512 Uppsatser om Isometric strength - Sida 3 av 35
Avlastningsarmstöd till Grip-it : Optimal positionering av övre extremitet vid gripstyrkemätningar
In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.
Teknisk aktieanalys : en undersökning av RSI-indikatorns möjligheter till avkastning
Går det att förutspå framtida aktiepriser genom att undersöka hur priser, på samma aktier, rört sig historisk? För att undersöka detta har vi använt oss av teknisk analys. Denna uppsats undersöker om teknisk analys på stockholmsbörsen kan användas för att uppnå högre avkastning än en s.k. Buy and Hold Strategi. I undersökningen används Relative Strength Index som teknisk analysmetod för att försöka förutspå framtida upp- och nedgångar i aktiepriser på tjugofem av de högst omsatta aktierna på Stockholmsbörsen.
De samhällsekonomiska konsekvenserna av privat kontra offentligt ägda samhällsfastigheter inom äldreomsorgen
In today?s technological society, there are increasingly less physical demands on the locomotor system. However, despite that notion strength and function in the hand?s complex biomechanical system are in fact both needed to cope with daily life. The grip function is a main function in the hand and is used in many examples of scientific research, for instance when assessing physical health and predicting the probabilities of premature mortality.
Telias 4G i Umeå
This report presents the results of the tests of data rate and signal strength that I have conducted. The tests have been performed in the municipality of Arvidsjaur, Sweden. The report also contains the conclusions I have drawn from the results as well as an introduction to radio and the technology used in the nets that have been testedThe equipment used is:LG G2 cellphone used to test Telias 3GHuawei b593s-22 3G/4G router used to test Tele2s 3G/4GMobile Broadband Gateway R-90 used to test Net1s CDMAThe data rate has been tested with bredbandskollen (www.bredbandskollen.se). The signal strength(RSSI) has been read in the configuration menu of the broadband routers as well as in the cellphone.The conclussions drawn:Net1s net appears to be more used compared to its capacity than the other netsTele2s net has a high and even data rate where it?s signal strength is sufficient.
Valsningsteknik för extremt höghållfasta tunna stål
New high strength steels require improved cold rolling techniques. The aim of this degree project was to develop a new and money saving cold rolling technique to manufacture steel strip for saw blades. The work is based on earlier rolling experiments made with a high carbon steel grade at LuCoil Steel AB. The work also focused on the mill requirements to cold roll high strength steels. The results show that LuCoil?s existing cold rolling mill was actually designed for rolling low carbon steel.
Vem får ligga när man bäddar?: En studie om specialexponeringar och dess sidoeffekter med utgångspunkt i varumärkesstyrka
Store managers and brand owners have realized the benefits of sales promoting activities in-store, which thus have become a common sight for consumers when grocery shopping. Using in-store displays, a brand?s sales can increase by more than 1000 percent. We believe, however, that displays can give rise to additional effects to those previous studies have shown. The purpose of our study was therefore to map possible side effects that a display can generate depending on the strength of the exposed brand.
Effekten av sex veckors coreträning enligt det förkoreograferade programmet Fokus
Core strength is important in order to be able to do all types of daily activities. One way to exercise ones core muscles is according to the pre- choreographed program Fokus. Previous studies have shown that core training gives better balance and stability in the core and also improved techniques, body awareness and control. Aim: To evaluate the core endurance strength, the balance and the studied individuals self estimated body awareness and control after six weeks of training according the pre- choreographed program Fokus. Methods: A total of 14 people volunteered to participate in the study, six of which completed the study.
Effekten av sex veckors coreträning enligt det förkoreograferade programmet Fokus
Core strength is important in order to be able to do all types of daily
activities. One way to exercise ones core muscles is according to the pre-
choreographed program Fokus. Previous studies have shown that core training
gives better balance and stability in the core and also improved
techniques, body awareness and control. Aim: To evaluate the core endurance
strength, the balance and the studied individuals self estimated body
awareness and control after six weeks of training according the pre-
choreographed program Fokus. Methods: A total of 14 people volunteered to
participate in the study, six of which completed the study.
Mätning av mobila datanät i Arvidsjaur
This report presents the results of the tests of data rate and signal strength that I have conducted. The tests have been performed in the municipality of Arvidsjaur, Sweden. The report also contains the conclusions I have drawn from the results as well as an introduction to radio and the technology used in the nets that have been testedThe equipment used is:LG G2 cellphone used to test Telias 3GHuawei b593s-22 3G/4G router used to test Tele2s 3G/4GMobile Broadband Gateway R-90 used to test Net1s CDMAThe data rate has been tested with bredbandskollen (www.bredbandskollen.se). The signal strength(RSSI) has been read in the configuration menu of the broadband routers as well as in the cellphone.The conclussions drawn:Net1s net appears to be more used compared to its capacity than the other netsTele2s net has a high and even data rate where it?s signal strength is sufficient.
Hur påverkar byggnadsmaterial av stål en induktiv hörslingas fältstyrka samt frekvensgång?
This research analyzed differences in measurements of magnetic field strength and frequency response in five audio induction loops installed in rooms of wooden construction materials and five audio inductive loops installed in rooms of steel reinforced concrete constructions. The inductive loops were installed at floor level and the measurements were made at the listening height of 1.2m. Measurements of background noise, field strength and frequency response were made at fifteen different measurement points across the room. The research measurements showed that there are differences in field strength and frequency response between these two conditions, whether the audio induction loop is installed in a wooden construction or the audio induction loop is installed in a reinforced concrete construction. The results had a significance level of p=0,05..
Inverkan av flisig krossballast på betong
Concrete is one of the world?s most common construction materials and is composed of 70-80 % stone material. Today crushed stone is used as aggregate in concrete in order to replace natural aggregates due to strong environmental reasons. Stone crushing yields flaky material and in this thesis studies are made on the flaky particle shape and how it influence properties of concrete such as workability, rheology and strength. The concrete recipes used in this thesis have fixed values, the only variable is the flakiness of the crushed stone.
Funktionell och aerob träning för U16 ishockeyspelare
The aim of this study was to examine if it was possible to improve fitness and strength in young ice hockey players with help of a training programme based on functional training and aerobic training. The training programme was performed on Halmstad Hockey U-16 team where 17 boys participated in the study. We performed the training in a period of sex weeks with three training occasions each week. These consisted of two functional training sessions and one fitness session. In the beginning we emphasized the importance of a correct performance and technique.
Skattning av byteskostnader på den svenska marknaden för pensionsförsäkringar
Gender equality and gender equality work is relevant for today's working life, and previously male-dominated occupations may be increasingly under pressure to become more equal. This paper aims to explore and understand how the firefighters at a station are experiencing gender and gender equality in rescue services.Using theories of how sex is done, how a power perspective and a structural approach can show men's and women's different conditions in an organization, and theories that are more specific to gender and change management the firefighters talk about gender and gender equality are analyzed. Essay results were collected through interviews with seven firefighters and then analyzed and interpreted with the help of theories.The analysis shows that there is a perception among the firefighters that men and women are biologically different and that required physical strength legitimizes the exclusion of women. Inequality is seen as something natural and by pursuing an active gender equality women are given unwarranted benefits. When physical strength becomes a legitimate reason for exclusion, the responsibility for gender inequality is put on women and that women don?t have what it takes.There is also a resistance against gender equality analyzed in the paper, and it's stated opposition seems to be directed against the management's way of recruiting women.
Beröringens betydelse för patienters upplevelse av smärta, oro och känsla av välbefinnande
Touch that is performed in a sensitive and gentle way can be a good complement in caring. To be stricken with illness can involve that the individual feels powerlessness and to have no control over the own body. This could lead to both psychical and physical suffering. To strength health is one of the nurses' responsibilities and to touch can be one way. The aim of the study was to describe patients' experience of the effects of touch.
Inverkan av olika joner och jonconcentrationer på porstorleksfördelningen i trämassa-fibrer
The basic ingredient of paper is the individual wood fibers. The property of the fibers depends on a variety of factors e.g., method of pulp production and processing. The final sheet quality depends in part on how the fibers interface between each other and therefore factors that affect the fiber size are of interest.The flexibility of the fibers depends in part on the pore water i.e., the fiber swelling. The sheet becomes less flexible at low water content which gives a loss in strength. Thus it becomes desirable to increase the water uptake.The experimental investigation described in this report consists of exposing the wood fibers to different ions and ionic strength and then measure the pore size by thermoporosimetry where a DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter) is used.