512 Uppsatser om Isometric strength - Sida 24 av 35
En analys av testprocesser med TMap som testmetod
Today there are many system development projects that break both budget and time plan. Often this depends on defects in the information systems that could have been prevented. The cost of test can in some cases be as high as 50 % of the projects total cost and it's at the same time an important part of development. Test as such has moved its focus from the software it self and its faults to a wider perspective on whole infrastructures of information systems where assure a good quality is important. Sogeti in the Netherlands have developed a test method called TMap (Test Management approach) that can be used for structured testing of information systems.
Arbetssätt och ätande vid ett kommunalt äldreboende
According to The National Board of Health and Welfare, about 200 000 elderly persons get some help or support with eating or nutrition problems. This was approximately 2 percent of the population. Older people in sheltered accommodation in community care were not able to manage their own nutrition. The older people were dependent on the food that was offered to them, when and how the food was served. This was a specific responsibility for the nursing staff.
Biomekanisk mätmetod och ergonomisk analys av träningsmaskiner
To get the maximal output of your exercise in gym machines, there are different factorsto be considered. For example the strength of the muscle varies dependent on the positionof the muscles. To get the best results of the exercise the load has to reduce and increaseat specific positions.This study was made in cooperation with Caretaker Scandinavia AB, a company forsales, marketing and development in health care. They are general agent for Nordic Gymwho works with manufacturing of equipment and machines for gym and fitness.The aim of this study was to generate a method of measurement to evaluate and controlthe biomechanics of Nordic Gym´s workout equipment. A protocol for an ergonomicanalysis on the equipment has also been elaborated.One of the methods to measure the biomechanics was to measure the torque through thewhole movement.
Rekommendationer för Styrketräning; En litteraturstudie
Några ändamål med styrketräning kan vara muskelhypertrofi, ökad muskelstyrka,sportspecifik förbättring eller rehabilitering. Vid träning för hypertrofi kan den metaboliskastressen vara en viktig faktor och på samma vis är intensiteten en av de viktigaste variablernadå individen tränar för ökad muskelstyrka. Volym och intensitet är centralastyrketräningsvariabler i ett träningsprogram och det är viktigt att träningsprogrammetvarieras. C-uppsatsen är utformad som en litteraturstudie och är baserad på vetenskapligaartiklar och tryckt litteratur. Dessa artiklar är hämtade från databasen Pubmed och tidsskriftenJournal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Förslag till nytt utförande av fasta ställbara fläkthjul
Examensarbetet går ut på att frambringa några principkonstruktioner till axialfläktar med fasta inställbara skovlar åtFläktWoods. Fläktarna det rör sig om är stora industrifläktar med en diameter mellan en och fem meter, som används för atttill exempel transportera ner luft i gruvor. Endast förslag till principkonstruktioner tas fram och ej en färdig produkt, syftetmed rapporten är i första hand att ge FläktWoods konstruktörer ett annat synsätt på problemet. Två olika delar av fläktenundersöks, dels fästet av skoveln på hjulet, dels själva hjulet i sig. Tillvägagångssättet är att från formulerat problem tasförst några förslag fram, de utvärderas sedan och de bästa går vidare till nästa steg.
Redo för reflektion? : en studie om ledarskapet i Trollhättans Scoutkår, Svenska Scoutförbundet
Today there are many system development projects that break both budget and time plan. Often this depends on defects in the information systems that could have been prevented. The cost of test can in some cases be as high as 50 % of the projects total cost and it's at the same time an important part of development. Test as such has moved its focus from the software it self and its faults to a wider perspective on whole infrastructures of information systems where assure a good quality is important. Sogeti in the Netherlands have developed a test method called TMap (Test Management approach) that can be used for structured testing of information systems.
En kvalitativ analys av spelberoende
The aim of this study is to gain an increased knowledge and deeper understanding of compulsive gambling and its consequences in today?s society. Gambling addiction will be described and analysed by a selection of experts, therapists and people with an addictive gambling background. The basis of the empirical research has been undertaken by a qualitative design with interviews consisting of three fundamental themes. The research group of eight participants included four gamblers, two therapists and two specialists.
Gamla lösningar på nya problem : Förslag på lösningsmedia för Matrix M? adjuvans
Några ändamål med styrketräning kan vara muskelhypertrofi, ökad muskelstyrka,sportspecifik förbättring eller rehabilitering. Vid träning för hypertrofi kan den metaboliskastressen vara en viktig faktor och på samma vis är intensiteten en av de viktigaste variablernadå individen tränar för ökad muskelstyrka. Volym och intensitet är centralastyrketräningsvariabler i ett träningsprogram och det är viktigt att träningsprogrammetvarieras. C-uppsatsen är utformad som en litteraturstudie och är baserad på vetenskapligaartiklar och tryckt litteratur. Dessa artiklar är hämtade från databasen Pubmed och tidsskriftenJournal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Hårdfräsning i verktygsstål : Förslitning av skäregg
This thesis work is made by Torbjörn Johansson on Karlstad University for Uddeholms AB. The assignment in this thesis work was to investigate tough cutting in three different tool steels: Vanadis 4 Extra, Vancron 40 and Sverker 21. The research was to compare the wear of the tool after cutting in each one of the tool steel alloys. The research was also made to see if the tool cutting in Vancron 40 has a better wear than the tool cutting in Vanadis 4 Extra and also compare the results with Sverker 21. All three of these alloys are a part of Uddeholms AB:s range of products, and is used in applications like forming tools and knife tools. Vancron 40 is a powder steel with a very good combination of mechanical properties like ductility, adhesive strength and hardness.
Sawn softwood in Egypt ? a market study
This market study was written on behalf of Uni4 Marketing (U4M) and investigates the Egyptian softwood market. The objective was to identify what characterises a good softwood supplier according to Egyptian importers. In addition to this U4M?s competitiveness compared to their competitors was evaluated. The study also identified possible sources of competitive advantage possessed by U4M.
Bostadsbubbla i Stockholm kommun : Sann existens eller falsk spekulation?
In light of the massive property bubbles that have been bursting in the USA, Spain and Ireland during the last decade, the aim of this thesis is to clarify whether ? or to what degree - the municipality of Stockholm might experience a property bubble in the near future. The municipality of Stockholm is undergoing a housing shortage and house prices have risen during the last few years. Neoliberalism and property bubbles are used as a theoretical framework in this paper. The methodology consist of semi structured interviews, analysis of documents and statistical data from Eurostat, Valueguard and the Swedish administrative authority; Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB).
Rätt person till rätt plats : En studie om hur personal rekryteras till behandlande organisationer i Örebro
Known to be one of the most important resources, but also one of the most difficult ones to obtain, the workforce constitutes (consistence) the core of any organization. To find the right person for a particular position is not a trivial task. The recruitment of new staff members is important for any organization in general, but for treating organizations in particular. In order to provide the best service for its clients, it is, for a treating organization, vital to recruit nothing but highly qualified personnel. A well educated workforce can more easily stick to the treatment program and thus maintain treatment integrity.
Jämförelse av resultat mellan manuell gelkortsanalys och automatisk immunohematologisk gelkortsanalys vid utförande av blodgruppskontroll och antikroppsscreening (BAS-test)
Incompatibility between donors and recipients can cause fatal hemolytic transfusion reactions (HTR), kidney damage and death and immunization of the recipient. Antigens on the surface of erythrocytes in the ABO blood group system and regular natural antibodies against these in the patient?s plasma must be considered. An individual always has a corresponding antibody of IgM in their plasma. Irregular antibodies acquired by transfusion or pregnancy and active in body temperature also cause the HTR incompatibility.
Flygteknik : Konceptstudie av ett obemannat flygplan
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV?s) are nowadays greatly appreciated. The advantage over manned airplanes are great since UAV?s can be much smaller and therefore lighter. The goal of this project is to evaluate the performance of an environmentally friendly UAV using only lithium-ion batteries.
Bättre en bok i handen än tio på nätet? En studie av författares och förlags attityder till elektronisk publicering av skönlitteratur
This master thesis investigates attitudes toward electronic publishing of fiction among the key participants authors and publishers in Sweden with the overall purpose of analysing the nature of these attitudes and what sort of tensions that exist between the two groups. The major areas of concern were formulated as: what sort of attitudes do authors and publishers display toward electronic publishing of fiction?, how do these attitudes affect the way the two groups relate to electronic publishing and to each other? and how do they perceive the future of this practice?. Everett Rogers diffusion of innovations theory was applied to characterise electronic publishing as an innovation cluster, and to investigate innovation attributes in form of relative advantages and disadvantages, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability. Data was gathered using quantitative questionnaires, but respondents were also given the opportunity to elaborate freely on some of the questions.