477 Uppsatser om Isometric exercise - Sida 22 av 32
Vitamin- och mineraltillskott för barn : Utbud, innehåll samt kunskap och attityder kring dessa produkter hos personal vid apotek och hälsokosthandel
Background:Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a complex clinical condition. The higher survival rate after heart attack and other heart diseases, plus aging population, has led to more CHF patients. Symptoms can have negative impact on exercise capacity, ability to perform activities of daily living and quality of life. Heart failure clinics have been established to help better quality of life. Helping to stabilize and maintain patients´ health can reduce the need of hospital admission.
Mer djur i socialt arbete? : socionomers röster
This study focuses on the use of animals in social work from the perspective of social workers. The purpose of this study is to examine social workers? experiences of animal assisted social work and how social workers view the integration of animals in various fields of social work. The research is based on a qualitative method and four semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers. The theories incorporated in the study are Attachment Theory and Sense of Coherence (SOC).The following results are presented: Social workers are considered to have a more comprehensive understanding of clients compared to their associates who do not hold a degree in Social Work.
Resurser och hinder i ett bostadsområde för ökad fysisk aktivitet hos barn och ungdomar
Fysisk aktivitet är en viktig del att belysa i bostadsområden då det är där
människor lever stora delar av sin dag. Flera faktorer kan hjälpa och ge
möjlighet till ökad fysisk aktivitet hos barn och ungdomar samt att det finns
motverkande faktorer som påverkar och hindrar fysisk aktivitet. Syftet med
studien var att belysa faktorer som ger ökad fysisk aktivitet för barn och
ungdomar inom ett bostadsområde samt undersöka vilka motverkande faktorer i ett
bostadsområde som leder till att barn och ungdomar inte är fysiskt aktiva.
Studien baserades på 11 vetenskapliga artiklar där innehållsanalysen
inspirerades av en manifest innehållsanalys. Detta resulterade i två kategorier
med vardera fyra respektive två underkategorier: Faktorer till ökad fysisk
aktivitet med underkategorierna bostadsområdet, barn och ungdomars
aktivitetsplats, exercise games och skillnad mellan pojkar och flickor, samt
motverkande faktorer till fysisk aktivitet med underkategorierna teknikens
påverkan på fysisk aktivitet och teknik är lättillgängligt.
Konsten att ha tumme med leder: Artrostummar och ADL-konsekvenser En litteraturstudie
Background: Research has shown that people with limited hand function , and above all osteoarthritis of the thumbs , a limited task ability in daily activities. At a disabilities can be the person's identity, well-being and ability to participate in society is changing. Purpose: The purpose is, through a literature review describing occupational therapy Conservative interventions for people with osteoarthritis of the CMC 1 joint and its consequences for the performance of activities of daily living . Procedure and Analysis: The method in this study, a systematic review of scientific literature used. Database search and manual search occurred during the period from March 2014 to May 2014 .
Pojkars inställning till dans : En studie i Sverige och Sydafrika
This work has been to find out what attitude the boys have towards dancing. To gather material conducted interviews with four boys from Sweden and four boys from South Africa to examine the boy?s attitude towards dancing. I wanted answers if the gender, culture or generation has an effect on the boys' attitude to dance. Two interviews were made with a teacher in Sweden and one in South Africa, which had responsibility for dance lessons at the school.
Förutsättningarna inom flick/dam ishockeyn i Sverige 2005 : flick/damishockeyn på den manliga arenan.
AimThe purpose with this work is to examen the conditions in Sweden, for beinge a girl and exercise a sport as icehockey. Icehockey seems to be a sport for men and were it still has deep manly traditions and norms.MethodThe method I have used in this work is to do a questionnaire. I decided to send my questionnaire to 20 girl/womens icehockey team in Sweden. Outside from the questionnaire I took parallels from gender research and in sport history, to be able to answer the aim of the study.ResultsThe average age of the girles playing icehockey is 21 years and the everage years of playing icehockey is 7 years. Of 158 girls 149 said that they are not getting any financial suport from there home club.
Webbaserad träning ? en modell skapad för att öka compliance inom rehabilitering av hund
The aim of the present literature study was to define and describe the area ?compliance in veterinary medicine? (i.e. the way treatment recommendations are being performed) and discuss the factors that influence the level of compliance. Based on the findings, a model that intended to increase compliance in orthopedic postoperative rehabilitation of dogs was designed. In the daily work as a veterinary nurse it is essential that one provides the best possible care to the animals from the beginning to the end of the treatment.
"Kampsport ger dig något tillbaka som du blivit bestulen på" En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelse av kampsportsutövande och våld i nära relationer
Violence in close relationships has for a long time been recognized as a major social problem. Many women who have left a violent and destructive relationship have been broken apart by their former partner. They find different strategies to regain their self-esteem and self- confidence. Selection of strategies may be consciously or unconsciously. Some women have chosen martial arts.The purpose of this study is to explore and learn more about women's experience of performing martial arts and their previous violent relationship.
Kommunala underprisöverlåtelser och återbetalningskrav med stöd av art. 88.3 EGF ? En studie av svensk process- och sanktionsrätt utifrån den gemenskapsrättsliga effektivitetsprincipen
Private state aid enforcement with respect to below market value transactions carried out by Swedish municipalities ? A study on the conformity of Swedish procedural and substantial rules with the principle of effectiveness of EC law Recently in Sweden, several local governmental entities (municipalities) have engaged in commercial transactions that, essentially, have been aimed at transferring the ownership of public services ? for example schools and local medical care centers ? to private undertakings. A few of these transactions have been declared by Swedish administrative courts to constitute illegal below market value transfers of public resources. The essay seeks to determine whether the Swedish national provisions that govern legal claims based on the directly effective Art. 88(3) of the EC Treaty, are compatible with the principle of effectiveness, i.e.
Livsstilsintervention inom primärvården avseende prevention och modifiering av riskfaktorer för kardiovaskulära sjukdomar: "Björknäsmodellen" - en randomiserad studie
Livsstilfaktorer som inaktivitet, felaktiga kostvanor och rökning bidrar till utvecklandet av fetma, blodfettsrubbningar, typ 2 diabetes och högt blodtryck, och ökar risken för insjuknande i hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera om en kombinerad tränings och kostintervention under 3 månader, följt av regelbunden uppföljning under ett år påverkar motionsvanor, hälsoupplevelse och riskfaktorer hos personer i riskgrupper. 151 medelålders kvinnor och män med riskfaktorer för hjärt- och kärlsjukdom randomiserades till en interventionsgrupp ( n =75 ) och kontrollgrupp ( n = 76 ) och genomgick undersökning vid baslinjen, efter 3 och efter 12 månader. 123 personer fullföljde studien. Efter 12 månader sågs signifikanta förbättringar inom interventionsgruppen av vikt, BMI, midjemått, höftmått, midjehöftkvot, triglycerider, HbA1c, syreupptagningsförmåga, systoliskt och diastoliskt blodtryck till skillnad från inom kontrollgruppen.
Kropp och själ bakom stängda dörrar : En kvalitativ studie om fysisk aktivitet hos kvinnor i skyddat boende
AimsThe aim of this study was to conclude whether women living and staff working in a women´s shelter feel experience a need of physical activity in the shelter and also what thoughts women living and staff working in the shelter have regarding possible access to physical activity. Following questions were adressed: Does women living and staff working in the shelter experience that there is a need of physical activity in the shelter? What does women living, and staff working, in the shelter think about the physical activity conducted in the shelter? Why does the women living in the shelter choose to participate in the physical activity? Are there any connections between symptoms which battered women can suffer from and symptoms which scientific studies say can be reduced by physical activity?MethodsThe study is based on five interviews in order to understand and illustrate how women living in a shelter relate to physical activity. The answers from the interviews has been correlated to scientific results and other literature in the area. Literature studies have also derived background information as well as a deeper knowledge regarding in what way violence against women affect the abused woman.ResultsThe results show a need for physical activity at the women?s shelter where this study was conducted.
Fysisk aktivitet och fysisk självkänsla : Är det skillnad mellan elever på yrekesförberedande och studieförberedande gymnasieprogram?
Background: Students, at a secondary upper school, attending a practical programme have a lower physical capacity than students from theoretical programs. Our physical self-esteem has a great significance for our motivation in being physically active and thereby also for our health. The purpose: of this study is to find out if there is a difference between perceived physical self-esteem and objectively measured physical activity between students attending a practical programme and a theoretical programme. Method: Four classes, in a medium-sized town in the southeast of Sweden, participated in the study, two classes from practical programmes and two classes from theoretical programmes. All the students were in their final year at the upper secondary school, when they were part of the study during the autumn of 2011.
Bibel som Bibel, men Koranen är något annat? : - Om äldres religiositet på äldreboenden i invandrartäta områden i Sverige
This essay focuses on the elderly and their religious beliefs and is based on the origin idea of a secular Sweden, but where immigration has been the source of additional various religious affiliations. This study intends to nuance the problems that previous researchers focused on when doing research on immigration, by interviewing staff members of nursing homes in immigrant dense areas, especially Malmoe, Gothenburg and Stockholm.The aim is to investigate how the allocation of residents, with different religious than Protestant Christians, is distributed at nursing homes and to see if there is a need for adjustments. Additionally, the thesis about immigrants and immigrants' identity and attitudes to Swedish society is discussed with John Berry´s acculturation theories and strategies.The results show that the majority of the nursing homes have residents with different religious affiliations and that some practical adjustments have been done, but it also shows that nursing homes have changed to the extent that they have adapted to a secular society. Ignorance and prejudice contribute to the problem in terms of seeing all residents as individuals and at the same time ensuring adaption according to all their needs, which is exemplified in the solutions made by using multi-cultural staff members and specialized departments. The relationship between nursing homes and the Swedish church continues but the role of the church service has changed.
Motionärers motivation och barriärer till fysisk aktivitet
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken grad av intern motivation och extern reglering till fysisk aktivitet som motionärer har, samt vilka barriärer de upplever till fysisk aktivitet och vilka strategier de använder sig av för att övervinna barriärerna. Bakgrunds variabler var kön och aktivitetsstadie. Försökspersonerna (n=199) i studien var män (n=96) och kvinnor (n=103) och samtliga medlemmar på träningsanläggningar i Halland. Högaktiva (n=165) och lågaktiva (n=34). Datainsamling skedde via ett testbatteri bestående av mätinstrumenten The Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-2, Physical Activity Stages of change och Motivation Till Upprätthållande Av Motionsvanor vilka delades ut på träningsanläggningarna.
Traktkilars inverkan på hovens glukos- och laktatmetabolism :
The equine hoof is often manipulated in purpose to achieve a better stride or to reduce the weight on damaged tissue. The living tissue in the hoof can?t store energy as glycogen and is therefore depending on a continuous supply of glucose for its energy production. The purpose of the study was to determine if wedging (i.e. elevating) the heel could influence the hooves glucose and lactate consumption/production.
Five standardbred horses were trained to trot on a treadmill without getting physical or mentally tired.