over the past few years has been International assignments, which increased the importance of the Lessons Learned process. Methods of simulator training with computers have become more frequent and the technical ability to collect digital data from sensors has been developed as well. This work demonstrates how the experience of Lessons Learned can be communicated with the computer simulator StriSimPC and how modern technology in future support experiences from the Lessons Learned process at the tactical level in the Army.Currently knowledge sharing consists of several processes and strategies in the Swedish Armed Forces. This is done by written reports, oral presentations and different practical exercises.This case study shows the functions of the simulator StriSimPC, methods of training and how it is used today. The study also describes the future opportunities, where digital metadata acquired from the modern combat vehicles could contribute sharing of experience in the Lessons Learned process.The summarized conclusions indicate that StriSimPC can combine the two strategies for personalization and codification of knowledge transfer to reach a higher level of learning.
Hur formas ett inlärningsklimat som är framgångsrikt över tid? : En observationsstudie om fotbollstränares beteenden och träningsaktiviteter
Aim and research questionsThe over-all aim of this study was to gain insight info how two male coaches of a specific soccer team behave in a practice environment with regards to educating the players.More specifically, the study sought to map the extent to which said behaviour matched two specific methods of learning; these being Teaching Games for Understanding (TgfU) and Enhanced Guided Discovery (EGD). Research questions: (1) Do the coaches employ the methods and guidelines, which are outlined in the educational plan provided by the soccer association? If so, what form does this application take in practice? (2) To what extent and in what ways do the coaches utilize feedback and questioning techniques in the education of players? (3) What similarities and differences in behaviour can be identified between the chosen soccer team?s two coaches?Method: The data for the study was collected through field observation. The subjects were two youth elite soccer coaches and observation of these coaches took place during five regular practice sessions on the soccer field. All data gathering and analysis were carried out using a modified version of the Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS).
Do prey-animals in zoos need predators?
Today is one of the goals with zoos to conserve endangered species and some animals may also become reintroduced. But behaviours can change in generations of captive animals because of environments that differ from the wild. Animals must then be prepared before being reintroduced and predator training enhances the animal?s chance to survive in the wild. When training animals to avoid predators it is often necessary to use frightening stimuli.
Positive reinforcement training for laboratory mice
The mouse (Mus musculus) is the most commonly used mammal in biomedical research and can easily be restrained by both hand and by a device. Restraining animals causes stress that not only decreases the animal?s wellbeing, but may also influence the research results. The first aim of this study was to train mice to voluntarily stand still using positive reinforcement training. Another benefit of teaching a mouse to stand still is that you can avoid anaesthesia for some procedures.
Sjukgymnasters syn på en ny behandlingsmetod med vibrationsträning som exempel: en kvalitativ studie
The aim of the study has been to investigate physiotherapists? view on a new method of treatment in physiotherapy. In this case we have studied Whole Body Vibration training as an example of a new method of treatment. Semistructured interviews were performed with five physiotherapists. The study was carried out as a qualitative content analysis study.
En intervention på kvinnliga fotbollsspelare: kan resultatet av Sörensens test påverkas av funktionell träning?
Studien avser att studera effekterna av arbetsplatsförlagd fysisk träning 2 x 60 minuter/vecka i 7 veckor hos personer med stillasittande arbete påVO2max, rörlighet, uthållighetsstyrka och kroppssammansättning. Vi använder oss av en kvantitativ metod som består av datainsamling genom tester före och efter träningsperioden för både interventionsgruppen (n=25) och kontrollgruppen (n=11). Resultaten visar på signifikanta skillnader hos interventionsgruppen på variablerna VO2max (p=0), visceralt fett (p=0,001), fettmassa (p=0,001), vikt (p=0.006), Body Mass Index, BMI (p=0,005), uthållighetsstyrka enligt Sörensens isometriska uthållighetstest (SIU) (p=0) och Trunk Curl Static Endurance test (TCST) (p=0,045), rörlighet i halsrygg (p=0,010) och rörlighet i hamstringsmuskulatur via Sit and reach test (p=0). Inga skillnader ses i blodtryck och, skelettmuskelmassa i armar, bål och ben. Inga signifikanta skillnader ses hos kontrollgruppen oavsett variabel. Slutsatser av studien är att man kan se effekter genom denna typ av intervention på flera olika variabler och förslag till framtida forskning är att försöka utesluta samverkan av andra faktorer för att ge en mer exakt bild av den fysiska träningens effekter på arbetsplatsförlagd träning..
Effekterna av urbanisering, barksprickedjup och solexponering på lavfloran i sydöstra Sverige
Studies have shown that air pollution, as well as bark fissure depth and sun exposure of a tree can have an effect on lichen growth as well as abundance of lichen species. The aim of this study was to find out the relative importance of these factors. 211 oaks in south eastern Sweden were surveyed for presence of 17 lichen species, as well as the total number of lichen species. Half of the trees were situated in urban areas and half in the countryside. For each tree the bark fissure depth was measured and the sun exposure of the trunk was estimated.
Färdigheter och förutsättningar för sjuksköterskor i mötet med patienter med psykisk ohälsa : En litteraturstudie
Background:The definition of mental illness is characterized by a lack of management regarding mood, thoughts or behavior. It is difficult for the person to cope with everyday duties as well as relationships with other people.The study revealed that the society should take action to prevent social isolation for those with mental illness. The central concepts of care theory is love, learning and well-being, where nurses' conditions and actions create results in the patient.Aim:Describe skills and prerequisites nurses need at the meeting of patients with mental illness. A further aim was to examine the ethical considerations included studies made use of.Method:A descriptive literature studyMain result:Nurses feel they do not have skills regarding mental illness. When nurses care for patients with mental illness are often formed stigmatizations regarding these patient groups and care will suffer.
Low-Skilled Employee RetentionPractices in the Fast Food Industry : A study of retention practices within the Verhage FastFood franchise
Employee turnover can cost an organization a significant amount of money. In addition, retention of employees can beneficial towards to an organization as it e.g. allows to save costs related torecruitment and training of new employees. The fast food industry is recognized as an industry which employs low-skilled employees and is especially in the United States known to be prone to high employee turnover. With regards to Europe, only little information is available in the field of low-skilled employee retention in the fast food industry.
Den pedagogiska samlingen i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärarnas tankar kring samling
The purpose of this work is to explore and illuminate the circle times function and importance of preschool by the pedagogue perspective and the circle time design in relation to children's age group composition. The study questions are:What is the purpose of circle time in preschool educational activities according to the teacher and how does the teacher look at his own role?How do the teachers plan, design and perform the circle time of small children and big children's section? What similarities and differences exist?This is a qualitative study based on interviews with four preschool teachers and observations of their circle times. Research and theories showed that the circle time is a social training, provide a sense of community and is a ritual that gives a good daily rhythm.The results of the study demonstrate that the circle time is an important routine that occurs for a short time daily in early childhood education. The circle time organizes and structures the day for both children and staff group.
Läraren Vs. Tekniken : en undersökning om lärares förhållningssätt till tekniken i undervisningen
The use of technology in today's society is frequent and often necessary, but how, when and where are we supposed to learn how to use it? And if it is such a big and important part of our society, then why don?t teachers get more training in how to use the technology? The purpose of this paper is to examine whether teachers attitudes to technology affects their use of technology in their teaching. In school technology can be a complementary to other material, if teachers have the necessary skills to use technology in a pedagogical way. I have chosen to do a qualitative study in form of interviews and observations at a school outside of Stockholm. The results show that both school and teachers must want to work with technology if anyone will be getting something out of it.
Att träna eller inte träna? : En enkätstudie om relationen mellan träningstyp, träningsmängd och skadeprevalens inom herrfotboll.
Bakgrund: Fotboll är en sport som präglas av knäskador, muskelbristningar och stukningar. Mycket fokus ligger kring hur man på bästa sätt kan undvika och förebygga att ens främsta resurs, spelarna, undviker att bli skadade och på bästa sätt kan producera resultat för klubben de tillhör. Studier har visat på att skadeprevalens är något som ökar i och med en ökad träningsmängd och att många skador är en följd av både muskelsvaghet och fel sorts träning. Många av dessa undersökningar menar på att man i dagsläget tränar fel och att träningen mer måste fokuseras på de fysiska krav som ställs inom den idrott man utövar, i detta fall fotboll.Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att se om det finns någon korrelation mellan typ av träning, träningsmängd och skadeprevalens inom herrfotboll.Metod: Studiens syfte har besvarats med hjälp av en strukturerad enkät som skickats ut via en web-länk till aktivt fotbollspelande män. Undersökningen har involverat 100 respondenter från olika divisioner.
Effekter av urbanisering på grönalgen trädgröna i Linköpings stad med omnejd. : Biologiundervisning i närmiljön
Urbanization has for a long time been a threat to our biodiversity. Epiphytic organisms such as lichens have been negative affected by traffic pollution and the new urban environment surrounding their old habitat (van Her 2001). Another epiphytic organism is the green algae Desmococcus olivaceus. Unlike lichens the green algae is favoured by polluted areas. The aim of this study was to investigate if time in urban environments affected the cover of the green algae on old oaks.
Coachande ledarskap : En utvärdering av genomförd ledarutveckling inom Borlängekommun
This is a thesis in Personal- och Arbetslivsprogrammet at Dalarna University with thepurpose of evaluating an education initiative in Borlänge kommun. The educationCoaching Leadership is an initiative for the managers in the organization to exercisegood leadership and the education also serves as an incentive for managers. Eightbusiness managers and one from the HR staff have completed the training. Out of thetotal 9 participants in the training, six of them took part in this evaluation. Based on thethesis aim and questions we wanted to explore participants' attitudes to the education,and what skills and abilities they have acquired on the basis of educational goals andcontent.